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Everything posted by Goodbye, Face
I rented it a loooooooong time ago, I guess when it first came out. I only remember that the guy had a weird head, he was dressed in all black, and that there was this red wall that I didn't understand how to get past, to the point that I thought it was a glitch, I returned it to BlockBuster and got my money back, which is kinda funny. Is MDK2 any good? I've been interested in getting it, but I've heard conflicting things about it.
[quote name='Jake of Bodom']The new Norma Jean album was good, but a little discordant at times, at least for my taste. Between the Buried and Me is pretty cool, and they are definately doing their own thing, which is awesome. I'll definately check out Advent because KILLWHITNEYDEAD is awesome and apparently they share some band members. I've never heard of He is Legend, but I usually don't like Southern-fried music too much...[/quote] Well as far as I know, Advent has only written a few songs and they haven't recorded anything nor put up a website. They are more like Beloved, it's the same band except the drummer/screamer from Beloved filled in the frontman/vocalist position and KWD's drummer joined them. KWD is great, if not insane and evil. Here's a better idea of what He is Legend sounds like: The vocalist's voice sounds like a mix between KoRn's and Incubus's, he also screams and there's another screamer in the band. Most of the noise the instruments make is somewhere between rock and metal with a folksy sound thrown in. I don't really like that style either, but they're a great band and very fun to see live.
It's amazing. A lot of people seem to take away from their work when they rhyme, but that was beautiful, if not dark and "morbid." If this is you when you're new at rhyming, I'd like to see some of your work when you aren't rhyming.
Sounds fun, I'll definitely play it! I have a few ideas already as to my character design.
Writing Effects of the Mind Preliminaries [PG-VSL]
Goodbye, Face replied to JJ's topic in Creative Works
Edited for length. [size=1]So I was driving across Route 66 to California. I was coming across this mountainside when I started having these visions from my past. I remembered way back to the time I murdered that little kid? I was driving, it was dark. I didn?t see him, I swear! This was different, I was approaching the boy, and I saw his face, bleached from my headlights? I could see him. What he did next was like something out of a scary movie? He stared right at me. He then gave the hood of my truck a powerful slam. My truck did entire flips over him and landed right back on its four wheels. I exited my truck and walked toward him. He turned around and let out a shriek that would pierce anyone?s eardrums, but fortunately, it was just a dream. I woke up, somehow pulled over. There was a man at my window. He wasn?t a cop, looked like a bit of a country hick, but who am I to judge who a redneck is? I?m the one with a pickup truck. ?Hey, you alright? I was going to ask you for a ride, but I?m not too sure about that anymore,? the stranger said. ?Yeah, where am I?? ?You?re in Wyoming, Route 66, you almost crashed into this tree here. When I came over here to see you, you were mumbling all this crazy junk.? ?Well, I don?t think you need to worry, where you going? Wait, you don?t have a car? ?I?m trying to get to California, I?ve been walking for a day and a half, and I?m very tired.? ?First time I?ve heard about anyone doing something like that,? I said. ?Well, I guess we both have reasons not to trust each other, I guess we?re friends then, I?m Stan.? ?I?m John, hop in. So where you staying in Cali?? ?Haven?t decided yet.? ?Ok, I guess I?ll take you to my hotel.? He began to doze off for a while. After about three minutes of snoring, he started yelling, saying that he didn?t want to die yet. So I pulled the car over, I tried to wake him up, and he said that he was dreaming about being ran over. I was trying to cross the street from the store, I remember getting hit, then I remember waking up at home.? ?I have a similar memory, except I was the one behind the wheel?? He grabbed me by my shirt and dragged me out of my truck. He shoved me into a noise barrier. ?It was you!? he began to yell, ?it was you, I remember your face, I remember your truck, it was you!? He began to circle around me, he picked me up again, this time by my neck. I was losing air fast. I felt everything swirling around me. It was all turning black? I remember clearly now what happened that night. Everything happens for a reason. You never know how two people are connected in this world. The boy I left for dead grew up to be my executioner. You could be another victim, you could be another urban legend? Just trust me.[/size] -
Isn't that what the Movie and TV forum is for?
[size=1][url]http://www.mega64.com[/url] You need to go there if you like River City Ransom, lol. I'm going to list off some of my old favorties that I grew up on, as well as a few newer ones... MagMax (NES): This was probably the first shooter I played, Contra was the second. Anyways, this game was cool because it had attachible parts that turned your ship into a robot with cool lasers and stuff. Also it had two styles, when you start the game, you're in a pseudo 3-D world above ground, then at any point you can dive underground and get different powers and fight different enemies in a place that's more 2-D. I thought it was really cool. Journey to Sillius (NES): This game was great, you play as this guy whose dad gets kidnapped (or killed, I don't remember) by aliens and you swear revenge. You fight through different areas of a city fighting robotic aliens until you go up into space to destroy their leader. If you find this game in a store somewhere, get it, this was my favorite game for about five years. Generations Lost (Genesis): This game had you playing as a futuristic guy in a world that looked futuristic... but primitive at the same time. You have this laser thingon you arm that lets you use it as a rope to climb up to higher ledges, or to shoot bad guys with. It also had a pretty cool way of keeping track of your life. Sub-Terrainia (Genesis): This game was an aquatic shooting game where you picked up people from underwater bases, etc. The game had really cool enemies and bosses, it was really inventive. Alundra (PS): A cool Zelda-like RPG where you go into peoples' dreams to cure what's ailing them and it all turns into something more demonic and evil as you progress. That's about all that I can think of off the bat.[/size]
(Professional SCII player... BEWARE!!!) [size=1]I use mainly Ivy, Raphael, and Talim, but I've been using Talim less and less and replacing her with Nightmare or Cervantes. Ivy makes it really easy to bring opponents closer to you. Usually, when the round begins an Ivy player uses 6B+K, which either brings the player closer to you, or does a powerful throw that moves your opponent with his back exposed. I perfer 66A+B, which accomplishes the same thing, just a little slower, but it has more of a horizontal aspect which makes it harder to dodge. From there you can use your A+G throw and back away using 4B. That's more than half your opponent's life and it's rather easy to use, unless your opponent ducks for the throw. I use Raphael against slower opponents, making him almost impossible to hit due to his multitude of parrying moves. Other than that, i use the same moves as everyone else, including the round-beginning QCF+B, which is a very fast, very powerful attack. Talim's fun because she's fast, side-steps well, and she has that very useful flipping attack (6B+K) as a defense. Nightmare and Cervantes are great because they have a lot of knockdown attacks that make them very easy to use.[/size]
[quote name='grecords']Right now I'm not too happy with my current occupation. I work in a video game store and a lot of people have a misconception of the experience you get from working in one. I get really annoyed when people come in and say "wow you must have the best job in the world". Its definitely not.[/quote] My game store experience was obviously a lot better than yours. I guess it helped that we weren't a major chain or anything like that, so you only would know of us through another person's recommendation. We had about 30 customers a day, usually we'd keep the parents occupied (while their kids shopped around) by teaching them some stuff about games for like 30 minutes. We were laid back to the point that when someone brought in a system that needed to be fixed, we'd fix whatever's wrong with it, then test it by holding employee tournaments in the back while one of us (usually our boss since he was horrible at most games) stayed up front. As for dealing with customers who are thick-headed about which system is the best, we'd usually gang up on him, one of us for each console, and we'd rationalize with him until he got the point. We made everything we did fun, even the debates and arguements, think X-Play when they rate a bad game, lol.
I watched Ronin Warriors when I was little. Then it was Transformers, then Beast Wars. I also watched Power Rangers, as well as this wanna-be show called something like VR Troopers.
[size=1][b]Name:[/b] Paintbrush Bill [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Information:[/b] Why do they call Pintbrush Bill "Paintbrush Bill"? He lost his finger in a fishing accident and replaced it with a screw-on paintbrush. He can unscrew it and replace it with a wooden finger for handshakes, though. Obviously, Bill, or formerly known as William Inkwell, is an expert painter. He's on this trip to find new creatures and paint them. He wears a beret, a black west with a white collared shirt under it, black pants held up by a belt that has "The Infamous" engraved on the back. He interchanges between black boots and brown shoes when necessary. He's a little more serious than his mates, if not very sarcastic. He makes fun of stupid remarks thrown at him with ease. He'll get a lot of these, as it is easy for a pirate to make fun of him for his rich family and his love of painting. [b]Sample:[/b] (Two days before leaving on the S.S. Your Mom) Bill's mom: If you really think you're leaving without giving me a kiss goodbye you're crazy! Bill: If you think I'd rather give you a kiss than leave this God-forsaken island as fast as I can... you're the crazy one. Bill's mom: You're going to be sailing with pirates! Are you sure you want to go through with this? Bill: Don't worry... lass... I've been workin' on me pirate talk! Bill's mom: Well... write me once in a while! Bill: Yeah... I'll uh, use the carrier pidgeons... whatever...[/size]
My first job was working at a video game store. My parents became good friends with the owner, who didn't know anything about video games (he was more of an investor). The guy was amazed on how much I knew about games and anime, which is what the store sold, so he hired me as his assisstant, higher than the two college guys who worked there. We started holding tournaments for Soul Calibur II and Tony Hawk and the like, and I'd always beat the other guys, so they made me the person who ran the tournaments (just so I couldn't enter). Eventually, near the end of the summer, the owner's more important job (I never asked him what it was) forced him to move way out of state, so he sold the store to some corporation, who fired all of us. Life sucks. At least now I don't really work for a boss, I work for a music magazine that pays ok and I can get into most shows for free.
[quote name='Generic NPC #3']...and I absolutely HATED the whole "tunnel dungeon" design (which also appears in FFX). What's the point?[/quote] ANY dungeon crawling part in an otherwise good game is a bad thing. Speaking of FF, I hated how all of FFX-2's dungeons look the same. I also remember the plot points being too rushed in the first game. I wanted go around an explore and get more characters, but instead that elf guy (Kirkis? I don't remember) appears at the castle and we have to go on this big quest immediately and just when you think you can go back, you have to travel to the other side of the continent to build a cannon (whatever breaks that mirror), fight a few more bosses... and then maybe you can go back to the castle. Needless to say, I missed out on quite a bit, I'm sure. I just wish there was a working "Not yet" button, but everytime they included a choice, it was useless, someone was always like "No, time is of the essence! And that time is now!" It's because of this fact that I haven't really picked it up again, but I'll probably consider it... after I get my PS2 working well again (It only plays the clear [silver] discs).
Gaming The hardest game task you've accomplished
Goodbye, Face replied to Sir Auron's topic in Noosphere
In the vein of Koshu, take almost any game and add a dance pad to the mix. This probably doesn't affect RPG's much, but fighting games and action games become quite hard. Also, I've been having a horrible time playing through Virtua Fighter 4: Evolution's Quest mode. I'm just not a good VF player though. I've basically given up on it for now. I also had trouble in Disgaea at some odd spots, mainly because my Laharl is at an insane level and everyone else... well... isn't. Right now I'm stuck in my second fight with Kurtis, I just have to level up... a lot. -
Gaming Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
Goodbye, Face replied to Foredaddy's topic in Noosphere
[size=1]PSM did an interview with Hideo Kojima in their latest issue. Kojima stated that the beginning of the trailer was a major hint pointing to the gameplay of MGS4. Basically, he said we're used to an object always being there to hide behind. What if you had to hide behind a truck, then suddenly a soldier got in the truck and started driving? You would either get spotted, or you'd have to keep moving along with the truck. As for Big Boss, PSM looked back at some pre-design sketches of MGS1 and found a picture of Big Boss in a cryo chamber. This means that it is almost definitely him. Kojima also said that he liked the young Ocelot from MGS3, so he's putting him in as a character for the online mode of MGS4.[/size] -
I heard that S4 had an insane amount of random battles, and ship vs. ship fighting didn't help much, even though it's cool. I've read several reviews about how sailing from place to place became annoying and one of the reviews asked this question: If they knew players wouldn't enjoy sailing from place to place (to the point where they fixed it with a character who can teleport you), why did they do it in the first place? If I get the money for the game, I'll buy it, sometime between Tekken 5 and Guild Wars, lol. Hopefully by then we'll see it for $30.
The odd thing is... i thought I posted in here, but apparently I didn't. I live in NC, so the local music is good enough, I don't delve into more well-known bands that much. I'll list a few that I like, although some of them might be more hardcore than metal: [b]Norma Jean:[/b] Christian bands run rampant here, and this one is the biggest. There's not much to say about this band, other than they make good music and they really like to barbeque. I highly recommend "Liarsenic: Creating a Universe of Discourse" as a good song to start out with them. [b]Between the Buried and Me:[/b] These guys are probably the second-most popular band in NC, this is one of those bands that at first makes you think "what the hell was that?" until you listen to them a few more times. If you haven't already heard it, listen to "Mordecai" or "Arsonist." [b]He is Legend:[/b] Metal with an evident southern-rock flare to it. Not all of their songs could be classified as metal, but everything they do is amazing. Try "The Seduction," "You Sound Like a White Boy," and "Scram, Toots." [b]Advent:[/b] These guys are a new band made up of members of Beloved and KILLWHITNEYDEAD. They've played one show so far and are playing again this Sunday at a local joint. If you want to get an idea of what they sound like, listen to Beloved new cd, without the singer... There's more, but I don't have the time to continue. I'll post more later if you like what I put up there.
It makes me feel really bad to have only played the first Suikoden game. [spoiler]Gremio's death didn't upset me. I kinda hate characters that are too nice, speaking of which, I disliked Aeris as well.[/spoiler] I really enjoyed the game, though. It saddened me when the wars in the game would permantently kill off one of my favorite characters. I had a problem with the lack of save points in some areas, like where you have to fight a dragon, then duel one of the important enemies; but that's just nitpicking. I'm thinking about picking up Suikoden 3 (since I keep hearing that Suikoden 4 is bad). I also hate the fact that these games become incredibly hard to find, I really wanted to buy Suikoden 2 a long time ago, but I never saw a copy in stores. In fact, to this day, I've never seen Suikoden 2 up close and personal.
It didn't take me long to X out of that. That is not the Christian thing to do. I have two problems with this predicament... One being that I support gay rights, and two being that I'm a little on the anti-Christian side (I'm athiest). I've had some horrible things happen to me "In the name of God," but nothing like what that guy's going through. I wish him good luck.
[quote name='Morpheus']The most hypocritical use of censorship has to be Wal-Mart. They refuse to stock any CD's with a parental advisory label. That would be fine if the censorship went across the board. But they still stock wonderful family fun such as American Wedding and more kinds of guns than anyone knows what to do with. What kind of message are they sending there? It's okay to shoot at stuff, but if you say ****, oh man. Wal-Mart's coming after your a**.[/quote] Then again, who buys cd's at Wal-Mart? I'm lucky enough to have a small music store nearby that actually supports local music. The odd thing is, I like the Black Eyed Peas radio edits better than the real song. It just seems to exaggerated to here Will I Am shout a curse instead of a word that had a different meaning. Anyways, they should do something like what they did in Jackass, show a warning after every commerical break, it doesn't subtract from what they're showing, and it's enough to cover their *****.
I got a little mad when they edited out "Good eye sniper, I'll shoot, and you run," out of Coheed and Cambria's "A Favor Hoouse Atlantic." It is justified though, from what I heard, it's inspired from that sniper in Detroit. It is just weird when you see a word that isn't an obvious curse being edited out of a song. They didn't even bother with this one though, they just "pixelated" his voice.
Yeah, he's the reason why half of my school is full of goths. He is great though, I like Five More Minutes and The Owner. I do think that Foamy's getting a little stale though.
[quote name='elfpirate][font=Comic Sans MS][b] I'm sure I have enough control with those to not set myself ablaze-- and if not--it'll be my own stupid fault if I get burned-lol. [/b'][/font][/quote] That's why you bring friends with lots of thick blankets to smother the flame immediately. As for using sticks and torches, that's all I've used, but the guy I was talking about has two staffs, he told me how much they cost before but I forgot.
Gaming How do you prefer racing games: realistic or wacky?
Goodbye, Face replied to BlueYoshi's topic in Noosphere
I'd play either category if they're good games, but I perfer arcade racers like Rush and WipeOut. I grew up with Mario Kart on the SNES. And yes, I absolutely hate liscense tests in most games. That needs to be done away with. Also, all the car customisation and fine tuning doesn't mean jack if you don't know what any of it means. -
I've played around with that stuff before, my neighbor's a big pyro so we just go out somewhere at night and mess with fire. We were skateboarding once and we set up two mini-ramps and a box of flaming material between them and I ended up falling in the box. I have a picture of myself almost completely on fire... I had it on a website but it got taken down after about a year of not being touched. The picture (yes, an actual photograph) is hanging on my neighbor's wall. I'll have to get it.