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Goodbye, Face

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Everything posted by Goodbye, Face

  1. Someone asked the same thing to PSM. PSM asked the company that makes it, and they don't even know anything about it. The game was supposed to be released in March or something, wasn't it?
  2. I have a close friend named Cowboy, he actually showed me his birth certificate, it says Cowboy Johnson. Someone mentioned Orangelo. He's from my area, a friend of mine's dad is a cop, and he caught two criminals, brothers named Orangelo and Lemongelo, that's right, orange jello and lemon jello. The story behind it is simply that their mother couldn't come up with any names, so she named them after the last thing she ate: Jello. A friend of mine was working at a gas station and this woman named Anita Lei (I'm guessing that's how it's spelled) asked him for some cigarettes (to purchase, just to clarify). He thought she was hitting on him until she pulled out her driver's liscence. Also, there's this guy named Ben Dovah at my school. Nuff said. Oh, AdV, that's a running joke at my school, try "[spoiler]My dixie wrecked[/spoiler]."
  3. I'll post my opinions on both sides, lol. My first post was in the Introduction forum several years ago (Under my Cloud Strife00 / Axel--Ignition sn). I've always though of it as a great place for a new member and a spamhole for an accomplished member. I've seen new members come onto the boards now, post an introduction in the Lounge, get "ridiculed" by it, then quit OB right after that post and move on to a forum that'll accept them better. On the other hand (my stronger hand, I guess), I have to agree with most of the others here. It seemed like about a year after I originally joined, all of these inside jokes started appearing in replies to new members. There was something about a green bee, lots of smilies, and a reference to the Mod Rod in almost every reply. No new member would understand this, I didn't even understand it. The introduction forum was just an area for members to "have fun" and look for an excuse to spam... you know, after the test forum got boring.
  4. (Siren's right about basically anywhere on the east coast's boardwalks.) However, I agree that arcades are diminishing. Actually, they have been for years. Every arcade in my general area has been closed. New ones try to come in, but they don't get enough profit to buy any real machines, in fact, an arcade/laser tag place just opened across the street from my neighborhood. Their newest game is frickin' Tekken 3. I've met a lot of cool people at arcades, two of them have become two of my closest friends. I met one playing DDR and one playing Soul Calibur II, actually, they're the ones that got me into competitions. I've found that the best, most reliable arcades in my area are the Putt-Putt chain. I used to go there for SCII and Tekken 5 tournaments, but moved to DDR with a group of friends. We actually go there about every two weeks.
  5. An arcade does sound good! I personally hate shop systems in forums, it immediately turns forums into [URL=http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=23]this[/URL]. I hope the arcade happens before school starts, haha. Most game sites are blocked from the school computers, but this site has never been blocked.
  6. [quote name='Gavin][SIZE=1']In response to Charles' post, I can't believe that MGS3 didn't break any records for sales, the sheer quality of the game should have meant it should have.[/SIZE][/quote] Since when do good games sell well? Look at Prince of Persia: The Sands of TIme, which didn't even sell when it was bundled with Splinter Cell. Not even Psychonauts is doing well... Anyways, I probably wouldn't get this game unless I could get it for like $20 or $30. It's a remake to a game that I'm already happy with. I agree with Tony, the biggest reason for me to buy this game would be the original games, I have dial-up and no Network Adapter, so no online play for me!
  7. My favorite original shows they did were Aqua Teen Hunger Force and Sealab 2021, I own both of the series on DVD. They're great, but they've declined since they started. For anime, I really miss Candidate for Goddess (Pilot Candidate), I've been considering buying the anime, I thought it was interesting. It also had a catgirl in it... I've also been buying up Samurai Champloo as they come out. I'm a big fan of Cowboy bebop as well, I actually saw/bought the series a little before AS started showing it, which kind of ruined it for me in a way. I thought I had discovered something really cool, but then it seemed that CN was one step ahead of me. I also bought FLCL, I like it so much I put down $90 for all three volumes. I'm such an idiot, right after I bought them/opened them/watched them, the store I worked at started getting them in for $10 a piece. (end ramble)
  8. Goodbye, Face


    I thought the movie was merely ok. The characters were (at times) just plain stupid... In one scene [spoiler]the guy gets the tape recorder by taking off his overshirt and and dragging the recorder to him. However, later, when the other guy wants the cell phone, he doesn't take his shirt off and drag it to him (it was his idea in the first place!). Another scene, where the doc's wife get's control of the situation and holds the guy up with a gun... she's just like "Freeze!". Man, I would have shot him right there, he tried to kill me, right?[/spoiler] Just plain stupid...
  9. I had a very close friend who commited suicide by [spoiler]stabbing herself right in the heart[/spoiler]. She was abused by her parents non-stop and her friends, including myself, constantly "kidnapped" her for the day or even let her stay a few nights. Eventually, it just became too overwhelming and she just gave up. None of us obviously got a call from her parents, one of my friends called her house because it was her "turn" and her 'mom' answered and told her that her daughter had died. My friend said that her voice sounded very cold, but not sad, angry, or upset. That's basically the end of that story. I have two other friends, one that I've previously dated, who are in the same position (but perhaps a little better off than the above girl). They're both suicidal and I've adopted the "kidnapping" thing with their friends, most of which are my friends as well. We're just hoping that this time will work out better... Anyways, obviously, I'm completely against suicide. I got a bit upset typing this, but it also makes me feel better, just knowing that my experience is here and maybe someone else can learn from it.
  10. I'm still trying to figure this out... M rated games and R rated movies target the same audience, R rated movies can have nudity and sex, but M rated games can't? God of War has nudity and sex that isn't really hidden, but it still has an M rating. Anyways, we all knew it would happen soon... A GTA game has turned out to be the first mainstream AO rated game. We should celebrate...
  11. Fragment was actually the original The World. It was hinted upon in one of the LIMINALITY discs that came with one of the games. Basically, instead of entering three words like in the "newer" game, you would input letters, either spelling a word or just random jibberish, and be teleported to a randomly generated map. It was basically the prototype to The World, and there's supposedly many secrets deep inside... I'll have to watch that featurette again. I'm glad it's free though, I'll be getting it for the PC...
  12. [quote name='Generic NPC #3']Wasn't this also supposed include ports of the original MSX Metal Gear games?[/quote] Yes, it does have Metal Gear and Metal Gear: Solid Snake in the game. People have been asking Kojima for them, since they only came out to a limited audience in Japan. I think he would have put them in anyway, as it seems to go well with the whole 'Origins of Big Boss' theme.
  13. [quote name='Hack Helba][COLOR=RoyalBlue][FONT=Trebuchet MS]I still enjoy playing with sometimes with the few who know how to, but I no longer spend my money to buy them.[/FONT'][/COLOR][/quote] That's basically my situation right now. All the magic players moved on to Yu-Gi-Oh and then grew out of it or something. I only have one friend to call on to play with and there's always apprentice, where I can just go in a chat room and ask if anyone wants to play, haha. I haven't bought any cards or played in any tournaments since Darksteel came out. I still keep up on it, though, and I have a few decks on Apprentice that use Kamigawa cards. Actually, I just remembered that I bought a few packs of the new "Unglued" set called Unhinged. They're rather funny but I think Unglued was a lot better. If anyone wants to play me in Apprentice or something, PM me. I'd be happy to teach and/or school you...
  14. [quote name='Rising Sun][COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Verdana]My image didn't change because i saved it as a JPG. It didn't change at all, it was how it was put together. And i still don't get which area is "blurry". Specifications would be much more helpful.[/FONT][/SIZE'][/COLOR][/quote] There's a reddish bar at the top and a darker, greenish bar underneath it that cross at the corners and go down. The images don't have sharp edges, it has a slight cloudy look and a little bit of pixelation "under the cloud." I really don't know how to explain it.
  15. [QUOTE=Rising Sun][COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1] [FONT=Verdana]JPG-ish look? Can you maybe expand on what your vision of a "JPG-ish look" really is?[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] It's blurry, the original image probably didn't look like that, right? It happens in every image that gets put on the web, but Helba's doesn't seem to be affected by it, that's that I was saying. It didn't contribute anything to my vote though, I simply like Helba's a little better.
  16. Did anyone catch the episode when David Thorpe of SomethingAwful pwned Attack of the Show? That was good. The funny thing was, the guys at the forums kept saying "Get your torrents ready, guys!" and then Kevin says it before the commercial leading up to the interview. David calls him Kenneth and then Ken... it's just really funny. They even put up a site based around the interview. I'm not willing to make a link to it either.Go Google the interview, it's really funny if you visit SomethingAwful.
  17. I play Magic professionally, I went to and lost at the first round of the Pro Tour two years ago and that's the farthest I've ever gotten. I have more than 20 decks varying with age and strategies. I used to play Warhammer (the original), my friend that played it with me moved way out of state, so I sold my stuff. I had a Chaos army with an elder deamon and everything. I've experienced D&D before, but never really got into it, but I've been wanting to start up in it again because I know a few friends who play it constantly.
  18. In no particular order... [size=1][b]He is Legend - I am Hollywood[/b] [img]http://images.amazon.com/images/P/B000641ZJA.01._SCMZZZZZZZ_.jpg[/img] These guys have an interesting sound that even those outside of the hardcore/metal scene could enjoy. This cd is decidedly uplifting to listen to. They're even more fun to see live. [b]Kylesa - Kylesa[/b] [img]http://g-images.amazon.com/images/G/01/ciu/d7/d2/4942b220dca0815315323010[/img] An... interesting band to say the least. They have three vocalists, one being a girl. They're definitely metal, but they throw lots of other influences like punk and hardcore. [b]Circle Takes the Square - As the Roots Undo[/b] [img]http://images.amazon.com/images/P/B0000A4G83.01._SCMZZZZZZZ_.jpg[/img] ^Not quite what the box looks like, at least the front of it. This is my favorite band. Period. They have an artful approach to their writing and their frontman, Drew Speziale is an amaing with ink, he drew everything on the cover and also draws for Kylesa. They're hardcore and very talented at it. It's a stereotype that Hardcore and Metal lacks talent, when people say that, I let them listen to "Crowquill." [b]Norma Jean - Bless the Martyr and Kiss the Child[/b] [img]http://images.amazon.com/images/P/B00006CTE9.01._SCMZZZZZZZ_.jpg[/img] Another one of my favorite cd's. I'm actually listening to it while I'm typing this. This is a more popular band, so most of you should already know what they sound like. [b]The Sound of Animals Fighting - Tiger and the Duke[/b] I couldn't find a cover image immediately, I apologize. This cd only has four actual songs on it, but they're great songs. It's Electronica/Emocore by a band made up of 16 people. Their main singer is the guy from Saosin and Circa Survive, while one of their guitarists and their drummer are from RX Bandits. It's a very interesting sound and sounds great if you have surround sound. [b]Coheed and Cambria - The Second Stage Turbine Blade[/b] [img]http://images.amazon.com/images/P/B000063NCW.01._PE13_SCMZZZZZZZ_.jpg[/img] I love this band. The singer, Claudio Sanchez, is quite different from anything else you've heard. The band is quite talented and they have interesting lyrics. Their music videos are also fun, lol.[/size] I guess that's it. I hope I help anyone looking for new bands! ^_^
  19. I share your opinion, Gundampali23. The Gundam games I've played were bad, and when I played ZOE, I wondered "Why can't they make a Gundam game like this?" I rented Journey to Jaburo and thought that it was a little less than okay, especially after playing through Armored Core 2. It wasn't really the controls, but it was just really slow, slower than you'd expect giant mechs to move. I later bought Zeonic Front, played it for a few hours and traded it in at EB. This game controlled horribly. It was slow and the controls didn't make sense at all. I later borrowed the next one that came out from a friend, I don't remember what it's called, it was similar than Journey to Jaburo... That's pretty much it. I wasn't given enough time to beat it, but I didn't really like it anyways. Gundam games I [i]do[/i] like are the Gundam Battle Assault games. They're 2-D fighting games. They may have pixelated graphics, and they may be slower than SF or KoF fighters, but once you get used to the (lack of) speed, they're good games.
  20. I'll have to go with Hack Helba's picture as well. It had an... interesting foreground image, while Rising Sun's picture seemed like it was just a background. Also, Helba's picture was compressed better, it doesn't have that JPG-ish look to it like Sun's. I almost feel as though Sun's image should have another person in the middle, with the words along her right side, following her curves. Meh, it's what I would have done.
  21. Goodbye, Face


    Where I live, emo usually means you wear girl pants (if you're a guy) and you play aucoustic guitar. I will admit that I'm quite "emo," (as in "emotional" this time) it doesn't bother me, in fact, I'm proud enough of it to the point where no one calls me emo. Maybe it's just because they don't see me that way. Granted, Mae isn't exactly my favorite band, but I've been know to listen to and like many emo derivatives. My wardrobe usually consists of greens, reds, and browns; usually, my pants/shorts are black. I stray away from the black shirt stereotype as best as I can, but about half of the shirts I wear are black... meh.
  22. Retribution's signature is correct, OB did get pwned. Your work is amazing. I was thinking of putting some of my stuff up, but the pictures I've done that are around your pics' quality amounts to very little, as in 3, 4... at the most 5. My favorites are the city pictures, as well as the plane and the Godzilla-inspired picture (lol).
  23. Customization is always a good thing. If you don't like face plates, don't get one. My first thought was like a clear one that you could print your own design on paper and slide it in or something, I didn't know it was actually interchangable plates. Those DreamCast memory cards were a cool idea, but the batteries wouldn't even last a day, I actually had to take the batteries out and put them back in whenever I wanted to use it.
  24. I like this poem, more specifically, I like two things about this poem: 1. It's simple and deep at the same time, makes it interesting. 2. Usually people try to hard to rhyme, but your rhymes add to the poem instead of taking away from it. I don't see anything I would change. If you think it needs improvement, go ahead, but I wouldn't change a thing.
  25. [i][size=1]Fang and Kaige found Rath, as Rath had sensed Kaige's presence and turned around to meet him. Kaige got on Rath, Fang shrunk back to lizard-size and into Kaige's cloak pocket he went. They caught up to the others quite fast and found them in the middle of a battle. Kaige slowed to a stop up to Jason.[/i] Kaige: Hey, need a hand? Jason: It's good to see you again! Yeah, we're having quite the problem with these guys, stronger than the last bunch. [i]Kaige let Fang down by a tree and joined the fight...[/i][/size]
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