[i]I probably posted this in the wrong place, sorry if I did.[/i]
I did contact the MSN messenger people about this through the "newsgroup" thing, and got no response, so I'm gonna ask here if anyone can figure it out.
A month or so ago, my computer got scanned with Norton (Well, actually Symantec Client Security), and found some trojans and I allowed to to take the normal course of action: Quarantine. It removed some files hidden in the C:\Winxp\SYSTEM32\ directory.
Now, MSN messenger rarely loads up properly. It will "jump" me in and out, according to some of the people on my list. And all I can do is crtl+alt+delete and go to Processes and end MsnMsgr.exe. It just doesn't work. But...
If my sister logs in, and just presses the reset button on the tower, and then I let Windows XP boot up normally, I can log in to my profile and use MSN no problem.
This is quite strange, and I see no reason why my sister's profile influences my use of MSN messenger in the way it does.
If they're needed, some basic computer specs:
Mobo: Soyo 5EMA-
RAM: 192 mb
HDD: 40 GB Maxtor partitioned into a 10gb C: and the rest D:
Processor: AMD K6-2 350 MHz
So if anyone can reccomend something to make a quick fix, please post it. I have done a reinstall, but it didn't help.