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Goodbye, Face

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Everything posted by Goodbye, Face

  1. [font=trebuchet ms]I enjoy a lot of games, I have very few games that I can call absolute favorites, but here's a few. [b]Vagrant Story (PS):[/b] To me, this is the best game on the Playstation. This game chewed up some SRPG's and some Survival games, and spat out an adventure with more customization than you could shake a stick at for it's time. Everything about the game was done perfectly, the story parts were done well both in cinematics and style. I loved the whole gothic comic book motif. This game just made you feel cool for playing it. [b]The Guardian Legend (NES):[/b] Wow, this game is weird. They combined a top-down shooter with Zelda. This game is just so hard to explain without you having already played it. Someone needs to make a sequel to this game with improved graphics and stuff. I should make a petition, lol. [b]Soul Calibur II (Multi):[/b] So far, this game still holds out above SCIII in my heart. I felt like they did everything right with this game, nothing felt sub-par. SCIII is just too far a departure from SCII, and the English voices suck. So Soul Calibur II beats it, and remains one of my favorites. I guess that's it.[/font]
  2. [font=trebuchet ms]I thought of this as well, just... a few years ago, lol. Basically, if you really need help with your homework or something, a message board is probably a little too slow considering that volumes of information is easily availible at places like Wikipedia.org. As for school-related problems, there's plenty of them in the Lounge; if not, make your own thread.[/font]
  3. [QUOTE=Pumpkin][FONT=Arial][SIZE=2]Haha, saw that on saturday. It was actually pretty good even though I was afraid I might have nightmares for a few days, the plot was catchy. Oh and BTW, if you have needlephobia, I don't recommend you watch Saw II. [/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE] [font=trebuchet ms]Then again, Saw isn't exactly a good choice for people who suffer with phobias to begin with. I feel sorry for any hemophobic (or whatever the term is) people who get suckered into seeing this movie. The blood flows like booze at a frat party.[/font]
  4. Goodbye, Face


    [font=trebuchet ms]Hmm, I don't think I've heard anything off of All Hallow's, I'll try to check it out sometime; but I own Very Proud of Ya, and you can tell just from the name of the album that it can't be all that great. I didn't go into their albums because I for one, only listened to each of them once, just to hear what they sound like while keeping the quality intact; and for two, didn't expect that many people to question me after stating that they've only listened to Sing the Sorrow. I'm a little saddened that Black Sails didn't appeal to you either, that one and Art of Drowning are my favorites from them, I just gave them a listen again to be sure. I'm not saying that you're stupid or that you opinion is wrong or anything, Jake, I just disagree with you sometimes.[/font]
  5. [font=trebuchet ms]In the way that children are raised as Christians, I was raised as a horror/suspense movie lover. I do end up watching everything, but I enjoy horror movies the most. I have several favorites: The Hole, Tangled, Saw II (as of Friday), Godsend, etc. I also love Jim Carrey and Kevin Smith movies. All the movies are great, but I omitted them from the list and I'm saying this.[/font]
  6. [font=trebuchet ms]I live in North Carolina. I'm right on the border between Jamestown and High Point, so we get charged for long distance when we call some of our neighbors. I live near six parks and I'm in walking distance to five food stores, a music store, a comic and trading cards store, a GameStop, a mall, three bookstores, etc. It's nice living in my location, but I really hate the redneck culture that surrounds me. Most seem to be extremely arrogant and it annoys me. Aside from that, it's a nice place, just avoid Furniture Market traffic if you're visiting.[/font]
  7. [font=trebuchet ms]My screen name comes from a band that was disbanded a year after they formed, and a week before their cd hit the shelves. They never made any money from their decent success. Their cd, [u]To Whisper in Tongues[/u] still holds one of Tribunal Records' top spots in sales after about two years. Not bad. If you're interested in a song from them, IM me. Why did I pick the name? Number one, for shock value. It makes people like Stuart introduce themselves to me with the words "When I first saw your name I giggled a little." Number two, I identified with this name because I was called "the next Columbine killer" all through middle school. I was picked on constantly, welts on my face, etc.; and I would come home to my parents just coming home from work and bickering about how bad their day was. My life sucked until mom threw her back out, sad but true. So RiflesAtRecess it is. Kind of rolls off the tongue, doesn't it?[/font]
  8. Goodbye, Face


    [font=trebuchet ms]Yeah, I've said this to you before, Jake. Just because you don't like them, and people who buy over-priced band shirts listen to them, it still doesn't mean that the music is horrible. I'm not that big of an AFI fan anymore, but in 8th grade, they were all I listened to. I'm interested in what you've heard from them, Jake; as Sing the Sorrow is their worst cd by a long shot. Years before that they were an edgy punk band comparable only to themselves. There, now I'm done picking on Jake. If you think Davey has a good vocal range, I feel sorry for you. Go listen to Circa Survive and come back here. And for Jake, there's Line of Fire, which is Dr. Extremus Melodicus (the guy that does the guest vocals on a few of KILLWHITNEYDEAD's songs) and Collin, the drummer of KWD, Advent, and The Demonstraton; with some other members. I'll be picking up the cd when the birthday checks start coming.[/font]
  9. [font=trebuchet ms]My friend, Zidane 11, went here many years ago. Apparently, he was one of the first members and was on OB v1. I joined when OB v2 just became v3. It was white and purple. This place is my first message boards, and it's one of my only ones. I too have visited Go-Gaia, it lost its appeal to me very fast. Everyone wanted money so they could accessorize their little two-inch avatar. Stupid. I just can't imagine myself anywhere but here. I really can't stand people who can't type coherent sentences, let alone have a point to make. This is the only message board I've seen that allows for that. Yeah, I'll post some highlights... [list] [*]Joined as CloudStrife00 [*][/font][SIZE=3][FONT=Century Gothic][color=crimson]Kuja was my first friend.[/color][/SIZE][/FONT][font=trebuchet ms] [*]My other friends got banned. [*]I made a friend through an RPG where all the members left except for her and myself. We're still friends to this day. [*]I've gotten ten of my friends to join, two were banned. The rest left. [*][/font][SIZE=3][FONT=Century Gothic][color=crimson]Kuja changed his name, changed back to Kuja, lost his moderator postition, and got banned.[/color][/SIZE][/FONT][font=trebuchet ms] [*]I made an RPG that got spammed and was blamed for it in a sticky. [*]Changed my name to Axel--Ignition [*]I left. [*]I came back as Kill All Trends. [*]Dragon Warrior made me do it, I swear. :< [*]I left again. [*]Cool people joined. [*]I rejoined last year as RiflesAtRecess and didn't post until this summer. [*]I am the man. [/list] [/font]
  10. [font=trebuchet ms]Aha, now I see. Yes, I dislike that saying as well. My life is fine how it is, I don't see how having another thing added to my self would do anything but leave me unbalanced. When people 'find God,' I would think it's exactly the same as finding a boy/girlfriend. Does it make you feel good? Does it better your life a little? Yes. Well, at least I'd hope so. The same thing could be applied to anything that makes you feel loved, I think that's part of -- if not the whole -- argument that people who say this are using.[/font]
  11. [font=trebuchet ms]Lafleur, you can't just insult something because it doesn't work for you. Granted, I don't belong to the religion, but even I feel insulted by you calling it rubbish. Retribution, I share your views as well. With all these religions having their own form of afterlife, it would make sense that they'd be connected to eachother and open to generally good people. This is, of course, assuming that there is an afterlife. I also agree with James on many levels. He said things that I couldn't find the words to say, but I believe whole-heartedly. I cannot dismiss religion, I can't totally say that there is no God because we, as mortal humans who cannot know death until we experience it, will never know. I also find myself questioning my own beliefs every once-in-a-while. It's a healthy thing to do. I can easily see supporting 'evidence' (for lack of a better word) for why people beleive in Creation. The world just seems perfect. Study biology, there is something in nature that perfectly counterbalances everything. From food chains to cell growth, everything cleans up after itself and just seems perfect. I can accept this, and this is the reason why I can't completely dismiss religion. Oh, and post #300.[/font]
  12. [font=trebuchet ms]It'd be interesting to see what awesome music they make without her holding them down. Let's look at Norma Jean and Underoath for a second. They both were very popular with their old singers and also very good. They both lost and replaced their vocalists, is the music any worse? Sure, it's different, but they didn't become horrible bands. I'm pretty sure they became more successful after the change and appealed to a greater range of people. Sure, some of their fans became alienated, but that happens from cd to cd as well. Look at Boys Night Out for that. Anyways, I can't wait for their new cd. I hope they live up to what I just said.[/font]
  13. [QUOTE=Pandy][SIZE=1] But.. don't you think that it's impossible for a human to just stop existing? Our life would be of no significance! I mean, if you where in an eternal sleep without any dreams or thoughts or feelings, you would have no possible way of remembering this life. And if something doesn't exist in your memory, it's like it doesn't exist at all. It just doesn't make sense to me. I'm not trying to change the way you think or your beliefs. I'm just curious, that's all. I'm sorry if I bothered you at all.[/SIZE][/QUOTE] [font=trebuchet ms]^^ Not bothered at all. What you're asking me is similar to a question that I could ask you. What if there is no God? What if there is no heaven, and you just stop existing other than a rotting corpse in a coffin somewhere? You have accepted heaven and you have demonstrated in the above quote that you can't fathom it any other way. I am in the same place as you. I have accepted a cold, dark death; I feel that my life has/is/will be good enough to where heaven would be excessive. I see it as a form of greed. I suppose that if there is a God, and there is a heaven; sure, I'd like to be invited to the party. :) Happy thoughts.[/font]
  14. Goodbye, Face


    [font=trebuchet ms]Time to save another band thread... Whether you like them or not, you at least cannot call AFI untalented. As far as I'm concerned, these guys started the current punk/pop-punk revolution (good or bad). They are one of the most popular punk bands ever and produced several good albums and cd's. Do I like them? I like their older songs, mostly on their vinyl releases, as opposed to their newer cd's. While I don't think they'll ever make a better cd than the Art of Drowning, Black Sail in the Sunset was a solid one as well. Their newest cd, although it's a little old, doesn't appeal to me that much, I like "The Leaving Song Pt. II" and that's it. They turned into an old favorite after that cd. I haven't listened to them in a while. [/font][font=Verdana][color=blue]"Time to save another band thread..." - Heh, you seem to be doing a lot of that, don't you? ^_^[/color][/font] [font=Verdana][color=blue]- Petie[/color][/font] [font=trebuchet ms][size=1]Yep. It's a sad job, but someone has to do it.[/size][/font]
  15. [QUOTE=Pandy][SIZE=1] Hmm, okay.. Can I ask you something? What do you believe will actually HAPPEN to you when you die? Do you believe your being will dissapear into nothingness, never to be seen again? I'm not atheist, so I'm clueless as you how an atheist would perceive death.[/SIZE][/QUOTE] [font=trebuchet ms]I figure that when I die, my time's up. Maybe it's like sleep, and we'd just have a nice, long dream that we'll never wake up from? Or you know, we could just... die, becoming no more, no thoughts, nothing. Not a pleasant thought, but, that's why it's death, right? Heaven sounds nice, but I don't like believing something that's not a known fact, I've already accepted plain ol' death as something I have to deal with. Typical atheist belief, when it comes to death, there isn't a fact. [/font]
  16. [font=trebuchet ms]I'd like to start by saying that I'm NOT here to offend anyone. The thread is here, so I'm posting MY OPINION on the matter. Thank you. I was born in a free environment as far as religion goes. My mother is agnostic, same type of belief as DeathKnight; my Dad is a former devout Christian, now he doesn't really care for religion. My parents left their descision up to me and I decided that at least to me, it was a waste of time. I am atheist, when I die, I plan on going in a wooden box six feet underground somewhere in Hatboro, PA. I seriously doubt "I'm going to hell because I don't believe in hell." In every religion there exist a wish for tolerance of other religions that you don't believe in, even if it is a lack of a religion. Some people don't understand this. I have had any positive thoughts about religion beaten out of me in middle school from people I've never met that were of the Christian faith. From that point onward, I haven't truly trusted Christians, I have a bit of disliking towards them as well. Some people irrationally fear clowns, I "fear" Christians. I don't hate you because you're religious, but it takes a lot more for me to truly enjoy your presence if the first thing out of your mouth when you meet me is "What church do you go to?" Sorry, no thanks.[/font]
  17. [font=trebuchet ms][color=red][b]I used System Recovery to fix this problem. So ignore this message if you want to.[/b][/color] My good computer that I normally use is fried, so I'm typing this on dad's pitiful computer. Bascially, when I turn on my computer, it either boots up with no taskbar and no keyboard/mouse function, or it'll come up with the taskbar, complete with Start button and clock, but no background programs and the only thing I can really do is hit Ctrl-Alt-Delete. NOthing seems to work, and I'd rather not suffer through another System Recovery, so I'm asking for other options, if there isn't anything else I can do, I'll just have to do it. :([/font]
  18. [font=trebuchet ms]This question has been asked before, I think. I like the Gundam Battle Assault games. You probably have them, but for those who don't know, they're fighting games that run at a... slower pace. It's a different kind of combat than what Street Fighter provides, it's not a bad game as you would normally think. It just takes some getting used to. Other than that series, yeah, all the Gundam games suck. Maybe the PS3 one will turn out good, it looks kind of cool.[/font]
  19. [font=trebuchet ms]I got one out of the first batch of PS2's as well. Within six months my PS2 couldn't read anything, I took it in to It's About Games and they fixed it for free. It worked perfectly for about a year and it stopped reading games again. By this time, the store had closed and I would have to send it to Sony to get it fixed, but they wouldn't touch it, as the warranty seal was breached when I took it to It's About Games. I read a guide online and cleaned the lens, it worked fine for another year then got hit by lightening. Yeah, God fragged my PS2. I spent a few months playing GCN games and decided to sell my PSP (since it wasn't doing so hot at the time) to pay for my shiny, new PStwo. Since I've gotten it, I've had no problems. Yay. Stupid Sony. I'll probably never buy another system from them again. They just seem to always do things wrong.[/font]
  20. [font=trebuchet ms]I swear there's a new favorite genre thread every week... Anyways, I love Hardcore, and in extension, some Metal sub-genres like Black, Death, and Symphonic. I also love progressive rock, which is a bit of a new thing for me. I tend to stay away from the bands that everyone is listening to and listen to more ecclectic stuff. What I like most about hardcore is that nothing repeats (usually). I like more of a sporadic song structure that isn't limited by randomly repeating certain lines. I guess I'm weird. I like metal bands that do something different, I dislike bands like Lamb of God (ducks for cover) where every song they do sounds almost exactly the same. I was in pure bliss when I heard As I Lay Dying's "Distance is Darkness" for the first time and all of a sudden a guest female singer started singing at the end. It's little things like that which make some bands rock. I like progressive rock when I want something speedy and not heavy. Something about high-pitched vocals speak to me too, the whole package just wow's me. My favorite bands include: Circle Takes the Square -Hardcore Beloved -Emocore Swift -Emocore Saosin -Emocore He is Legend -Southern Rock/Metal Kylesa -Metal/Punk Circa Survive -Progressive The Sound of Animals Fighting -Progressive All That Remains -[color=red][b]Metalcore[/color][/b] It Dies Today -[color=red][b]Metalcore[/color][/b] Glass Casket -Hardcore Between the Buried and Me -Hardcore KILLWHITNEYDEAD -Metalcore Every Time I Die -Hardcore Rifles at Recess - Hardcore [color=red][b]There, I changed it, Jake. Happy?[/color][/b][/font]
  21. [font=trebuchet ms]Every so often when I click a link, it says "otakuboards.com does not exist." Then I click reload and it works fine. No slowdown or anything, just a few annoying messages sometimes.[/font]
  22. [font=trebuchet ms]*pretends to understand what you're talking about beyond the title of the show* My Geometry teacher is a big fan of NUMB3RS, he sometimes makes us watch episodes and write summaries on it when he needs a substitute. I've only seen a few episodes, and haven't cared enough to watch it on my own, but it's a fun show. I liked the one about the money counterfeiters who kidnapped an artist, and the artist left clues for the police to find their headquarters.[/font]
  23. [font=trebuchet ms]I was wondering this a few days ago. I became what would fit into the "rocker" label when I got into high school, however I see little goth kids running around at the middle school and it frightens me. When I was in middle school, Goths only existed as villians in movies, Marilyn Manson was someone you stayed away from; but these kids are running around in middle school wearing all black, chains, etc. This goes beyond Hot Topic fare, this isn't Good Charlotte or Simple Plan, we're talking about KILLWHITNEYDEAD, Cradle of Filth, Norma Jean, and Between the Buried and Me stamped all over these twelve-year-olds. I also see fashion gone ary in the little girls, they're coming closer and closer to thongs and low rise jeans without having anything to show off. Sad.[/font]
  24. [font=trebuchet ms]One of my fondest memories centered around Monday Night Football. Basically, in my old house in PA. I played video games constantly in the basement and my parents would basically leave me allone, Dad was always working or resting from it, and mom was always cleaning; so my one guarantee of spending quality time with my parents was Monday. Every Monday night, my dad would come downstairs and we'd hang out, watching the game, and when the commercials came along, we'd munch on pistachios and play some multiplayer game, whether it be Double Dragon, Galaxy 3000, Contra, Super Contra, Guerilla War, Heavy Barrel, etc. Those were the days. I was a big fan of shooters, obviously, but I still cherish my memory of my first play through Final Fantasy. That game was fun, the level of customization in that game was the best of its time. I also loved StarTropics, but I'd always get stuck at the same place, I haven't really bothered playing it again to beat it. I also used to be obbssessed with Mega Man, I own all of his games from Mega Man to Mega Man 8, to Mega Man X, to Mega Man X5, then I kind of stopped. To this day, I love any side-scrolling shooter I can get my hands on, from Gradius to Einhander, from Sillius to Metal Slug.[/font]
  25. [font=trebuchet ms]I found some of my older posts, unfortunately, my first posts, as well as my first RPG, are deleted or something. I made a sign-up-less Final Fantasy RPG that I regret making, but I can't find it. Oh well, here are some classics. Just as a foreward, my old screen name is Axel--Ignition, my old friends are Nataniamon, Ryo, and Gouf, you'll see them a lot. Last Chance (Sign ups) [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=7548[/url] One Sentence Story (about Final Flash) [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=8184[/url] Clash of the Elements Sign-Up [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=15201[/url] Things You'd never hear in Gundam. (hey, the forum was dead, this was the first thread in it for several months) [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=16136[/url] And that's all I could find. My, OB has really grown, I don't remember myself being quite [i]that[/i] noobish either.[/font]
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