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Everything posted by eyesintheshadow

  1. As long as LP has been around i have been a big fan. Until they made the mistake of teaming up with Jay-Z. That was where i lost all respect for them. I think that that was the biggest mistake they will ever make. However, before that i had every one of there cd's, knew just about all there songs by heart, and they were one of my favorite bands until they mad that one mistake. i have not listened to anything by them since.
  2. i th ink the grudghe SUCKED. it was not scary, the plot wasnt very good, and it just wasnt good.the acting was good, but i heard that it was [I]so scary[/I] when i saw iti did not jump once. iw asnt even frightened the slightest bit. so i personally think the grudge could not have been a worse movie. the ending was given away, in the begining which sucked because i knew the hole way through the mivie who it was and all that crap.
  3. i really liked Boogeyman. i thought it was a very good horror movie. i have no idea hwy other people didnt like it.it scared the crap out of me. especilly the begining. i thouhg ti thad a good story-line, and over all i really enjoyed it.i liked the fact that u finally get to see the thing in the end.wich really suprised me.
  4. i used to love those games for super nintendo. i played those all the time.i actually still have one. the aniversary collection was very good. i liked how it went from the early ones up to one of the newer ones. i thought that, that was very interesting. i think mega man is one of the best games to come out. also its been out for so long and dtill gong. thats pretty impressive
  5. rock is the only type of music that i listen to. i think that older rock is the best however.like van halen is awsome. pretty much any band from the 70's 80's and 90's mostly are extremely good. any one who doesnt like older rock, but likes today's rock(which i have no problem with) and todayd metal, needs to realize that older rock started it all. older music started metal, except now they just play it louder and have more people in the band.
  6. i used to listen to them more than i do know. i like them though they're a really good band. i have there newest cd, which isnt really that new. its been out forever. i thinhk they need to release a new album because it has been a long while since there last cd came out
  7. hey man, well i havent really heard much from breaking benjaminbut what i have heard was pretty good. i've heard "so cold" which i liked, so yeah,, thats about it
  8. yeah league of extraordinary gentle men is no where near a horror film. second, if you want to see a good slasher movie watch Texas Chainsaw Massacre.that movie is excellent. good "slasher" movie, if thats what you want, and it has a good story and good effects as well.i have to completely disagree that horror movies are getting worse. however, the old horror movies like any of the Halloween movies are excellent. the effects these days however are incredible. i have seen a lot of horror movies and i think some of them are actually better than older ones, but i have seen some that are flat out bad.
  9. besides the fact that they're german and u cant understand anything they say really, they are an awsome band. i own 2 cd's from rammstien. they're new one, reise reise,which i think is the best one out of the two i own. the other one i own is, sensucht(i have no idea how to spell it) but they are both AWSOME as well as the band
  10. i would really like to see a green lantern movie because he is one of my favorite superheros. also, i would like to see a fantstic four movie. that movie is supposed to be coming out this year i think.ant ways, i think it would be really cool to see the fantastic four in a movie as well as green lantern.
  11. eyesintheshadow


    i think that fable is one of the best games made yet. There's almost no limit what you can do in that game. you can kill any one that you want. you can steal things, kick chicken's (which i think that is very amusing to do). but the gameplay is awsome. the graphicsare also, incredible. i love the fact that you can be evil/good and u can choose to do so.And when you are evil, you have horns, flie's, and fire, and when your good, you have a halo, and butterflies.
  12. i dont really think that the graphics matter as much as the gameplay. Any game can have good graphics, but they'll have horrible gameplay, which, me personally can't do. i would hands down pick the game with a good storyline. i dont really need the best graphics in the world to play a good game. as long as it has a good atory ill play it.
  13. Name: Jeff Shroeder Age: 18 Gender: Male Nationality: American Apperance: Average height about 6'2". Short blonde hair with red tips. Wear's baggy black jeans and a black sleeveless shirt. Always has a pocket knife. Power: Jeff has the power of a shapeshifter. Only he can pnly change into a human being. To do so he must ingest DNA( hair,saliva,blood, urine, or any type of DNA) into his system. The more he ingests the longer he can stay as that perticular person. The only catch about this is that his voice doesnt change, as his body does. Bio: Jeff never knew how exactly how he got his powers. However, he has learned to control it as time went on and as he got older. The first time he had experienced his powers was in the 9th grade. He was with his girlfriend one night, and they started making-out. When his girlfriend opened her eyes she saw a mirror image of herself. Neither Jeff or his grilfriend had any idea wat was goin on. As Jeff got older he began to figure out what had happened that night and had learned to use his powers and to control them.
  14. Flogging molly is so AWSOME!!! i love there cd drunken lullabies. seven deadly sins is a good song also
  15. slipknot is a really good band, i really liked there new cd. my favorite song from them would probly be Vermillion Pt. 2
  16. yeah skindred is pretty good. i heard there song nobody and i liked it. except that it in no way is raggae or metal. the guy has a realy kool accent, but its not raggae, and that song in no way is metal at all
  17. i HATE Jay-Z i think he is so full of himself. linkin park is awsome, dont get me wrong, but they lost lots of kool points when they joined jay-z.
  18. Name:Von Roth Age: 19 Ring Name: Slayer Rank:35 Alignment: Neutral Appearance: little on the short side like 5' 11. average build. short white hair with black tips, and black bangs hanging down in his face. dragon tattoo'd around his left arm and a sword with a dragon around it on his back going all the way down his back. Weapons: katana with white sheath and a white with red trim grip. the sword has "and the thunder will roar as your blood pours, and from that day forth they shall know me as the slayer" engraved on the blade of the sword. Bio: Growing up was hard for Von he was always picked on in school, until his father who had heard about battle net decided to train him to be in it. at first Von hated training every day for two hours straight but later on in life he started to appreciate it.His father was very good with a sword and with hand to hand combat so he taught Von both.He quikly adapted to the sword but it took him longer for the hand to hand, but eventually he got it down. no longer was he picked on in school after he knocked out a kid who thought he could push him down and start beating him up while he was on the ground. Von became very familiar with the pressure points of the body and where to hit some one to take them down and to kill them. to this day, he still trains and studies the pressure points of the body.
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