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Goodbye, Face

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Everything posted by Goodbye, Face

  1. [font=trebuchet ms]I came to this thread at the right time I guess, I'm listening to "Kashmir" right now. It's actually the symphonic version from the cd Kashmir - Symphonic Led Zeppelin. I've never really gotten into Black Sabbath, my parents wouldn't let me listen to them because they were banned from it too as kids. I didn't have much of an early start. I don't really like Ozzy so much after seeing how he is now in The Osbournes. Thus, my vote is for [b]Led Zeppelin[/b].[/font]
  2. [quote name='Charles']If you ever have the urge to post anything like that again, please take the blue pill and live life as if the thread never existed.[/quote] [font=trebuchet ms]That's signature material right there. Aside from that, I really think that this "upgrade" into graphics, TiVo, etc, isn't making the games any better. My opinion on this changes a lot, but I really don't think we need these next-generation systems. Games are meant to be an escape from reality. Now it just seems to be a competition between companies based on graphics, celebrity voices, and other factors that don't need to be a part of games. Lately I've been playing the NIS games (Disgaea, Phantom Brave, Ataeller Iris) and I haven't felt more entertained and more challenged in quite a while. Granted, I do like the new graphics, but I don't like what they're turning the industry into. I'd rather spend $200-$300 on a system that just plays good games (GameCube, although I still have my problems with it) than spend $400-$500 on a game console that tries to replace everything I've worked hard to accumulate. In the end, I'd still be using it to play video games on my 28" basic, bulky tv. I believe I stand with about 75% of gamers saying this. I believe that especially Sony is making a little bit of a mistake by limiting its audience down to those who can afford it, instead of making their systems and games easy to afford. So far, I think XBOX 360 is going to be the better-selling console myself. I've already posted my opinion on it. If I was to buy one, I'd at least wait til I can see what Nintendo is cooking up. As for now, PS3 has all the franchises I like, but I just can't see myself justifying spending that much money to replace something I'm already happy with. [i]I feel something coming on, so I'd rather not debate on this, it's just my opinion. I don't want destroy yet another Next-Gen Systems Thread.[/i][/font]
  3. [font=trebuchet ms][size=1][b]Code Name/Call Sign:[/b] Lefty [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Location:[/b] He hails from the United States, but he travels around a lot, he's almost never in the same place. [b]Age:[/b] 26 [b]Personal Appearance:[/b] He usually wears dark colors under an open trench coat full of things he'll need. He has an obssession with blades and other sharp objects, so he has around 20 knives of assorted sizes and types, along with vials of various poisons he enjoys using. In most battles, he'd use a small Russian grip sabre in his left hand, other hand adorned with a metal claw that bends with his fingers which is hooked up via tubing to one of his various toxin vials. Other than that, he has shoulder length dark brown hair, gray eyes, and stands about 6' 2". He has the look of a killer, one who even alley brusiers would stay away from if they met him in an alley, if that makes any sense. He usually does try to keep a smile on his face, but it's hard in his kind of work. He's only in it for the money, but we'll get to that when necessary. [b]Personality/Behavior:[/b] The best place to start here is his name. "Lefty" is not a codename, it's his actual first name. He was named before he was even out of the womb. Somehow his mother knew he'd be left-handed and thought it was a good enough name for him. It is said that left-handed people are generally right-brained, meaning they think about things using emotion and creativity, rather than logically and orderly. Obviously, with Lefty, this was the case. How does this work in the mind of a killer? He's calm and cold, yet smooth and sarcastic. He'll be the master of witty comebacks for most any situation. If there's a fight he can't win with his words, he'll win with his sabre, but there's another place for that conversation as well. He perfers stealth more than busting down the doors, but but he equally holds his own in any situation. He is still quite the sportsman, he avoids sabbing backs and doesn't carry fiirearms. I'm sorry to keep doing this to you, but if I go further, it'd belong in another section. [b]Personal History:[/b] He was always picked on when he was young and in the end, he feels that it made him a better person. He was an only child and his parents worked several jobs each, so usually, one was there to wake him up for school and one was there by the time Lefty would need a kiss goodnight. Due to this lack of guidance, Lefty distanced himself from religion, sports, and everything else that tainted the people around him who would constantly torture him. He chose not to fight anyone, instead to bash them down in drawn depictions and through poetry. He cut his wrists and dreamed of suicide all through middle school. Between eighth and ninth grade he discovered fencing, and joined his high school's fencing team. Through this he finally made friends and developed out of his egg of hatred and into an actual human being. Fencing is what saved his life and he quickly rose to the team's MVP the next year. If the record started from 11th grade, he'd remain undefeated. He went to every tournament, including the Jounior Olympics and won everything. Then there was one day he lost. This was when he was in college, the deciding match between him and another person... who would go to the Olympics. He lost so fast and so horribly. Since then, he could never get back into the "groove" of competitive fencing, and quit the team... to later drop out of college. His father was becoming incredibly ill, it turned out he had cancer and was probably going to die. Meanwhile, Lefty sunk down into a deeper and deeper hole. Then his mother suddenly disappeared. There was a note left on her bed... a ransom note. It was an incredible sum of money, the kind of money that would put a nice sized dent in Bill Gate's wallet. Lefty decided that he'd become a bounty hunter of sorts and work up money to pay the ransom. He purchased various equipment that he thought he'd need, as well as paid tutors to teach him martial arts and the ways of the ninja, just to keep him well-rounded. After about ten missions, he recieved a request that would pay him in riches... [b]Special Skills or Abilities:[/b] He has a very keen left eye. When he closes his right eye, he can aim at anything, no matter the size or speed... to some extent. He has learned the technique of deflecting bullets with his sabre. He's also well versed about worldly things and fighting arts. [b]Player Availibility:[/b] Everyday for now, school starts next Thursday, then it might be a different story. I know I'll probably be online everyday, but as for replying to something this huge, I might post like every other day or every three days. [b]Rating:[/b] I can shift age levels with ease, I'm fine with PG, but M would be nice as well.[/font][/size]
  4. [font=trebuchet MS][size=1]My first internet experience was when I was in 4th grade, about seven years ago. We had a class project about Native Americans, and we were building a website about it. I ended up doing most of it, and I learned a lot of HTML before I learned home row. I eventually got a computer beyond my Windows 3.2 (correct? I don't remember what it was actually called other than Windows) in seventh grade. It was $75 and had Windows 95 on it and was internet-capable. The latest thing that my friends were doing was Cartoon Orbit. I, of course, joined in. Then I remembered this place, which my friend Joel (Zidane11) showed me about two years before. I signed up as Cloud Strife00. I once again decided to delve into HTML, I got my friend Will (gouf) and we made our first website on Tripod. [url=http://cloudstrife9999.tripod.com]Here's the link[/url]. We eventually got bored of being the only ones to look at our site, so we stopped updating it, I don't think any of the links work on the home page. After that, I started paying more attention to this place, I invited more friends and changed my user name to Axel--Ignition. I basically stayed in the RPG forum. I believe I was most notorious for making a Zoids Tournament RPG, which got spammy beyond my control. I personally got bashed several times in a sticky, so I left almost immediately. After that, I basically took a one-year hiatus from the internet. I got back into skateboarding, fencing, and karate. I also got into hardcore/metal music, which changed me and my choice of friends quite a bit. All of my friends had LiveJournals, so I joined the bandwagon a year and a half ago. I pulled Erin (Nataniamon) out of OB and worked on yet another site called The Circle of Dragons, which no longer exists, except as a redirect page to my new site, more on that later. I went back and forth between my own message board and a "friend"'s. I didn't know he was a hacker, we merged our forums, since they had the same members. I told him that I didn't trust him enough to make him an admin, so he hacked into my account, deleted the boards and then sent a virus to my computer that basically destroyed it. Then I got this computer after I dropped contact with him and he moved out of state. Quite a beauty. I got pulled back into OB by Dragon Warrior and Kiara Starr (who is now known as Revelation, I haven't talked to her since this). I signed up a new account as Kill All Trends, I wanted to be a New Member over again, I didn't want to be remembered as my old name. I learned that wouldn't be the case, all of the people who would've known me have left or forgotten about me, haha. I only posted a few times and still decided it wasn't for me. I adopted a mySpace and continued Circle of Dragons with Erin. The links are in my signature. A little bit of time went by and... I signed up yet again as RiflesAtRecess. Hello![/size][/font]
  5. [font=trebuchet ms][size=1]Adding more to the list... Mainly ones I forgot. [b]As I Lay Dying - Death Metal/Hardcore Album: Frail Words Collapse Songs: The Darkest Nights, Elegy, 94 Hours.[/b] I used to like this band a whole lot, but I just got tired of their overall sound. Their old stuff is still great and fun to listen to, but most of their newer songs sound the same and a little too... "ripped out of the big book of metal cliches." [b]Bloodjinn - Metal/Hardcore Album: Leave This World Breathing (and all of their old stuff from before they had like 20 line-up changes, I have a lot of it if you're interested) Songs: Double Barrel Disaster, See Through, Break the Silence, A Decade of Forced Existence[/b] I've followed this band around a bit and I'm decent friends with their singer (the only remaining member of the original Bloodjinn) and their drummer (my ex-girlfriend's... ex...?). All of their cd's sound completely different from eachother mainly because there's like five line-up changes between each one. I really think this band needs to die, as much as I love 'em. [b]{the infamous} Brandy Alxander - Metal/Hardcore/Southern Rock (/emo) Album: None Songs: The Emergency Brake[/b] They're from my school. They've taken a hiatus for college and plan on getting back together afterwards. They're awesome, I don't know if you'll be able to find any music on PueVolume by them, but they probably have a Profile, and I know they have a mySpace account. I really miss this band, I have pictures from their last show if you're interested. [b]Hand to Hand - Hardcore/Nu-Metal[/b] Album: Fast Forward Your Thoughts Songs: Reused Descision, A Silver Medal, Tomorrow's Anthem[/b] One of my "cool" friends really likes this band. They have a black singer, which is always a plus because it's hard enough to find non-white people who listen to hardcore, let alone sing and scream to it. They're worth checking out. [b]Mind of a New Machine - Hardcore/Metal/Emo Album: Careless Talk Costs Lives!!! Songs: Turok, Red Light Special, Death and a Salesman, Beautiful Shadow[/b] This band is also from my high school. I'm good friends with the entire band. Think Hawthorne Heights with heavier music and metal influences and you pretty much have the idea. Their recorded stuff sucks quality-wise. Seeing them live is truly a sight to behold, they're awesome. [b]Rifles at Recess (duh) - Metal/Hardcore Album: To Whisper in Tounges Songs: Dance on Your Grave, Heroes vs. Harlots, Custom Made Backstabber[/b] Jake, go listen to this band. They broke up a few years ago and right after they recorded their cd. One of their songs was apparently in a Terminator movie. Their cd is now $6 on Tribunal Records' website. I love this cd, think BTBAM without all the rythm changes and random in-song genre changes. I guess that's it for now. I might have another list to add when I go back through my classics. (I have to re-rip them all anyway)[/font][/size]
  6. Goodbye, Face


    [font=trebuchet ms]I think they're one of the best bands that ever got forced down my throat. I have a slight addiction to "Going Under." That's pretty much it, the only thing I really like about this band is Amy's voice, The actual music just seems too much like everything else I've heard.[/font]
  7. [font=trebuchet ms]Well, I'm heading into college in two years, so getting a console isn't the best way to go for me. I already have a PSP and a high-end computer, so I believe I'm set. If I plan on getting anything, it'll be the Nintendo DS. I'm also considering getting a laptop for college. I want all my stuff portable, small, and quick. Overall, I think that XBOX 360 has the best line-up so far. If I was to make the decision right now, I'd take it. There is a few things I disagree with, such as the auctions for in-game items. It's basically the rich kids buying "skill." It'd be a reluctant purchase, however. I'd be worried about missing out on MGS4. I [i]love[/i] Metal Gear. There's also the Final Fantasy games, although XBOX is getting FFXI, I think it's too little too late, I've already stopped playing it about a year ago, I just don't have the time to play it to make more than twelve bones anywhere near worth it. I still play Tetra Master, though. I've also recently acquired a taste for Zelda, I know I've said I disliked the 3-D ones in the past, but they're growing on me. I guess it helped to track down copies of the N64 games before playing Wind Waker. In any case, I'm just too poor, still being a teenager and half-depending on my parents. I don't have the money to replace my PS2, which like this computer, got hit by lightning in a very sudden storm. :([/font]
  8. [font=trebuchet ms]Gas is about $2.80, depending on where you go in my area. When I can't depend on my parents for a ride, I break out the bicycle and ride it to a friend's house, etc. I realize that not everyone has the same type of convienient area as I do, of course. It takes me about twenty minutes to walk to Will's house, which has been my second home this summer, twenty minutes to ride to Wal-Mart, and about fifteen minutes to get to Food Lion, Harris Teeter, or Bi-Lo. There's also a Putt-Putt and a card game (Magic, Yu-Gi-Oh) store within walking distance of my house, but me and Will make a day out of the trip, both are about three hours away on foot and about one hours away on our bikes. Needless to say, I'm not as overweight as I used to be before summer began. Seriously, people, stop using cars if you're able to. If you have to use a car to get to work, don't make side trips unless they're on the way, etc. For some reason my parents drive to places where we could easily walk to, and then complain about gas prices. Yeah.[/font]
  9. [font=trebuchet ms]I bought "...the Aftermath" before I bought "Bless the Martyr." That being said, some reason I like Aftermath a little better, even with the absence of Josh Scogin. My only problem with the Aftermath is that Corey's voice goes on and on as if he was one of the guitars himself. I can't listen to the whole cd in one sitting or my "brain will explode out my ears." Meanwhile, I find that Bless the Martyr was too... slow? My favorite song is "I Used to Hate Cell Phones," and I skip "Pretty Soon" basically every time. Also, I tend to dislike cd's that aren't "clean," unlike everything that Josh does. I mean, I love this cd, but I just don't like it as much as Aftermath... I just can't come up with a valid reason. And I'm willing to bet that if Jake actually listened to some more BTBAM, he'd be disgusted by it. It's quite random, and they're quite good at sneaking in rythm changes and all of a sudden going into ballads. That's why people like them. As for Beloved, they're only truly "beloved" in North Carolina. Oh, Jake, leave this thread and go listen to some Rifles At Recess... come on, you know you want to. Their cd is like six bucks on Tribunal Records' website. I have a feeling you'd like it, it's like BTBAM without all the rythm changes.[/font]
  10. [font=trebuchet ms]Here we go... [b]Soul Calibur III[/b] Soul Calibur II has owned both my soul and my wallet for a few years now. I play this game "professionally." I NEED SCIII, I pre-ordered it and I'm getting it at midnight when it comes out. I really can't wait. The new characters look interesting and original, depsite what fan-reviews say. [b]Kingdom Hearts II[/b] I won't be buying this game immediately, I don't have the money. However, I really can't wait for this game either, considering that I still play KH1 off and on. [b]Legend of Zelda: The Twighlight Princess[/b] I want to get this game just to spite my friend who loves Zelda, but has Werewolf-O-Phobia. Seriously, he can't even stand his dog howling. This game looks amazing so far, and I've loved the prievious ones, although Wind Waker was a step in the wrong direction for me.[/font]
  11. [font=trebuchet ms]I am eighty percent Irish, five percent Italian, and the rest is a mixture of Greek, German, Indian, Asian... a whole bunch of stuff. My mom's side goes back to a servant of Napoleon. My dad's side seems to be a group of people who were like tennant farmers who married into a wealthy real estate-based family. That's about all I know about my ancestors.[/font]
  12. [font=trebuchet ms]Ok, I don't really know anyone but Dragon Warrior anymore, but I'll give this a shot. [b]Me:[/b] It is MY Real World after all, I'd have to be in it... [b]Dragon Warrior:[/b] Although he calls me gay, and would manage to pimp all the ladies before I'd get to any of them, he's the only real friend of mine who still posts here. Oh, and he's a frickin' pirate! ARRR! [b]Hack Helba:[/b] He actually had the balls to IM me. He's cool just for doing that. He's great with graphics and quite funny in IM's. [b]Kamuro:[/b] We are very similar, he's like my smarter twin. He really seems to be good at everything and knows everything. Simply a cool guy, even though I haven't formally met him yet. [b]Jake of Bodom:[/b] Do we really need another metal-head? YES!!! I have a feeling that Jake would be the "b1tch" of the group, just considering how opinionated he is about everything. [b]Retribution:[/b] I haven't met him at all, but he seems like a really cool person. He's one of my favorite graphic artists on here. He seems nice and definitely a person I'd like to meet. [b]Shinobi's Angel:[/b] Yeah, she's quite the 'n00b' on the boards, but she IM'ed me a few times and we struck up some interesting conversations. Plus, we don't want a dudefest... even if she's quite younger than the rest of us, lol.[/font] EDIT: [00:13] AltronWing04: Do I get 'balls' points now? lol
  13. [font=trebuchet ms]My friend well... downloads his anime and usually gives me some of it every once in a while. This was the most recent set I got. I didn't really agree with it, but I watched the first few episodes so far. I dislike the fact that it follows the game exactly. I definitely would've rather an original story based on the characters or even their environment. Not the best anime I've watched, but it was very well done. And why do you keep posting links to pictures of KOS-MOS? Seriously...[/font]
  14. [font=trebuchet ms]MTV does this thing called Video Mods where they animate video game characters to music videos. It's a cool idea, but the characters just look weird.[/font]
  15. [font=trebuchet ms][size=1][b]Real Name:[/b] Kevin Douglas McCarty My mom somehow "knew" that I would be a boy, and she had a named picked out for me even before she was pregnant with me. 'Twas Kevin, go figure. Douglas is my dad's name. He wanted me to be Doug Jr., but luckily, mom won out. [b]Nicknames:[/b] I have a circle of close friends who call me ShowKid. This is because this friend of mine named James met me at a show before he met me in school, so he called me ShowKid because he couldn't remember my name. He introduced me to all of his friends, who are now my friends, as ShowKid. I remind them of my name, but it doesn't seem to matter. [b]Online Aliases:[/b] Well, some of you might know me as Cloud Strife00, my n00b name. I was obssessed with Final Fantasy, so all of my screen names had something to do with Cloud or Lionheart in them. I later changed my OB name to Axel--Ignition. Axel was a character I was making in a comic book and an RPG. I left after only a year of using the name. After middle school, I joined a StarCraft clan known by it's full name: The Devils, but shortened to 666 for screen names. My screen name that stuck for a while was Deathgazer666. I used it on a few different things outside of SC, like my LiveJournal blog. I re-joined OB as Kill All Trends and left again after half a month. I was still sick of this place. I later rejoined again as well... RiflesAtRecess, because my usual RiflesAtRecessNC didn't fit, from what I remember. I didn't post for almost a year, but then I was really bored at the beginning of the summer break, and I needed something to do. So... I'm back![/font][/size]
  16. [font=Trebuchet MS]Well, I'm glad you tried it, Jake, but there's not much else I can suggest to you. Try some Kylesa, not hardcore, but more of metal, mixed with punk and psychadelic influences. You'll like their older stuff, their newer cd has too much punk in it for me. Oh, and just wondering, which songs did you listen to? My responses to other bands... The Chariot: I LOVE The Chariot. Then again, I have man-love for Josh Scogin to begin with. I forgot about Walls of Jericho, they were good before I heard bands like Thirty3 and CTTS... I don't really know what happened to my intrest of them, I have All Hail the Dead... good cd. I used to love Atreyu, I have all their cd's all the way back to their first one... I don't know what it's called off-hand, but it has Of Gods and Monsters on it. I hate the direction they took after Suicide Notes & Butterfly Kisses. It sounds too clean, it also sounds like Alex added some hip-hop influences to how he screams. I just don't like them anymore. I've been wanting to listen to some Dillenger and The Number Twelve, since I have friends who are obssessed with them. I just haven't had the opprotunity.[/font]
  17. [font=trebuchet ms]Correction, people have been using a bug in "WipeOut: Pure" to go on the internet. They also download emulators specifically for the PSP so they can take Chrono Trigger around with them, as some of my friends do. I don't know about any "keyboard," Andrew just seems to use it to look at porn. It's good to know that Sony is wisening up with it's customers and giving them legally what they've been doing slightly illegally. Now maybe Square-Enix will re-release some of it's classics on the PSP so everyone can be happy, haha.[/font]
  18. [font=trebuchet ms]With anime, I usually download the first episode before I buy it. This is just to get a feel for the series and to see how good it is before I buy it. If I don't like it, I don't download any more of it, if I like it, I'll buy some or all of the series. The same goes for music, if I get recommended a band, I check them out on PureVolume and download whatever songs they have availible. If I can't find them, I'll LimeWire them and limit myself to three songs or less. This way, if I don't like it, I'm not hurting anything, and if I do like it, I buy it, and tell my friends to buy it. I don't support illegal downloading. However, I can offer a solution, many people download exactly as I do. So anime sites should have a download availible for the first episode, just for their customers to see how good or bad an anime really is, as opposed to simply telling a magazine or other websites that it's good and hoping we'll buy it. I'd ask for more protection against pirates, but there's very little that can be done. There's programs that copy copyrighted DVD's, there's keygens for cracking serial numbers... If there's a way into the information, someone's going to find it. It's really sad, but it's true.[/font]
  19. [font=trebuchet ms][size=1]I'll be happy to add some. Advent - Hardcore/Metal Favorite Album - None, yet... Favorite Songs - They don't tell ya the names, lol. This is the new Beloved. Their drummer/screamer took the place of Beloved's singer and the drummer from KILLWHITNEYDEAD took the empty spot at the drums. It's basically Beloved, but heavier. Beloved - Hardcore/Metal/Emo Favorite Album - Failure: On Favorite Songs - 1. Failure On My Lips, 2. Death to Traitors, 3. Inner Pattern They started out as an emo band, but until January of this year, they were every metal and hardcore fan's favorite band. They have a cool singer that mixes well with their drummer/screamer. I cannot recommend this band enough. Go buy Failure: On. Between the Buried and Me - Hardcore/Metal/Emo Favorite Album - The Silent Circus Favorite Songs - 1. Mordecai, 2. Arsonist This is the most popular hardcore band in North Carolina. They have an odd way of combining heavy music with soft music. Some of their songs are straightforward, others hit you with surprise after surprise. Arsonist, for example, is full of transitions you wouldn't expect. Circle Takes the Square - Hardcore/Grindcore/Emo Favorite Album - As the Roots Undo Favorite Songs - 1. Crowquill, 2. In the Nervous Light (of Sunday), 3. Kill the Switch Dueling male and female vocals and all-around great talent makes them the most popular hardcore band in Georgia. This is another one of those bands where there is no way for me to tell you how great this band is. They're definitely an accquired taste, but you can tell from your first listen how great they are. He is Legend - Hardcore/Southern Rock/Metal Favorite Album - I like 91025 and I Am Hollywood equally. Favorite Songs - 1. The Seduction, 2. You Sound Like a White Boy, 3. Either They Decorated For Christmas Early or They're All Dead This is hardcore music for people who don't like hardcore music, or heavy music at all. Think how Thrice goes from pop-punk to screaming breakdowns, except replace pop-punk to good ol' Rock n' Roll... and a completely different singer. Fun, uplifting music to listen to, and popular with teh ladies. School For Heroes - Post-Hardcore/Nu-Metal/Emo Favorite Album - Listen Favorite Songs - 1. The Patron, 2. Star Luck, 3. Paper Bridge Kinda of a stretch, genre-wise, but they deserve to be on this list. They're a fun, uplifting band to listen to, having both well-written lyrics and great melodies. They were my favorite band for a while back when I was just getting into the 'scene'. Swift - Hardcore/Metal/Emo Favorite Album - I love them all, they all have a unique sound. Favorite Songs - 1. Silent Celebration, 2. Dr. Shaw, 3. The Guatemalan This is the band I owe about half of my soul to. Gary writes songs that are theraputic to himself, but it's so easy to find your self in every single one of his songs. It always feels like he wrote the song just for you, which is a great thing for a band. They mix melodic emo music in with breakdowns. Their drummer is THE Jamie King, he's the guy that produces records from big names like Bloodjinn, KILLWHITNEYDEAD, He is Legend, Rifles at Recess, etc. I really can't recommend this band enough. Throughout my entire life, I believe that [u]Waging War[/u] and [u]Thoughts Are Thought[/u] are the most important cd's in my collection. Without them being my gateway into the underground music scene, I don't know what kind of person I would be today. This is the one true entity that I say they own my soul and I don't grin.[/font][/size]
  20. [font=trebuchet ms]Nippon Ichi, which I'm guessing means "Number One," has a very suitable name. They've made several of my favorite games, including Disgaea, La Puccelle Tactics, and Phantom Brave. I kinda missed out on Rhapsody, I've been looking for good deals on eBay. Anyways, I'm good at these games, but I'm too dependent on their main characters. In Disgaea, my Laharl is about a thousand levels stronger than any other character of mine. I like Phantom Brave's control over abilities. You can combine characters and weapons and give any skill you want to any character, it really balances out well. I managed to make Marona my most powerful attacking character after I found the right moves for her. It just feels like they did so many right things with this game, it really makes you wonder why someone didn't come out with these cool ideas sooner.[/font]
  21. [font=trebuchet ms]I still have the original Guilty Gear released on the PlayStation several years ago. I hated it, but I'm willing to give it another chance once I can raise some money... I'm in between jobs. :([/font]
  22. [font=trebuchet ms]I think I can swim fairly decent. I was on a swim team in fourth grade, which is too long ago for me to remember, but I have a few trophies for it, so I guess I did ok. I'm well trained at every stroke, but I suck at the breast stroke. Who doesn't? I can swim to the bottom of the 14 foot deep end with out diving into the water or anything. I tend to not make many public appearences in swim trunks anymore since the difference between me in fourth grade and me now is about 150 pounds. :([/font]
  23. [font= trebuchet ms]Can I throw another one out there? Sure? Ok! [b]Anthony Green[/b] [size=1]Not exactly a band, but a singer. Anthony was in Saosin, and now he's in Circa Survive and The Sound of Animals Fighting. Think Claudio Sanchez from Coheed and Cambria on crack, and you'll have a good idea of what he sounds like. Saosin is an Emo band, Circa Survive is Alternative Rock/Emo, and The Sound of Animals Fighting is Progressive Rock/Experimental. Anthony has... dare I say it... a beautiful voice. He's that kind of singer (like Claudio) who you either hate or adore. A lot of people diss him because of his just plain weird antics on stage. There was one time when he was in Saosin where he started 'moshing' with the other bandmates during the finale and he hogtied himself with the wire and fell. I think it's just plain funny, but it basically brought Saosin down a few notches until they found a different singer who's hated even more now since he can't sing like Anthony. Go figure! This recommendation is not for you, Jake, but if you have lighter tastes in music, check out Circa Survive - Juturna.[/font][/size]
  24. Goodbye, Face

    The Used

    [font=trebuchet MS]As far as mainstream rock bands go, I think they're ok. I've listened to most of their new cd and thought it was good, as in, better than I thought they were. I like their friends My Chemical Romance much better. And if you like The Used, you should delve a little deeper and look up Saosin.[/font]
  25. [FONT=Trebuchet MS]Well, I sold my Yu-Gi-Oh stuff about two years ago. So if I ever play it, it's usually my friend, NC pro tour representative, Will Lavasque testing one of his decks against the other one. Every once in a while, he gives me a deck and we play in a tournament together. Granted, I've never beaten him... ever...[/FONT]
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