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Everything posted by Noside
I think their final forms were perfect, especially Kazuma's. Since the series is over...Spoiler time! [spoiler] Awesome final Episode, that fight was great. I especially liked it when they lost their alters and just beat the crap out of eachother. I'm happy to see Kazuma win, had no doubt about that. Did cougar die or just pass out? I think he died,but I'm not happy to admit that. I can't believe niether of the two get with their female counterparts, I think that's my only complaint because this anime ended near perfectly. [/spoiler] A sequel would be nice and they did leave it open ended after all.
Anime Avatar: The Last Airbende Official threadr- An Anime?
Noside replied to Nomura's topic in Otaku Central
:animesigh This question's been rehashed so many times on these boards, heh different people same opinions. The whole Anime is based on Japanese culture thing is a new one for me to hear. Who the heck came up with that one? Animes happen in space, the west, germany, underwater, sometimes in Japan, and a whole lot of other places. I can't believe this false definition even exists quite frankly. heh with the Disney arguement ya could go deeper and spout the inspirations for the Disney cartoons and for Betty Boop and other stuff like that and then look at the inspirations for those drawings and the inspirations for the drawings after that. The Disney thing's a nice fact to spout out every chance ya get though, heh. I think r2vq summed it up perfectly, and yet we're still here on this board. Anime is a Japanese cartoon. So a cartoon is a western anime,heh. So by that defintion it's not an anime. We can do the whole drawing influence thing which gets backed up by the Disney fact. Anime inspired drawings for Airbender and Disney inspired drawings for animes decades ago and something inspired Disney and... well I already said this cycle. Something I strike odd is Sandy's mention of drawings. It's not that these people aren't proud of their style or ripping off another style, it's just THEIR style. We see enough images to come up with our own style of drawing. An example is abstract drawings. Did an abstract artist at a young age look at a bunch of abstract things and just start drawing only abstract things? No, it's just the style they came up with for drawing. The drawing for Airbender just looks more like "Traditional Anime Style" than "Traditional Wastern Style" if ya go by "Current Trends". Now let's hope what I have to say now makes sense. Why the hell do we have to put these labels on things in the first place? "This is anime,but this isn't." "This isn't anime,but that is." It's like some elitism with the word anime. Since I'm from the west, anime or not I'll call it a cartoon if I'm talking with someone unfamiliar with the Anime term and in a way that's how it should be. Let's just call it something, whatever our comrades know it as and go with that. Be it anime or cartoon or a drawing show with moving pictures, whatever, enough with the labels. I hope this made some sense, Insomnia makes me write long posts... After reading the posts again I guess I'll have to thank r2vq and Dagger for their influence on my post. :p -
Anime Cartoon Network Line-Ups...and anime on television announcements
Noside replied to Syk3's topic in Otaku Central
I don't mean to be mean, but can we have less spoilers from the Manga readers? I've watched the anime from the beginning in it's televised Media and have no desire to read the Manga because I prefer to watch it. I'm not knocking Manga, I like Manga, but it's not my thing. We don't all read the Manga, so please be considerate with all these damn spoilers, I can't believe how many spoiler bullets I've been lucky enough to dodge so far. This is a really good anime with a lot of great surprises that I'd hate to have spoiled. I'm sure it'll still be good Spoiled or not,but it's always so much better when it's not spoiled. Thank you. -
This anime is an odd medlay of many different thoughts, ideas, and art directions. I like it,but a lot of those around me find that it moves in too many directions and at has a weird timing to it so they don't like it so much. What do I mean by medlay? What I mean is there is a darkness to it and yet there is also a light hearted side. The opener and closer make it seem like it's a light hearted action comedy, but that's not what it is. It has a very dark side to it deep in it's core, this was made obvious by a few scenes in the first episode. I think I now understand the problem of those around me, the extreme transitions is what must be bugging them. To go from something so dark as [spoiler] Train having a dream of himself as a kid kiliing a guy [/spoiler] to what happened next and then the closer; the best analogy I have is going from a dark room into the sunlight, it burns a bit. Now for another thought: My impression from the opener is that a team of four forms eventually. Train, Sven, Eve, and the girl who's name I forgot, the chemistry between Train and the girl is good and the same goes for Sven and Eve, hopefully the chemistry's still good when the four come together. I hope that all made sense.
I can't comprehend how a thread ruins an anime for someone, unless they look at the spoiler tags,but by doing so you would be the only one to blame. Letting the thoughts of others sway you in such a way confuses me greatly. Off to the latest episode: Dagger pretty much said what I thought about most things but I do have curious thoughts. [spoiler] If I remember correctly there was mention of a skull, if that's what was in the safe and Greed fears it,then that must be the only way to defeat Greed. Since that's most likely the only way to beat greed Ed's gonna have one hell of a fight on his hands next episode. [/spoiler] One aspect I like about FMA is that it's the story of two brothers,but unfortunately it's got more to do with Ed than Al. I really wanna see Al kick some butt and not lose at the end of the fight like he has recently, hopefully something like that occurs in the future. Another question, Dante's Creepy? How so?
These episodes have been teases for Al fans, I keep thinking Al's gonna get Bad *** and kick some butt and then he doesn't. The plot's gotten interesting with Wrath/Anger, as far as I can tell all but 1 homonculi has been revealed. Lust,Envy,Gluttony,Sloth,Wrath/Anger, and Greed, so the only one left is Pride. [spoiler]Could this guy be the bad man Gluttony was scared of in the episode when they went into Lab 5(or was it lab 4?).[/spoiler] As far as Sloth [spoiler] goes I'm not sure, it could sound like their mom to Al just because of the stuff that happened to him.[/spoiler]
Here's a direct repost of my thread, my way of merging things, I hope the gods don't hurt me. "this video is a must see. It's one of the best Anime Music Videos I have seen in this short life O'mine. The link: [url]http://manylemons.co.uk/Sail_On.shtml[/url] The creator's intentions were to make a great video and to show how awesome the anime is to those who have only seen the Americanized version or haven't seen any of it at all. There are 3 minor spoilers to it that are established in the first 30 seconds. If ya don't notice em, that's a good thing." Enjoy One Piece people.
Aye I have a friend who reads the manga and watches the anime, he says things are pretty much 95% the same. So I bet that spoiler of your's is dangerous water to tred. Bleach was originally slated to be 52 episodes and a movie, so I'm curious how far back it was when the powers in charge asked for more episodes. It had to be far back, because it changed the plans of the people making Bleach and thus allowing them to streatch things out. Now to talk about 52-53:[spoiler] Renji's Bankai is pretty cool, but Byakuya's just had to be cooler. Renji was Byakuya's Liu. after all and he constantly surprised Byakuya with his determination and skill in this fight. Byakuya was pretty sure Ichigo was gonna die, he horribly wounded Genji because he was a brother of the 13th squad's Liu., and he left Renji to bleed to death because who wants to finish off a guy that determined? I'm also thinking Byakuya's just a man of duty, he doesn't wanna see Rukia die either,but it's his job. Atleast that's what I'm thinkin'. Renji and Ichigo with the same determination was kinda cool,but I was a little annoyed. I thought it was cool Renji became as determined as Ichigo gets,but it reminded me of Scryed with the Hero and his rival being nearly the same person. Kenpachi's a demon, that man is such a bad *** fighting machine. While he was fighting Capt. Tousen I figured he was using his body to know out where the Capt. was. Kenpachi grabbing Tousen's sword made him double bad ***, Kenpachi's excitement at the sight of Komamura's Bankai made him triple bad ***,heh. Nice things revealed, he straight up killed the 11th captain and became Capt. and Capt. Komamura's an Animal, that explains the animal in the opener. I really wanna see the Kenpachi's 3rd and 5th seat fight the Lius, I'm really curious about what the 5th seat's been holding back. Too bad Yachiru's not fighting, I'm curious about her power, if she's Kenpachi's Liu. she has got to be really really strong. One things for sure, the soul society's lucky Kenpachi doesn't listen to his sword or have a bankai. Damn Gin's a jerk, he got Rukia's hopes up and destroyed her resolve, damn that's mean. I think he's just going along for the ride and having as much fun as possible. As far as the execution goes, I'll make a theory about the 1st Capt. He's letting things speed up like this and he's the one that has to do the rite, so I'm guessing Rukia's an excuse for him to get the power. If anyone wants to talk about this theory go ahead, just don't do spoilers those of you who have seen the manga, I'll be too tempted to look,heh. Edit:1 last thought:Kenpachi mentioned that 4 on 1 wasn't enough for a test cut in ep 51, is that a hint he can hear his sword? I hope it is! [/spoiler] The sword fights were indeed awesome and pretty damn cool. Can't wait for next week already.
Here's a couple points, Combo Breaks:Not all combos can be broken, but most of them can be if you block at the right time, holding block won't do it. The secret moves and backgrounds are specific to parts in the anime. It would of been nice if they had multiple ones for each stage, but not a lot of characters have done something really cool on all the stages. As far as the fruit thing, powering up like DB or getting power from hitting one's opponent don't feel as right as the fruit thing since players would not be able to use specials as much as they would want. If the fact it's fruit that bothers you, I guess treasure could of been a substitute that could have worked. There is definately an unfulfilled feeling when playing this game, it's great but I get a feeling that things could have been even better.
Ack! They cut out little buggy's big adventure and the whale of the grandline. I can't believe they cut out those great parts to the anime. I've heard rumors that 4Kids wants to edit out Skypia for obvious reasons. After seeing them edit out the Whale, I can see how it's possible to edit out Skypia. Once again 4Kids has cut in me a deep wound. Anyone watching the American version is only getting 50-60% of what makes One Piece so great. I dislike ranting,but 4kids makes me do it a lot. :animedepr
Anime Cartoon Network Line-Ups...and anime on television announcements
Noside replied to Syk3's topic in Otaku Central
heh it's the reason she started posting on this thread. I won't go too deep into my thoughts on WR since this isn't the place for it, but emotional was one thing I don't remember getting from this anime -minus the last 5-6 episodes. Since she hasn't seen it in it's entirety I'm curious what could possibly be emotional. Off to Eva's many good points. They have to make room for new or yet to be shown on CN shows, so they stop showing some shows. The only problem I have with CN in this respect is that they stop showing animes half-way through and we get complaints like the recent crop of posts on this thread. I wish they would just end a series in it's entirety and then put on the next show, but I guess that planning like that is either too stressful or too much of a waste of time. On another note: Anyone have any idea why CN is not renewing Megas, Jack, and YYH? I can understand Kenshin since it's been a while,but it'd be great if it came back. I know there was a post about YYH earlier, but is there more to it than just that as their reasons? -
Note to the Gods: If this is inappropriate as a stand alone topic, I'm sure it would be perfect as a merged thread to the One Piece thread. Whether your a One Piece fan or not, this video is a must see. It's one of the best Anime Music Videos I have seen in this short life O'mine. The link: [url]http://manylemons.co.uk/Sail_On.shtml[/url] The creator's intentions were to make a great video and to show how awesome the anime is to those who have only seen the Americanized version or haven't seen any of it at all. There are 3 minor spoilers to it that are established in the first 30 seconds. If ya don't notice em, that's a good thing.
That pilot was horrible, yet they're still gonna show it somehow... Bo7 was pretty damn random and hilarious. I had a really big laugh whenever Bo was mean to the randomly placed pickle character. This is an off beat anime. The idea's off beat, the characters are off beat, and the action's pretty damn off beat. I truely think the WTF every 10seconds is the hook about this anime. At some point the randomness will get stale, so hopefully some little bit of concreteness appears to keep the viewers around. Unless they can keep their randomness fresh of course,heh.
I'm surprised no one's posted after purchasing yet. I own it and I'm loving it. My entire dorm including the anime haters are having fun with it. Alone the game gets repetitive and a bit dull after 20 hours,but with a group of people it's a fun time. There's plenty of characters and artworks to unlock if your a fan. Must own if your a fan or have a bunch of people to play with. It's a fun rental if your not. As expected it's a bloodless battle with some horrible voice acting and ya get a clue as to how they censored the not yet shown episodes of one piece. I personally hated *Look if your at ep.100+* [spoiler]Bon clay and Crocodile, they're voices don't match and they sound really stupid. Bon Clay's gone from a crazy ballerina to a ballerina who claims to use "Crazy Karate" since he isn't a karate fighter, it really ticks me off how ignorant 4kids was in that respect. I actually like Choppa and Nico Robin though,heh. [/spoiler] Every now and then bandai does it right, this is one of those times. Edit: I should probably note this, it's got a couple of spoilers if you haven't seen up to episode 100-110ish. Another Edit: Feels more like powerstone than SSBM.
Anime Cartoon Network Line-Ups...and anime on television announcements
Noside replied to Syk3's topic in Otaku Central
That's Down right dispicable. After all these years of Yu Yu Hakusho, they cancel it. They could of atleast given us the end to the Sensui Saga. Litterally my entire family loves Yu Yu Hakusho, they aren't gonna be happy to hear this. Hopefully they change their mind in the near future. -
After watching the Bellemere Episodes I nearly lost my taste for the American dubbing. It's Kuina all over again. It's obvious what happens to Kuina and Bellemere isn;t what really happened. If it did happen the way 4kids has editted it to be, Kuina and Bellemere would be seen again in the anime at some point. Changing what happened to those two opens up plot holes and that bugs me. The fight with Arlong's half as good as it was uncensored,but it's still kinda good,heh. The more I see this version the more I wonder. Like [spoiler] Choppa and the doctor, the Doctor blows himself up, no way gonna keep that or the poison in. [/spoiler] I swear if they ruin Loguetown I'm done with this version. Loguetown is what made me think this Anime is up with the best of them.
Episode 46: [spoiler] I was surprised to see he was Aizen's Liu. The fact they knew eachother that well, makes the present more interesting. The fact the kid captain wasn't even in school yet shows what kind of Genius he is. Since he has Bankai I'm guessing he started right away since it takes 10 years. The episode was great background, since it showed how the three got close and brought out more questions. Finally got to see a new Kidoh too, and it was combined. [/spoiler] I've got plenty of questions in my head like: [spoiler] A couple episodes back there was a shot of the kid's Liu. and the smiley guy together when they were young. That makes me curious about future episodes with interaction between the two. If 12th Capt's Bankai is any indiction of how the swords work. I wonder what Smiley's is, since his streaches out. Super streachy? Same with Byakuya since his seem to be Petals. More Petals? [/spoiler] Also Curious how many episodes are gonna be shown before they take a season break. It's been nearly a year since it started and I don't want it to stop of course. Only time will tell...
I've stressed it before and I'll stress it again. The censored version sucks in comparison to the uncensored version,but it's still good. The main crew's voices are good minus Sanji's, to me. The violence only gets higher as the anime goes on, more people die and things get a lot bloodier. For the time being One Piece is editable,but once they get around episode 80 things are gonna be a lot tougher to censor for 4kids. I'm sure only 5% of the people who are watching the 4kids version have seen or read the original and that's just sad. Another Shakey post brought to you by...Insomnia
I've written this down as the saddest moment ever for me in an anime atleast 20 times on these boards. The only time I ever shed a tear... YU YU Hakusho the first episode, the wake always gets me... Always... Other sad anime moments: Hitsuji No Uta: [Spoiler] In the end the brother and sister die, it's so sad but I knew it was coming. Every moment leading up to the sister's death and the brother's suicide I was hoping something would save them. They had a chance to be saved too but they would not let themselves be saved. Damn that ending still bugs me. [/spoiler] If ya wanna feel sad for a while watch Hitsuji No Uta. Trigun: [spoiler] Wolfwood, can't believe he died. The man tries to be like Vash and spare his teacher,but in the end gets killed for being a good guy. His death was sad and helped make Trigun into the great anime it is. [/spoiler] Honorable mentions: Voice from a Distant Star: Yep that anime made me sad too. I'm surprised I didn't see mention of this one... Grave of the Fireflies: It's just sooooo sad, from the beginning ya know the deal but it's still sad.
Heh I was waiting for someone else to bump Bleach, I didn't want it to look like I was the only one that bumped it, so thank you Dagger. Yeah the Ishida fight was great and Capt 12's Bankai was interesting. His Bankai was like the next level of his first transformation so it makes me wonder if the other swords follow the same lines. [spoiler] I'm really curious if Kenpachi really did die in his battle with Ichigo. If he survives and somehow gets the name of his sword he could be pretty friggin' strong with a transformation and a Bankai. Really what the heck with the cat? It's a Woman?! Since she's the shopkeeper's best friend, I wonder what their relationship is. There's a lot of questions in my head like the Hollow mask that keeps showing up to save Ichigo, it looks like they just form on his body to save him. There's also that White version of himself that says it'll take Ichigo's power someday. I also really wanna see Rukia with her powers, what kind of sword transformation could she have? And what of the guy they met on episodes 8 and 9, where's that death god? My damn buddy showed me a picture of Ichigo's Bankai, I'll take my revenge someday... [/spoiler] A last thought, with the Kidohs that Death Gods can use how come Rukia's the only one that ever casts them? Sword fights are great,but why have spells if they aren't gonna use em?
unfortunately or fortunately for some, Trinity Blood is now Licensed. I was up to ep. 10 and showed it to my sis. Now that it's Licensed, she won't forgive me for showing her an anime that she won't be able to finish until it comes out in the states or she watches them in Raw form. Tis a great anime though. Abel's a lot like Vash, makes me curious if Vash was the first character like this or if there was an anime before that Vash got based off of. I like the introduction of different members of AX with Episodes dedicated or sorta dedicated to them. The mix of different personalities and abilities is great, and the great mystery of what Abel really is would be great to find out. From what I've read it'll be released in summer of 2006, I can't wait already...
wow that's really bad. After watching more of the Baratie arc my anger with 4kids has grown, they turned Krieg's spike bullets into suction cups and when Luffy Punches Krieg's spiked cape they editted so that it looks like luffy hit between the spikes. The fact he went through the spikes in the original edit show'd how determined Luffy was, with it edited out now he doesn't look as tough. Watching these 4Kids censored episodes is Masochism for a One Piece Fan.
What happened to one piece is most unfortunate, I was so hoping the unedited version would be on CN. After giving up on waiting for the unedited version to appear. I watched every episode up to date unedited recently and I gotta say the...*Remembers what Dagger said about editing and censorship not being the same thing*...censorship to One Piece totally killed any chance of having american fans. I understand the cigarette to lolly pop thing, no killing, and no swearing, but I couldn't believe the lack of blood and the toy guns. I nearly lost it when I saw the Zoro and Mihawk fight, they completely destroyed it. The american viewer has no idea Mihawk has his blade an inch away from Zoro's heart and that he's so serious about winning he's willing to walk forward and die, without the visual aid the viewer does not get the full value of this great scene. Atleast they kept in Zeff's underwater sacrifice, had they changed that I would have totally lost all faith in the Americanized version. I do think the dubbing's pretty good though. The joke about the box guy having a heart of gold was a good idea since the Box Son joke wouldn't be very effective in the states. I do think all of the voices match too, minus Sanji, Mihawk, and Pearl. Sanji wasn't serious enough, Mihawk wasn't serious enough, and Pearl being a surfer dude just didn't sound right. If One Piece somehow survives past Loguetown I'm curious how Nami's Mom and Smoker are handled. Another scatter brained post brought to you by, Insomnia.
Episode 5 was hiliarously great. Episode 6 was crazy. [spoiler] As far as I can tell that kid was a copy cat, meaning I was maybe right. :p and once again lil' slugger makes things better by giving the people was they wanted, the girl got what she wanted. [/spoiler] What the hell is going on, crazy stuff just keep happening. I hope things wrap up and don't end up like Lain did in the end.
Anime Cartoon Network Line-Ups...and anime on television announcements
Noside replied to Syk3's topic in Otaku Central
Another schedule change?! and I decided to have a tape recording of it this time for future viewing, doh! I'm happy with having Champloo move up half an hour, the sooner Champloo comes on the better. Though Scryed feels like a mess of ideas not perfectly made right, it feels like such a poo poo party of anime ideas good and not so good. It has it's good points, unfortunately I can't think of any that would prove that statement. I'd love to see the Count on AS,but I gotta concur about the color scheme. Side note on One Piece: After seeing some unchanged episodes a friend had of the first episodes, I see why Eva's so angry about the Edits. They really didn't need to make half of the edits they made on it, especially the toy guns. I'm surprised they didn't edit in wooden swords,heh.