Sword Breaker
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Everything posted by Sword Breaker
Name: Trevor Fredrik Age: 37 Gender: Male Appearance: Tevor is tall, around 6.3", with a muscleur build, and daunting good looks. His eyers a deep, dark blue, sharp and piercing. He usually wares black sunglasses, so most people never see them. His hair is black, short cropped and regulation. He is clean shaven, with pointed feautres, and a sharp nose. When he is on duty, he wares the standered Hellsing armour, with no mask, and no sleeves. Off duty, he usually wares a brown-leather coat, over a black sweatshirt, and grey jeans. Allingment: Hellsing, Squad Leader Weapons: A standered issue MP5, outfitted with a laser scope, and a charged hammer. (Increases range and stopping power) He carries two side arms, a long-barreled revolver Magnum, and Desert Eagle. He uses a special-issue explosive round for his MP5 and Deasert Eagle, and silver bullets in his Magnum. Personality: One word can describe Trevors personality. Serious. He is a very hardcore marine, a real hardass when it comes to keeping his men in line. He is easily angered, especially in the heat of battle, when the slightest slip could cost one of his marine's their life, which could cost him his job. This is the reason he became a squad leader, he is very calm in the heat of battle, and is a very selfless marine, always using himself to draw fire, or going in first to a hostile building. Off duty, Tervor is much more light hearted. He is prone to go out at bars, drinking beer, and getting lucky. He usually tries to keep other Hellsing members out of this, since they would lose respect. The only other Hellsing member he has a relationship with outside of the orginazation is David Hickman, a marine under his command, and a dear friend, even before they joined Hellsing. (Were selected, is more like it) Ok, that'smy sign up. Hope ya like it. Hope you dont mind that i had three weps, but i figured, they were all standered issue, so it wouldn't be an issue. If it is, i'll change.
[FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=DarkRed]OOC: Things are about to get real Cold. Real fast. Cold's twsited smile faded away, slowly transforming into a fould snarl of anger. "I have had enough of you foolish hunters! When will I have a challenge! Give me what I want! Give me Night!" Cold shrieked, letting out a beastly roar. "Heh, it appears you underestimate me, fool. I will teach you never to jdge by appearance." The girl replied, laughing. With that, she extended her hand, and fire lanced from her open palm. A massive torrent of fire, searing and terrifying, was now barelling down on Cold. Cold waved his arm, and the flame enveloped him. A smile creased the girl's tender lips, as she snickered in triumph. "Told ya." Was all she said, pushing her hair out of her face. "Pitiful." With that, a fissure of ice rocketed out from where he was standing. The girl, taken by surpirise, did not have time to react to the piuller of ice that erupted from beneath her. It took her from beneath, sending her rocketing into the air. Once their, it smashed into her side, sending her flying into the wall, where she slid down into another pile of creates. "What a shame. For a second there, I was shaking at the knees." Cold said, as he slipped his rapier back into his seath. Slowly, he turned and headed for the exit. Suddenly, a searing heat enveloped Cold's arm, as a jet of flame thundered passed him. Luckily, he managed to avoid the full force of the blast, but his arm had been cought in the flames. "Troublesom wench" Cold snarled, as he flexed his damaged limb. His sleeves were charred, but his skin had remained almost entirly intact. Thus was the side effect of having ice flow through your viens. "Damned demon-slave, you cant possibly think such a weak attack would defeat me!" She laughed, pulling herself from the creates. "Now, if you dont mind, I would like to start this fight. Any day now." Cold redrew his rapier, and waved it anxiously. His masters would arrive soon, might as well put on a good show for them. OOC: Ok, just so you know, the Demon Emisarry will be arriving soon, so you can put that in your next post if you want too, or if you dont want to, I'll do it in a few.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Book Antiqua]OOC: Fine, if bloody moon refuses to post, guess i will. Cold laughed as Silra ended the girls attack again, this time sending her flying into a massive pile of wooden crates. "Demoness. Surley this is not all that you can muster. One so weak. It is revolting." Cold followed this with a laugh, sending chills throughout the air. "Dont... call me that." Was all the girl said, as she pulled herself form the pile. She was completly unfased, pysicly and mentally. Her eyes were clam, and she once again activated her shadow rune. "I have had enough of this cheap trick. Silra, leave here to me." Cold said, waving his rapier. "Of course, master." Silra said, disapearing into the air. And with that, Cold was engulfed in flames.[/FONT][/COLOR]
Whoa dang... Bush got re-elected? Well, I'm heading for the bomb shelter. Cya in 4 years. lol. Anyway, I think that Nader should have won. Simply because of Nader's Raiders. For those that dont know, Nader's Raiders was a charity orginazation that would attack injustices across the world, such as a bad car design that the company wouldn't fix, or a bad baby food. People are afraid of Nader because things would get so much better, so quickly that all the people who make a living off of drugs and other crime would become poor. The people dont decide the election. The criminals do. He was a very powerful man, the kind of guy who would alk into a room, and 300 people who were doing somthing bad would get nervous. It's a shame. Barring a mirical, I think Kerry should have won, simply because I dont like Bush. Frankly, I dont like eaither very much. I'm a concencious objector, so anyone who goes to war like that is just bad in my mind. Not saying that Kerry wouldn't go to war, ust saying Bush has proven that, and Kerry hasn't. Also, I belive that Bush only became a politician because his father pulled some strings, and hired the best speech writers money can buy. Somthing else I noticed was, on Warcraft 3, the people who support bush are like "OH VOTE FOR BUSH, *******, VOTE FOR BUSH!" whereas the people who voted Kerry are just like "Well, i voted for Kerry." Now, this is only a personal experiance, that I have had several times, with many different people, but maybe it has some connection to the overall attitudes of both candidates. Bush is all agressive, whereas Kerry is more passive.
Frankly, I'm a bit concerned about the games. The games themselves seem great, the only problem I have is that... well, for me at least, it was the sheer simplicity of the games that made them truely enjoyable. If all we get are just simplified, smaller N64-graphic style games, then I dont think it'll be able to compete with the newer GBA, whenever that comes out. I'm hoping it wont be so, but it may very well be, which will make me sad. Anyway, I never had a problem with the origonal GBA controls. Even though the button could only be pushed down at the edge, that didn't really bother me. I didn't ahvbe to move my thumbs or anything, I just pushed it down with the bottom of my thumb. I've always found it strange why people had trouble with them, but W/E. As for the fact that they get dirty, I had the same problem, excpet my entire system got dirty. Luckily Nintendo is imfamous for it's incredible reliabilty. I once droped my NGC (accidentily) from a high place, and the game didn't even skip. I actualy hated the SP L/R buttons, which is why I never bought one, so I hope that the DS goes back to the good ol' GBA version. :D Regardless, I'm sure that the DS will still have the incredible reliabilty we're all fond of, and dust wont be too much of a problem.
One Piece is my favourite, simply because love the sheer simplicity, and I'm amused by the toally wacky enamies/allies etc. I was extremly disappointed by the dub, especiall the guy who plays Luffy. It's the same dude who does Chris on Sonic X, and he sounds like a chick... and not the good kind. Plus they changed Zoro to Zolo, wtf? A close second is Naruto. I love the fact that is is simple in it's complexity, has great fight/romance scenese, and it's about NINJAS! What anime about NINJAS can't be awsome? (That's retorichal) Well, just so you know, it's Beet the Vandel BUSTER, not blaster. And, secondly, you frogot Sand Land, but I cant blame you. Sand Land was... very very strange. Also, I liked Yu-Gi-Oh!, Manga version. THe TV version... frankly. sucked royaly. But the Manga had all the sidestories, such as Monster World, which are vital to making the series interesting. Since I didn't like the Anime atall, I'm going to say it's numero 3! The rest aren't bad, the only one I dislike is DBZ, since, well, it's soooo repetitive. Another thing that should be brought to attention are the AD's! Comon, for AD's they really are interesting. Because it's japenese it gives you the low-down on all the new video games about to hit the shelves, accurate manga dates, and other good stuff. And, in closeing, I would like to say, Morpheaus, wtf are you talking about? In DBZ, it's true main charecters die alot, but the never STAY dead! the DBs always whish them back to life, and we start all over again. As for the ending, a hell of alot more then 4 people and a dog were left alive. Goku got all the enery to destroy Buu FROM the people of Earth, the entire world was still there. Besides, they just wished those that had died back to life, using the DBs. That's why I dont like DBZ, atall.
Well, I'm not actualy sure what makes me happy. I have, however, compiled a list of the known things! SHINEY STUFF: Hey, who doesn't like shiny stuff? Shiny stuff kicks ***! Haloweenie: Well, I dont like the candy. I just like putting on a bathrobe, getting a beared, and taking a can around town. I pretend to be Jesus, and beg for money. And if little kids dont give me money, I mug them and take their candy! FEAL MY WRATH! Labatte Bleue: Luckily, in Quebec, the legal drinking age is just a suggestion! Best beer in the world. Try to despuit it? Then I'll beat you, Quebecer style! (That's with a hockey stick) Supah-Hot French Chicks: The best part about Quebec! You get the wicked hot French women, without the whole... French guy thing. Goodstuff. The TV Show BUZZ: Not to widely known, since it's a Comedy Network Origenal, kinda like Comedy Central, but it is honestly the best thing ever! Spawning such hilarious sketches as Fluffy the Hip Hop Bunny and Tic Tac Ho, this is one of the funnies shows... EVER! Hockey!: The best sport EVER! Hockey is my sport. What Canadians list would be complete without? The Montreal Canadians are the best team EVAH! *And at that moment, hell froze over.* Anywho, murdering is up their too, but since I dont like all the paper work, it pisses me off. What's that? I'm strange? Go ta hell! Ce tabarnak est ce!
[FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=DarkRed]Cold laughed his small, piercing laugh, as he stepped from the shadows. "Very good, Demoness. Very good. I must applaud your determination." Cold said, not even a hint of carring in his voice. "H-How dare you..." The girl, her teeth gritting, replied, "I am not a demon!" "Touchy. Yes, as I would expect from sombody with the blood of Master Yimir. Raped your mother, kidnapped you, taught you. Master Yimir was quite the fool. In fact I am glad that you killed my former Master." Cold said, laughing. "I defeated the basterd, what more is there? You will follow step, and perish as did the countless of your kind!" The girl yelled back, five needles leeping from her hand. "Pitiful." Cold laughed, as the needles thudded into a wall of ice. Cold went alert as the ice wall melted away. The girl was gone. Intently, Cold scanned the surrounding building for her, hoping to catch sight of the demoness. The attack came from where he never expected. In front. Invisable, a clawed hand struck out at Cold, only to meet yet another wall of ice. "Die!" Her venomess voice rang out, as her other hand dodged nimbly around the ice wall. "Master!" Silra screamed, meteriallizing in her polar bear form. Claw met claw, as Silra's powerful arms thrust the girl backwards. "Good timing, Silra." Cold chuckled under his breath. Suddenly, a large cracking sound filled the room, follwed by a massive crash and a wooshing sound. "Well, Demoness, it appears my Masters will be along shortly. I have a mind to finish this on my own, so prepare to fight me. En garde." OOC: Master Yimir is supposed to be the demon who raped Zet's parents, the reason I picked that name is the Ice Giant Yimir from Norse mythology, which is kool.. Anyway, let's get this fight started![/COLOR] [/FONT]
[FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=DarkRed]Cold grinned placidly as he watched the bewithced one dispatching his lackies. He drank experimentaly from his his wine glace. (He always has one on hand, when traveling he simply freezes it!) "Master. This summoing is importent, is it not?" Silra whispered into Cold's ear. "Heheh, yes dear. Yes it is, quite importent really. Just having a little sport. Besides, she was injured, if it wasn't for her demonic blood she would already be dead." "But, Master, Lord Yggdrasill will be angered if his emmasary cannot enter. Should be not strike now?" Silra replied, bowing. "As usual, your argument is compelling. I will deal with her, you unseal the portal. I do not belive I wil have trouble with her companion, and in her present state she is useless." Cold stated, laughing to himself, drawing his rapier from its sheeth silently. "Of course, my Master." Silra bowed, and disapeared in a puff of smoke. OOC: Sorry it's a bit short, I had to go, so I wraped things up as quickly as I could.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=DarkRed]OOC: Sorry it took me a while too post, but I will get to it now. Cold, legs crossed, sat gloomily on a small wooden chair. His eyes closed, as he sipped impatiently at a glass of wine. Red. Strong. His eyes closed, and he leaned back in his chair. "Master..." The weak, attractive voice floated into Cold's ear. "Silra. You are late." Cold replied without stirring. "I apologize, my Master. I assure you, it was well worth the wait." Silra, bowing her head and sounding apologetically, stated blankly. "What news have you brought for me?" Cold, still without stirring, stated blankly. "I intercepted a psychic message from the one called Night. Leader of the Hunters, perhaps. Regardless, the impudent Hunters have once again gathered. Gathered for the purpose of striking down those below you, My Master." Silra, stilled bowing, said. "What business of mine is this?" Cold said, rather coldly and without a hint of caring. "Well, My Master, do you not whish to strike down the foes of your masters? This is your chance, My Master; this is the chance you have awaited! Take up arms against them, and strike them down." Silra has compassion in her voice and fire in her eyes as she said this. "Compelling argument. Take me to them. Tonight, we will be the hunters."[/COLOR][/FONT]
Lol... SunaBouzu is... well... pretty much lol. I liked it, but only because i'm impressed by shiny things and big explosions, guns and whatnot and of course, watermellon sized boobs. I'm a big fan of Trigun-style anime, that combine action with comedy, so I definatly liked SunaBouzu. The show, however, is nothing special, but is still somthing kool. I'm gona check out the nect EP, I guess... Whatever...
Frankly, I'd have to agree with Liulubie and Lady Katana here. SD Gundam is not truely a Gundam series, I dont even consider it an Anime, since it is entirly CGI and not in fact an anime... so it can possibly be an actual Gundam series. My favourite gundam series is... 08th MS Team, probably becouse it was... really really good! The gundams didn't godmode, so they actualy came close to losing... often. Plus I really liked the battles, due to to fact that the guns didn't blow the MS up, simply ripped it to shreds (Which was AWSOM!) iI absolutly dislike G Gundam. Simple becouse it was... stupid! I mean the other Gundam series had plots and whatnot, that thing was basiclly a giant tourny! Which sucks total ***. I'll admit, the battle scenes were pretty nifty, but that hrdly makes up for the overall crapness of the series. [color=#503f86][b]Please don't swear in future. These boards are family-orientated, so try and remain as clean as you can. Repeated incidents could result in a ban. -Solo[/color][/b]
Ok, so, i've had this idea for a while now. Basiclly it is a tale in the world of WarHammer. I'm not sure if many people here play WarHammer, but for those that do an RP like this would be a sheer delight. Basically it follows the adventure of Dirk (A Gyropcopter Pilot from Karaz-A-Karak) and CO. as they seek to rid the Grobi (orc) scum from the face of the land. Now, this would not be truely much of an interesting RPG in itself, but I also planned to have the Demonic Horde's pulling the strings from behind, and it will ultimatnly become a great battle for the survival of all that is good. Now, here is my delima... As most of you know, my RPG's didn't get much response, so I wondering if somone (preferably with WarHammer knowladge) could help me design and create this RPG, becouse I am a huge Warhammer buff, and I would seriously think that it would be a great idea to bring this experiance to an RPG format, since that is alot more flexable then a tabletop game... anyway, I am looking for anyone willing to help an idiot like me in designing this RPG. Anyway, thanks, and... well... I hope thi sworks.
Yo, mystic, I just signed up and... well... I hope it was ok, I figured it was your standered fairy tale style, so it would include dwarves... if not, you can just say they are very... reclusive, and dont let anyone into their kingdom or somthing... Anway, lket's not drag the signups on like you did with Hellgun, we all know how that turned out... so, anyway, dont drag it on and... hope i',m in and... yeah... cya...
[FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=DarkRed]Awesome... X... simplest name... ever... X? That does not even have a syllable! Meh, what can I say... simple works... what ever, I've been rambling, so now I'll just... ehh... sign up... Mysterious Ranger: Dwarves can be rangers too >< Haven?t you played WarHammer? Name: Nano Sventrademoni Age: 378 Race: Dwarf (Hope that's ok!) Appearance: [URL=http://www.wolfbane.it/photogallery/photo22181/demonslayer1.jpg]Pic One[/URL] [URL=http://www.wolfbane.it/photogallery/photo22181/demonslayer3.jpg]Pic Two[/URL] [URL=http://www.wolfbane.it/photogallery/photo22181/demonslayer2.jpg]Pic Two[/URL] Bio: Born deep in the heartlands (Heart mountains is a better term) of the Dwarven kingdom, far north of the human kingdoms, deep in the treacherous Oblivion Mountains. His parents were miners, middle class, and enjoying life best one can. Nano was a miner, as well, with his seven brothers and sisters. Nano was the youngest, so he was always looked down upon as the runt, and nothing but a burden. One day, whilst the group of siblings tunneled the snaking tunnels that Dwarves are so famed for the constructing of, they stumbled upon something of incredible value. In recent dragon raids, a jewel known as The Star of Alric (The grandest of the High Kings) had been lost. The dragon, who's name cannot be pronounced (Well, it could but you would need to rip out your tongue, and put it in backwards) had stored it deep within the recesses of its grand lair, were it had remained, a massive jewel atop countless precious stones and gold. The misfit group looked upon these riches with the greedy eyes most dwarves have, seeing only one thing. Riches beyond imagination. Whilst each of the siblings stole their personal stash, Nano did not look upon this as just another opportunity. Nano, having greater sense then most, looked not upon the gold, but upon the Star of Alric, and not with eyes of greed, but eyes of pride. He would return it to its rightful place, not for personal gain, but because no dragon deserved such beauty. Therefore, trying not to let his siblings no, he took the flawless jewel under his arm, and slinked away into to the darkness of the tunnels. His oldest brother was enraged that Nano would take such a thing, and, rallying the rest, surged into the tunnel. They screamed, beckoning Nano with promises of safety. Unfortunately, for Nano, he was slow, and his siblings soon threatened to overtake him. Therefore, they did. Nano, axe in hand, fought valiantly to protect the jewel. He knew that his siblings, if they got the jewel, would pawn it off to the highest bidder, which could not happen. Valiantly, Nano slew his siblings. Nano, still drenched in their blood, emerged from whence he had came. The high king was overjoyed when the jewel once more came into his possession, and, as he had expected, Nano was hailed as a hero. Unfortunately for poor Nano, this would not last. Hauling his blood-soaked body from the depths, Nano's eldest bother, Snorfski, told the tale from his perspective. According to Snorfski, Nano had viciously attacked his siblings in a fit of greed-driven rage. He had taken the jewel, and escaped to the surface, and would pawn the jewel off to the highest bidder! Snorfski told them. Snorfski, being the eldest born, was the one who they believed. As for Nano, he was banished. In Dwarven law, one who has murdered another dwarf, be it even to reclaim an artifact such as this, his or her punishment was to be banishment. Therefore, Nano, his axe, a keg of ale, and the cloths on his body his only baggage, left the Oblivion Mountains forever. He succumbed to life as a drifter, collecting bounty heads and robbing caravans on the way. It was a hard life, where Nano seeks nothing more then an honorable death. In other words, Nano now lives only in order to die fighting against something more powerful then he. He has become a Demon Slayer. Weapons: Nano posses his fathers axe, (As seen in picture) given to him when he turned 56 (A teenager, by human standards) It is of sturdy build, made of Dwarven steal, stronger then any steal made by man, eleven kind, or the savages of the Chaos wastelands. Skills: Nano, being a dwarf, is incredibly good with his hands, metal smithing especially. In addition, Nano is gifted with an ability that comes naturally to all dwarves. He brews ale! His ale are Dwarven spirits, alcohol so strong that most humans can?t see after one mug. Nano, of course, can drink it out of kegs, and only are buzzed. This is also useful because he is immune to drugs, or any other form of liquid poisons. Sorry if dwarves weren't supposed to exist, or if I made up a bit to much for my backstory or anything... well, whatever, this is my signup, take it or leave. NOTE: Demon Slayer dose not necessarily imply that he slays demons, Demon Slayer is the term given to banished Dwarves who seek an honorable death. ANOTHER NOTE: Pictures are WarHammer models, Slayers, Dwarves. YET ANOTHER NOTE: A Demon Slayer is similer to a ranger, they are mysterious, and they live alone FINAL NOTE: I OWN!.[/COLOR][/FONT]
Phew... that was awsom! Siren, I commend you. For one thing, I have a wicked short attention span, and I usually cant just sit down and read somthing like that, unless it has illistrations or sexual themes (Suggestive personality!) But I found myself just reading N' reading, even though it wasn't THAT long, but it was still... fantastic! It was awsom that you didn't over discribe, or describe atall, really, the charecters appearance, and that left your imagination to fill in the blanks... fantastic work, my firend, keep it up, and make more! And if you dont... Well, i'll just let your imagination figure out what i'll do... MUHAHAH! (Also mental... Flippin' mental...)
Well, recenlt my Fav anime charecter changed! As soon as I got ahold of Bleach Ep 2, i'd have to say Ichigo and Kuchikia! They play so well ooff of eachother, simply becouse of Ichigo's stubberness and Kuchikia's blind determination to make him to the Death God duties, they simply make the anime enjoyable. Without them, it would be ka-rap.
[FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=DarkRed]Ok, this is somthing I've been thinking about lately. I know everyone goes through a stage like this, but I've been contemplating life lately, and I've simply found it... completly pointless. Well, I posed the question to myself a few times, and came up with one, solid answere. In the form of a nifty lil' qoute! "Why do those destined to die strive so hard to achive?". So, ultimantly, I was wondering, what answeres can you come up with? Is there anyone who can pose a suitable response to a question such as this! Thoughts on this, comments, anything is welcomed.[/COLOR][/FONT]
Goood, very gooood! Slaughterin' innocents, cutting loose, and, of course, commanding an army of minions, my cup of tea! Just you wait, we dont need any more evil people! The only tihng better would be another evil person, who is my rival, and we basiclly fight amongst eachother, using minions and such. That would add another level of plot to the whole thing, make it a hell of alot better.
Anime Opening Sequences that BLEW YOUR MIND!
Sword Breaker replied to Sword Breaker's topic in Otaku Central
Well, when I posted the first one, I completly frogot about my other favourites!!! Naruto: Pretty much all of the OP/Endings for this series have royaly owned (Fansub wathers know what I mean) they just gooo sooo well! My favourite opening was Go!!! Fighting Dreamers! It went soo well with the Naruto fealing and it made me watch it over and over again! The best ending was (in my opininon) Harmonia, just becouse it had Sakura-chan and Ino-chan dancing, chibi-style. (Plus the song went well with the season it was in) Last Exile: I really like this OP becouse of the Animation! Last Exile has some of the best animation i've seen in a while, it was just breathtaking and it was why I got into that series! -
[FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=DarkRed]"Damn, woman, you sure as hell dont make my job easy!" Alex laughed, smiling that wicked smile of his. "Wait's over." Kitsume replied, eyes glinting with wicked desire. Alex withdrew a small knife from his pocket, long, around 8", straight and simple. Alex delectly balanced it on his middle finger, as his smile widened. "You know, Kitsume, even one so great as I cannot begin to comprehend your... your very being." Alex's eyes left the knife, as they travled up the slim figure kneeling above him. Mysteriously, the blade began to twirl on it's axis, creating a strang screeching sound, sharp and as biting as the blade. "Amazingly you keep your past hidden from me. Somhow you have eluded the greatest weapon in my possesion. You have eluded my mind." The knife now looked more like a helicopter then a blade. As its speed grew, so did the sound. It was unbarebly loud, ear splitting and vicious. Alex smiled. "A parlor trick? That's not your style, Alex." Kitsume muttered between clenched teeth. Despite her tough exterior and attitude, it was all Kitsume could do to not bring her hands to her ears. "I dont have time for this shitty trick, your life ends!" "Then come, come at me, Kitsume! The show has just begun, and you have front row tickets." Alex's grin widened, widened to a point that you would think he would bleed. Madness in his eyes, power mad and angery. The blade continued to spin, faster and faster. Alex brought his hand up, and turned it towards Kitsume, finger outstretched. Though the blade should have fallen off, it didn't. "I already told you, Alex, that this sick game ends today." Kitsume lept from the building, lifted higer then normal by her winds, and brought herself down on Alex, typhoon in toe. OOC: Ok, there we go. I left it up to you, Kitty, what the knife dose. But make it somthing interesting, becouse it was building to something! Ok? And as for the Capn., I cant wait to finish off Kitsume then go after you! MUHAHAHHAHA (lil' pretentious? Oh well!) [/COLOR] [/FONT]
The way I see it, the only reason people hate Gays is becouse it is human nature to hate things that you dont understand. Simply, that means that the people who hates gays are... really really STUPID! It means they have nothing better to do but put people down, they are just stupid ignorant basterds. Frankly, I am not biggeted (Except againts the french! ((Only the Quebecer French, not France French, since Quebecers are ********)) (((Did I mention i'm a frnech Quebecer?))). When I see gay people, I just see people (though with better hair) just as I see everybody else. In fact, I hate people who are gay bashers, (Becouse they are stupid) and I hate stupid people. I once beat the crap out of a group of guys bashing up a gay guy, and I got in ****, but it was worth it. Super sense of satisfaction for beating up a bunch of retarted biggits.
Basiclly what it sounds like, what OPs have you seen that really make you go "Wow, that was incredible! Hope the anime is that good!"?? OPs, they can make or break a series, they're what make you want to stay to watch the EP, so, what's yuor favourite? (And, of course, WHY!) I have two favourites, really. One: SunaBouizu! It is a realitivly new Anime, it was frankly breathtaking! They did somthing no one else has done, they did the OP in live action, which was simply incredible. (The show is also awsom, a recommended DL) Two: BECK: Magnorion Chop Squad, it is another realitivly new series. the tihng thast made it so good was the fact that the series is about a rock band, and they had them singing the song (HIT IN THE USA, by the BEat Crusaders, a recommended DL) and it was just put together so well! You'd really have to see it, but once you do you'll understand it is reallly good!
I'm a murderer, are you one too?
Sword Breaker replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
Does sloughtering 50 innocent people, sticking them in an apartment building, lighting it on fire, then leaving your evil past behind count as murder? No? Oh... well, I guess the five or six squirrles who I blew all to hell with my BB gun, but those basteds deserved it!!! They were... umm... looking at me... Anyway, I gotta go, that squirrle just looked at me funny... -
Frankly, I think that the most annoying sidekick EVER is the entire cast od DBZ, save Goku, since they are basiclly just his sidekicks, while he kicks the crap out of somthing. That fat guy from Neko Neko TV (Cant remeber his name...) is even MORE annoying then the DBZ cast, so I take that back... Actualy that goes for the entire cast of Neko Neko, the show was just about as close to hentai as you can get... My favourite sidekick... Shaggy!! Think about it, he was everytihng a sidekick should be! Inept, afraid, hungry, and just plain crappy!!!!! GOOOOO Shaggy!!