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Goodbye, Face

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Everything posted by Goodbye, Face

  1. Yep, Jake, you're about to hear it again: [b]Circle Takes the Square[/b] [size=1]They're a hardcore band with metal, rock, hip-hop, and symphonic influences. They formed in 2001, became popular almost overnight and got their original demo produced the same year. They originally had four members, but after the demo got to 'the shelf,' Colin, their second guitarist, had to call it quits. They began work on their next cd, As the Roots Undo, in 2002, and it hit The Shelf in early 2003. It was well liked by critics and some 4 million fans, not bad for three art students in Savannah, right? They recently got a new second guitarist and their drummer, as of this month, has left them. I love this band because of their unique music. No one comes even close to sounding like them. Evenyone in the band is amazingly talented, one listen of their best song, Crowquill, will make you say "What the hell was that?" The second listen of the song will win you over. Not to say that their only good song is Crowquill, it's just the most accessible. If you don't really like heavy music, Interview at the Ruins is another good pick, simply because it'll probably be the strangest song you've ever heard. Kill the Switch is a Stairway to Heaven-sized masterpiece, complete with little moments of an orchestra effect placed over Drew's guitar. I guess that's all I can say! I tried my best to keep it short. I mentioned that they're art students, Drew has his work on [url]http://crowquill.net[/url] . He inked out all of their cd covers and also did work for Kylesa.The only problem is that he's constantly working on the site and most of the pictures are usually broken. Everything on the site was drawn by him, the backgrounds, the letters, pretty much everything! Fun stuff. You can also visit the band's website at [url]http://circletakesthesquare.com[/url] .[/size]
  2. I have a boring last name: McCarty; this makes me Kevin McCarty. For some reason, people always confuse it with McCarthy or McCartney... even MacArthur. I've heard much worse, though. I have a friend named Jason Hugendubler, that's huggin' doubler. One of my best friends has the last name Lavasque, two sylables, lav-ask. People always pronounce it wrong, it makes for some funny ones. Lav-ask-ee, lav-ask-ay in particular. I guess that's it. I know some foreigners with interesting last names, but I'd feel rude listing them.
  3. I have a problem with Anime Unleashed since all they seem to play is GunGrave. It wouldn't be all that bad, but every time I decide to watch it, it's one of the same four episodes. They need to show some different stuff, and maybe show some anime during the day. They do really need to get rid of their car shows, no one turns on a video game channel to look at cars, seriously.
  4. [size=1]Let me start by telling you that every once in a while, me and my two closest friends get together, and we basically videotape ourselves doing stupid things. Not quite Jackass material, but some of it crosses the line. Anyways, so we're bored out of our minds and we have 30 minutes left on the tape. We happened to be really hungry, so we decided to do something food-related. We got every condiment in my mom's kitchen: water ketchup 5 different varieties of mustard peanut butter grape jelly strawberry jelly horseradish sauce worchitershire sauce (however it's spelled) ten different barbeque sauces "*** kickin'" hot sauce teriyaki sause pizza seasoning garlic salt/powder yogurt melted butter cream cheese sour cream There was a bunch more, but that's probably enough for you to get the picture. We put all this junk in a blender, mixed it together, added a lot of water, and took shots of it. We had a contest where we have like 30 shots lined up and see how fast we could down them. I won, not something I'm proud of, however...[/size]
  5. Not to add to this rediculous argument, but it seems that not even As I Lay Dying themselves know what genre they belong in. Last year they told AMP that if given the choice between being more metal-influenced or hardcore-influenced, they said that they were more hardcore. This year the vocalist told Fuse that they were a Death Metal band. There's your argument. In the meantime, please refer to them as either Music, or "Metal/Hardcore". Please and thank you. ^_^
  6. I loves me some SRPG action, but why do these weak (graphics-wise) games keep coming out for the PS2? Companies like NIS, Atlus, etc. need to start thinking about the PSP and, mainly, the Nintendo DS. The DS is perfect for games like this; and if you can put them on a PS2, you can put them on a PSP. Aside from that, I'm psyched for this game, even with this being my first time hearing about it. It'd be great to have a Suikoden-sized game packed into a SRPG; especially since all that I've played over this past year has been basically nothing but Disgaea, La Puccelle Tactics, Phantom Brave, and... Tekken 5. I'm actually looking forward to Makai Kingdom, but I just don't have the money for another game exactly like the ones I'm still trying to find time for.
  7. Let me first state that I would never consider listening to these songs outside of DDR. Not my style. I like Graduistic Cyber, Love This Feelin', the MAX and Paranoia series, and all the stuff that Sana lended her voice to, she has a beautiful voice. ^_^
  8. Ok, I finally got the cd today. I listened to it twice, then went back through my favorites. I have a big problem with a cd where most of the tracks sound the same. I enjoy the tracks that are (very) different from the rest, such as The Darkest Nights and Confined, as well as the more brutal Illusions. The rest of the songs seem like one long song to me, but that happens a lot to me for some reason and people wonder what I'm talking about. I definitely love the cd, but Frail Words Collapse holds a bigger place in my heart. ^_^ I guess I just haven't given myself the time to pick out any more cool parts.
  9. I remember being told several years ago to avoid making threads like these, lol. If I do drink soda, it wouldn't be regular coke or pepsi. I can't stand the taste of either. I greatly perfer Mountain Dew, Root Beer, and that Raspberry soda that you can get at Wal-Mart. I'll say Pepsi, since they make Mountain Dew (I think), Mello Yello tastes too watered down or something, there isn't as much flavor.
  10. A7X: Saw them live two years ago, I had never heard of them before that. I hated their show, but everyone kept saying they were the 'best band.' I figured buying one of their cd's would change my mind, but it didn't, I haven't listened to it in at least a year. I believe it's City of Evil, but I'm not even sure of that. Simple Plan: This band, along with New Found Glory, induces my vomit. If terrorists wanted to get information from me, they'd strap me to a chair and make me listen to this band. Good Charlotte: I've heard their old stuff is good, but I'm not willing to give these losers a chance. They were bad when I first heard them, and now I try my best to avoid hearing them. Hatebreed: *joins in* I WILL BE HEARD!
  11. :animeswea Sorry, all I remember are little static parts of certain scenes. I don't remember the story, characters, quotes, or even how good it was.
  12. Well, I've moved stuff around a bit, so a lot of my CD's have changed, here's what I'm currently listening to:[size=1] Alli With an I - Long Story Short Alli With an I - I Learned It by Watching You ARC - Drain As I Lay Dying - Frail Words Collapse (As I Lay Dying - Shadows are Security goes here) Beloved - The Running Beloved - Failure: On Between the Buried and Me - Between the Buried and Me Between the Buried and Me - The Silent Circus Bloodjinn - Bloodjinn Bloodjinn - Leave This World Breathing Brand New - Deja Etendu The Chariot - Everything is Alive, Everything is Breathing, Nothing is Dead, and Nothing is Bleeding Christiansen - Stylish Nihilists Circa Survive - Juturna Circle Takes the Square - 2001 Tour Demo Circle Takes the Square - As the Roots Undo Circle Takes the Square/ Page Ninety-Nine Split - Document Thirteen: Pyramids in Cloth (yep, it's a burn) Heartscarved - Epilogue He is Legend - 91025 He is Legend - I am Hollywood KILLWHITNEYDEAD - Inhaling the Breath of a Bullet/Never Good Enough For You (burn) KILLWHITNEYDEAD - So Pretty, So Plastic KILLWHITNEYDEADMOTHERF*CKER - So Plastic, So Pretty (the remixes) Kylesa - Kylesa Kylesa - To Walk a Middle Course Kylesa/Momento Mori Split Norma Jean - Bless the Martyr and Kiss the Child Norma Jean - O' God the Aftermath Samadhi - The Finest of Sorrow Saosin - Translating the Name Scarlet - Scarlet The Sound of Animals Fighting - Tiger and the Duke Swift - Thoughts Are Thought Swift - Waging War/A Communication Manual (burn) Swift - The Absolute Uncontrollable Thirty3 - Ether Trapdoor F***ing Exit - Winding Down[/size]
  13. I'll add two 'male and female singer' bands for your required listening. It'll change your mind about female vocalists. Circle Takes the Square: I've said before that they've been my favorite band for five years. They take their music like an art form and it turns out somewhere in the hardcore genre. Some of the songs have a little of a symphonic sound, some, like "Interview at the Ruins," are just plain odd. One of the main distinguishing features of this band is the 'Dueling Voices' between their male Screamer/Guitarist/Artist and their female Singer/Screamer/Bassist. Kylesa: The girl in this band pretty much sings through heir entire new cd, with the male screamers backing her up (it's a different story with some of their older stuff). They have an obvious punk influence as well as metal. Definitely worth a listen, but try not to read too many reviews of their latest cd before you listen to it. Seriously, that cd was picked apart by critics for no reason.
  14. I just ordered the cd and downloaded a few songs for the four-day wait. They sound really great, but Confined and Illusions are the best of what I heard. I'm glad to hear that Shadows are Security stands up against Frail Words Collapse.
  15. Man, now I feel bad for laughing when a band I saw put down their guitars and took out like flutes and violins, etc. Female vocals sound great, good luck with your search! I'd like to hear what you recorded, IM me or something. ^_^
  16. I had every curiosity of mine about religion beaten out of me in seventh grade. I am athiest, simply because of the people where I live who use God as a fashion statement. I refuse to be in the same group as them, even if I did have faith, there would be no way I'd act upon it. I was born and raised religionless. I [i]was[/i] given the choice though, my parents are still leaving the option to me. I know a lot of Christians are raised in well... a very Christian setting. My dad was, he was put through Catholic school, I believe. It just made him hate his religion, so after school, he never wanted to be in a church ever again, and he basically raised me as such. Mom's a little bit nicer about it. My peers really don't believe that I possess a freedom of being without a religion. There's a Satanist around my school whom everyone's friends with, but I can't be athiest? There's one thing I've never understood. If I'm athiest, why would it affect (you)? Am I so wrong to have my own personal beliefs than to have (yours)?
  17. I like a lot of of stuff for no reason... like the first one... (Don't be like "why that movie?") [b]The Hole:[/b] Basically, this girl wants this guy at her school to like him, so she locks herself, the guy, and two of their friends in an abandoned bunker in the woods for three days (voluntarily, of course). [spoiler]She ends up being the only one that leaves the bunker, after like a week and fabricates a story for the police.[/spoiler] It's really weird, and it's really cool. [b]Tangled:[/b] This guy likes this girl, they're best friends, but they're not dating. The girl falls in love with this other guy who the movie kinda pushes as the villian. He tells this story of how There was a good guy and a bad guy both after the same thing... something really weird like that. [spoiler]After he says it, certain things start coming true and he starts looking like the villian of the story, but the 'mentally unstable' one is really the main character.[/spoiler] I'm not good at explaining this kind of stuff. Go see it, it has my recommendation. [b]Godsend/Hide and Seek[/b]: Yep, tied for third place are my two favorite horror/suspense movies. THey're both about evil little kids, but they're not what they seem. ^_^ Fun stuff. If you've seen one but not the other, you should see the one you didn't see... :blah:
  18. Well, when I was growing up in Pennsylvania, I lived in a neighborhood full of elderly people with no kids in their home. There were two people who weren't exactly kids, but they weren't really adults either, they were like 18 or 19. I was also the kid who lived far away from the school, so getting friends over was only really possible for birthday parties. So I had A LOT of invisible friends. I'd have at least 5 'friends' around me all the time. The prominent ones were Gunman... basically a ghost in a cowboy outfit; Gunman's dog, Thunderbolt, who was later reincarnated into a dark blue bed sheet of mine; and a girl my age named Jenny, who was my twin sister I always wanted (I'm an only child). There was also this old man and his dog who lived above the local Acme that my parents say I always talked about. I have no idea about that one. Ok, and when I'd come home, I had over a hundred stuffed animals which all had names and personalities. There was a yellow bunny named Tara (or something) who wanted to get out of jail but always failed. There was this little hot dog thing that was always scared people's feet stomping on him, so I had to walk very carefully and quietly around him. There was a family of over 20 teddy bears, a few other bunnies that always tried to spring Tara out of jail, and a few cats that acted as policemen... Just plain weird. My Transformer collection also had personalities, as well as some toy cars. In short, I lived a lonely childhood... And I still wonder why I shout while playing videogames and while nobody is listening... YEAH! IN YOUR FACE! ...Oh, sorry...
  19. [quote name='XxZeroxX']Uhh well to say Ill go with Star Ocean this didnt dissapoint it was long but it was really good a very exciting adventure, I would of said Tales of Symphonia but Star Ocean had more of a good end deal Tales is good but Star Ocean just rocks and its real times fightin I dont ming turn base but it gets pretty borin after awhile for me so this is but question why isnt Kingdom Hearts in it its a kick *** RPG[/quote] Kingdom Hearts was made way back in 2002, if I'm not mistaken. Good game, though. I guess I really need to get Tales of Symphonia, people keep making me feel like an idiot for not playing it.
  20. As NPC said, there are a [i]lot[/i] of good RPG's missing from that list. The only ones I've played on the list are Shadow Hearts: Covenant and SMT: Nocturne. My pick is [b]Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne[/b]. This is another one of those games where I had a weird dream, decided that it would make a good game, and then the game actually comes out. That being said, I picked it up the week it came to the shelf. This game has it all. Japanese culture, a crazy story about everyone you know turning into demons, devil-worshipping cults, and it's the best game that has strong ties to religion. You can pick to fight God or Lucifer, which is always a plus. Oh, and you turn into a demon... and play Pokemon with other demons, gotta catch 'em all! Dante from Devil May Cry is a playable character. The graphics are very similar to Zone of the Enders: the Second Runner. It's kind of cel-shaded, but kind of not... It gives everything a cool feel to it. Even if you don't like the game, the graphic style will keep you mesmirized for hours. All this being said, I'd rate Phantom Brave even higher than this game. Seriously. That game needs to be on this list. I am also looking forward to FFXII and KH2 this year! I keep hearing that FFXII is a lot like Vagrant Story, one of my favorite games ever. And KH2 is... well... Kingdom Hearts... Nuff said.
  21. [quote name='Hack Helba][COLOR=RoyalBlue][FONT=Trebuchet MS]I'm really loving the new "Reply" button when you scroll the cursor over it and it turns blue with the white arrows, but I don't get time to enjoy it after I click on it. What'd I'd like to see is the defualt reply button to look that way and perhaps when you bring the cursor over it the arrows in would flash. Other than that I find everything to be well done and it all to be an enjoyable change.[/FONT'][/COLOR][/quote] I had a similar idea. I didn't really like how it was gray and no arrows, then you mouse over it and it's suddenly blue with arrows... Maybe the gray should fade into blue and the arrows would fade in one-by-one. Just a suggestion.
  22. I've seen maybe four or five "How did u find OB?" threads since I've been here. I've answered in three of them. As for being original, a few years ago, putting IM quotes was a bigger fad. So me and Dragon Warrior founded a thread called [URL=http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=19643]Competition--Who Has the Best Chat Convo?[/URL]. I was, of course, under a different name. I think we made it to being runners up in the Otaku Awards for funniest thread... after I left, of course.
  23. I had to clear my cookies to see it, but I love it! I haven't clicked the Jukebox link yet, but I will in a bit. I feel really bad though due to the fact that I can't remember what was there before, I don't really pay attention to the small graphics, lol.
  24. I saw it on tv about a year ago. It was pretty cool, but one of the weirdest movies I've seen. I forget most of it, but it was basically about this crazy girl and her crew piloting this tank and doing random acts of justice. I'd recommend it for anime fans and weird people, if you don't meet the requirements, you probably should stay far away...
  25. Considering how unlucky animes are when it comes to having games based on them, I'll wait it out until I hear what critics have to say about it. Just skimming the links you've provided, I see a dissapointment waiting to happen. Then again, I don't know how both anti-grav and earthbound fighting could work in the same game... so I guess it's good that they chose one, even if it's the easy route. Also, people are comparing it to Gungrave, but slower? Not a good sign in my opinion. I love the anime, but I'm just not very trusting of games that are based off of movies and anime. Also, isn't there already a PS Cowboy Bebop game released in Japan? It has StarFox-like gameplay from what I've seen of it. I could be wrong, I only saw the cover and a few screenshots a while back. It'd be cool if they were the same game, I've always loved the original StarFox.
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