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Goodbye, Face

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Everything posted by Goodbye, Face

  1. [font=trebuchet ms]Well, my signature changes with each idea that crosses my mind, usually things relating to different bands. Right now it's Killwhitneydead, they had some awesome press pictures for their upcoming re-release of So Pretty So Plastic. I also used the lyrics of their song, "Save Your Sermons for Sunday so I Can Sleep This Night Off," for added effect, as well as a conveniant place to drop plugs for my various webpages. Oh, and there's the Baron Dance, ala John, Charles, myself a little, and finally Baron Samedi. :p[/font]
  2. [font=trebuchet ms]The way the stylus is used reminds me of Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow. It looks like it's to solve puzzles and have a weapon (like the boomerang) based around it. I wonder how much of the buttons will be used and how hard it'll be to switch back and forth. Then again, I'm still new to the DS, I've had it since Christmas and haven't played too many games on it.[/font]
  3. [font=trebuchet ms]Lan, we need to be friends, lol. Our tastes seem to be pretty even, so I'll list bands that Lan hasn't listed. These are all at the top of my list of favorites, as I can't say I listen to much that would be considered mainstream. I took out bands that had easily accessible videos, or any bands who have really caught on at my area. THese include The Bled, Every Time I Die, The Chariot, He is Legend, etc. Auditory Aphasia (...Other...) Bloodjinn (Metalcore) Christiansen (Hardcore Punk) Circle Takes the Square (Screamo) City of Caterpillar (Post-rock/Screamo) Ed Gein (Metalcore/Punk) Emberghost (Emo) Fear Before the March of Flames (Screamo) Flee the Seen (Punk/Emo) The Handshake Murders (Metalcore) iwouldsetmyselfonfireforyou (Post-rock/Screamo) Kaddisfly (Emo) Kylesa (Punk/Metal) Malady (Indie Rock) The Number Twelve Looks Like You (Hardcore) Pageninetynine, Pg. 99 (Screamo) Say Anything (Indie Rock) Suicide Silence (Metalcore) The Tony Danza Tapdance Extravaganza (Metalcore) Have fun with it. ^^ And for the record, I live in North Carolina.[/font]
  4. [font=trebuchet ms]Earlier this month at Ohio University, a police officer found a bike parked on campus with a sticker from the punk band, This Bike Is A Pipe Bomb on it. The cop took it as a warning and the college, as well as some neighboring businesses were closed down and the bomb squad from hours away were called in to investigate it. Funny. Also, in Chicago there was this homeless man sleeping in a park. He woke up to being beaten by two teenagers, kicked in the stomach and stuff. They left and he was back to sleep eventually. He woke up and the same two guys were lighting his legs on fire and he fought them off and found the nearest cop to tell. Go, homeless dude![/font]
  5. [font=trebuchet ms]Well, this movie is going to make some money off of me. Me and a few friends already plan on seeing it just to see how damn stupid it'll actually be, lol. What the heck was Jackson thinking, anyway? "Oh, I want to be in a movie where I can smack somebody across the face with a snake. It'll sell millions."[/font]
  6. [font=trebuchet ms]Viva La Revolution is good. ^^ I haven't listened to The Adicts much in the past two years, I guess I should. I'm crazy for The Tony Danza Tapdance Extravaganza's "Cliff Burton Surprise." If you need to know about the band, they're a Southern Metalcore band similar to the old Norma Jean, but heavier. The song has nothing to do with the (shooting?) of the old Metallica member. However, I think the band tries to throw in as many references to older Southern Rock bands, as after the first few seconds of the song, they sneak in a part of GnR's "Sweet Child of Mine" before the music really picks up. After that it's just brutal, lol. If you're really interested, the song is on their Purevolume page.[/font]
  7. [font=trebuchet ms]^^ Congrats, Roxie! I, myself, have gotten two artworks submitted to Scholastics. I've also come in third place in an art contest in my city, as well as 5th place in a poetry segment of the same contest. My fencing team made it to second in our county and went on to compete in a statewide tournament and got far in that, I forget how we ranked. We got to meet some fencing legends, it was a blast.[/font]
  8. [font=trebuchet ms]Wow, it's quite awesome. Congrats to all who won. The graphics that went along with each numerated nifty were awesome, and many were very entertaining. ^^ One thing though. Didn't I say that quote about the Baron Dance and not Doukeshi? Sheesh.[/font] [indent][size=1][color=darkblue]Edited. My apologies. -Shy[/size][/color][/indent]
  9. [font=trebuchet ms]1. Pick a Band or Artist: [b]Every Time I Die[/b] 2. Are you male or female: [b]Romeo a Go-Go[/b] 3. Describe yourself: [b]Hit of the Search Party[/b] 4. How do some people feel about you: [b]Guitarred and Feathered[/b] 5. Describe your ex boyfriend/girlfriend: [b]Punch Drunk Punk-Rock Romance[/b] 6. Describe your current boyfriend/girlfriend: [b]She's My Rushmore[/b] 7. Describe where you want to be: [b]Godspeed Us to Sea[/b] 8. Describe how you love: [b]Pretty Dirty[/b] 9. What would you ask if you had just one wish: [b]Gloom and How it Gets That Way[/b] 10. Share a few words of wisdom: [b]In the Event That Everything Should Go Terribly Wrong [/b] 11. Now say goodbye: [b]Kill the Music[/b][/font]
  10. [font=trebuchet ms]1. Pick a Band or Artist: [b]Fear Before the March of Flames[/b] 2. Are you male or female: [b]A Tyrant Meets His Maker[/b] 3. Describe yourself: [b]Fashion Tips Baby[/b] 4. How do some people feel about you: [b]Should Have Stayed in the Shallows[/b] 5. Describe your ex boyfriend/girlfriend: [b]On the Bright Side, She Could Choke[/b] 6. Describe your current boyfriend/girlfriend: [b]Absolutely Fabulous and Me[/b] 7. Describe where you want to be: [b]Whiskey is Alright in Its Place, but Its Place is Hell[/b] 8. Describe how you love: [b]What Happens in Vegas Stays in Vegas[/b] 9. What would you ask if you had just one wish: [b]Go Wash Your Mouth... I don't Know Where It's Been[/b] 10. Share a few words of wisdom: [b]Hey Kid. I'm a Computer. Stop All the Downloading[/b] 11. Now say goodbye: [b]Given To Dreams[/b][/font]
  11. [font=trebuchet ms]Ok, I finally got a home network going, so I can now play you guys in MKDS (and eventually AC:WW)! My friend code is 025836 356243. Just track me down on AIM first. And I'm fairly sure I suck.[/font]
  12. [font=trebuchet ms]MCR isn't emo. They're pop-punk, or powerpop, depends on who you ask. Means the same thing. Yes, their sound is common, but a lot of their songs just have that zing to them that makes them stand out, I guess. While I'm not a huge fan of them, I've certainly heard worse. I don't know why they're bashed like they are, for the genre and the marketing, they aren't bad. Helena is damn catchy, honestly. And if you like My Chemical Romance, you might want to try Christiansen or Kaddisfly. They're a lot better in my opinion, just harder to find.[/font]
  13. [font=trebuchet ms]1. Pick a Band or Artist: [b]Still Remains[/b] 2. Are you male or female: [b]I Can Revive Him With My Own Hands[/b] 3. Describe yourself: [b]To Live and Die By Fire[/b] 4. How do some people feel about you: [b]Cherished[/b] 5. Describe your ex boyfriend/girlfriend: [b]Blossom, The Witch[/b] 6. Describe your current boyfriend/girlfriend: [b]Six to One[/b] 7. Describe where you want to be: [b]In Place of Hope[/b] 8. Describe how you love: [b]Bliss[/b] 9. What would you ask if you had just one wish: [b]Recovery[/b] 10. Share a few words of wisdom: [b]The Worst is Yet to Come[/b] 11. Now say goodbye: [b]Stare and Wonder[/b][/font]
  14. [font=trebuchet ms]Well, I'd assume that you've heard of Tool? I'm pretty sure it's the same band just playing different music. I don't really remember whether it's just the singer or the whole band. I'm not a huge fan of APC for insignificant reasons.[/font]
  15. [font=trebuchet ms]So Green Day sucks because they're emo? And emo sucks? XD Ziggy's funny. On to my favorites. [b]Circle Takes the Square:[/b] A four-piece progressive hardcore band from Savannah, GA. They have some beautiful music, and their dueling male and female vocals make the overall sound quite cool. Their music stretches the ability to be pretty and chaotic at the same time. Honestly, they are quite intimidating for one that doesn't listen to heavy music. I was intrigued by them at first and it eventually clicked with just how great they were. Their music is really technical, especially for just having one guitarist in their best album. Please check these guys out, lol. [b]Swift:[/b] These guys were the first band I saw live. They used to live a few minutes away from me, but two of the members had to move to New York for jobs and it caused the band to break up this year. Swift is somewhat of a Nu-Metal band, but that doesn't mean they're bad by any means. Gary Forsyth has this way of writing lyrics about himself that suit everyone else. Out of a 12 song cd, you'll find about ten songs that fit you perfectly. All four of their albums hold a dear place in my heart. [b]The Number Twelve Looks Like You:[/b] Another great progressive hardcore band that plays boodles of shows in my area. Their music is more technical than Circle's, but they don't appeal as much to me. If I described this band, they'd sound pretty bad, as they have two vocalist who just walk the stage screaming, haha. However, it's quite good. It's like The Mars Volta with breakdowns and much less singing. [b]Pageninetynine (or Pg. 99):[/b] I can't say too many good things about this band, as their creedo is that they can make as crappy music as they want, and it'll always be good because it contains passion. However, they were the first band of their type that I ever heard, and they paved the way for my current tastes to develop. They have a bit of Circle Takes the Square and a bit of The Casualties in them. They're fun to listen to, and a few of their songs are downright awesome, so they're likable to me. [b]Beloved:[/b] This is probably the best band I listen to. If you've heard of Classic Case, they used to share a guitarist with Beloved until Beloved broke up. They're a lot like Swift, but a bit more metallic and probably more heavy. They have one song that really appeals to me for certain reasons and it comes down to the fact that I heard them at just the right time. I've sent Beloved songs to friends from all different walks of life and they've had nothing bad to say about them. Worth a shot. [b]Apocalypse Hoboken:[/b] Tony rules for getting me into this band. And John. Anyways, they're a split-up punk band from Chicago. They sound different from song to song, and all of their cd's are completely different in sound. Sometimes, it's just fun to sit back and listen to some of their more humorous songs. AH just makes me happy. Maybe it's because an anagram for their name is "holy poop bean cakes." Other honorable mentions include Circa Survive, Still Remains, All That Remains, and The Tony Danza Tapdance Extravaganza.[/font]
  16. [font=trebuchet ms]Let's see what changed since August, lol. [size=1]iwouldsetmyselfonfireforyou - S/T Kylesa - S/T Kylesa - No Ending Kylesa / Cream Abdul Babar split (burn) Pageninetynine - Document #5 Pageninetynine - Document #8 Cricle Takes the Sqaure - Tour Demo Circle Takes the Square - As the Roots Undo The Tony Danza Tapdance Extravaganza - S/T (burn) The Number Twelve Looks Like You - Sad. Nuclear. Sad. (burn) The Bled - Pass the Flask (burn) The Bled - Found in the Flood Auditory Aphasia - Online Demo (burn) Jeer at Rome - The Prisoner (burn) High and Drving - Online Demo (burn) The Sound of Animals Fighting - Tiger and the Duke Circa Survive - The Inuit Sessions Circa Survive - Juturna Saosin - Translating the Name (burn) Saosin - S/T Apocalypse Hoboken - Date Rape Nation & Jerk Lessons (burn) Apocalypse Hoboken - Now's Not a Good Time (burn) Apocalypse Hoboken - House of the Rising Son of a B*tch (burn) Apocalypse Hoboken - Microstars (burn) Canvas Solaris - Spacial|Design Canvas Solaris - Sublimation Against Me! - Reinventing Axl Rose Against Me! - As the Eternal Cowboy[/size] At least I'm honest.[/font]
  17. [font=trebuchet ms]1. Pick a Band or Artist: [b]Anthony Green bands[/b] (Saosin, Circa Survive, Jeer at Rome, High and Driving, The Sound of Animals Fighting, Zolof the Rock and Roll Destroyer) Most of these bands only have four songs. And in case you're wondering, Anthony Green is the lead vocalist in all of these bands. If you like one of these, you need to check the rest of them out. 2. Are you male or female: [b]The Fisherman Will Be Bewildered[/b] High and Driving 3. Describe yourself: [b]Plays Pretty for Baby[/b] Zolof the Rock and Roll Destroyer 4. How do some people feel about you: [b]Plays Ugly for Daddy[/b] High and Driving 5. Describe your ex boyfriend/girlfriend: [b]They Perched on Their Stilts, Pointing and Daring Me to Break Custom[/b] Saosin 6. Describe your current boyfriend/girlfriend: [b]I've Been Dying to Reach You But My Extension Cord Won't Reach[/b] Anthony Green 7. Describe where you want to be: [b]Meet Me in Montauk[/b] Circa Survive 8. Describe how you love: [b]Always Getting What You Want[/b] Circa Survive 9. What would you ask if you had just one wish: [b]Blacklisted, Come Again?[/b] Jeer at Rome 10. Share a few words of wisdom: [b]You Don't Need a Witness[/b] The Sound of Animals Fighting 11. Now say goodbye: [b]Oh, Hello[/b] Circa Survive[/font]
  18. [font=trebuchet ms]1. Pick a Band or Artist: [b]Swift[/b] (I don't think I've done them yet...) 2. Are you male or female: [b]Swell Guy[/b] 3. Describe yourself: [b]Bending Back as Far as I Can[/b] 4. How do some people feel about you: [b]Feminine[/b] 5. Describe your ex boyfriend/girlfriend: [b]Pretty Girl[/b] 6. Describe your current boyfriend/girlfriend: [b]Lovesick[/b] 7. Describe where you want to be: [b]Titanic[/b] 8. Describe how you love: [b]Breathless[/b] 9. What would you ask if you had just one wish: [b]Why[/b] 10. Share a few words of wisdom: [b]Respect the Blade[/b] 11. Now say goodbye: [b]Release the Wolves[/b][/font]
  19. [quote name='Retribution][size=1]I'm taking [a lot] more [social'] risks this year, as I realized that I don't want to look back 30 years from now wishing that I had asked some girl out, or maybe made friends with that one person. No regrets.[/size][/quote] [font=trebuchet ms]I am doing the same, Retri. I've changed so much last year, and even some this year. I don't want to be the quiet kid in the corner anymore. Anyways, I can only look forward to graduation, really. I already keep in touch with all of my friends, even the ones who moved to other states. I don't really feel like I would be leaving anything behind, and I have everything I could ever want right here. I still have another year until Graduation, so we'll see how I feel about it then.[/font]
  20. [font=trebuchet ms]I listen to any type of music that allows for strong artistic expression. I can't deal with the same ol' "verse, chorus, verse, chorus, verse, solo, chorus" thing anymore, it's growing really stale. I like mix-ups, I like vocalists who have something to say, I like fast and technical instruments, and I don't care what those instruments are. One of my favorite genres is Hardcore, the good kind. Really, if you don't like hardcore, you've either not found the right band, or you get headaches too easily to enjoy them. Hardcore has recently turned into this fad where everyone and their grandma is starting a hardcore band with wimpy lyrics, nothing to say, and no talent. Hardcore bands should have force and be poetic at the same time, and there's a few dozen that are and I love them. Yay. I also love any kind of guitar-driven rock, anythign with a lot of technicality and complexity. Stuff that takes repeated listenes to fully comprehend. Mostly, Progressive Rock fits here. I like the way that the lyrics and guitars go together, I honestly just like the whole general sound of it. There's other genres I like, but I'm still exploring them. You know how it is.[/font]
  21. [font=trebuchet ms]1. Pick a Band or Artist: [b]Kylesa[/b] 2. Are you male or female: [b]Testing the Good of Man[/b] 3. Describe yourself: [b]Ceaseless Becoming[/b] 4. How do some people feel about you: [b]Clutches (Nausea)[/b] 5. Describe your ex boyfriend/girlfriend: [b]No Remorse[/b] 6. Describe your current boyfriend/girlfriend: [b]Welcome Mat to an Abandoned Life[/b] 7. Describe where you want to be: [b]Train of Thought[/b] 8. Describe how you love: [b]A 100 Degree Heat Index[/b] 9. What would you ask if you had just one wish: [b]Eyes Closed From Birth[/b] 10. Share a few words of wisdom: [b]Dream of the Freedom to Become[/b] 11. Now say goodbye: [b]No Ending[/b][/font]
  22. [font=trebuchet ms]1. Pick a Band or Artist: [b]He Is Legend[/b] 2. Are you male or female: [b]You Sound Like a White Boy[/b] 3. Describe yourself: [b]The Greatest Actor Alive... (...Enters Stage Right)[/b] 4. How do some people feel about you: [b]I Am Hollywood[/b] 5. Describe your ex boyfriend/girlfriend: [b]Dinner With a Gypsy[/b] 6. Describe your current boyfriend/girlfriend: [b]Either They Decorated for Christmas Early or They're All Dead[/b] 7. Describe where you want to be: [b]Down in a Crypt[/b] 8. Describe how you love: [b]The Fool[/b] 9. What would you ask if you had just one wish: [b]Do You Think I'm Pretty?[/b] 10. Share a few words of wisdom: [b]The Walls Have Teeth[/b] 11. Now say goodbye: [b]Scram, Toots![/b][/font]
  23. [font=trebuchet ms]I'm just trying to one a page now. 1. Pick a Band or Artist: [b]Pageninetynine (Pg.99)[/b] 2. Are you male or female: [b]The Lonesome Waltz of Leonard Cohen[/b] 3. Describe yourself: [b]More Complicated Than a Sci-Fi Flick[/b] 4. How do some people feel about you: [b]The Hollowed Out Chest of a Dead Horse[/b] 5. Describe your ex boyfriend/girlfriend: [b]We Left as Skeletons[/b] 6. Describe your current boyfriend/girlfriend: [b]Your Face is a Rape Scene[/b] 7. Describe where you want to be: [b]Hotel Nevada 1982[/b] 8. Describe how you love: [b]Love Goes Tisk, Tisk, Tisk[/b] 9. What would you ask if you had just one wish: [b]My Application To Heaven[/b] 10. Share a few words of wisdom: [b]Mary, Get Your Knife[/b] 11. Now say goodbye: [b]Goodbye, Face[/b][/font]
  24. [font=trebuchet ms]*awards Rhym* 1. Pick a Band or Artist: [b]KILLWHITNEYDEAD.[/b] 2. Are you male or female: [b]It Ain't Gonna Suck Itself[/b] 3. Describe yourself: [b]I Didn't Know "I Love You" Came With A Knife in the Back[/b] 4. How do some people feel about you:[b] Another Tragic Case of the Rockstar Syndrome[/b] 5. Describe your ex boyfriend/girlfriend: [b]Wow, She Actually Has a Heart Under Those Boobs.[/b] 6. Describe your current boyfriend/girlfriend: [b]I Used to Have a Crush on Whatsernuts[/b] 7. Describe where you want to be: [b]Mikey and the Apartment of Misfit Porn[/b] 8. Describe how you love: [b]Love is Like a Mouth Full of Broken Glass[/b] 9. What would you ask if you had just one wish: [b]If I Told You I Loved You, Would I Get It Any Faster?[/b] 10. Share a few words of wisdom: [b]Put Your Mouth Where the Money Is[/b] 11. Now say goodbye: [b]Don't Worry About Me, You Have to Live With Yourself[/b] Lovely, isn't it?[/font]
  25. [font=trebuchet ms]My triumphant return after a week of sickness and social life starts off with a post about me getting hurt... Just sayin'. I guess I'll go in chronological order. This didn't really hurt as much as it will sound. Basically, me and some friends got a box, two ramps, our skateboards, some firewood, starter fluid, some blankets, a cooler of ice water, and so forth. The plan was to set a box full of sticks on fire, set up the two ramps at a safe distance away from the box, and ollie over it on our skateboards. We had a few practice runs before it was lit, just to make sure we could all make it. Two of my friends went, then I went. I got some good speed, rode up the ramp and my skateboard went flying out from under me and I landed with both feet planted in the burning box. Then I got tackled, smothered with blankets, stomped on, and splashed with water. Fun. Another time I was on a date with my ex-girlfriend in Boone. I stepped on a water meter box, which is basically the same as a sewer plate. The edge that I stepped on came down into the box as did my right leg. The other edge came up as I fell in deeper and I got caught on it... guess where. I was hanging on my jewels for a good ten seconds until Emilie was able to pull me out. The sewer plate actually made a bad stretch mark on my leg that is still there today, lol. Next was last year at a fencing tournament. I was winning at 2-1 against this guy from another high school. The round begins, we mess around for a little bit, then he strikes, I parry his blade to my right and his tip catches my jacket and goes up my arm. I didn't really feel anything too bad, but the long line of blood going through my white fencing jacket was enough to make the judge stop the match and make me remove my jacket. I had a burn going up my arm about three feet long and with spots that were opened and bleeding. It didn't really hurt until I saw it, lol. Luckily, it didn't scar or anything. Yay for that.[/font]
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