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Everything posted by Dranart34

  1. Basicly i never had children nore will i ever since im a male but my painful experience would probably be breaking my right arm and left leg...im able to use both of them again thankfully but i dont really feel like talking about it
  2. ...*points to the empty space that is his sig*....im too lazy to make one :D plus i got no one....
  3. There once was a hippee... ((there thats not perverted :D))
  4. hmmm in my opinon the most overrated anime would be Inuyasha. Where the message boards i come from the Adult Swim message boards i see over 100s of poeple with something related to Inuyasha in the SNs it really pisses me off seeing this because the story just goes around with just Kagome, thats just bullcrap i never see any story with miroku or sango in this now not even shippo anymore. Now the last eps i saw last night the one with the panther demon tribe now the story switches over with sesshomaru's past from 50 years ago when inuyasha was sealed in the tree by kikyo's arrow....well i cant finish this off since its in the morning here. ...i dont think that really explained why inuyasha could be an overrated anime but i tried... oh yes im sorry for you inuyasha fanatics out there if i pissed you off.
  5. Well the last eps. that i saw of WR last night was pretty sad *spoiler to some...i guess* occasionally Hueb (i guess thats his name ???) and cher are in an car while hige,blue and pops are in the back of the car. (or whatever my memory is going bad >.
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