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Everything posted by Goodbye, Face
[font=arial][size=1]There is a rule in the journalism world that a review must NEVER mention Tool in a review. Unless it's about Tool. There's a reason for this.[/font][/size]
[font=arial][size=1]My friend actually uses Meetup.com for ghost hunting around here. We live in a very religious and anti-ghost, anti-fun area so we have to dig really deep and do really desperate things to find people to explore local "haunted" houses. I say "we" because I've been on a few hunts with him. The only thing we found was a really old wine cellar. We brought a bunch of bottles back, and my friend is seeing if they're worth enough to go get some of the rest. My friend said that he's only met up with one person found on the site and he was a pretty cool guy, but there's always weirdos out there, so you can never really know.[/font][/size]
[font=arial][size=1]I love Boris, but I don't really know what to say about them. They have a different sound from album to album and much of what I heard isn't very metallic. It's a real shame though that people constantly bring up Boris but completely ignore another great Japanese band, Envy. They started off playing screamo but eventually changed to a down-tempo band very similar to Isis and the like. Their latest few albums have all been amazing, but at the same time it's something I have to be in the mood for. What are some albums from Boris that you would recommend? I have all of Pink and a few other songs here and there.[/font][/size]
[font=arial][size=1]I just realized that the "your mom" thing was what I said. Dude, I got made fun of for saying it, the last thing I need is you actually feeling insulted. It wasn't even directed at anyone, it was just being corny because I did not have a real answer to the survey question. We're cool, right?[/font][/size]
[quote name='Metalcore501']But Ive never heard of the other band you mentioned.[/QUOTE] [font=arial][size=1]You must have skipped this entire thread if you haven't heard of Amon Amarth. I don't really want to backcheck this, but they've probably been mentioned on every page here. o_O I don't want to derail this thread any more than it kinda already is, but Metalcore is right, music is music. It's really up to the listener to decide if the ideals presented in the lyrics adversely affect their feelings towards the band, but being kind of standoff-ish about Christianity myself, I don't let stuff like that bother me. If the music is good, then look past it, not everything in a song's lyrics is going to be relevant to you like it is for them. My only problem with lyrics is that they can really keep me from taking a band seriously. Viking metal. I can't do it, I'm sorry. [IMG]http://www.nerd-core.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2007/06/ensiferum.jpg[/IMG] I just can't take it seriously. More relevant, is it weird to you that metal has this image of being satanic while there is a ridiculous amount of christian metalcore bands? I wonder if there is some sort of correlation to this.[/font][/size]
The Extreme/Heavy Music That Isn't Metal Thread!
Goodbye, Face replied to Jakehammaren's topic in Noosphere
[font=arial][size=1]Moss Icon, Rites of Spring, Embrace, and (early) Antioch Arrow are definitely worth checking out if you want to hear some good punk music. The first two pretty much started the emo genre, Embrace is more along the lines of Minor Threat and Black Flag, and Antioch Arrow was kind of how Daughters currently is in the sense that they play really spastic music but their vocalist only gets harsh in like two songs. AA were late 80's/early 90's though.[/font][/size] -
[font=arial][size=1]1. theOtaku.com was growing into the most popular anime (and videogames, at one point) website and they needed a forum. Problem solved. 2. Your mom. 3. Lots of anime fans who can't spell and always sound really excited about everything, people who arrived like those above anime fans but grew up and became an actual intelligent contributor to the site, vikings who really like music genres, and half the posts are actually done by a member known as Deus Ex Machina. 4. It's always been good, I don't know what you're talking about. 5. Ehhh... nahhh, but it's important to me. 6. I'm never on here for more than ten minutes at a time, if that says anything, lol.[/font][/size]
[font=arial][size=1]I'm kind of here for the same reasons as Ken. I've been around since Version 3, and that was back when I was 11 or 12 years old, something like that. Putting it in those terms, it's been a part of my life for alllmost half of my life. I tried to leave at one point, but it only lasted a year before Dragon Warrior dateraped me and I woke up at OB with a sore butthole. I LEARNED MY LESSON. The people here are pretty amazing, there's a few people who would be missing teeth if we met in real life but they're really not that bad either. I owe a lot of friendships and life changes to this site and I'm glad it's here.[/font][/size]
[font=arial][size=1]Everything I say is a lie. Except for that. And that. And that. And that. And that. And that. And that anatandthatthandthatanthat...[/size][/font]
[font=arial][size=1]We have a month of 2007 left, but I wanted to actually make a thread on OB for once in my life. Here, we do the typical top-whatever lists of albums or movies or both (and if you can find a way to make it work for TV shows, go right ahead). You know how to do this. Just be sure to describe this stuff as you feel is necessary. Your post should have something to discuss about it, basically. Follow my example, I'm just going to do music for now. I'll shoot for 15 and #1 is the best, I'm well aware that you don't care about my musical tastes enough for me to be all climactic and have my favorite album at the bottom. And also, use incorrect genres at your own discretion, i.e.: avoid them entirely. So at the risk of Nomura copying and reposting my entire list, here's my favorite albums of '07: [b]1. Hella - There's No 666 in Outer Space:[/b] This album has been my little secret of the year. I have been obsessed with this band since I got this CD in mid-June and I've been trying not to mention it on here because I don't want Deus Ex to ruin this experience for me by liking it. Here's the skinny about the album, Zach Hill is the best drummer ever. EVER. I know I am standing on slippery ground saying that. Spencer Seim is an equally great guitarist, but I just can't comprehend some of his stuff. Those two guys were the original Hella. For this album, they expanded to a five-man set-up, including a singer who sounds like a weird mix of the singers from The Mars Volta and Cave In. His subject matter is straight up evil and I love it. The album is simply the most intense experience noise has ever been able to give me. Best album of the year, definitely a contender for the best album I've ever heard. [b]2. Circa Survive - On Letting Go:[/b] It's like the band sat down and asked themselves "What music does Kevin want us to make?" and then they went and recorded it. I consider Anthony Green to be my favorite singer, but some how he takes the passenger seat to the guitars on this record, which is quite a feat. Every song contains epic emotion due to the swooping guitar melodies interacting with Anthony's voice. When they want you to feel happy, you feel the **** happy, when they want you sad, you ****ing cry. Where this album fit my tastes exactly, Hella took said musical tastes in both hands and tore them to pieces. Sorry, On Letting Go, you are number two. [b]3. The Dillinger Escape Plan - Ire Works:[/b] I can't believe I'm saying this without having the words "since 1999" in the statement somewhere, but Ire Works is my favorite DEP album. It's strength is in its variety, there's "sell-out" material here, sure, but it works in this album better than it did in Miss Machine. I wish I could make everyone who reads this listen to "When Acting As a Wave." [b]4. Pygmylush - Bitter River:[/b] I know what you're asking. "Who are these guys?!" It's three members of Pageninetynine, plus some other members. I was sold already, but for those of you that aren't, Bitter River is another album that works because of its variety. The band goes from their pg.99 roots of scathing hardcore with several vocalists going on at once to acoustic, folksy rock. The album in general goes between ferocity and despair, listening to it affects my mood in a negative way. But that's okay, it WORKS. [b]5. Explosions in the Sky - All of a Sudden, I Miss Everyone:[/b] The band does not employ words in their music, so I cannot describe them in words. The word "beautiful" comes to mind but it's not enough. Next album. [b]6. Hot Cross - Risk Revival:[/b] Hot Cross lost a guitarist before writing this album, and I originally thought that they were screwed without Josh. I was wrong, they produced one hell of an album. I can't say that I think this is their best work, but I am really amazed with what they were able to accomplish. Before, I was kind of hoping they'd just call it quits, but now that they're gone, I want them back. ;_; PUNK ROCK. [b]7. Shellac - Excellent Italian Greyhound:[/b] They apparently made this record to piss their audience off. There's a ten minute song with nothing but the same bass note over and over. There's a song that stops entirely for six minutes while frontman Steve Albini just talks into the microphone. It's amazing. Just don't ask me why. [spoiler]I would eat the **** out of Steve Albini's ***.[/spoiler] [b]8. 65daysofstatic - The Destruction of Small Ideas:[/b] This band, in general, is incredible. This album definitely has its good moments, but mostly pales in comparison to their earlier works. This is half because of the way the recorded it. The insert reads "We recorded this album quietly so it can be enjoyed LOUDLY." It basically means that everything is played really soft and they want you to turn it up so the electronic noises get distorted. I like the concept but it just doesn't work. Also, there's a track where Circle Takes the Square do guest vocals. WIN. [b]9. Baroness - The Red Album:[/b] Epic, EPIC Post-Rock that transforms into various kinds of metal (I'd really like to get Jake to help me out with that). The vocals sound completely different compared to their EP's but I like it, they sound different than Isis now, haha. This offering is better than anything from Isis in my opinion, that's real tough to say. Also, I saw them live last year and they played for three hours, then this guy in the audience got so excited he walked around punching people in the face, the cops came and the show was over. [b]10. Ghastly City Sleep - (selftitled):[/b] I'm listening to this right now. It's post-rock with excellent guy/girl vocals intertwined with textured guitar noise. I don't know how to describe this in any way that would make this sound good. It is, though! I'm done with this describing thing, here's some more: Les Savy Fav - Let's Stay Friends Queens of the Stone Age - Era Vulgaris The Bled - Silent Treatment Melt Banana - Bambi's Dilemma Alcest - Souvenirs d'un Autere Monde Battles - Mirrored Here's some things that are making me excited about next year! Circle Takes the Square - II This Will Destroy You - This Will Destroy You Ayreon - 01011001 Your turn![/font][/size]
[quote name='Premonition'][COLOR="77656"]I know this Ace. Some places you aren't able to use it for reports because of false information and whatnot. Adn the Librarian's son at school put himself as a pro-cricket player living in Norfolk NY. But that's not deleted, so they must not regulate it well[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [font=arial][size=1]Let's derail the thread and talk about Wikipedia, lol. That article probably isn't going to get deleted for a very long time because no one will ever see it. The librarian's son is insignificant to the goings-on of the planet and no one is going to search for him. Examples like that don't prove anything. And also, the little numbers you see after facts in real articles in Wikipedia? Those are citations that take you to the direct source of the information. If you don't trust what the wiki says, you can always backcheck it to the real source. Hell, this is how I use it for papers. Back on topic, it's clear that Retri and I have a rather libertarian view of the illegality of cannabis. To be against the legalization of it, you have to also be for prohibition and de-legalization of tobacco. This has been mentioned already. I don't know how we can say no to weed and not also say no to those other things. I think it's silly to single it out and not test it just because the government or whatever simply doesn't want us to. I am against weed myself, but I don't see why the government should have a say about things that grow out of the ground naturally and make people feel good.[/font][/size]
[font=arial][size=1]Last weekend, I played what will probably my only experience with the game for a long while. My friend has all the stars but the ones in the later levels, so I wound up jumping in on the last world, if they're still being called that. I've never played a games where the gravity changes so dramatically so often, I had no chance to learn the game in an easier level first (because my friend is really pushy) and it was a total mind**** going around on a conveyor block thing in a square while jumping from place to place and getting attacked by enemies. After I lost half of his 50-something lives, he got on player 2 and started making things freeze around me, which made it much easier for me to deal with. XD The camera didn't bother me, and I was impressed with it considering how the levels are shaped, etc. I never died because of it, but I only played like three levels. Also, [spoiler]flying[/spoiler] = WIN.[/font][/size]
[quote name='AzureWolf']Huh? Please don't tell me you categorize cigarettes as a drug, especially a medicinal one, which is what the OP was comparing marijuana to. But hey, if you do, all the more power to you, I guess. 60s are back, lol.[/QUOTE] [font=arial][size=1]My bad, I lost my train of thought midway and thought the second part of your post was separate, I don't even know. At the same time, though, it doesn't matter. Marijuana isn't anything more than a fun painkiller in medicinal terms, it won't be as effective as pretty much anything else that they use now. People who bring up medicinal uses are ridiculous, it's primarily for recreation and that's what people who want it for common medical treatment really want to do with the drug. If it's prescribed like Oxy-Contin, that'd make it easier to get, wouldn't it? I agree that it should not be legalized for medicinal value alone, rather, my argument was simply that it's a relatively safer version of tobacco.[/font][/size]
The Extreme/Heavy Music That Isn't Metal Thread!
Goodbye, Face replied to Jakehammaren's topic in Noosphere
[font=arial][size=1]Dude, Prem, it looks like you found a pop-rock band, good job. >_> Art rock refers to a progressive rock movement that started in the 70's in England. It has nothing to do with lyrics or performance. Bands that are called art rock now are usually progressive or math rock bands. I mean, what I heard of Fair to Midland is okay, the vocals don't fit well to me, for some reason, I think they're too loud in the mix. And also, there's band that is called Hum that did a similar thing in the 90's... BUT BETTER. The electronic melodies, not so much, but the jangly guitar in verses to distorted guitar in choruses? Covered. I don't know if I'd consider either Hum or FTM to be extreme/heavy, but you started it![/font][/size] -
[font=arial][size=1]I was previously a social pot-smoker but I have made some changes and I no longer agree with it or the abuse of any other drug. However... I completely agree with Retribution's points, apparently he has the same beliefs as me. As long as it doesn't harm other people's quality of life, I see no problems with people "destroying" themselves. AzureWolf: Cigarettes must be godlike then. Marijuana is less addictive than cigarettes. People don't get "stuck" on pot and can't quit like what cigs do from almost the start. I quit it and never had an urge to smoke again, and I've heard the same thing from several other people in person and it's all over the internet. Meanwhile, ask anyone who has smoked for a few months or more and ask them if they still like doing it. Also, dropping out of school/work/whatever can be because of anything. Sometimes it's pot, sometimes it's cigs or alcohol, sometimes it's music! I've had friends who abandon me because I don't smoke pot just like I don't get invited to parties because I don't drink. Using pot as a scapegoat for this is dumb.[/font][/size]
[font=arial][size=1]The only reason why we're all trolling you to different extents is because that when a band goes off into nu-metal or screamo territory, they're not a metal band. They may be inspired by actual metal music or whatever, but that's like saying Opeth is a jazz band because they introduce some jazz influences in their music. We're all kind of tired of this constantly coming up. Isis, Baroness, and Kylesa are pretty much the only metal bands I listen to. I don't even know what I'm doing in this thread half the time. We're all just passionate about music here and when someone as uncaring as you apparently are comes around, it gets us a little angry.[/font][/size]
[font=arial][size=1]Screamo Metal sounds like it would be awesome. XD Oddly enough, that seems to be kind of the direction that Circle Takes the Square is taking with their new record. There's a new song on youtube that sounds like it's half hardcore and half Isis.[/font][/size]
[font=arial][size=1]Techno is definitely the wrong term for what I listen to, but I like whatever it is in my music. The late Semjaza on these boards recently got me into breakbeat music with a lot of screaming, aka. "digital hardcore" as it's called by the genre's founders, the Atari Teenage Riot. I only truly like a few songs by that band (how can anyone not immediately love a song called "Destroy 2000 Years of Culture!"?), but I much enjoy the variety of groups they inspired, namely Akira Death. Two Japanese dudes both named Akira basically doing what Refused did in The Shape of Punk to Come but without the instruments. Also, I've brought up the 'supergroup' Error in the Extreme Music thread, a project consisting of members of The Dillinger Escape Plan, Bad Religion, and Nine Inch Nails. Tony got me into them, too. Finally, I like hybrid rock such as 65daysofstatic, which combines electronic music with "real" music. While it makes them feel like cheaters, their music is insane with the beats overlaying the drums and the noises swooping from channel to channel as the guitars are chugging away. "Await Rescue" by them is a perfect sense of the feeling, you guys should check it out on your own. So yeah, "techno" rules. I DON'T KICK ROCKS.[/font][/size]
[font=arial][size=1]I'm glad I got you into Circa Survive, Clurr. :D [img]http://www.voxshowroom.com/northcoast/images/rickenbacker/cseries/360-12C64-1.jpg[/img] Rickenbacker 360 or a similar Ric, definitely in black, however. I just chose this picture because it was easy to find immediately. [img]http://videogames.techfresh.net/wp-content/uploads/2007/07/orange.jpg[/img] I upgraded my laptop's RAM and it still isn't quite good enough, so I'd like the 360 version. I'm probably buying this for myself anyway. Maybe an assortment of all the games that I wanted but didn't get throughout the year. Anything between Dead Rising, Lost Planet, Oblivion: Shivering Isles, etc. Also, I'd like to finally get the last four volumes of Death Note that I never picked up. :([/font][/size]
Emos, Preps and the Whole Clique team
Goodbye, Face replied to Aberinkula's topic in General Discussion
[font=arial][size=1]I fit in with the undead crew, mostly. [img]http://photos-b.ak.facebook.com/photos-ak-sctm/v155/73/39/515250417/n515250417_301713_1133.jpg[/img] We like to stalk the living, it's our favorite past time. We also like to sit around eating brains and watching 70's horror movies. We'd play Halo or something, but we have bad coordination.[/font][/size] -
The Extreme/Heavy Music That Isn't Metal Thread!
Goodbye, Face replied to Jakehammaren's topic in Noosphere
[font=arial][size=1]The low rhythmic sound in "Same Shade as Concrete"? That's the regular bass guitar. It's not something additional.[/font][/size] -
The Extreme/Heavy Music That Isn't Metal Thread!
Goodbye, Face replied to Jakehammaren's topic in Noosphere
[font=arial][size=1]Deus, I almost like you as a person now. Almost. :D Circle went through a huge line-up change with delayed their album that was supposed to come out this year, I was pissed, but I completely understand. The new members supposedly do their respective jobs very well, and Drew and Kathy are still in the band, so what do I care. So, hopefully, they'll have a new album next year. As the Roots Undo as a whole is epic, and you should get it. However, it is not epic enough to last for five years, and I really wish they at least got an EP together or something instead of just going back on their word every year. And I feel awful that I missed another completely WRONG statement by Nomura. ;_;[/font][/size] -
[quote name='Deus ex Machina'][COLOR="DarkOrange"] Especiallly the ones done by Portugal. The Man who I may have to listen to more of now.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [font=arial][size=1]Portugal. The Man is fantastic. I just bought Church Mouth a few weeks ago and I was really impressed by it; but just so you know, I like Waiter: "You Vultures!" much better. So, if you're going to get into the band, I suggest Waiter first. As for what else I've been listening to, there's the new Dillinger Escape Plan record, which is just mindblowing. No one can hate the band after hearing "When Acting As a Wave." I'm so happy the instrumentals are back. Also, I've pretty much been listening to the whole Neurot Records catalogue, y'know, Isis, Neurosis, Red Sparowes, Battle of Mice, Made Out of Babies, etc. I heard Red Sparowes are recording right now and they are saying it's their best work yet. :D:D:D Also, I haven't heard anything by Neurosis until recently, they're not my favorite band or anything, but I like it.[/font][/size]
[font=arial][size=1]I don't know... they sounded pretty folksy to me... I don't know why, but I just can't get into Agalloch. I guess that makes me a jerk or something, but I just don't get it! I can't explain what it is, they're talented dudes, but it's not my type. And let's hear about some Neo-Folk, Jake! It's a completely new term to me.[/font][/size]
The Extreme/Heavy Music That Isn't Metal Thread!
Goodbye, Face replied to Jakehammaren's topic in Noosphere
[font=arial][size=1]In short, mathcore is hardcore music with changing time signatures. Instead of playing in 4/4, they play silly things like 7/4, 13/8, etc. (EDIT: I had 14/8 here, lol) Math rock is far more advanced and technical, bands like Dillinger (who are mentioned all over if you've read the rest of the thread) tend to just play one note repeated in strange intervals and call it technical. Although I hate them, The Mars Volta is the easiest example of Math Rock out there. It's the same basic concept as mathcore but it goes down easier. And a lot of these "-core" terms date back into the 80's and probably even earlier. Heavy punk started being called Hardcore Punk, then bands developed into a non-punk Hardcore, metal-inspired Metalcore, etc. I have no idea what Grindcore is supposed to mean, but I know what it is, it sucks but it's good for a headrush from time to time. And yes, I'm aware that a lot of bands don't care for what genre they play and are just there to play the music. That is good and that is what I personally look for in a band. However, that is apparently not the case with Mudvayne and I didn't want to use extraneous information that what would help develop my point. And while this is way out of place, I remember you from earlier years, Ravenstorture! I used to be Axel Ignition or something like that.[/font][/size]