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Goodbye, Face

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Everything posted by Goodbye, Face

  1. [font=arial][size=1]Anime forum, remember, 8bit? I have really bad anxiety issues and it basically prevents me from asking girls out on dates. XD I guess the same as Nerdsy. I honestly have only been in one relationship long enough to where we could have actually dated eachother, but she didn't like dating either so we just kept it to hanging/making out. Yay. All my other "relationships" were more or less flings before the girl realized she made some sort of huge mistake and left me for some other dude... or chick... Yeah.[/font][/size]
  2. [font=arial][size=1]Okay, I'll do this, I'm just sitting around anyway. o_O I have a Project Playlist thing going on now, but before that (which was like a week ago) I had "Big Black River" by the more folksy side of Pygmy Lush. The band has a very bad idea of what their good songs are, and I actually had to go to their label's profile to get to this moderately good one. Next was a song called "Cannibulimia" by The Apparati, I always wear their shirt and someone finally told me they have no idea who they are (and they're from PA, so he probably shouldn't have known!) so I told him I'd put up the song. They're pretty brutal, they were great live and their vocalist is a super nice guy. We talked about cheese steaks. Next is "The Golden Path Just Got Shorter" by Fastest Kid in 5th Grade. They were playing a show and I was trying to get my friends to go so I put up one of their songs. They're incredible and underappreciated. Next is "Living in the Skeleton of a Happy Memory" by Pageninetynine, it's made of epic and win. Before that I had just changed my myspace design to a much darker theme and wanted darker music so I went straight to Sunn O))), really evil guitar and bass-only music. That's as far as I'll go, if you would like to further stalk me, here's the band history page. [url]http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=songHistory&friendID=77297780[/url][/font][/size]
  3. [quote name='Darren'][B]Days Away[/B] They're pretty good. They're an indie/experimental rock band from somewhere up north. (I forgot) They sound like a cross between Jimmy Eat World and some other harder rock band, (I haven't quite figured that out yet) Only they're better.[/QUOTE] [font=arial][size=1]WINNER RIGHT HERE. This definitely makes up for loving mewithoutYou. Days Away is amazing. I saw them live with Circa Survive about two years ago, I was really blown away but my friend fell asleep on one of the venue's couches. If you're a big fan of the singer, he does most of the vocals in "This Heat" by The Sound of Animals Fighting. It's an awesome song. As for what I'm listening to, I've finally gotten unbored of North of America (I know you don't know who they are, so [URL="http://www.myspace.com/northofamericaband"]CLICK THIS)[/URL]. They're a math rock band that is virtually unknown by the entire world but at the same time inspired numerous bands that are more well-known such as Cinemechanica. They have four full-length albums and one solid EP (there's probably other stuff but I can't find info on it anywhere), but their last two albums are their greatest work. The guitarists also sing and duel constantly with both their voice and guitars. It's a wonder how they write their songs, picking apart each of their instruments, it sounds weird and offbeat but when you put it together it works. Love.[/font][/size]
  4. [quote name='Whoa, Mann'][COLOR="HotPink"] Maybe even Kevin here would like it?[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [font=arial][size=1]Yes, I own it. It's awesome, haven't listened to it in a month or so however. I missed a chance to see Brand New live a while ago, that was kind of lame of me. Unless I'm in the right mood for listening to the band as a whole, I'm only into "Sowing Season" off the new record. Deja Etendu had a lot more just plain fun songs. Devil and God etc. gets just a little too sad. Also, I just can't see you seriously liking Melt Banana, I like their music until the vocals kick in, I know it part of their aesthetic and they really like sounding like that, but I just can't bring myself to enjoy it. Their new cd is a lot of straight-forward and punk, where the others were just really noisy. And TMV's upcoming CD is The Bedlam in Goliath. It comes out at the end of them month. I've been listening to it more and more and I've basically decided that the only track that really attract my attention are "Goliath" (for the last half of it) and "Cavalettas." The latter is really cool because of how they play a verse and then the beat breaks down and they start all over with something else added to it. It's really hard to explain, but you'll know it and love it once you hear it.[/font][/size]
  5. [font=arial][size=1]This thing constantly happens to me on Facebook, I assume it has to do with the temporary files on your computer, try pressing Ctrl + F5 in Firefox (I think it's Shift instead of Ctrl in IE).[/font][/size]
  6. [font=arial][size=1]I have gone through this exact same thing, Kam. It's scary. Of course, the same thing resulted from it! So I can't give you any advice! Just do what you can to stay a big part of her life and who knows what will happen later. You're not alone, man.[/font][/size]
  7. [quote name='Whoa, Mann'][SIZE="1"][COLOR="HotPink"]And Envy as well, trying to sit through an album... It's not that I don't like them, it's just... at times, not the most exciting music in the genre, lol. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/QUOTE] [font=arial][size=1]That's because Insomniac Doze isn't a hardcore record so much. They haven't been incredibly aggressive with their music for almost the past ten years. Heck, the vocalist does guest work for Mogwai albums. Unfortunately, all their albums from before Insomiac Doze seem to be out of print, I'm sure my copy of Dead Sinking Story is approaching eBay gold material. But I wouldn't worry about it too much, their old stuff isn't that impressive, it was their transitional material where they explored kind of a Planes Mistaken for Stars sound that really grabbed me. Anyway, I definitely ganked the new Mars Volta record. I'll feel free to say it: this is the first Mars Volta album that I seriously enjoy listening to. There is no "let's start the album with 10 minutes of bull****," the first song springs right at you and what from what I've listened to, it doesn't get too pretentious. The "lame" parts of the songs only last for a minute or so. Also, the lyrics make sense. Great record, or GREATEST RECORD?[/font][/size]
  8. [font=arial][size=1]Yeah, they've seemed like something you'd like to me, as well. All of their stuff is good except for every single song on Manipulator. Stay the hell away from that album. XD I was so happy when Fall of Troy's "FCPREMIX" got on Guitar Hero III, too bad no one who plays the game knows who they are.[/font][/size]
  9. [font=arial][size=1]I mean, I can understand "dancey," haha. It's just that these things aren't concrete, I can't tell you that you're wrong, just that your opinion doesn't make any sense to me! It's just that Blood Brothers doesn't set out to make anything meaningful enough to evoke a strong emotion. Their early stuff is very aggressive, but it's done in a fun way, so it doesn't sound angry. Since then they lessened up on the aggression and became more experimental. And again, note my tone in my last post, I was only half-serious with you. If I was attacking you there would be some different words flying. XD[/font][/size]
  10. [quote name='Whoa, Mann'][COLOR="HotPink"][SIZE="1"]Speaking of that, I must bring up the Blood Brothers. That band is pretty sexy-sounding... The singers sound all.. old-woman-ish (not really, but very feminine, yes) with alot of key sounds and quirky guitar riffs, and weird chorus'. :] but, I don't guess I know much of them besides of the music on Young Machetes.. But as far as Young Machetes goes, the whole thing is pretty much sex sounds. Yeahhh.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [font=arial][size=1]I'm going to pull a line out of the book of Jake and tell you to please stop listening to The Blood Brothers if you're going to talk about them like that! Having sex to them would just be awkward, I don't find anything "sexy" about their music at all, haha. The music itself is made to be as strange and fun as possible, and the vocalists draw their lyrical content from surrealism paintings. I don't see them being a strong emotions band except for "hey, these guys are really (good/annoying)." But yeah, The Blood Brothers are turning in their graves thanks to you.[/font][/size]
  11. [quote name='Panache']A[B]These Arms Are Snakes[/B] medley. I like these guys a lot. I can't really put my finger on what genre they are.[/QUOTE] [font=arial][size=1]Those guys are pretty cool. They got really old after a while though. The music is really bland for their genre (which is basically post-hardcore, I wouldn't go too much deeper with that) and the vocalist just kind of rhythmically shouts. You might like Transistor Transistor. It's the same thing but heavier and better. Also, a band I'm friends with put up some new recordings of old songs and they sound really good. They sound a little like a mix of Chiodos and Between the Buried and Me. If you're into the stuff, you should check them out: [url=http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=50431493][color=gray]Fastest Kid in 5th Grade[/color][/url][/size][/font]
  12. [quote name='DeathKnight'][color=crimson]Should try it live man. It was loud enough I could feel the vibrations reverberating in my body. That added a kind of nice atmospheric quality to it - like it was really moving through me. It was too bad. This Will Destroy You was the first band out of six, on at 6:30, and the joint was half empty. They deserved a bigger crowd.[/color][/QUOTE] [font=arial][size=1]I saw them opening for Fear Before the March of Flames and there were maybe 15 people in the room, it was so sad. If you look at most of their live videos, the band itself isn't very energetic, but before I saw them they got a new bassist and he really livens up the place, I guess you know what I mean. My friend took videos of them and uploaded them all to Facebook instead of YouTube so I can't show anyone, what a shame.[/font][/size]
  13. [font=arial][size=1]You can get a good enough WoW experience on a $1000 laptop. That how much mine costs, I got a $30 RAM upgrade on Black Friday and I can play Half-Life 2 on mostly medium settings without much of a problem (it did lag a little in Ravenholm, but that's probably because of my wimpy processor). So, for $3000, you shouldn't have ANY problems finding a viable gaming laptop. You can probably pick up a nice Alienware for that price, I hear that the stuff inside Alienwares are on springs so dropping it doesn't affect it too much, it's less of a worry to carry around. Also, I think my laptop has a 15in. widescreen monitor and it fits snugly inside my messenger bag. I don't really know how small of a laptop you need.[/font][/size]
  14. [font=arial][size=1]If you ever need to feel inspired to do anything, I have two songs for you: This Will Destroy You - "The World is Our _____" Sigur Rós - "Glósóli" The first is so inspiring that I think it was the Marines... used it for the soundtrack to a presentation video at one point and it was shown to quite a few and maybe even G.W. Bush. It really is a magical song. Meanwhile, I think for "Glósóli" you'd need to see the video. [url]http://youtube.com/watch?v=doc1eqstMQQ[/url] As for sad songs... ANYTHING BY SAETIA. Especially "Venus and Bacchus." You will hate the vocals, but it adds to how frantic and upset the song in general feels. Also, pretty much anything on Opeth's Blackwater Park album.[/font][/size]
  15. [font=arial][size=1]I've never been to the actual city part of the place that my mailing address comes from, I spend a lot more time in two of the cities that border it, Greensboro and High Point, North Carolina. Greensboro is known for its abundance of awesome colleges and nightclubs. About half of the nightclubs are all run by the same guy (I met him) and usually within eyesight of any club there is also a "social gathering place" full of anarchists that go around protesting. Usually, once they start, the church gets all nasty and both just start doing silly things. High Point is known as the Furniture Capital of the World, but in the past few years, all the furniture has become outsourced. Residents like my parents can still find great deals on "real" furniture, but tourists can't! When it's furniture market time, people put up their houses for rent and all the stores put more on the shelves because High point almost doubles in size for a week when market comes.[/font][/size]
  16. [font=arial][size=1]Thanks for contributing anyway, Panache. I have no idea who you were talking about. I hate bands like Fall Out Boy, Simple Plan (are they even still active?), and other bands that sound remotely like them. I can understand though, that it's basically guys who formed a band so that chicks would suddenly like them and they could actually get laid. I can get that, but if you're going to take the balls out of rock so teenage girls will like it, you should at least look good while doing it. Every member of Fall Out Boy looks like trailer trash. What is so appealing about them? You can tell a Green Day song just from the first second it's on. Each song is in exactly the same tempo, usually the same power chords, and it sounds like the happiest punk song you've ever heard, making it not punk instantly. People make a case for old Green Day being better than new Green Day. I don't care. Old stuff, new stuff, I hate them. NOFX annoys me for the same reasons, but somehow they're able to keep within the punk genre. Bands that try to be Killwhitneydead. KWD isn't even THAT good of a band in the first place. I'm kinda friends with some of the members and I feel comfortable saying that. Because of KWD, every hybrid of metalcore and grindcore has to have soundclips from Family Guy injected in the middle of their songs. Other bands did it before KWD, there's a reason why KWD is KNOWN FOR IT. Atreyu. Atreyu used to be one of my favorite bands. I think that's all I need to say. Avenged Sevenfold. Hey guys, stop it, you're mediocre and you're getting worse and worse with every record. There's no reason you have to go around telling other bands they suck.[/font][/size]
  17. [font=arial][size=1]Dude, I love Jesu, I have to be in the mood for them, though. Drone and Shoegaze are two of the most sad music types ever to me, and to combine the two... But yeah, I bought Conqueror, but I really only treasure a few songs off of it, so it didn't make it onto my list, but I really should add it in somewhere. I probably forgot it. One of Jake's and my own favorite artists of the year, Alcest, sounds a lot like Jesu, so check that out! But yeah, I didn't even know about Pale Sketches, so I'll check that album out, I had no idea they released more than Conqueror and the split.[/font][/size]
  18. [quote name='MissWem'][FONT="Arial"][COLOR="Sienna"]Guess what? You can actually still appreciate music just by [I]listening to it[/I]... and not know any background information about it.[/COLOR][/FONT][/QUOTE] [font=arial][size=1]And that's fine, but Jake will get all pissy if it is talked about in here. He's not saying that you can't appreesh it, just don't talk about it in here.[/font][/size]
  19. [font=arial][size=1]Woah, DB's listening to my kind of music now. This is worse than I feared. It's hardcore, maaaaaybe crust punk. I think it's hilarious that you think these guys are metal.[/font][/size]
  20. [font=arial][size=1]Haha, woooah. I forgot about this thread and I'm the one who made it! I'm personally not much of a television or even that much of a movies person to where I actually stay current with them. There were two movies that I really want to call attention to because they were amazing. August Rush gave me my first good cry in two years. I will "man up" to that fact. It is possibly the most beautiful story I've ever been told. Unfortunately, with the way the story goes, I can't tell you much at all about it without giving the whole thing away. The story itself is predictable, but it really spoke to me. Also, any movie that makes me dislike Robin Williams for a moment is powerful. Into the Wild was a B movie that I got pressured into seeing. It was really long, and contained a lot of hunting-related gore that I could have done without. However, the mostly true story it told was incredible. It follows this rich kid on a journey starting with him cutting up his credit cards, ID, and burning all of his money. He goes "into the wild" and tries to survive on his own through his epic journey to... Canada. It's kind of like Cast Away with actual speaking parts. The ending made the movie feel very not worth it, giving off that true story vibe, y'know? But it's the journey and not the destination. It was amazing. Bring a snack.[/font][/size]
  21. [quote name='Jakehammaren']And Face, never use Cannibal Corpse as the comparison point for Death Metal. They certainly don't epitomize the genre. In fact, they're pretty low-tier death metal.[/QUOTE] [font=arial][size=1]I feel stupid making this post (defending?) myself, but I thought the same thing when I saw them in the same list as Atheist in Kam's post. I was just using CC to point them out, because it was pretty strange seeing an awesome band like Atheist within the same sentence as them.[/font][/size]
  22. [font=arial][size=1]Atheist is death metal? I own Elements and I've heard some of their older stuff but I had them pegged for progressive metal. They're nothing at all like Cannibal Corpse, for example. Explain?[/font][/size]
  23. [quote name='Premonition'][COLOR="77656"]Killswitch Engage is one of my favorite metalcore bands, and I think they're sort of unique in their gennre.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [font=arial][size=1][b]NO.[/b] Unique for metalcore is stuff like Prayer for Cleansing and old Between the Buried and Me. Also, some of the stuff from Botch, Heavy Heavy Low Low, and even Underoath are pretty unique to other metalcore bands (but not everything they do is really metalcore either). Killswitch is the epitome of a metalcore band, they do absolutely everything a metalcore band should. That's why they're so terrible, haha.[/font][/size]
  24. [font=arial][size=1]Jake: ***hole. At least the lyrics are more in the vein of Opeth rather than Ensiferum, haha. I know, apples to oranges, it works for me though. It actually makes me happy. MissWem: This thread needs more visitors like you. Unfortunately, I cannot recommend any other Symphonic Metal bands.[/font][/size]
  25. [font=arial][size=1]Hi Jake, lol. I checked out Moonsorrow - V: Havitetty and I really like it. Well, just the first song so far. That song is longer than most of the records I buy so after listening to it, I had to take a break. The music is standard metal fare for me, but it's the GOOD KIND. My favorite part is probably the vocals though, they remind me of Majority Rule's vocalist, which by the way, if you were to like a hardcore band, they would be it. So I like a non-sludge metal band now. Woah, guys. I just refuse to know what they're screaming about, or see any pictures.[/font][/size]
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