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Goodbye, Face

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Everything posted by Goodbye, Face

  1. [font=trebuchet ms]Modern rock... Not a big favorite, but I do listen to it. Some of my favorites include AutoDefe, Christiansen, The Mars Volta, and Circa Survive. AutoDefe is a band I happened to pass by one day at PureVolume, they're really good, I haven't really checked on them in a while, though. They have a progressive feel to their music. Christiansen started out as an Emo band, but moved into a more Hippie Rock band, if that is actually a genre. They changed their name to Your Highness Electric, but haven't really done anything since. I shouldn't have to tell you about Mars Volta, lol. A very good prog-rock band with members of The Movielife. Features some Latin music influences. Circa Survive is a supergroup fronted by Anthony Green, the former vocalist of Saosin. It definitely has a prog-rock feel, but the band denies it. I [i]love[/i] this band. Other than that, my tastes are just too weird to be called normal Modern Rock, lol. [size=1]And A7X blows.[/size][/font]
  2. [font=trebuchet ms]I have a friend who is a speed skater, I also have a friend that is a figure skater. Speed skating was really easy for me to pick up, I was apparently a natural or something. However, I simply do not have the body for figure skating so I don't do anything beyond skating around on the ice. However, if I can lend my opinion on anything, it would be that skateboarding is quite difficult. It took me a year and a half to get good at just getting around on the board, and then another half a year to do my first ollie. Luckily, I haven't broken any bones, but I have come close dozens of times. On a few occaisions, I thought I was going to die. However, it's great for getting your adrenaline pumping. I usually put a cd in dad's sound system in the garage, set up a mini ramp at the bottom of my driveway, and then just go for it. If you're bad a skateboarding, don't even think about snowboarding. That was one of the worst mistakes in my life... :animeswea [/font]
  3. [quote name='IceRose']Currently living : Durham, NC, ten minutes away from Duke University[/quote] [font=trebuchet ms]Wow, another person from NC! I reside in High Point, but I somehow have a Jamestown mailing address. Anyways, I'm Kevin Douglas McCarty, seventeen year-old, tear-drenched shoulder extraordinaire. I get my kicks from Metal and Hardcore music, Horror movies, video games, and making fun of my verbal punching bag of a best friend. If I'm not on the computer, I'm using my computer chair for gaming, drawing, or trying to finish mountains of nightly homework. I hold some sort of get-together almost every Saturday, this started when I got my new bedroom in August. It's really nice, it has the feel of both a well-decorated bedroom and a place that you would actually want to hang out in. I have a small group of five or six really close friends and then a really large group of people I call my friends but I never feel like I belong with them. I like to constantly surround myself with lots of friends because I have no siblings. I am unemployed because there's so many people who want jobs in my area. It's impossible to find a job around here unless you're at the right place at the right time. My last job was working at a video game store with a close friend, how lucky was that?! As far as sports go, I like fighting sports and high-contact sports. It's not fun unless someone leaves in a stretcher. I personally fence, skateboard, and I've gotten a black belt in two martial arts. Other than that, I'm not an athletic person. I have the worst metabolism in the world. I rarely eat anything at all, and I'm still pushing 210. I really have no idea what I'm doing wrong, I eat decently, and excersize when I can. I hate my body. :( Relationships? I'm a hopeless romantic, I've gone out with a lot of girls but only a handful have made it past a month. I cannot deal with smokers, or anyone who does any kind of drug. And no, it's not ok to go out with both a guy and a girl if you're bi, that is dumb. Other than that, if you follow those rules, I will find a way of liking you, lol. Oh, and lol @ Alan.[/font]
  4. Goodbye, Face

    Heavy Metal

    [quote name='Justin']It's been so long sinnce I took up any time here. It's good to return to find at least one person with great musical taste. Pretty crucial, that Rifles. Pretty darn crucial.[/quote] [font=trebuchet ms]Thank you, lol.[/font] [quote name='Justin']Has anyone noticed the recent reemergence of thrash and power metal? I love it, especially as some bands are beginning to take those old sounds and mix them with the newer metalcore/hardcore sounds that have all but become cliche. I've also noticed how bands are beginning to push deeper into synthesizer-powered hard music, which has really brought death metal and black metal increasingly to the forefront.[/quote] [font=trebuchet ms]I've seen a bit of power metal coming back, but it really hasn't been that much, at least what I've seen. I've been checking out Line of Fire a little, considering the fact that Dr. Extremus Melodicus has one of the coolest voices out there.[/font] [quote name='Justin']I'm one of those losers who's in a band, goes to far too many shows, spends too much money on CDs and could go on about this music thing forever.[/quote] [font=trebuchet ms]Welcome to the club. We have uniforms.[/font] [quote name='The myth, the man, the Jake']Don't worry, Rifles, I wasn't gonna attack you. I guess I really do have a reputation around here...[/quote] [font=trebuchet ms]*peeks out from covers* So it's safe now? I also thought it was funny that ChobitsLover mentioned that s/he hates "neo metal," but also lists like two or three Nu Metal bands as his/her favorites.[/font]
  5. [font=trebuchet ms]When the Rifles aren't at Recess, I'm a high school junior with way too much homework. I draw, paint, sketch and any other words used for producing any type of art, I do it all. I'm also very obssessed with music, odds are, if I'm not on OB, I still have the music blasting from my computer and I'm just playing some Soul Calibur III or doing homework. I also fence and skateboard, both of which are very fun, being that they're the only two sports which I really enjoy. I've also been trying to keep my band stable, but people come and go so rapidly that it's hard to get started with song writing and the like. As far as current issues, I'm working on starting a webcomic. I'm hoping have something to show for this by January. I'm also trying to pass Chemistry and English this year, you know, so I can not have to take them again...[/font]
  6. [font=trebuchet ms]Yeah, I had that problem too, when I left a comment, it wouldn't appear until a day later. Also, for some reason when I sign a guestbook in Trebuchet, it comes out in Times New Roman. Strange.[/font]
  7. [font=trebuchet ms]Yeah, possibly. But how often are most people going to change their name? I figure that if you plan on staying a while, you should at least pick a user name that suits you well enough that you'll like it for more than a year. This is just my opinion. And as stated, many forums don't even give members this opportunity. Then again, I'm not really asking for a change, just out of what's been presented, I like Hevn's idea the best.[/font]
  8. [font=trebuchet ms]Well, I like Hevn's idea. If they miss the Name Change day, too bad, it's a privilege. And the day would be announced well in advance anyways so they can plan for it. However, none of this matters to me, I'm sure if I changed my name someone would go hang him/herself or something.[/font]
  9. [font=trebuchet ms]Then we'll have members spamming up the place in order to get those 500 posts. They did it for titles a few years ago.[/font]
  10. Goodbye, Face

    Heavy Metal

    [font=trebuchet ms]Well if you like Guns and Roses, I must immediately recommend He is Legend, I think you'll like them. You can find 'em on PureVolume. Aside from that, I don't know any anime that has metal music in it. But since you have lighter tastes, for the most part, I'd recommend Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040 and FLCL. Bubblegum Crisis has a soundtrack based in a techno-rock sort of genre. I like it, for an anime soundtrack. I love FLCL's soundtrack though. Its music is done by a Japanese band called the pillows, which is basically a bit like Weezer. Sure, it's not exactly your tastes, but you'd probably like it anyway.[/font]
  11. [font=trebuchet ms]Is she getting an error message or something? If so, it'd be helpful we knew what it said.[/font]
  12. Goodbye, Face

    Heavy Metal

    [quote name='Amorphous']Do not be surprised when you find yourself being ridiculed by other metal heads on what true metal is. [/quote] [font=trebuchet ms]*Glares at Jake* While I am disgusted by your first two 'favs,' I have some respect for Metallica, even though I don't really listen to them either. I personally love Hardcore and Metalcore music, the former is not metal either. *still jumping through the hoops so Jake doesn't attack me, lol* Metalcore bands all pretty much sound the same, aside from a trick that a certain band will do. To each his own. I like the ones that throw in some symphony behind all of the mic-swallowing. Thusly, I like bands such as Still Remains and All That Remains (ha). I sold my soul to Beloved last year, so that's probably worth mentioning. Definitely worth a listen. Other than that, I mostly like hardcore, which is basically metal without the chorus and any beat or groove whatsoever. Other than that, I must await your response for any further recommendation/badgering.[/font]
  13. [font=trebuchet ms]In StarCraft I used to constantly get accused of hacking because I was rather good. I spent the two years I wasn't here... over there... Anyways, I quit playing because it felt like I was the only trustworthy person there. I made friends with a lot of newbies, showed them the ropes, and still AIM them every once in a while. However, when I talked to some people that had played the game for a little while, ones who already knew how to play, they were fearful of me due to bad experiences with oldies. Oh well. Oh, funny thing to do if you're Terran: Make lots of cheap buildings and hover them over your opponent's base. Cover up their buildings and troops so they can't click on them. That's where the fun's at.[/font]
  14. [font=trebuchet ms]Here's how it goes. My plan is to buy myself the red DS bundle and ask my parents for a PSP for Christmas. Other than that, I'd really like to pick up the Katamari games (addicting as hell), Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne (yeah, i rented it a while ago), SMT: Digital Devil Saga 2, Shadow of the Colossus (very very cool, especially after playing a level), and some racing games (F Zero and Burnout 3) so my dad will play games with me, lol. As far as PSP games go, I'm looking at Dynasty Warriors and WipeOut Pure. DS... well, for now I'd be happy with only Mario Kart, but I'd also like Kirby: Canvas Curse.[/font]
  15. [size=1][font=trebuchet ms][b]Name:[/b] Kylesa Speziale [b]Age:[/b] Twenty? something. [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Just about everything:[/b] I?ll draw a picture as soon as I can get new pens. Kylesa?s face is covered by long, tangled black hair, his red eyes shine through as if they had their own light source. In an attempt to further conceal his face, he wears a wide-brimmed hat, mostly like a cowboy hat, but that?d give you the wrong idea. He doesn?t have a home, so he either smells of dirt or pond water most of the time, furthermore, his clothes are old and slightly yellowed. He wears a white tank-top under a black vest with a high collar, pockets inside and out. If he opens his vest, you?d see that he is stocked up like an alley merchant, however, that?d give you the wrong idea. He carries knives; many, many knives. Knives of varying lengths, weights, and so forth. He wears chains as necklaces, one has a lock on it, keeping it together; one has a few keys and a key ring on it, which keeps it together; and the last one has a diamond ring that connects the ends. All of these things mean something to Kylesa. He wears a bracelet on one arm made up of a wire and human teeth with a hole drilled in for the wire to pass through, he did not collect these teeth himself, but he received it as a gift. His other arm is covered up by a gauntlet, with the hand exposed. He wears black leather gloves that are torn up rather badly. He wants to get new ones, but he hasn?t gotten around to it. He?s too busy traveling. He enjoys the city, he makes it his goal to travel every city in the United States before he dies, so far he?s off to a good start. Kylesa is called many things, but that?d give you the wrong idea. He is a killer, he doesn?t kill randomly, but he kills people for people. There is no way for his kills to be traced to him as no one sees him. He moves about by teleporting, similar to hackers in Diablo, but that?d give you the wrong idea. He can move from here to there faster than the eye can blink. He can go anywhere that he can actually see instantly. Similar to Nightcrawler, but without that purple puff he leaves behind. Kylesa can teleport down from a rooftop and strike his victim down and teleport away so fast that it looks like his victim just tripped? and became detached from the rest of their body. If Kylesa has a weakness, it is that he is still human, he?s still mortal, and he still gets surprised. If you ever get to meet him, you?ll find that he is a simple man with simple wants and needs. If you look at his skin you will see all sorts of different scars from initiations, fights, betrayals, et cetera. He is valiant around those who show that they are trustworthy friends and will go out of his way to protect them, especially females. That, good friend, should give you the right idea about Kylesa Speziale. [b]Biography, Sample Post:[/b] ?So? where do we go this week?? Rayne asked suddenly. Kylesa was forced to recall his past based on the way a word sounded. [i]?You are so weak. Weak. How could you let her do this to you?? The blindfold gets pulled undone, Kylesa remembers the first thing he did was gasp and check a mysterious bullet wound. It was still bleeding, badly. He had no idea how it got there, let alone how he got there. ?There? consisted of a brick room with no windows except for a small grated window at the top, about a foot and a half long and a few inches wide, bars a centimeter in diameter. This was obviously just so Savage could see the wounds he was inflicting. ?What did? What did you do to me?? Kylesa choked out. ?Look deep inside, young man. I did not put you in these shackles. Want to guess who did?? Kylesa quickly scans the room. If it wasn?t him, then who would it be? Then again, why was his most trusted friend standing beside Savage? ?You? you did this?? ?Yep!? Erin hops from her flat feet to her toes and back, she smiles at the peak of this movement, closing her eyes while she smiles, giving a teasing look. Kylesa is looking back, he should have known better. Savage brings his whip back into his other hand and continues his lashing. ?Do you see what happens when you cross me, Kylesa Speziale? Now you have to suffer!? Kylesa would spend two minutes taking his eternal punishment. He closed his eyes, after the first twenty lashes, the rest didn?t bother him as much. He was able to force his eyes open. He focused on the grate and at the thought of being free. Freedom was his. This was the first time he used his power. [/i] ?Hello? Kylesa! What happened?? Kylesa blinks his eyes open, he?s back in the present, out of that room. ?Oh, sorry, I was thinking about something. You should pick the place. Where do you want to go??[/font][/size]
  16. [font=trebuchet ms]What a lot of people don't understand is that Linkin Park was a group called Xero, which sounded similar to some stuff by POD. It was when Chester joined that they became a "rock band." Before that, it was just hip-hop with guitars. If anything, Linkin Park is more rap-influenced than rock-influenced. I know, why don't we call them a pop band and get it over with? Sure, they're not the Backstreet Boys, but they have the same amount of popularity and insane fans.[/font]
  17. [font=trebuchet ms]Oooh boy, I could have hours of fun with this one. I read this topic earlier today and when I had my friend over, I asked him to bring his LP/Jay-Z cd over so I could get a real opinion about it. Honestly, teaming up with Jay-Z was probably one of the best things that LP accomplished. Granted, Hybrid Theory was good, in uhh... middle school... but they had some catchy songs, lyrics that occaisonally felt less like bad gothic poetry and more like a band that is being told to fit into an image, and their own mostly unique style that is hard to emulate. I really can't understand how LP fans say that LP is their favorite band, yet say things that Hybrid Theory was their only good cd, or that combining it with rap was a mistake. How the hell does that work? How can you hate a band for trying to add talent to their music? In any case, I dislike Linkin Park. Their lyrics don't speak to me, their music doesn't affect me, their fans are mostly people who think that they're depressed, cut themselves for no reason, or are into music for the fashion. All I see is a group of guys who are extremely successful at being a fake rock band. Rage Against the Machine was better anyways. If I have truly offended you by stating my opinion, I'm sorry. Feel free to IM me so we can talk it out.[/font]
  18. [font=trebuchet ms]When this came out on the computer two years ago, I picked it up the day it came out along with one of those pre-release T-shirts. I found the game to be very boring, and not catered to newbies at all. No one in FFXI really talk to eachother like they do in other games. In essence, you have a few thousand people running around a city not talking to eachother. This makes it impossible to meet people because there is no conversation to jump into, and it's intimidating to ask for help. All of this for $13 a month? No freakin' way, man. However, I enjoy playing the $1/month game bundled with it called Tetra Master. It a very small group that play it, but I've made many friends off of it. Even saying this, most people in the game play by themselves and have VS ranks at 100.00, meaning that they've never played a human at all. Sad. I try to play any games I see open, and I create games and help newbies out. With such a small group of people, you really feel happy when you see other people following your example. I hope Front Mission Online comes out soon, they've been promising that for like a year now. Other than that, FFXI coming out for the X360 does not matter to me. It's too expensive and the experience you get out of it is still largely single-player. This is, of course, just my opinion.[/font]
  19. [font=trebuchet ms]I have a friend who tried to have a long-distance relationship with an OBer. I was good friends with the girl who lives a few states away, my 'real' friend couldn't spell and was overall rather dull (he's improved over the years), so any conversation he had with her was easily beaten by the simultaneous conversation I was having with her at the time. Basically, this girl was in need of attachment, and wasn't afraid of being in an internet relationship, so my friend asked her 'out.' This relationship of having no conversation besides "*kisses you*" and random questions from time to time was a dumb idea. My friend started cheating on her and after a few months of this going on, I told her about it. Obviously, they broke up. In summary, I really don't believe a long-distance relationship could work, especially over the internet. What's the point in being more than friends when that's all you can be?[/font]
  20. [font=trebuchet ms]Is anyone else aware that this thread started waaay back in 2003? I was wondering about Jesus Chicken being the thread starter... To me, there's two types of "those songs...," those that I listened to at hard times and recieved solace from doing so, or songs that are just plain sad or uplifting. I won't post lyrics to these simply because no one will read them, thus it's a waste. If you are truly interested, you should be able to find these on Google. To make this a rule-abiding post, I'll post my thoughts on them. [b]Beloved - Failure On My Lips[/b] This song tends to bring a few tears to my eyes, the lyrics are very true to me. If you met me, and had the lyrics to go by, you would see those lyrics in me. I tend to feel like a failure often, and it's because of choices that I've made, and people I can't protect. The lyric "We feign as a shield," with it being in the rest of this sad song, almost seems too specific to me. There was someone in my life I failed to protect. I won't go into that. [b]Glass Casket - A Gray A.M. You Will Never Get To See[/b] This song is about the singer's sister who died. He describes the moment he finds out vividly, and says that it is his mission in life to carry on her kindness throughout his life, since she no longer can. "...And tell the whole world what a wonderful person they will never get to meet." [b]Swift - Dr. Shaw[/b] In this song, the singer is afraid of his father, he references moments in his life where his father would beat him up and stuff. My connection with this song isn't based on parents or abuse or anything like that. It kind of has an idea behind it that basically says that if your own father hates you, what does that say about everyone else? I shared his mindset for a certain time, I felt the whole world was against me, as did he. This song really helped. "I hope your shoe's shined from all the tears that you walk on." [b]Circa Survive - We're All Thieves[/b] The lyrics won't help you here, the song itself is beautiful. If the chorus doesn't bring tears to your eyes, I hate you. *sniff*[/font]
  21. [font=trebuchet ms]If you asked me this last year, I would have hopped up and down screaming that Brand New pwn j00, arms flailing, the whole bit. I didn't really like [i]Your Favorite Weapon[/i] at all, and [i]Deja Etendu[/i] got boring after a year. Thus, I grew out of them, I still like a few of their songs, and I wouldn't complain about being forced to listen to them. I think that overall, they're an enjoyable band, they just aren't for me anymore.[/font]
  22. [font=trebuchet ms]Well, considering that this is the first Bodom cd I got (I downloaded some of their other songs), I was impressed. It's fun to listen to, but yes, it is a bit more bland than I expected. I've heard some of their good stuff, so I know that it only gets better from this cd. I haven't really checked out the lyrics yet, I was a bit saddened that they didn't put the lyrics in the insert... I actually found the package lacking overall. I do like the cd though, and the bonus track is uhh... interesting... I'll probably be getting Follow the Reaper next week, along with that new-ish Opeth cd.[/font]
  23. [font=trebuchet ms]There are some Death Metal bands I like and some I dislike. It's not particularly my favorite genre, since it basically sounds like someone belching into the microphone. As I Lay Dying is a great band... well, their new cd doesn't really appeal to me... but I like them nonetheless. After AILD, I'm not really sure what is or isn't a Death Metal band. I tend to get told something's Death Metal only to find out it's Metalcore or something. Overall, I like Metalcore better. Oh, Jake, I got the new Bodom cd, it's awesome.[/font]
  24. [font=trebuchet ms]I usually don't even think about the morality of the character I'm playing. I just know that I hat eplaying as the 'silent hero.' I like it more when they build some personality for the character. Yet, at the same time, I was disgusted by Lloyd in Tales of Symphonia, his blatant stupidity ruined the game for me. If I'm given the choice between good and evil in a game, I usually head down the evil path, just because that's what appeals to me the most. In NeverWinter Nights I chose Neutral Neutral and just played the game and ended up in Neutral Chaotic or something. It's been a while. Well, I liked that system, your actions and the things you say determine what your character does, the path the game takes, etc. I'm sorry, my brain's fried from homework, so I really can't form a coherent post right now.[/font]
  25. [font=trebuchet ms]Ok, I've played this game nonstop for a week, ignoring homework and social life to do so. The English voiceovers are horrible. After the first two days I switched the language to Japanese and was much happier. Xianghua has been taking steroids since SCII, while some of the more broken characters like Talim and Ivy have been toned down. I'm disappointed with Talim now, until I decide to get used to her new moves. Ivy's good moves are harder to do, but they make more sense. Kilik is a lot better in this game, as if he wasn't n00btastic enough in the last game. I hate what they did with Maxi's jumping attack, they stuck it right in the middle of his combos so your opponent can sidestep and watch you dive off the cliff. Fun. Some characters, like Cassandra, were barely changed, which is fine with me. I'm disappointed with how few moves Tira has, and her lack of speed doesn't help. Her moves seem to be interrupted constantly; I'd rather play as Seigfried or Nightmare, who feel faster this time around. At least Tira can juggle you right out of the ring when things go well. Setsuka and Zsalamel are awesome, though. I was pretty sure I wouldn't like Setsuka until I bought the game and lost to her some fourty times before I decided to quit and play the game as her. She was the first character I beat the game with. Zasalamel's moves are just plain awesome and well-balanced, I like him. I have not bothered to play Chronicles yet, as I decided to wait to get good weapons and cool stuff to make characters out of. I keep hearing that it's next to impossible, so I guess it's good that I waited anyways. Making your own characters is fun, what's better is making characters based off of your friends, having the real person come over, and you kicking their *** with him/her. Overall, it's a fun game, but a few of the changes made me mad. I'm not sure if I can really say I like it better than SCII, especially since I know that game like the back of my hand.[/font]
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