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Goodbye, Face

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Everything posted by Goodbye, Face

  1. [quote name='Katana][size=1][color=royalblue]I think my favorite line was [i]Boris gives a bit of an annoyed look off to the left of the stage, knowing that it will be hard for Retribution to not tease the Kraken.[/i] We all know that Retri's a kraken fisher in his spare time, so he's used to teasing them. Poor RAR...[/color'][/size][/quote] [size=1][font=arial];_; I apparently didn't read the fine print. Well, at least I'm a [i]Kraken[/i]! ...Albeit an abused one.[/font][/size]
  2. [font=arial][size=1]So it's safe to say I account for 2/15 of your music library, Shin? :p 1. Wolverines - [Demo 2005 #01] Henry McCoy [2:51] 2. The Locust - [Flight Of The Wounded Locust #01] Gluing Carpet To Your Genitals Does Not Make You A Cantaloupe [0:50] 3. Usurp Synapse - [Disinformation Fix Disc 2 #26] Energy Condom [1:47] 4. Mutiny - [Rum Rebellion #01] Bligh [3:42] 5. Fugazi - [The Argument #06] The Kill [5:27] 6. The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion - [Orange #03] Dang [1:59] 7. Neil Perry - [Lineage Situation #16] Breathing With One Bad Lung [1:18] 8. Sonic Youth - [Expermental Jet Set #07] Bone [3:58] 9. Orchid - [Gatefold #18] None More Black [2:46] 10. Hot Cross - [Fair Trades And Farewells #06] Consonants [2:58] 11. pg. 99 - [Document #14: .singles. #07] Goin South [2:19] 12. Circle Takes the Square - [As the Roots Undo #07] Kill the Switch [9:33] 13. Prayer for Cleansing - [The Rain in Endless Fall #05] Sonnet [4:36] 14. Björk - [Medúlla #13] Miðvikudags [1:24] 15. Daughters - [Canada Songs #02] Jones From Indiana [1:04] So, I listen to a whole lotta Screamo (Wolverines, Neil Perry, Orchid, pg. 99, Circle Takes the Square), Grindcore (Usurp Synapse, Orchid [again], and Prayer For Cleansing), Noisecore (The Locust, Daughters), awesome rock bands (Hot Cross, Sonic Youth, Fugazi, The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion), Folk Punk (Mutiny), and ambient keyboards and women moaning (Bjork). :D Aside from the Bjork, which I hardly listen to, I'm quite happy with my random list.[/font][/size]
  3. [font=arial][size=1]Pre-K: Don't smuggle Transformers into class, they always get broken. Kindergarten: Don't argue with the teacher, even if they are incredibly wrong. 1st: Not doing your homework doesn't change your grade as much as teachers make you think it does. 2nd: Falling out of chair = laffs. 3rd: Public bathrooms are a great place for a first kiss. 4th: Fat teachers = bad teachers. 5th: Girls are incredible, so I should ask every single one of them out. 6th: People will call you gay just because you don't get a joke, even if you have a girlfriend you're very much in love with. 7th: Breakups suck, so does not believing in God. 8th: Tomboys make the best girlfriends ever. 9th: Tomboys make the best cocaine addicts ever. 10th: Aparrently it's okay for 18 year old guys to fall in love with 13 year old girls. 11th: Only being together for a weekend does not make a breakup any less difficult for me. At least I have real friends now. 12th: Okay, crap, all those real friends are in college now.[/font][/size]
  4. [font=arial][size=1]I really wish I was able to also try out for guitar, but I am currently way out of practice. Also, the only way I can get an mp3 out of it is to use my webmic, which blocks out most external noise. I've tried using it before to play a song for someone and it just came out horribly quiet. I need something where I can just plug my guitar into my computer and fiddle with it. Until then, I cannot compete or play for you guys. :-/ However, I will greatly enjoy seeing what comes of this contest and the eventual band. (Actually, I could try out as a singer, but I seriously doubt I have what you're looking for unless you want some high-pitched singing and Grindcore screams. XD)[/font][/size]
  5. [font=arial][size=1]A good thing to do is to yell a lot before you decide you're going to start screaming. You'll need a bit of a raspy voice. Screaming should basically occur as you sing. For added effect, well... get angry! The more emotion that comes out of your mouth the more powerful it will be, guaranteed. A lot of people will probably tell you to just start gargling, but without water. At least for me, that really hurts your throat after a while, I usually get sick the day after if I do it like that. Also, there's no way your audience will be able to tell what you're screaming, as less words and more noise.[/font][/size]
  6. [font=arial][size=1]Alan has more awesomosity than I knew. :D Yeah, just to go further with it, Emo was started because there was a point where the New York hardcore punk scene was getting dull, they were also attracting the same fanbase as everyone else. Pure Emo (what's now called Screamo) was started in an attempt to branch out to audiences of both the hardcore scene and a bit of the emotional side to the indie rock scene that was also going on. The first bands that really well known that did this were Rites of Spring and Moss Icon. Pretty much every band in the early 90's that screamed passionate lyrics were called emo until at some point the 'emo revolution,' as it were, stopped. Then some calmer bands started surfacing that were playing a mostly emo style but didn't scream. Kaddisfly is not one of these bands, but that's the closest [i]current[/i] band that I can think of that still has this sound, check them out. Then, Saetia who is pretty much credited with bringing a pure emo sound back, got nailed with the tag of "screamotional hardcore" or screamo. People were so far removed from the original emo that the more indie-flavored emo is what they first thought of. Bands like Orchid and Usurp Synapse didn't quite fit in, so they all got nailed with the Nu-Metaly term of Screamo. Kinda sucks.[/font][/size]
  7. [font=arial][size=1]As interesting as the combination seems, there is no "GothicScreamo" genre, thus making any label as to what genre this thread should be about... meaningless. So, we're going off of the second part of the thread title, which also makes us horribly off topic. :D And just to point out some things: I don't believe anyone said that creating or listening to Metal music makes you some sort of devil-worshipper. Anyone who thinks all Metal bands scream is also incredibly ignorant. Especially when the mainstream music audience would call Nickelback and Staind Metal.[/font][/size]
  8. [font=trebuchet ms]The sad thing is that a lot of people don't understand when they use "emo" or "screamo," that the genres feature a lot of spoken word. Rather than the screaming bringing out emotion, it broke away from the hardcore, all-screaming vocals, scene and used auditable lyrics to convey emotion. So, [i]try to know a little about what you're talking about.[/i] XD[/font]
  9. [font=trebuchet ms]Look, I know who you are now that Athena posted those threads, but even without those as a reference I know just how ignorant you are of other peoples' adivce from what you've said so far in this thread. Listen, you're not asking for advice like the title says. You are making an announcement; an announcement stating that you've given up on women before you've even tried. If you're rejecting help and kind words from faceless personalities on the internet like you are now, what are you going to do when the inevitablity does happen that you're going to find a girl? Are you going to reject them when they say "I love you?" You asked for advice, now take it.[/font]
  10. [font=trebuchet ms][URL=http://img215.imageshack.us/my.php?image=desktopfk5.jpg][IMG]http://img215.imageshack.us/img215/8457/desktopfk5.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL] There you go. I found that on some website today and changed it from the Kylesa one that I actually made. My desktop is never clean like that. I made an effort to clean it just now and I hope it stays that way. XD And that ominous folder down to the left? "I'm not touching this ****." I'm going to go look for a poop graphic for it, just for kicks.[/font]
  11. [font=arial][size=1]Rifles joins another RP, mark it in the books, folks! [b]Name:[/b] Gary Gray [b]Age:[/b] 27, although he looks younger and tells girls different. [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Ethnicity:[/b] Pretty much entirely White (Irish and Scotish ancestry). [b]Appearance:[/b] On work days, his dark brown hair is gelled back, ending just at the top of his collar, usually white. He wears black slacks adorned with a random belt out of his collection, usually with metal studs in it. He wears earrings normally, but he takes them out for work, leaving small, noticable holes. When he's not at work, it's possible to find him at the local clubs, usually dressed entriely in black, wearing attire much like this guy ([url=http://www.punkcore.com/photos/casualtiesjorge.gif]Link![/url]). [b]Personality:[/b] He's laid back and relaxed when it comes to his job. The office life is not ideal to him and he wishes to do more outdoor-sy things. Due to his calm nature, he's made friends with nearly everyone. He's one of the least important employees to the head honchos, but he's one of the most important to his co-workers. He frequently comes up with new ideas and conversations, any arguments he has with someone will be about his bad organizational habits. [b]Family:[/b] He has a younger sister, whom he loves and helps out with yardwork when he is able. As far as his parents, he avoids them as best as he can, although they know where he works and lives, they basically get the idea that Gary has had a little bit too much time with them over the years. I mean, they gave him an anagram name! What losers! [b]Information:[/b] Gary obtained the job after taking pictures for the boss's son's rock band. He liked Gary's work so much he hired him to the graphic designs for the company's website and products. Aside from that, he does small and unrelated jobs around the place. He takes residence in a small, one-story house he got for cheap from his friend who was moving out to live with her boyfriend. He doesn't spend much time in his house, although he's known to hold good parties and invite some co-workers to them. Aside from this, he's the office's music geek and usually helps his coworkers out in developing their own tastes in music rather than what the media feeds them. Good? Sorry about being late in finishing my entry.[/font][/size]
  12. [font=trebuchet ms][i]But...[/i] It's supposed to coincide with the worm itself, rather than be a separate image inside of it. Having a sudden line of whiteness before the image actually ends just ruins it. You could have done the same thing with a gradient, or have even used a few simple brushes in the background. There's no skill involved in doing that, really.[/font]
  13. [font=trebuchet ms]Mkay, I thought it was a funny idea but I hate how it turned out due to my limited Photoshopping ability. [url]http://img453.imageshack.us/img453/8273/27nn0.jpg[/url] - "graphic" [url]http://img379.imageshack.us/img379/3589/27bh3.jpg[/url] - "graphics" That'd be the [url=http://cards.mtgnews.com/Cards/8E/Craw_Wurm.html]Craw Wurm[/url] from Magic: the Gatheirng. Next image will start in black.[/font] EDIT: not sure whether it's a graphic worm or a graphics worm, so I made both, pick one!
  14. [font=trebuchet ms]This spot taken? If not I can tackle it in the morning![/font]
  15. [font=trebuchet ms]*tries being more specific than John* Is #8 the [b]Statistics[/b] at the bottom of the front page? And yayness for being a clue! It gave me quite a laugh. :D[/font]
  16. [font=trebuchet ms][IMG]http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j246/goodbyeface/motivator8372128.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j246/goodbyeface/motivator9121246.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j246/goodbyeface/motivator9677792.jpg[/IMG] Stop posting pictures of Cloud, Sephiroth, and "hot" anime characters kissing. We've had enough of that. kthx.[/font] V It's just the same thing over and over, 'tis all.
  17. [font=trebuchet ms][IMG]http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j246/goodbyeface/motivator7086108.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j246/goodbyeface/motivator4378015.jpg[/IMG] [url]http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j246/goodbyeface/motivator5074921.jpg[/url] (linked for vulgarity) And for Dhampir: [IMG]http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j246/goodbyeface/motivator1562346.jpg[/IMG][/font]
  18. [quote name='Tical Blue'] I'd cosplay as Robin.[/quote] [font=trebuchet ms] [url="http://www.risingsun.net/albums/megacon2005/friday/source/mc2005-0031.shtml"]Not after seeing this.[/url] And I'd greatly enjoy ComicCon, I've been a fan of comics for a long time and like Blase said, there are very few great comic stores around. It'd also be nice to meet people whose names I can actually pronounce. I'd hate to come up to one of them and be like "Hey Mr. _____! I loved your work!" and I'd get his name wrong and sound bad. XD Also, Kevin Smith is [i]the man[/i]. He's reason enough for me to choose ComicCon.[/font]
  19. [font=trebuchet ms]Well, they're saying that the Arctic will seasonally melt and freeze by the year 2050. So let's hope we either find a way to reverse this by 2039 or we're on some other planet by then. Waterworld could come sooner than you know it. :( [center][IMG]http://img135.imageshack.us/img135/7227/meltingicesealuz2.jpg[/IMG] [/center] Still, this will be another one of those things where humanity decides "oh, I'll do it later" and then it'll be too late. Also, I hope we have more cures for sicknesses deemed uncurable, cancer or otherwise. Other than that, as stated, it can't be radically different.[/font]
  20. [font=trebuchet ms]I cannot speak for Dagger, since I've never talked to her, but James and Des are quite awesome and are very much human. Or... well... Des could be an elf, if he is indeed Link IRL. Yes, the Admins (save James and Adam) started as newbies and transcended due to great posting quality and effort to make OB a better place, unlike you, apparently. Yeah. It'll be closed. Points defended, there. Now here's one: You're a ****ing new member. Don't make conspiracies about awesome folks that you don't know anything about! Seriously.[/font]
  21. [font=trebuchet ms][url="http://www.fourfa.com/"]Linklinklink.[/url] I tracked down basically a boundless guide to what emo really is, for all you lamers out there. So, you know, shut it. Also, if you read more than a few paragraphs of it, you will realise that some of it is meant to be humorous, especially the "emo fashoin tips" page. Have fun with it. I'm tired of seeing a few of these really ignorant posts. :-/[/font] [b]Shi No Tenshi[/b], read my earlier posts. :)
  22. [quote name='Tical Blue][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Doublehex[/COLOR']: I haven't really had the chance to talk to this dude yet, but the guy is awesome. He's a great writer and he and I have a lot in common. Plus he's an EVA fan, and that's always cool. He's even inspired me to go buy Elfen Lied. I think that if Doublehex and I teamed up we could form a superduo of writers and compile a great story.[/quote] [font=trebuchet ms]He's a personal friend of mine, I kind of dragged him here because of his interests. Believe me, you're not missing much. :p And since I'm here, I'm going to add [b]Keyblade Wielder[/b] to the growing list of amazing people I've met through OB and would like to see in person. She seems like a perpetually happy and cute-mannered person and was very easy to get along with. Probably the fastest friend I've ever made. >_>; Awesome, awesome person.[/font]
  23. [font=trebuchet ms]This day last year, I had a [url="http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j246/goodbyeface/IMG_1333.jpg"]chimney on my house[/url], a [url="http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j246/goodbyeface/IMG_1339.jpg"]tree in my front yard[/url], a mental breakdown and related illnesses, and a girlfriend who was cheating on me. Last year I pretty much wanted to die. Today I'm just glad I'm alive. :-/[/font]
  24. [quote name='Tical]Oh, looks like I'm ratning a bot here, sorry ^^;; But really, the popularity of emo is starting to annoy me. Especially when [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]FUSE[/COLOR'] is constantly playing emo videos >_>[/quote] [font=trebuchet ms]No, Fuse has probably [i]never[/i] played an emo music video. I can't even name a (pure) emo band that made a music video. The closest I'm coming to is Underoath and The Number Twelve Looks Like You, and to me at least, it seems like they never get airtime at all. Not an attack by any means, just know what emo music is before you say that you see too many emo music videos. >_>;[/font]
  25. [quote name='Retribution][size=1']And John, I believe that the majority of sites are now Firefox-friendly, but there certainly are those annoying ones.[/size][/quote] [font=trebuchet ms]Even if they aren't Firefox-friendly, which is rare, there's an extension that allows you to refresh the page in an "IE Tab." :D Oh, and I use Firefox: tabs, security, pretty.[/font]
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