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Sword Breaker

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Everything posted by Sword Breaker

  1. Hey silver, I fixed my links, they work now, but they are alot smaller, sorry. Regardless, since their is only one Acolyte as of yet, shouldn't I be alot stronger then the hunter? Couse, honestly, 5 vs 1... goooo me!
  2. Well, my ideal anime would need many things. It would have to be wierd, usually, with a makes-no-sense type of world. The plot most be strong, dispite this, and give it a strange sense of reality, even if it dose not take place in the same world. It needs to have a romantic part, but it cant be jsut a kissfest, it needs to moderate. But it also needs to have action, otherwise things get tired and boreing. Here are some I feal are appropriat for me! Ragnarok: Actualy a Manga, it still kicks royal ***, becouse it has beautifula art, kool action, stronge love triangles, and it;s based on Norse Mythology, of which I am a fanatic about. xxxHolic: Also a manga, it is simply incredible. Though I have only read volume one, it is simply the most amazing manga I have ever read. It has a strong potential for a romantic intrest, the artwork is incredible, and most improtently, it makes no sense!!! Naruto: Awsom action, possibilty for romance, makes no literal sense, and, most importent of all, it is seriously funny! Best Anime since Cowboy Bebop. Cowboy Bebop: And, finally, the legendary Cowboy Bebop. Probably the best anime EVER, CB combines all these elemnts into one!! Action, beautiful animation, wasn't repetitive, it was funnny (somtimes) and it simply was awsom! Probably the best part was the ending, the last 7 eps kicked ***! Some animes ave endings that trail off, to no real point or purpose! CB avoided this compeltly, and made the Downloads completly worhwhile!! 10/10!
  3. It's a great game, but I had one major problem. The cutscenes... It was mainly due to the fact they used boxs to hold the text, it dosn't allow for movment and spekaing at the same time, so it didn't seem very fluid. Also, they always turned right to the person they were talking to. Do you always face the person your talking to? That sorta pissed me off, but the game was still great. I'm stuck in the stupid Yimir Forest, it's jsut pissing me off... I found the White Seed, but then I frogot to save and I quit, then when I went back I couldn't find it... and I tried all the trees... kinda gay.
  4. [FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=DarkRed]Awsom. Name: Cold Age: 56 Gender: Male Race: Human Side: Acolyte Appearance: [URL=http://images.google.ca/images?q=tbn:ocqc7cV0UjUJ:http://www.rpgamer.com/games]Pic One[/URL] [URL=http://images.google.ca/images?q=tbn:6Ap5jdb2oi0J:http://www.rpgamer.com/games]Pic Two[/URL] Note: Since my links still didn't work, I got some new ones. They serve just as well. Companion: A minor Elemental, Silra is a spirit of Ice, twisted and evil. It cannot be seen by normal mortals, unless it so chooses to manifest itself into the Mortal Realm. If it dose, it usually takes the form of a Polar Bear, medium sized. In it's spirit form it apears as a woman, startlingly beautiful, yet evil and twisted. Companion Skill: In its spirit form, it is apt at gathering information, which helps Cold on his mission. In its pychsical form, it is quite vicious in combat, slow and strong. Bio: Cold (His real name long frogoten) grew up in a small Russian village, tucked away in the frozen mountainsides. Few knew of its existance, and fewer cared. It no longer exists. The demons, still trying to get a foothold in the world at this time, sensed a great, evil potential resonating from this village. Arriving in the form of an old man, they searched for the source. The source was a young boy, no more then 10. They abducted him, and branded him with the Demon Rune, which bounds one to life as an Acolyte, and began to train him. He learned quickly, killing his master at the age of 25. Since then, he has become a key part in the destruction of mankind, one of the most skilled Acolytes to ever join with the ranks of the Demonic Horde. Cold had been trained in the art of using the element of Ice to his advantage. In order to do this, he had to spend 5 years in a Demonic Ice Cave, it has filled his veins with liquid ice. This is responsable for his pale/blue skin, and his ice cold personality. Personality: Cold has, oddly enough, an incredibly cold personality (Isn't that odd?) who dosn't care for much. He dose, however, share a mutual respect for his companion, Silra. He cannot taste food, nor can he enjoy the fealing of happieness. He spends most of his days furthering the Demonic agenda, whatever that may be. His favourite saying is "So many Hunters, so ittle time." Weapons: A long rapier, given to him by the Grand Spirit of Ice, when he stayed in the Ice Caves. It is imbued with the power of Ice, so cold that it burns. It dose not harm him, since he is colder then it. Also, he has a shield, also imbued with the powers of ice, it is also burning cold, and it is near-indestructable. Magic: Cold uses Ice magic. Slow: Cold uses his powers to freeze the moisture in ones body. He dose not have the power to compelty freeze it, so it only slows down their reaction time and movment speed. Prison: Able to freeze the moisture in the air, he can form a solid wall of ice around somone, or himself, should he need to defend himself. Unfortunatly, it is only temporary, but it is still quite solid. Whoa dang... so many hunters... man, it's sure gona be fun kickin ***... since it's like what? 5 vs 1? I like dem odds.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  5. [FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=DarkRed]Ok, at first I planned to to make this into an RPG, but then realized that, due to the fact all my other RPG's got no response, that I would post it here, instead. If it gets a good response, I will make it into an RPG, and then more people will know what it is, instead of just saying "Oh, I know that guy, his RPGs suck!". Sylvan Hellsing: Legacy of the Past Chapter One: Another Random Mission ?What do you think you are? Do you think you are any different?? The thin, eerie voice sounded above the patter of scampering footsteps. ?You humans are all the same, your values baseless? No time, always rushing? you all deserve to die.? The same voice sounded again, in front of the young girl instead of behind, as it was before. ?No time? to live.? The voice sounded, no longer a bodiless chant, but whispered into her ear. The creature, humanlike in shape, figure, and appearance, disappeared, disappearing once more into the shadows cast from the derelict buildings surrounding the neighborhood. A scream, high pitch and terrified, echoed throughout the hollow street ways. The girl, long brown hair falling by her beautiful shoulders, stopped, and held her arms close to her chest. ?What do you want!? Leave me alone!? She screamed again, shutting her eyes, pretending this wasn?t real. ?What do I want? Heheh? trivial humans?? The voice came again, whispered into her other ear, before the figure disappeared again. Then, the girl took off running again, down a dark alleyway. ?Somebody help me!? She shrieked, desperate for someone to here her. She stopped dead, the creature standing before her. A pair of razor sharp teeth came into view, piercing from the upper lip of the mysterious man in front of him. A smile creased his face, as she realized why no one had come to help her. Behind him was a stack of bodies, piled high against the pitch black of night. ?W-What the hell? What the hell are you?!? Her cry was weak; she had given up all hope for survival. ?Better.? The vampire stated coldly. ?Now, if you don?t put up a fight? I may consider turning you. It would be a shame to lose one so pretty.? A small frown creased his face, as his finger propped her face up, so he could look her in the eyes. ?Not much fire, or strength, you probably wont survive the transformation? Well, still useful too fill my stomach.? He said, a starved tone entering his voice. ?I have not fed in many weeks, this will be pleasant.? The tips of his fangs danced gently on her soft neck, as he began to pierce. He never got the chance to finish. A bang sounded above. He let out a howl, and he stammered back, clenching his face. His long, red coat caught in his footsteps, and he fell to the ground. Traces of blood were poking from beneath his hands, he had been shot, not badly, but enough to damage him. As his hands moved, the wound healed, thus was the gift of Vampiric Regeneration, and the blood was absorbed back through the skin. As his eyes cleared, all he saw was the swoosh of a green coat, a dark figure, and a long, pointed blade. It cut into him, deep in the chest, and he could do nothing but reel back. Unlike the last attack, this was no mere flesh wound. A Holy Blade, a wound that was not likely to heal, had cut him. Luckily his heart had been spared? ?Demon, it was your great misfortune to run into this little lady, on such a night as this.? The hunter stated, his long, curly black hair pouring out from beneath a dark green hat. He was young, or at least it so appeared, the holy blade held in an outstretched hand. It sunk, however lightly, into the Vampire?s chest, at his heart. ?Heheh? Human? you may beat me now, you caught me by surprise, not to mention the fact I have been starved for the past four weeks? your courage is outstanding.? The creature muttered, blood trickling from his mouth. ?Vampire, look into my eyes, and honestly tell me you could best me at full strength?? The hunter stated, his sharp, piercing green eyes looking the Vampire in the face. ?I-Impossible? his blood has long since? you cant be real.? The vampire was taken back, his jaw gaping his eyes resonating fear. ?Hardly.? The blade was thrust deep into the creatures heart. A gentle breeze rolled in, and the creature disappeared into dust. ?T-Thank you?? The girl stammered, huddled up against the wall. Then, as she gazed upon the pointed row of teeth, it dawned on her. ?Y-Your one of them? aren?t you? Please, don?t hurt me!? She said, crying. ?Give me your hand. I will not hurt you. My mission is to protect you, bring you to the monestary. My name is Sylvan, and I am a Hunter" Hope ya like it. Also, this is only the first chapter, it will span a bunch of chapters, if it gets a response, and will hopefully become a great story. I got a good fealin'....[/COLOR][/FONT]
  6. Well, I just got my hands on 08th MS Team, and I love it. It kicks total ***! I like how the fact the Gundams weren''t invulnerable, and that the charecters changed throughout the story (All 12...) My least favourite, besides SD (which I dont consider an Anime, since it was basiclly entirly done in CGI), would be G Gundam, just becouse it was plain dumb... it toally hated it. Besides that, Gundam Wing is always gona be my absolute favorite, mainly becouse it was the very first Anime (Besides a few DBZ eps) that I ever saw, and it was what got me into Anime. Plus it was just kool, despite the Gundams being invulnerable, it was awsom watching them kick the **** out of an army of Taures, Argo, or even the Serpents from Endless Waltz, which was the best Gundam thing ever. So it takes the spot as my fav.
  7. Awsom. I love Vampires ETC, so I might as well... Name: Sampson Korlofski Age:868 History: Sampson is a pureblood vampire, of Russian decent, who grew up the son of the famed Sebastian Korlofski, dreaded scourge of Russia. Living in his fathers shadow, not much attention was given to Sampson, so he strived to overpower his father. But, before he could, his fahter and his armyies were defeated, scattered and broken. His father was slain, at the hands of the imfamous Van Hellsing. Most of the Vampires had been killed, but the ones of high blood, like Sampson, were sealed away. Sealed away in a temple, tucked away in the mountians of a country known as Transylvania. And so they remained. Untill the day that a team of archeologists discovered them. Sampson was the only one freed, he sloughtered the excavators and destroyed the other Vampires sealed away. He had no use for such fools. And so, Sampson, son of Sebastian the Scourge, Vampire, and destined King, stalked out of the mountainside, never to return. OK, here's the pic. [URL=http://www.animeshrine.com/gallery.php?series=castlevania&image=5]Pic One[/URL] I hope I didn't go overboard on the whole 'Destined King' thing, that is just the most possbible future :) P.S. For some reason my links weren't working, so i'm gona relink em. (It's suprising how long it takes to open a page on a 56K line...)
  8. Well, SOAD rocks hard, and I dont really think it matters what the song means. In the words of Tneacious D, it dosn't matter if it is good, it only matters if it rocks. (I think that they came up with the name Chop Suey on really bad acid.)
  9. [COLOR=DarkRed]Ok, here I go. Name: Saritoko Irika Age:15 Gender: Male Appearance: Irika is a small, short, plump person, with a stoutly built face. His eyes are a soft, inoccent orange, wide and staring. His hair is short, and bright orange. His head is round, very round, a small, squished nose, with a rounded chin. His limbs are quite short, stout and strong. He usually wares the Ninja outfit of Mizuha, becouse he feals that ti fits him quiet well. Grades: Taijutsu: This is a bit difficult to explain, but it is, basiclly, his best aspect. His large stature gives him a great ability to push people around with his body, which comes in handy. The thing is, his full potential dosn't come out unless he uses his secret technique, somthing he learned from his father, that allowes him to triple his size, strength, yet makes him fatter, and less agile. Genjutsu: His medium aspect, Irika is good at making copies of himself, as well as using Henge No Jutsu (That is the illusion technique, I belive... it could possibly be the form of Naruto's Sexy No Jutsu, I always get those comfused...) but lakes any unique talents in this field. Ninjutsu: Irika's worst aspect, he is horible when it comes to holding, and forming, Chakra into weapons. In fact, the only Ninjutsu he has ever bothered to learn was his technique for multiplying his size. His father named it Fatness No Jutsu ( I'm not to good at Japense, bare with me!) which he proudly shouts while preforming it. (This technique is similer to Choji's, exept it dose not form him into a ball, and it dosen't make him quite as large.) Personality: Irika is a very outspoken person, who dose not like to be put down. He is cheery, and will usually return a hello when given one. He is quite determined, though not a great ninja, to at least become a Chuunin, but he is ultimatly aspiring to be a Jounin, just like his father. He is a very hard worker, he always tries to do what he can. Dispite this, he still has an eating disorder, which is responsible for his fat, yet muscles, figure, Intro: (Yeah, this dose beat thehell out of a Bio! Good thinking!) Irika's normally soft eyes narrowed, determined and hardwilld. Once again, his finger came together in the various seals of Fatness No Jutsu, and once again a puff of blue smoke was the only thing produced. Irika let out a scream of frustration, and flailed his arms. Sweat was pouring down his brow, he had been at for over four hours now, and still he failed. His dad, watching the whole time, let out a small, chuckling laugh. He was built just like Irika, with brown eyes, longer hair, and, of course, he was older. "You know, Soria, you should give your son a hand. He has been at that for hours now." It was Ika, a long time friend of the familly, a Jounin. "Yeah, but I bet it's best for him to learn it himself." Soria said, leaning back againts a old wooden fence, the one that marked their property. He was a Jounin, aswell, and he and Ika had been partners, a long while ago. "That's just like you, man." Ika said in his usual, laid back tone, "Your too lazy to even help your own son, tsk tsk tsk." Ika said jokeingly, smiling and waving a glvoed finger. "What're you talkin' about? I'm helping! Just look at him, reminds me of me, when I was younger." Soria said proudly, fire in his eyes, a smile on his face. "Yeah, but, Soria, when you were young you were a big fat slob..." Ika didn't finish, he was too busy laughing. "Hey! I still took you, I kicked your ***!" Soria said, hitting Ika on the head with a closed fist. Irika caughed, falling too one knee. He was panting heavily, the training was really taking it's toll. Once again he gathered his Chakara, and began the procedure to preform Fatness No Jutsu... the seals fell into practiced percision, the Chakra began to flow... and a giant puff of blue smoke enveloped him. When his eyes finally cleared, Irika stared around, waiting for another disapointment. He didn't recive one. As he looked down, he noticed somthing strange. Were was the ground? He couldn't see it atall, just his massive gut!! Fatness No Jutsu? But it didn't look this way when his father did it... what the? "AHH! This isn't what it's supposed to be like!" Irika screamed, his jaw dropping, his face going white with embaressment. "Damn, boy, you really made a mess of my Jutsu! Reverse it, NOW!" Sonia screamed, angery. How dare the boy make such a mockery of his Jutsu?! "H-how? How the hell do I get rid of this! AHHH!" The thought of being stuck this way forever was not pleasent, in fact, it made Irika scream, scream as loud as he could. And he did. Ika laughed heartly the whole time. In time, Irika did reverse the Jutsu, and, through years of practice, he mastered the true form of Fatness No Jutsu. (Note: This happened when he was 11, so he has had 4 years of training in the Jutsu.)[/COLOR]
  10. Wow, I'm a huge fan of most GONZO anime, especially the visuals in Last Exile, and would DEFINATLY try to check this one out.What site can I get it at? The ones I use dont carry it, could you PM me with a location? Thanks!!
  11. Well, I dont know too many things that hvae intergrated Anime into themselves, becouse the Canadian spectrum of programming is very limited, but I think it is a great idea, nonetheless. On another note, the reason that North America (I take it you meant that when you said America) dosn't use other langueges in their music (besides Quebec, of course) is becouse that North America is the most powerful contenent on the face of the earth, it is the richest, and it is the most influential. People figure they want to be able to sell to North Americans, becouse they will profit much more from it, which is just smart marketing. Not all countrys do that, though, Germany still has many independent singers who only sing in German, the same goes for many European and Asian countrys/societys. (They really beat you up for saying suppose? Since when did using proper english get you beat up? I'm afraid of hicks... *Hides behind the counter*)
  12. Sounds awsom. I am a HUGE Naruto fan, and I would definatly sign up for it. However, shouldn't their be a few Jounin in the Sign Ups, becouse the students will need to have a leader, plus we need somone one a completly DIFFERENT level from the rest, at least in the begining, and does the whole 'Save the day' thing. We need to have somone who will be the person they look up to, that just adds a whole other dimension to the posibilities of the RPG. I really hope you get this off the ground, couse Naruto owns! Oh, and I would suggest number 3, aswell, becouse it is a much more flexible idea.
  13. Well, I cant beat the whole labour thing, but I know somthing that hurts pretty damn bad. Well, I play hockey, as a Goalie, and I was in the Chamionship game, (I caried the team!!), and their star player took a slap shot directly into my nads... and, I know that most probably havn't had a slapshot to the balls, but it is not nice, attall! It's like playing Roshambo with a Kangaroo, x10. I honestly couldn't move for one whole week... and, worste of all, my team lost couse of that! Thats a *****.
  14. [COLOR=DarkRed]OOC: *Wipes his brow* Phew. I thought this thread was dieing after 10 posts... "Dont get me involved in your childish shit, Stan." Karl spat out, snarling. "Hey, lighten up man, how can you honestly say this is childish?" Stan said, trying to sound smart. "Stan, look, go fuck yourself." Karl said, truning away. "Were you running to, panzy bitch." Stan spat out, laughing. Karl, not one to take shit from Stan, wiped around as fast as he could. He reached out, and grabed Stan by the coller of his baggy, black shirt. The stink of smoke wafted into Karl's nose, and his gaze hardened. Stan, suprised by the sudden outburst, smashed his fist into Karl's face slopply. Karl flinched, but didn't let go. "My grandma beats me harder then that, bitch." Karl said, as he knocked Stan in the gut. Stan wrenched to get free, and succeded. He fell to the ground, and scrambled back, trying to get to his feet. One or two people shifted their gaze, but most kept on the tent. "Never, and I mean NEVER, fuck with me. Understood?" Karl said, spitting on Stan. The younger kid looked up at Karl, and his gaze hardened. Karl paid no heed, and he simply turned, and wandered off, back into the forest. He had no idea waht was going on back there, and didn't want too. The words "Fucking druggy" could be heared echoeing about the woods. OOC: Hope I didn't over do it, I just wanted to add some more drama to Karl!!! (Plus I wanted any excuse to beat up one of MehrLicht's guys!)[/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=DarkRed]I also have to say, how could you kill Touchstone and Sabriel?! Whatever, I still love Abhorsen, and all of Nix's books, so i'm in . Name: Kilira Maxim Age:39 Gender: Male Appearance: Kilira is a tall man, who has to look down on other men. His soft blue eyes are deciving, they seem soft and innocent. Lies. His skin is well tanned, with random scars covering his body. The most promonent scar is the one on his forhead, which is in the shape of a large X. He is fair haired, with long, flowing, soft brown hair. He is usually dressed in his dark-iron mesh, covered in streams of thick, black leather. He dosn't tend to ware anything on his head. He has a sword haning from his belt. Side: Necromancer Weapons: A longsword, nicknamed "Balboah"(Bell Boh Ha). It is quite long, with a wicked curved point. Balboah has a iron hilt, wraped in red leather, with a dragon head carved into the bottom. Despite it's large size, it is made by a special Charter Magic, which makes it extremly light. The Charter Magic dosn't just make it light, it makes it dangerous. Balboah is a living sword, that is to say, it has a soul, and it can speak to Kilira, telephathicly, and it speaks in a harsh, venom filled tone. Magic: Kilira is fluent in the art of Charter magic, primarily for defense purposes. Balboah covers his offense, so he focuses on Defenseive magics. Acc: Kilira wares a large silver chain, a large dragon head, made of gold, hangs from it. Not much else.[/COLOR]
  16. OOC: Wow, this seems to have gotten off with a bang... The crackle of a bondfire inturupted Karl's sleep. He snapped upright, tipping over that chair he had been resting in, and fell face first into the dry leaves. He hauled himself into a sitting position, tired as he was, and blinked a few times, clearing away the last remenents of sleep. He gazed around, awkardly taking in the details of the surrounding forest. A large fire, hazy through outline of the trees, blazed softly off in the distance. A group of people crowded around a tent, off to the side of the fire, talking amongst themselves, gazing excidly at somthing. He pulled himself up, and walked awkwardly off in that direction. He stumbled out into the clearing, where his 'friends' were watching anxiously at the tent. Billy's tent. "Now, what the hell, may I ask, is going on here."
  17. OOC: Bit confusing... but I think I got somthing! [COLOR=DarkRed]"How quient, the last memory befor you die will be of me. Fitting, no?" Alex laughed. The meory of Alex looked at 'Alex' quiziclly, his eyebrows shifting. "What the hell?" It asked, peering closer at Alex. "Get outta my face, you... uh... me!" 'Alex' said, getting confused half way through. He shoved the apirition aside, sending it flying into the void. He smiled, raised his hand, and did somthing awsom. The knife in Alex's hand rose into the air above his hand, about 4", and bgan to spin, round and round. "Time to die, bitch! Were ever the HELL you went, you WILL die, no way to dodge this!!" He said, as the knife lanced off. Behind him, coming out of the darkness, was a wizzing sound. Knives. Alot of knives, floating in mid air. TYhey were moving, moving rapidly, and they were on a mssion to find and kill Kitzume. They passed through Alex without tuching him, and sped on. Not only that, but the monsters behind were closeing in squishing her into a sandwhich of death!!.[/COLOR]
  18. It's a bit hard to choose one... I have ALOT of anime favs, but I think this guy stand out. Shikamaru! That guy just kicks ***, he was so kool, becouyse he was incredibly smart and skilled, yet he decided to surrender instead of beat a girl (Even though he made up an excuse, thast was ********!) which was simply awsom. Also, it is so kool how laid back he is, even during the most stressful situations! He is a total dark horse, which just plain made him kool. Plus it was awsom how his dad was a total drunk, yet he still managed to become a total genius! (even though his dad didn't seem to much like a drunk during Ochmimaru attacked Konohaha...) None of your 'inferior' (though they are porbably supirior) anime charecters can match Shikamaru, not one bit so :P
  19. Well, I know many groups that probably gona Fansub em', problem is... i'm not aloud to give "Illegal" links in a post, so, if you want to know, just PM me. The groups will probably be Anime Hevan, or Anbu and Anime01. Ok, but I still tihnk bleach OWNS hard, even though I only read the spoiler in my monthly Shonen Jump, i still loved it, (it was really funny how his dad beat the **** out of him at the begining... lol...)
  20. FLCL was pretty damn well done, the wierd thing was i downloded a 32mb RM version, and it wasw completly unpixilated, which had never happened, except with the OMG's, (which are around 220mb) and stunned me completly. Akira is also one that was extremly well done, it was really well animated. Finally, i cannot not mention good ol' Scryed! I love the animation in Scryred, it was just beautiful and stunningly done, everything seemed so well done! (Plus the show kicks royal ***!)
  21. [COLOR=DarkRed]OOC: I am formaly ignoring Capn. Sparrow's post, becouse they both posted at around the same time, and I found that his was flawed, and left out the whole dream battle. So, I am going to ignore it. You can fix your psot if you like, but this is what i am gonna do!! Alex faced the monsters with glee. "It is true, woman, that this IS your mind. I am taking over." Alex said, laughing loudly. Kitzume's mental defences broke easily, under the combined might of Alex and 'Alex'. Kitzume faltered, unsure of waht was happening. The monsteres eyes changed, they went from dark black to a deep red. The backround disapeared, it soon became nothing but a black abyss, much like Alex's mind. Kitzume glared around fanticlly. "What... What the hell did you do?" Kitzume shouted, raising her sword. The monsters charged at her, but she dispatched them with a slash of her sword. She was sent flying, a dark figure was standing behind her, hand out stretched. "You see, my dear, in this world... this world created by your mind... I am in controle. Have you ever heared the saying 'You Mind Makes It Real'? Well, that is not entirly true. When you die here today, your body will live on, nothing but a mindless husk, barley living." Alex said, laughing. A close-up of Alex's face appeared in the 'sky', looking down on Kitzume with contempt. Kitzume tried her wind powers once more, but found nothing. "There is no wind in this land, fool." Alex shouted, his voice echoeing, seeming like it was coming from all directions. Then, out of the darkness, an army of the creaters arose, dark venom seeping from their dry lips, and hollow look in their eyes, shambling along in endless ranks. "You in for a fight, ya damn bitch." 'Alex' said, drawing a knife and chraging. OOC: I am sorry, Capn' Sparrow, for ignoring your post. notihng personal, I jsut dont consider you a human being :) [/COLOR]
  22. Well, my favourite Keychain of ALLTIME is definatly the one that says: [CENTER]JESUS LOVES YOU[/CENTER] But the rest of us think your a ******* asshole Then theres this other one, its pretty damn funny Hello, My name is, ________ I was born 19____ In the Month of ______ the _______ If I am too drunk to return home, please return me to this adress _________
  23. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkRed]Kool. Name: General Albert Hirikson Age: 56 Gender: Male Appearance: Albert stands at about 5.9". Albert is a pudgy person, mainly becouse his muscles turned into fat, due to his lack of training. Most of his muscles are gone, but he is still quite strong. His eyes are dark green, piercing and cold. His hair has since faded from a deep jetblack to a thin grey, witch is short cropped and combed back, giving him a quiet distinguished look. His bushy eyebrows have followed his hair, also a light grey. He is very clean shaven, but it is not uncommon for him to have a light 5 O'clock shadow. He is almost always waring a dark green suit, a dignified tuxedo-style suit, over a lighter green button-shirt. He has black leather shoes, neatly tied and shined. When he is adressing his men, he has on a green cap, millitary style, with a black flap in the front. (I think you know what I mean) He enjoys cigars, and is almost seen puffing on one. Personae: Albert is a no-nonsense type of person, who is hard and strict. He dose what is needed, and gets his job done. He is known for keeping a level head, even in stressful situations, this is partly the reason he was promoted to General. Quite a good leader, he gives direct orders, and always speaks directly to the point. Off duty he is somwhat more relaxed, but years of being a General has wound him tight, and he is still strict and too a point. The only time he talk freely is when he golfs with his peers, and when he is talking with his daughter. Ok, my Bio wasn't needed so I didn't put that in. Anyway, I hope this is alright. I am assuming the general is a self-made man, not some ***** who got to be a general becouse his parents were rich/politicans who just pulled some strings. I hope i'm in. (Crosses Fingers)[/COLOR][/FONT]
  24. [COLOR=DarkRed]Alex flexed clumsly. He was still testing out his new muscles, and found himself quite stiff. It was quite a chore... regenerating. Alex only did that when it was absolutly necessary, and it was. That wound was deep, he wouldn't have lived very long, even if the wound had healed naturally. The dark allyway he was kneeling in was a pefect vantage point, he could see the troublesom dragon soaring off, aswell as Kitsume tossing in her sleep. It was also a great place to mointor her dreams. He saw her, young and fragile, crying in the streets. He also saw the old woman and the kid, named Kody, who was, apperently, a pychic. Pitaful, of course. He could just go over there, and kill her while she slept, of course, but, what fun is that? Alex enjoyed to tortour his enamys, much more then simply killing them. So he invaded her dreams. ~Invaded Dream~ Kitzume was sitting at a wooden table, a steaming bowl of a strange mush sitting in front of her. An old woman hovered around her, her arms held close to her chest, a smile on her wizined face. She glared absently out the window, expecting somthing. She let out a cry of glee, and ran, as fast as her old legs would carry her, to the door. Kitzume glared up absently, but didn't move. Alex was watching, even if he hadn't phisiclly manefested yet, with a smile on his face. The boy, Kody,came out of the woods, a small wheel-berrow in front of him, loaded with wood. He had an axe resting ontop of the wood, dull and old from years of service. Alex's smile grew, he had an oppertunity. Using his vast mental capabilities, Alex manifested himself behind the kid. Alex's knife descended into his shoulder blade, sending a howl of pain into the tranquil air. The kid fell over, clutching desperatly at his shoulder. A shriek came from inside the house, and the door burst open. A younger Kitzume was standing there, looking on in shock. She didn't recognize Alex, which was to be expected. She was notihng but a representation of Kitzume, younger and without her sword. The real Kitzume would be watching, from deep within the mental lybarinth she called a mind. "Well, Kitzume, I sense that these people are special too you, no? Well, if they are, then come out and save them!" Alex screamed, laughing. The old woman was peering from beyond the window, a shocked look on her face. Perfect. Another dagger appeared in Alex's hand, and he sent it flying at her. It never reached her. The wind spewt it up, and cast it away. Kitzume had manged to manifest herself, and was standing there, sword in hand. "Good. I cant wait to get revenge. That wound was deep, and it was a bitch to regenerate it." Alex said, his smile twisting into a wicked grin. "Goddamn you Alex, what the hell are you doing in my mind." Kitzume said, a hard look in her eyes. "I would have to ask the same question. This place is a dump, i'm surprised that it can run a human body." Alex said, laughing out loud. "Get the fuck out of my mind!" Kitzume yelled, charging, sword at the ready. She never reached Alex. His fist, that is to say an Alex's fist, slammed into the side of her head. "Brother, I told you to fight Sefir. Stop wasting time with this wench." The origonal Alex said to his 'brother' "Oh, hey bro, having fun in eternal darkness?" The orther Alex said. Kitzume was on the ground now, the fist had hit her hard, and she was struggling to get to her feet. "Quite... Just hurry and finish having your fun, I want to get on with this." The other Alex said. "What... what the hell?" Kitzume said, pulling herself to her feet finally. "Well, bro, if you want me to finish this quik, the give me a hand with this bitch." Alex said. "Why not." Alex finished. Kitzume raised her sword, she was unaware of waht was going on, but she was not prepared to lose.[/COLOR]
  25. Dragon lance OWNS HARD! I love it sooo much. My Fav char was Flint, but, they killled him with a heart attack... how lame! God, I know he was old... but to have him die chaseing after that stupid little basterd, who just made things worse, was jsut dumb. I have read the first one, the test of Twins, and am starting on the third one (Cant remeber name as it is!) The problem is, the first book is somewahere around 900 PGs... and I am WAY to lazy to read all that. I also read Middle of Nowhere, it was my favourite out of it all. I am a big fan of the Crossroads books, like when all those Gnomes go in the little Submarine and go on an adventure... awsom. I havn't read any of the backround books yet, but I got my hands on the one with Tanis, and am meaning to read that soon. I liked Kitiara, but she was a bit of a *****, and reminded me too much about my sister, so I was happy when she died! Caramon was ok... but way to trusting. And Tas... Gotta love Tas, in fact! I love every Kender in the series! Even if they were annoying, they rock the ******* khazba!Raistlen... I didn't really like him, he was too... dark. Tanis... too serious, and Laurana was... well... she was ok. My second fav would have to be the Ogre from Middle of Nowhere, just becouse he was kool. The cover art on that book was STUNNING! it toally amazed me, it looked almost real (Except for the whole minatour and ogre part..) Anyway, Dragon Lance is definatly the best. Fizban kicks the ****!
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