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Goodbye, Face

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Everything posted by Goodbye, Face

  1. [font=arial][size=1]Sorry that Jake has an actual life (that may or may not involve pillaging small towns and raping their women) and cannot be there 24/7 to respond to every query you have about metal music. No, you shouldn't kiss his ***. He isn't some amazing god of musical knowledge. What he is (is) someone who actually takes the time to study what makes his music good to him. He makes sure he knows what he's talking about before he posts anything, and that's an example that you of all people should follow. And check out the edit I made in my last post, I'm excited to see what response you have for it.[/font][/size] EDIT @ Gunslinger: [img]http://uberkuul.files.wordpress.com/2006/06/buddy%20christ%20from%20dogma.jpg[/img]
  2. [font=arial][size=1]It doesn't matter if you like The Locust or not. There's so many better examples (anything would be better, pretty much) to use and you picked them. Also, you'll find that it does not matter what a band says they play, just like you, musicians are horribly disillusioned as to what genre they play. They might set out to play mathcore, but that is NOT what comes out of their amps, I'm sorry. I'm getting sick of this. "I like this band so they must be (metal / whatever genre I like the name of at the time)." "I hate this band, so they must be (emo / nu-metal)."[/font][/size] EDIT: OH WAIT [quote]I really enjoy [...] the locust [...] .[/quote] [quote]The locust I really don't like I threw them in for the sake of argument.[/quote] EXPLAIN THIS.
  3. [quote name='Avenged666fold']On topic...sorta...Mathcore is a subsubgenre of metal core right? I really enjoy the few metalcore bands I heard(curl up and die,the locust,mudvayne).[/QUOTE] [font=arial][size=1]Woah, woah, WOAH. I haven't heard too much Curl Up and Die, they're terrible, but I believe you're right in calling them metalcore. The Locust is a mixture of Speed Punk and Grindcore. I have no idea how you can hear The Locust's music and think anything even vaguely metal-related. And... Mudvayne? Metalcore?! WHAT?! For a good idea of what metalcore is, check out Botch. They do it and they do it RIGHT. For a good idea of Mathcore, there can only be one: The Dillinger Escape Plan. They're all over this thread, it's really funny. In fact their whole new album is up on their myspace right now. Mathcore bands that are also of note are The Number Twelve Looks Like You and Daughters. Neither of those are totally mathcore though and borrow ideas from some other genres, but mathcore is a vague genre anyway.[/font][/size]
  4. [quote name='Whoa, Mann'][SIZE="1"][COLOR="HotPink"]Stuff.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/QUOTE] [font=arial][size=1]Mathcore bands? None of those are mathcore. Quit going out of your way to mention genres when you FAIL at it. And yes, I think I would know about all those bands because I told you about ALL of them, except for Blood Brothers, HHLL, and Head Wound City. HWC sucks, right off the bat. It has members of Blood Brothers and The Locust in it and those respective bands are FAR better than HWC. You're not going to like Saetia. I don't even like them anymore. And I hope you at least listen to some more pg.99 before you pick up one of their cd's or something, they're really tough to get into. The rest are good and I think you'll like them. Quit copying my music taste![/font][/size]
  5. [font=arial][size=1]I usually pick a video game and try to beat it in one sitting, or I work on Disgaea (which I still have not beaten after three years and like five hundred hours). RPG's in general are a good choice because they don't require must quick thought. Alternatively, I have my DS if I'm too sick to really get out of bed at all. Yes, I wash this stuff off once I get better, haha. I get dyslexic when I'm sick so reading is extremely out of the question. I had to go to school for exams in a bad fever once and I almost failed them all and got held back.[/font][/size]
  6. [font=arial][size=1]I've heard the same thing John has said everywhere. Therefore, I've never played it, it doesn't even look interesting to me. The community in all these free games is notoriously bad, not just in MS. Ultimately, you get what you pay for; and if you're not paying for it, then... Flyff and Rappelz are probably better choices, but only slightly better. Rakion is pretty cool too but there is NO help for new players. You get a useless training level and then you're trust out into the vicious online multiplayer mode.[/font][/size]
  7. [font=arial][size=1]I'm interested in what you would consider Battle of Mice, Jake. They sound like a slower and more crushing Jesu but with a girl on the mic. Also, I don't know if you heard their whole cd. The last half of it is BRUTAL. It gets really intense at some points. I understand that not every bit of Battle is metal, but it's definitely in there.[/font][/size]
  8. [font=arial][size=1]I was always taught "movie theater" and "I'm going to the theatre to see a play." Maybe it's just me. But yeah, I like the names, it's nice having one word instead of "Movies/Music/TV." Besides, we saw like half of these in the Graphic Worm at least a half a year ago.[/font][/size]
  9. [font=arial][size=1]Well, if it's for my good ol' buddy, Thor... [b]Julie Christmas[/b] is in a kinda-metal band, Battle of Mice (as well as some other non-metal bands). She has a really mouse-y voice with which she sings and violently shrieks. The contrast between the two is startling and it makes her an extremely powerful vocalist because of the emotions that she is able to convey that other vocalists simply can't. ([url]http://www.myspace.com/battleofmice[/url]) [b]Laura Pleasants[/b] is in the half metal/half punk mixture that is Kylesa. She's a wicked guitarist and pretty damn hot, too. You metal dudes will probably like some of their songs but not all of them. ([url]http://www.myspace.com/kylesa[/url]) Sorry, that's the best I've got.[/font][/size]
  10. [font=arial][size=1]Hands down, every noise that comes out of Mario's mouth in Mario 64. If you've played it, you know what I'm talking about. Yahoo! Yipee!!! OooooAaAaAaah!!! And also, all the crazy grunts that enemies do in Doom and Duke Nukem 3D. As Boo said, they're the best.[/font][/size]
  11. [font=arial][size=1]But I mean, if you consider stuff like Pelican and Tides metal, Battle of Mice should be metal too. It's THAT music plus some cute girl vocals. I just mentioned them here as a recommendation to a few people.[/font][/size]
  12. [quote name='Whoa, Mann'][SIZE="1"][COLOR="HotPink"]The Dillinger Escape Plan[/COLOR][/SIZE][/QUOTE] [quote name='Mr. Maul'][FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1][COLOR=dimgray]abrasively extreme electronic music[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE][/QUOTE] [font=arial][size=1]Say hello to Error ([url]http://www.myspace.com/errorband[/url]). The vocalist (Greg) from DEP accompanied by heavy electronic beats, rather than recordings of musical instruments falling down staircases ([spoiler]I kid[/spoiler]). Believe it or not, Tony turned me on to this band. Weeeird. So yeah, maybe we can all find common ground? hahaha[/font][/size]
  13. [font=arial][size=1]He didn't say anything about new or old DEP, Kam. (But he did say something about math breakdowns... WHAT?!) I have to say, Miss Machine is complete trash, I don't really like their old self-titled either. Calculating Infinity is my favorite of their releases, but their EP's are really good too. The stuff in there is extremely mathcore/math metal/whatever. Miss Machine felt dumbed down in comparison and I wonder if that's what you were talking about. Ire Works looks promising as hell, though. I don't really know how you can call Norma Jean experimental, either. O' God the Aftermath was just an example of a metalcore band actually doing something RIGHT. I love how they went right back to generic bs on Redeemer, though. Also, does the band really roll dice to choose time signatures for their songs? I've read that in a few places. (LAAAAAATE EDIT: I mean DEP here.)[/font][/size]
  14. [font=arial][size=1]Kelly Clarkson, Jake. You forgot Kelly Clarkson.[/font][/size]
  15. [font=arial][size=1]Dude, all you listen to is talentless Christian Post-Hardcore/Metalcore bull-****. I'd watch it if I were you. This isn't about me supporting Flyleaf, that's not the case AT ALL. We just don't need hypocrisy in THIS thread either. And we'll talk about DEP once I get over the shock of you [i]actually listening to good music.[/i] With all these mentions of Flyleaf, I have to bring up Made Out of Babies. Julie Christmas is my favorite female vocalist, she goes from a cute mousey voice to full on screams. Combine this with some "alternative metal" and you have a really solid band. Julie's also in a post-metal band called Battle of Mice along with dudes from Isis, Red Sparowes, and I think Neurosis. Both are pretty high on the list of bands I adore and have a similar (but a million times better!) sound to Flyleaf. And HORSE the Band is hilarious live, hahaha![/font][/size]
  16. [font=arial][size=1]Just to be in agreement with a point I forgot to mention, at almost every show I've ever been to, at least one band gets up to play and tells us that we can just download their cd and give it to our friends. Circa Survive is on a pretty good label and they still do this. Their singer threw copies of Juturna out into the audience last time I saw them, and they were also selling them for $3 in the back, which was juuuust over the amount that they spend per cd to make them. And Aceburner: I hate iPods and iTunes, therefore I don't use either. So not EVERYBODY, even with caps. :p[/font][/size]
  17. [font=arial][size=1]Okay, my two cents. I don't listen to popular music. You know this. I'd say about half of the bands I listen to are either battling the fact that they cannot afford to keep pressing records so their stuff doesn't go out of print, or aren't on a label. A lot of these bands, such as So Many Dynamos, are fans of P2P. I was talking to this particular band about it, and they are personally uploading their album to these places for people to "steal," finding that it increases turnouts for their shows, and therefore more record and shirt sales. Most of the bands I've talked to agree with this. If they have labels, it's usually different though. The label is (supposed!) to promote the band so that they can make money from the band's success. In this respect, downloading music from that band can only negatively affect them. They aren't supposed to need the advertising factor of the downloads, and not everyone who downloads buys a cd afterwards. Another kind of validating factor that applies to me is that a lot of the bands I listen to, such as Pageninetynine, are long gone, and so are hard copies of most of their records. You can either pay some ridiculous price on eBay for it (that the artist or the label will never see!) or download it. See also: Dreamcast games (the good ones). But I mean, I still feel extremely guilty for not having a hard copy of every album I truly love. &also, OiNK got shut down today, which is extremely relevant to this discussion.[/font][/size]
  18. [font=arial][size=1][b][u]**** YEAH! -bands[/u][/b] [b]Circle Takes the Square:[/b] Love endures a lot, like not recording an album in almost half a decade, and not playing in North Carolina. Ever. It wasn't love at first sight, but this band was my gateway drug into extremely heavy music. If you are looking for the epic without the "metal," this is your band. [b]I Would Set Myself on Fire for You:[/b] I first heard of them when I saw them live at a show CTTS was supposed to play at. What they are is BEAUTIFUL lyrics, sometimes chanted in a round, accompanied by sweeping textures of guitars, bass, drums, electronic beats, and a viola. This is seriously the most incredible band EVER. EVER. Better than whichever pre-80's band you think kicks ***, iwouldetc. is better. [b]Gospel:[/b] Progressive Rock plus Hardcore, no, not like The Number Twelve Looks Like You, not even close. Think a really even mix, heavy, but textured and flowing, veering into Post-Rock territory but then coming back to shred and scream until your face melts. Their lyrics range from being fun to being really meaningful. Them recording only one full-length before splitting up is the biggest tragedy 2006 has ever seen. [b]This Will Destroy You:[/b] Epic, and I mean EPIC post-rock. Their lonesome album is amazing, and it kept me going for a year before they rocked my face live this summer. You have to see them to truly appreciate what's going on in the music. Go find "The World is Our ______" or "I Believe in Your Victory" and TRY to tell me it's not the most beautiful thing you've ever heard. [b][u]Kinda my faves[/u][/b] [b]Pretty Girls Make Graves:[/b] I could listen to Andrea Zollo's voice all day long. Also, their early works (see Good Health) contains some AMAZING guitarwork. [b]Hot Cross:[/b] Same as PGMG. Better guitars, more punk, less pretty. [b]Drive Like Jehu:[/b] Thanks, John! [b]Pageninetynine:[/b] If you're wondering where the artwork in my avatars has been coming from, it's from the insert of pg.99's Document #8. This band is something that nobody but me understands. You know how something just arrives in your life at just the right time? For me, that was this band. There isn't anything I can write about them that can really mean anything. You just have to listen and find your own meaning. [b][u]& also[/b][/u] Hella Cinemechanica We Versus the Shark So Many Dynamos Panthers Hot Snakes 65daysofstatic Explosions in the Sky Kylesa[/font][/size]
  19. [font=arial][size=1]James, I honestly tried to be respectful to this kid, and it does not work. I'm sorry, but I honestly feel the need to do this to salvage what's left of the music community of OB, so we can have a decent conversation that is actually on topic. If you would like to PM me about my plea or whatever, I'm all ears/eyes, whatever. Revolver, I thought for a moment that I could actually respect you, but that went completely out of the window. I think I'm on the same page as everyone else when I say this, get the **** out of this thread. I really don't care if people come in with what their idea of metal is and it's completely wrong. That's okay with me. People are supposed to actually learn from their mistakes and apply it so that they don't make that mistake. You refuse to admit you've made one, over and over. You know nothing about the difference between what metal is and isn't, nor do you have any respect for music to begin with. I mentioned in my first PM to you that I felt that you genuinely liked music and liked to talk about it with us. I guess I was wrong. You only seem interested in annoying us and sabotaging an otherwise enlightening conversation. We're all clearly frustrated. I tried doing my part last night and I'm just fed up with this. [img]http://rebelrockrunners.org/gallery/d/15309-2/ban_him.jpg[/img][/font][/size]
  20. [font=arial][size=1]Thank you for going above and beyond, in a sense. I'll delete a pretty obvious post when I'm done typing this. As far as I care, if it has metal anywhere in the title, we should be able to talk about it in context/contrast to real metal, which is basically what we have been doing. As long as we don't get too carried away with Alternative Metal, I see no reason to talk about it to some extent. I'm glad new people are coming in and posting, if it's the same people posting over and over, it'll get stagnant. John listens to more metal than I thought! And Jake, I beat you to that video like two or three pages ago, man. Check for it, it was in good timing. I'm kind of done with this thread for the night, I just wanted to acknowledge things.[/font][/size]
  21. [font=arial][size=1]As intelligently as I can put this, I have listened to two Trivium albums, and I feel truly sorry for my friend and for anyone else who loves this band because they have a complete lack of good musical taste. Their music isn't interesting, it isn't passionate, and it isn't [i]good[/i]. Seriously, isn't there a better band than Trivium that people could be listening to? I mean, I listen to some pretty bad music, but at least it's [i]interesting[/i]. EDIT: and sorry dude, I've never heard of Electric Wizard. I may check them out. EDIT2: Revolver, how irrelevant can you possibly be? Every other post you make is full of complete disregard of context and sense.[/font][/size]
  22. [font=arial][size=1]Yeah, with GIF's, you can't just say "okay, go backwards now," you'd need 34 frames of it going backwards after it. And if we're saying that it's doing it after a certain amount of spins, you can't just tell a GIF to loop a few times and then switch to another animation. It would need to have multiples of the spinning animation and then the backwards spin, so in order to do that, it'd take HUNDREDS of frames. Resourcefulness wins over ridiculous cynicism.[/font][/size]
  23. [font=arial][size=1]I checked the frames in ImageReady, it's 34 frames of her just going around in a circle. CLOCKWISE. There's no trick to it, it's just your eyes.[/font][/size]
  24. [font=arial][size=1]I think it's too heavy and too extreme to catch on with the "popular music" crowd. Hair Metal was able to do that because of power ballads, but when metalcore tries to do something like that, we get ******** like what Atreyu has been putting out in their past few releases. And of course, when metalcore shows a soft side, it's suddenly "Nu-Metal." Edit: and I loved Lamb of God back when they were Burn the Priest. That was a fun record.[/font][/size]
  25. [quote name='Revolver'][COLOR="Olive"]Mallcore isn't a thorn, Jake, more like a cancerous cyst on the colon of Metal.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [font=arial][size=1]Shut up, shut up, shutup shutupshutup... you listen to it!!! [quote name='Revolver'][COLOR="Olive"]I'm going to buy an Opeth Album soon. Any suggestions?[/COLOR][/QUOTE] Ghost Reveries and Blackwater Park are probably equally their best. There's not much of a difference in their sound between the two, so I'd just go with which ever album cover looks cooler to you.[/font][/size]
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