Sword Breaker
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Everything posted by Sword Breaker
Kool. Hey, what can I say? I'm a sucker for this type of RP. Name: Karl Severs Age: 17 Gender: Male Appearance: Karl is tall, about 6.4". Dispite his scranny appearance, Karl is quite well muscled. He has fairly pale skin, but makes up for it with a badass attitude. His eyes are dark green, and seem to pierce through you. His hair is long and black, unkempt and grimy. His cloths tend to vary, but they always stay a loose fitting, cool style. He dosn' seem very intellegent, but that is becouse he trys to hide the intellegence he keeps hidden away, for the sake of coolness. Personality: Karl is a very laid back person, but he will take control if he needs to. He is the type of person who will let you do whatever you want, unless you directly interfere with him. He dose, however, enjoy to take complete control. In fact, he is the self proclaimed 'leader' of the group, mainly becouse he is the oldest (unless somone else signs up as 17...). He has strict hate for drugs, mainly becouse of waht it has done to his family, and refuses them. This is part of the reason he hangs around with people younger then him, kids his age have all but forsaken him. He likes to push his friend around, even if it is jokeingly, and seems like a total asshole.
Well, I recently got addicted to listen to the hilarious (most of the time) parodys Wierd Al dose, I jsut find it so funny that somone gets away with doing this to 'respectable' songs. Regardless, he is goddam hilarious, I'm Fat is hilarious, Star Wars: The Saga Begins wasn't actualy funny, but it had a better beat then the origonal American Pie... odd isn't it? Pretty Fly for a Rabbi was the same, but it was funnier! Omish Paradice... hilarious **** right there... Anyway, I want'd to see what everyones thoughts on Wierd Al were. If there is already a thread, i'm sorry...
umm... welll,yeah, the descriptino was a bit sparse... but... well... frankly... the ideas are kinda frank, overused, and repetitive. Somthing more origonal maybe... the whole Confessions of a Teenage Pychopath... the movie sucked, and they had professional writers... Is that Elementals or Elemetals? Either way, it seems like Mystery Men meets well... pretty much every high school drama ever made. The Acadamy thing... makes no sense from the discription... The other one... is just a continuation of one I already flamed... so no need there... Sorry for flaming... but.. well... try and be a bit more origonal when it comes to ideas I guess... Plus i just like being critical!!
OK, I hope this RP will be good. It will involve fullscale battles, single battles, adventures, and, most importently, cover the events leading up to the fall of Rome. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen] The massive figure of Hadrieans Wall was a forboading sight, tucked away in the rolling hills of England, Maximus though to himself. The sun was peeking out from behind the tall Check Point Tower, just like it did every day. The warmth it spread was enjoyable, a final repreeve from the cold British nights. Maximus yawned, streched his arms, and flexed his armour. He had the misfortune of being picked for the night watch that day, and was extremly tired. A bright light blinded Maximus, if only for a second, and managed to catch him off guard. The light was reflecting off of the armour of his supirior officer. "Centurion, you are relevied." The man said, not pausing, simply shoving past the man lieing on the cold, damp grass. Maximus simply accepted the comment, stood up, as best he could loaded down with forty pounds of armour, and slid down the hill, to where the small camp was nestled. The makeshift ramparts were quite forboaiding from this view, wooden stakes bursting forth in an orginized fashion, stratigicly placed to impale the foolhardy. Maximus didn't see the use for such a precaution, especially on this side of the Wall. Hasn't been a barbarian in this region for thiry years. Guess thats why we earn the name Marious' Mules, Maximus thought to himself. His fellow legionairs bustled around the busy camp, orders from the Tribune keeping them on their toes. Some were already loaded down with their gear, over eighty pounds of it, and waiting to begin the march. It would be a difficult one, Maximus knew, and a pointless one. They were ordered to reinforce this section of the Wall, due to the rumors of increased Barbarian activity in the badlands. The gate swung open as Maximus neared it. He gave a friendly wave to one of the legionairies, but didn't stop for anything. His tent was larger then the average leggionaires, him being a Centurion, but it was still damp, cramped. But at least he didn't have to share it with three other guys. A sudden uproar from outside the gates drew Maximus' attention. It was an odd sound, like soft thunder. A horse. Stepping from his tent, Maximus watched as the gates were swung open. A woman, riding on a beautiful brown horse rode into the center of the camp. The woman was hunched over, barley clutching to the horses main. Men clustered around her, a uproar of questions spewing forth. One man emerged from the swarming crowed, the woman cradled in his arms. This man was a member of Maximus' Century, and a friend of his. "Who is she?" Maximus asked the man, stepping forward franticlly. "I dont know, she hasn't said a word. She looks badly hurt, the wound is just above her shoulderblade." The big man replied, laying the woman down on the bed in Maximus' tent. Her beautiful eyes fluttered open. She moaned loudly, arching her back. She was in alot of pain. Maximus examined the wound. It was definatly a sword wound. Not a traditional sword, though, it had to be large, crudly made. Barbarians. Maximus should have known. He had froggoten somthing very importent. His mind flashed back to when he had woken up. Every day there had been a man patroling the walls. Their was none today. My god. The barbarians ahd taken the wall. [/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Ok, so that is it. Basiccly it folllows the Legion Brittanicus, as they try to survive as a unit during the collapse of the Roman empire. It will start in Britan, and slowly move into Western Rome in the final chapter. [/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]Sign-up Sheet: Name: Age: Rank: Century, Legatus, Tribune, Leggionaire. Religion: Chirstianity, Roman, German, ETC. Decent: Roman, Britan, Gaul, any country in the Roman Empire. Apperance: Pic Or Good Discription Personality: Are you a team player? Do you like controle? Are you a Soloist? ETC Bio: How you jonied the Legion, how you feal about your service, were yuo served previously to Legion Brittanicus ETC[/COLOR] Also, I will need somone to play the woman, she will be a very influential charectar as we progress through the story.
OOC: Ouch, bit of an underestimation... I'll live with it. Time to unviel a little more of Alex's newfound powers!!! Alex sped past, tumbling and turning, the dragon without a care. He was, in fact, enjoying himself. The tossing winds were nothing but an amusment for Alex, even if it was dragging the very guts from his body. The cut was blleding, badly. Drops of blood rained down on the streets, of course, no body noticed. Peridocily, the wind would take it upon itself to leave another gash on Alex's body. "Well, been fun. But I got a job to do." Alex said to himself, changing the winds direction. Landing ontop of a cement building, the wind disipated. Alex kneeled down, his blood was dripping onto the cement, pouring forth in a frothy mass.Alex sat down, closed his eyes, and concentrated. Slwoly, the wound seemede to shrink. Alex's teeth cleanched in pain, and the blood slowly ceased. The skin shot out, joining itself, seeming to mold into itself. The small gashes on his arms dissapeared, leaving not even a scar. Standing up, Alex tested out his reformed muscles, as well as streching his waste, to make sure he hadn't made a mistake in the healing process. Perfect, as usual. Alex was ready to go back, and get revenge. The woman was to die. Alex then prepared for his ultimant technique. Focusing his energy into his palm, it seemed to glow a blueish colour. He flexed his palm, and stepped to the edge of the building. He lept from it, dragging his palm along the side. The ceament was oblitertated, his hand digging in and slwoing his fall. The cemeant was destroyed, leaving a permentent mark on the side of the building. Alex landed, soundlessly, and stalked off, back in the direction he had came. It was time. Time for the Angle of Death to once more walk the plain of man. OOC: Sorry if it was a bit godmodish, but, dont worry, I wont go overboard!
Alex had seen what Kitzume was doing, mentally projected, and was, quite frankly, disappointed. He stopped the car, twisted it around, and sped off donw the street, once more bent on the destruction of others. Just before he entered the warzone, he screeched to a halt. He stepped out, circling around to the trunk. Pressing a small button on the keypad, the trunk opened with a woosh. A rack from the top descended, as a rack from below rose up to waste-level. On these racks were weapons. Tonnes of weapons. From swords to rocket launchers. "Damn, and I thought my bro had no taste." Alex muttered to himself, pulling a large AK-47 from the top rank. Reaching into a pouch, he withdrew four clips of ammo, and slipped those into his belt. Reaching in again, he brought out two Uzis, slipping those into his belt, uncomfertably. He didn't bother with more ammo. Once more he reached in. This time he dragged out two Desert Eagle, standered issue. They were already fitted neatly into holsters, whitch he hooked onto his belt. He took two clips from the side. Finally, he reached into the deep recesses of the trunk, bringing out a massive, four barreled rocket launcher. It was just a large, box, with four holes poked through it. It had a small trigger on the bottom, but not much else. He slipped four rockets into the barrels, where they sat ready for use. He strapped this onto his back, and slid the trunk down. Stalking off into the mayham and destruction layed out befor him, Alex bore a strange resemblance to the Angel of Death. He smiled at the thought. On the battlefield, Alex didn't bother to expend any of his ammo. He had a more importent battle to attend to. Then the explosion. It was large, but not enough to deter Alex. He marched on, a grim figure silhouetted aginats the blackening sky. When the light cleared, Kitzume and Sefir were locked in battle, sword to spear, face to face. Kitzume's back was turned to Alex, and Sefir was to busy to notice. Skillfuly withdrawing his two Desert Eagles, he spun it on his finger, and put it to Kitzume's head. He pointed the other one at Sefir's forhead. "Yo, you know, my brother didn't have very good taste in women either." Alex said, scoffing.
Well, I gave a Gundam Wing RPG a shot, and, as with all the other RPG i ahve made, it was a huge flop. (Though I CANT imagine why... lol...) Regardless, if you can get it off the ground, I would join in easily. But, like Kid Anime said, it would be much better to design our own Gundam MSs. I am a huge GW fan, but even I have my limits of much Duo I can take... no offense...
OOC: Ok, since no one else is gona post... guess I should! [COLOR=DarkRed]Alex stood in the bloodstained streets, staring at the events unfolding befor him. The sounds of bullets, and the screech of elemntal powers were nothing but backround music for Alex. He also watched, with a little bit of awe in his eyes, the massive tidle wave-sword combo that Mr.Ross and Yutarin had pulled off. Alex was slightly dissapointed, however, becouse he had hoped they would all have perished. What a shame. Now, it was time for fun. Reaching into the thongs that held his knives, he withdrew them, and held them ready. Sensing a threat, a small Mystic, no older then 14, sent a shcokwave of earth charging Alex down. Pathetic. Alex lept into the air, easily avoiding the shockwave, and landed inches from the boys face. Laughing, he swept his daggers in a X formation, the kid, stunned, had been unable to react. The contents of his chest piured forth, as the X was cut deep into his body. The flesh folded, and the many entrails and organs poured forth. "Damn, I was hoping for a challenge. I'm so tired of all these goddam easy kills. Give me a challenge! You basterds!" Alex was screaming at the top of his lungs, but no one paid him any mind. Most were either locked in battle, or staring at the sight befor them. A salty rain poured from the sky, and began to drench the small part of the City they were in. Without warning, a wall of water arched up behind Alex. Luckily, he was able to detect, and dodge it, befor it was sent crashing down. A mysterious, looking Mystic was behind it. He had a hard look in his eyes, like he was out to prove somthing. The man seemed to be around 25, with cloak wrapped tightly around his body. "Oh, bout' time! Finally, somone with a higer level then all these punk kids!" Alex screamed, as a large stream of water arched towards him. Dodged easily. "You might want to do better, boy!" Alex screamed, dashing towards the man. Unexpectadly, a wall of water appeared below him, materializing out of the cement. It slammed into Alex's chest. propelling him into the air. Alex, landing on the cement hard, felt his chest. It felt like nothing was broken, but he couldn't be sure. Recovering quickly, Alex got to his feat. The man was preparing to launch another wave, but Alex wasn't prepared to let him. He snet a mental shcokwave, which broke his meager mental protection like a twig. Simple. The man lost his concentration, he fell to the ground, his spell miscast, sent flying into the air, to rain down like the many drops. Alex, without letting him recover, dashed for the man on the ground. He raised his knife, ready to plunge it into his neck. It arched down, but was blocked by a wall of flowing water. Alex lsot his grip, and the knife flew off, high into the air. Alex didn'd flinch, however. He used the other one, and slashed at the wall. At first, the knife failed to penetrate. But, with a little extra force, the knife sliced threw. It plunged int the mans neck, he let out a gasp, blood flowing from his mouth. Then the wall of water evaporated, the man lay dead. His life blood draining from the wound. Alex laughed, finally, somone who was a challenge. Looking at his arm, he crenged. The water had done a number. The cloths of his arm were completly torn, and the arm itself was bleeding from various places. He didn't care, however. He had hated his brothers taste, regardless. Taking the large coat, he tossed it into the streetway, and stalked off. He ignored the sounds and people around him, and slipped into his car. Pounding the pedal, he sped off onto the street one again.[/COLOR] OOC: My biznit is the shiznit...
OOC: Sorry it took so long, I was waiting for somthing that never happened... Kenny thought he was starering death in the face. The creatures wheezing grew louder as it came closer. Kenny put his full weight on the door... preying that it would open... the creatures must have identified its prey, becouse it snapped rigid, standing as erect as it could. Kenny gulped loudly... and the door behind him was thrown open. Kenyn fell backwards, out of the door. Franticly, he got to his feet, and slammed the door closed behind him. The lock snapped into place, as Kenny relaxed. His metal pipe was still in the room, so it was of no use to him, should he encounter another... then his mind stumbled over a thought. Who had opened the door? Looking around franticly, Kenny saw nothing. He thought he saw the wisp of a black cape dissapearing around a corner, but disregarded it as imagination. Knowing it was his only lead, Kenny took off in that direction. He came around the corner... empty. Kenny let out a sign of relife, but secretly he was disapointed. He was hoping that the person who had saved him, assuming it was a person atall, would be there. Well, since the others had pretty much abandoned him, Kenny decided to get the hell out of this... abomination of a town. As he stalked, nervously and weakly, out into the street, he wondered if he was going to die in this hellhole. He wiped this thoguht from his mind. No! This was not the time for negative thoughts... but... maybe... No! Turning his head, he closed his eyes, and silently stalked off into the mist. OOC: Ok, just to let you know, he is walking in the other direction from the rest of you guys, time for me to go solo! For the time being, anyway!
Bah, we dont get Anime movies that play in theaters here. The only one ever was CB:The Movie, and that showed once at a huge movie complex, which is one hour from my house, and got such a bad result, is not likly to show one ever again. Luckily, I can simply DL it assoon as it comes out on DVD... god i'm so damn cheap. Regardless, it is supposed to be a greatmovies, the visuals, and various other things are supposed to be awsom.
Anime Wow... they're just like me!: Characters you identify with
Sword Breaker replied to Balinese's topic in Otaku Central
Well, for one thing, I relate nearly perfectly to Choji, from Naruto! No kidding, almost perfectly. I eat when nervous, have several hiden talents, plus i'm godam badass. Also, though it is quite... shamful... i relate nearly perfectly to the fat guy (Name is hard to spell!) from Green Green TV! Though that show is basiclly an excuse to put boobs on the TV, i relate to that dude... except for the whole gayass crossdressing he dose in that one episode... and the thing with the boobs... -
Astray In the corridors... I walk alone... The memories... Forever... Since I cried of sorrow... I'm here standing on the edge... Staring out at the moon... Which is why... I'm going to live my life as i choose... Until I fall... I would like... To walk alone in the snow... Its always been so hard to do... Not my fault... I've got nothing to lose... Which is why... I'm going to live my life as I choose... Untill I fall astray... Somwhere I belong... Where I can always live this way... Always astray... Hope ya like it!
Discuss Shattering Eartth: Rain of Roses Corner Discussion [M-LSV]
Sword Breaker replied to Persona's topic in Theater
Heheh... thanks... well, ya know, it's not easy being this good...lol... jk... lol Anyway, thanks, I came up with the whole thing becouse of Naruto, were he had the Kyubi inside of him and it took over his body sometimes, just sounded like the right tihng to do. -
Heheh... i'm not really obsessed with anything about Anime in perticuler, i'm just an anime FREAK! I have over 5 GB of anime on my computer, and 75 volumes of manga/shonenjump etc! Course, I am only a fan of the good ones, anime like DBZ and pokemon give Anime a bad ******* name! THEY SHOULD DIE! (So should 4KIDS!) Plus they always make the good manga into ****** anime (One Piece made me cry!) which totally pisses me off, since i totally love One Piece in general. Actually, i belive i DO have a obsession in perticular. One Piece. The goofy art style, kool fighting and hilarious (sometime) jokes. Like were Luffy gets his head stuck in a bird... priceless. Plus the toally wacked out and goofy villains are jsut hilarious, watching them fight. Plus I do really like the whole pirate thing. (Did i mention i think Nami his hot?I tell ya, if their were streets packed with them... no more lonly nights! I'm goin huntin! *Grabes a net and a shotgun* Yahhoo!!!)
OOC: I dont think Alex could have jumped that high... but... any new-found power is good for me! BTW: Srry for all the swearing, 'Alex' was angery, so... it is justified? I dunnu... Alex stood there, deep in thought, eyes closed. His knives rested in their sheaths, a small trail of blood trickling from his lips. This mans pychic abilities were stunning. For somone to have blocked my abilities... excelent. He HAS been getting restless of late, maybe it would be as good a time as any to let 'him' have some excersize. *FLASH* Alex was standing in pure darkness. Looking down, you would think you were about to plumet to your death. Yet, Alex did not fall, he merely walked as if on solid ground. A small figure was huddled on the 'floor'. "Alex. My brother. It has been a long while, hasn't it?" Alex said to the man huddled on the floor. "Motherfucker. What the fuck you thinking, bitch?" The huddled mass stands up, revealing a complete replica of Alex, with the exception of his eyes. His eyes are crazed and insane, bulging and lined with red, "You trap me in this fucking mental hole for, how long has it been? 25 goddamn years. I am fucking tired of your shit!" "Now, now, my brother. Their is no need fo-" Alex was cut off, 'Alex' disappeared in a wif of smoke, appearing beside his 'brother, slamming his fist into his face. "You leave me in here for this long, I tend to learn a trick or two." 'Alex' says, laughing. A hand appears on his shoulder. It is another Alex. Two more appeare, wrapping their arms around 'Alex', imobilizing him. "You insolent basterd, you think you have any power in MY mind? Do you know what you are? You are nothing but a memory. I can earase you in a second." Alex says, pulling himself off of the floor. "Hollow threats, ya motherfucker, you NEED me and my incredible skills." 'Alex' says, scoffing. "Regardless, I may have need of you yet. You saw the battle, I am sure, and you saw how even it was. You should also know that, had the battle prolonged, I would have lost. Realizing this, I turned to my only option. You." "Hey, screw you. I dont care anymore, even if ya die, I'm just gona be in a better place!" "Quite. This is my offer, however. Full body privlages. You can use my body for the next year, seeing as you dont get me killed, as long as you fight in this battle, and defeat my enamy. I will remain in control of the main mental system, thereby ensureing my saftey. "W-What? You serious? Well, Hell ya i'll do it! Just give me the riens and your battle good as won, bro." 'Alex' says, smiling. "Excellent." *FLASH* "Y-Yes! Yes! FUCK YES!" Alex screams. He tests his pychic abilities, which are greatly higetented, and senses a large group of people. He has been watching this whole time, so he knows what to do. Making his way over to the group of shattered Crimsons, he begins to laugh. "Man, you fuckers got hit hard." Alex says. OOC: I just though I would add a bit of mystery to Alex's past, aswell as give me the ability to fight with Sefir for a longer period of time! (And have the mental edge!) The new 'Alex' is sort of an asshole, so make sure you always post him that way. Remeber, he is no longer calm collected Alex, he is outspoken, ASSHOLE Alex. (Think Victoria Brothers from Hellsing!)
OOC: I deleted my last post, I had a better idea. [COLOR=DarkRed]Alex had been watching this battle, he had also watched as the strange sphere had dwescended. Now he was watching two kids fleeing, while the Mystic faced a mysterious woman. He decided to have a little fun. He stepped out of his car, and moved to intercept the two. He sent out a pychic shockwave first, knocking them both off balance. He apperaed from around the corner, just in front of them. Drwaing a newly aquaired pistol, he took aim. "You boys been busy?" He said, unloading three shots. A small shield of earth erupted from the ground, blocking all three, "Impressive. Of course, nothing you can do can block this." The older one sent bolts of flame lancing towards Alex, but it was futile. A spell of such a low level would not come close to piercing Alex's mental shield. The flame evaporated into a wisp as it neared Alex, leaving notihng but a puff of smoke. Once again he sent a pychic showave, a much larger and stronger one this time. The younger one fell to his knees, eyes white and blank, blood draining from his face. "W-What the hell did you do to him? You bastard!" The older one screamed, sending a gigantic wave of flame towards Alex. "Fiesty one, arent you?" Alex said, effortlesly dodging it. (You see, Alex can tell exactly were the attack will hit, and therefore not be there!) Alex aimed the pistol again, and fired another three shots. The kid had no defense againts this, and fell dead in a pool of blood, at his brothers knees. The younger one wass still on his kness, expressionless face and white eyes. "Great." Alex said. He slipped the gun back into it's holster, and picked the kid up by his coller. He was a heavy one. The Mystic and the woman were still staring at eachother, not daring to move. Sending a pychic probe to see who the woman was, he found that not even his great pychic powers could pierce the shield surrounding her mind. Either she was incredibly smart, or incredibly stupid. "Mystic! I belive your fight is with me." Alex said, tossing the kid at his feet, "This is a reminder never to cross the Crimson Shadow." He said, sending to bullets into the kids skull. The Mystic was standing, unmoving. If he was angry, he certainly wasn't showing it. [/COLOR] OOC: Man, I am SOOO evil right now. Hey Capt. Sparrow, You told me to make another post were I am a badass mofo? Here it is!!!
DB/Z/GT is DEFINATLY the most overrated anime EVER created. Especially couse it kept bragging, for a time, atleast, that it was the most popular anime in North America. It.. disgusts me that it is even a POSSIBILITY! The only reason that could have happened is couse they put it on so dam often. In Canada it is on twice a night. TWICE A NIGHT FOR CHRIST SAKE! They only put the good anime on at 10:00 Friday! It is merely an outrage! They took away Gundam Wing, but kept DBZ, and only recently has Inuyasha and Witch Hunter Robin made regular appearance on Canadain TV, it is such an outrage tha DBZ is hoging the spots which would go much better Anime, such as Wolfs Rain, Any Gundam Series, or even the origonal DB, which actualy wasn't bad, considering the series which sprang off from it. They did that for a while, but now its back to DBZ! And on Friday they have DB, DBZ, and DBGT ALL IN A ROW! That is just... outragous. Soory if i have been raging on, i just feal very strongly about it.
Ok, this is somthing I have been working on. It is just the beggining, and the plot has not formed whatsoever,it isn't even the end of the chapter. I havn't ahd the time to finish it, but I tihnk it deserves to be posted, nonetheless. Also, for all of you people out there, The story is a origonal story that I have been wrighting, though it MAY bare certain similaritys to somthing, it is entirly accedental. A Bloody End Chapter One: Marcus A large dark black van speeds down the rode. Sirens blaring loudly. SWAT is written in large white letters. However, what is inside is hardly SWAT. Four men sit, heads bowed, special-issue machine guns at the ready, on the benches lining the inside of the van. ?We are approaching our destination. ETA is five minuets.? Came a heavy British accent over the inter-com, ?Get your gear together. We got ourselves some trouble-makers.? Static replaces the voice, then silence. ?Bout? bloody time.? One of the men says, in a heavy British accent, raising his head to reveal short-cropped blond hair, blue eyes, and grinning teeth holding a cigarette, ?These goddamn creatures getting crafty. Took us a bloody hour to hunt these ones down!? ?Yeah, lets not let these little bastards escape.? Another says, his long black hair falling into his eyes, a thick Scottish accent this time, ?Don?t you think so, Captain?? The man asks quizzically to the man next to him. ?Don?t worry, Rookies. We got this down. They are only lvl 3 threats anyway.? The tall, muscular, red-head says, in a British accent, without looking up from something he was adjusting on his belt, ?This is just a training mission for you guys anyway.? He says cheerfully, turning away form his belt to look at his men. The fourth man stays silent, grasping his gun with white-knuckles. ?It?s his first time, isn?t it?? The blonde man says. ?Yep, Eugene, I believe so. I want you too to keep a close eye on him, understand?? The Captain replies. ?I- I don?t need someone to watch over me.? The fourth man says, in a western accent, a small squeak. Not a man at all, it seems, but a child, no more then 17. ?Whatever you say, Rookie, but I wont be the one saving you ***.? The black-haired one said. The van comes to a screeching halt, catching Eugene by surprise, hurling him to the floor. The other two burst out in laughter. The lock on the big black door at the end of the van slides open. A woman is standing outside, long blong hair falling at her shoulder, dressed in a long trench coat. ?Captain, the threat level has elevated to a lvl6. I am trusting you with this mission, do not screw it up.? She says in a thick British accent. ?Yes ma?am!? The captain says, saluting, ?But, lvl6? Why so high all of a sudden?? ?I do not know, but my superiors tell me it is so, do not screw this up.? She replies. ?Ok, men, we got a lvl6 problem to handle, keep it together and remember your training.? The Captain says, turning back to his men. Some gramical error may be coused by transfering a Word doc. to the OB.
Ok. I know my last few RPGs have been total BUSTS! In addition, that scandal in the OB anthology did not help much either. However, I plan to change that. With this. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Nestled deep in the heartland hills of Scotland?s lies a stream. Narrow and knee-high. For many centuries, the Celtic tribes fought over territory knee deep in the banks of this stream. The Bloody Brook. Some say that angles dare not tred upon the banks. Such a peaceful place, most would never guess its true purpose. That it is a Gateway. A Gateway to a land called Nifelhim. Lands were the creatures of myth and legend dwell. Some say that this is the home world of the Human race. This land is a war torn land, stained with the blood of countless battles. Humans, smaller and weaker then most, fought a losing battle for survival. Desperate, Lord Magnius, high king of the Human Empire, gathered the most talented and powerful sorcerers in the land. Combining their powers, a portal was created. Humans came, from the four corners of the realm, risking everything to reach his portal. Finally, the Human race had left the realm of Nifelhim forever. However, their were others who wanted to escape the realm as well. Minatours, Dwarves, Orcs, they all wanted out. The Human race found themselves fighting a losing battle in what they thought was paradise. Not only this, but strange, tyrannical creatures dominated this new world. Seeing a pitiful and shameful end, they decided to go down fighting. The Human race once again called upon its magic. A Meteor was cast from the hands of the Gods. This massive ball of molten rock and iron set a chain of events that, ultimately, led to the demise of the Tyrannical Creatures (Dinosaurs!), and the probable demise of the planet. However, the Human race and all of the magic and technology gone, a new breed of creatures arose. They were the first mammals. Human DNA was intertwined in this new strain of beings, thus leading to Modern Man. What was unknown; however, was that this portal. This portal was never sealed. To this day, it remains unlocked, but the ways in which it is activated are lost in the annals of time.[/COLOR] Ok, so that is the basic backround story. The main plot will be about a group of collage kids who are on a school trip to Scotland to study history. They stumble upon the Bloody Brook while away from the group. I am leaving how the Bloody Brook works up to discussion in the Underground thread, so we can decide later. Mainly the story will be about the kids traveling throughout Nifelhiem, and will eventually lead to them destroying the force of evil which drives the races to fight eachtoher. Their will be large-scale battles, but the students wont really fight. Remeber, they are just collage students, not Samurai. I need somone to play the head villian who is pulling the strings from behind the scenes. I am allowing some people to play as creatures from Nifelhiem (They can be any creature from ANY myth) and they will be allies who join the students on the jurney.I am hoping, due to the sheer versatility of this project, that it can become a great RP. Sign-ups: Name: (Creatures have Fantasy Names!) Age: Race: Role: (Student, Villain, Ally ETC.) Apperance: (Pic or good discription) Personality: (What your like, who you like, ETC.) Bio: (How your coping with being thrust into Nifelhim, and how you felt about the entire trip to Scotland in general.)
Ok, I dont tihnk this belong in Anime loung, that was for discussion, and I didn't see anything else like this... so... here goes. This is going to be an Anime Quiz that I set up. I will ask a question, and then I will monitor the posts. The first one who posts the right answer will get the specifed amount of points. At the end of the day I will see who has the most points. When you win, you get a prize! (Self gradification mostly!) Ok, so i'll start this off easy. [SIZE=4][COLOR=Red]In the anime movie Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz, what modle of MS did Dekim's army consist of? 2 Points![/COLOR][/SIZE]
Writing The dumbest Cliche ever written. [E-LV]
Sword Breaker replied to Sword Breaker's topic in Creative Works
Meh. Whatever. But let me ask you this. When you sign up for an RP, and you use a pic as your apperacne. Were do you get that, most of the time? You go to a Anime Gallery site and save the URL, link that to the Post, and their ya go. Did you have permission? Did you email the Site Admin and say 'Can I please Use A Picture From Your Site'? Is their a difference between that and plagerising somthing else? It's all the same. -
This remindes of of Middle of Nowhere in the Dragon Lance series... so i'll go for that look for my charectar aswell! (In fact it is probably a total rip!) My guy may seem a bit rigged at first, jsut wait, you'll see. Role: Mercanary Name: Sh'illa Krezna Race: Minatour Weapon: Massive Minatour Axe slung over his back. Weapons Name: Weeper Favored Element: Order Apperance: Sh'illa is tall, like all minatours, with well muscled arms and legs. Hooves for feet. His massive hands are the perfect size for Weeper. One of his horns is twisted in a downward fashion, while the other is missing. Soft blue eyes. Thick brown hair covers his entire body. He wares a loincloth. Personality: Sh'illa's outward apperance is qutie deviing. He is tenderhearted and a poet. He dose not like to kill, but he will do what he is told to. He named his weapon Weeper, mainly becouse, when he uses it, it makes him weep. Bio: Sh'illa grew up in a Minatour city, a port on the coastline. This city was a city of seafaring minatour piarets, who robed and stole for a living. As a result, halkf of the village was very rich, the other very poor. Sh'illa grew up on the rich side. His father was a famous pirate. Not a captain, but a great fighter. He has single-handedly sunk many a human vessal, and has plundered himself a massive horde of gold, jewels, and women. While his father enjoyed the life, Sh'illa found that it was hardly fair. He often found himself staring out of the window, watching the poor go about their buisness. Soon, againts his fathers wishs, Sh'illa became fond of going down into the streets, and reading poetry which was reserved for the rich, for thus was the Minatour higerarchy. His father became offended with his son, and cast him out of the Minatour nation. He found himself wandering the massive Empires of Humans, Dwarves, and Elves. Soon, due to the training his father forced on him, Sh'illa found himself working for a Empire mercanary camp.
Writing The dumbest Cliche ever written. [E-LV]
Sword Breaker replied to Sword Breaker's topic in Creative Works
*Whistles Innocently* Heheh.... dude... Plagerisim isn't bad. Were would such great shows as The Simpsons or BUZZ be without plagerisim? They would be ****! So, mull over that one for a while. :P -
Writing The dumbest Cliche ever written. [E-LV]
Sword Breaker replied to Sword Breaker's topic in Creative Works
[QUOTE=MehrLicht]dude...whats wrong with you? that is cleary coppied off of joseph blanchette's ONE RING series! you have the goblin named wayne, same as him, and even some of the lines are taken directly out of his flash movies with a different word put in there!!!! lets see in the Destined Love underground you stated that you couldnt let yourself do sub-par work...but i guess you dont think plagarism is that bad?[/QUOTE] Dam... I was hoping know one else knew of him... and give me a break! I was doing this at 1:09 AM and I was full of ******* pixi stix! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Besides, I only stole one or two jokes from that, and the Souron-like charector IS the cliche villain. I dont know of any other Cliche villains! And Wayne... ya that was a rip off... I coudn't think of anything else... -
Kenny had made a slow retreat, at first. Seeing the creature close in on the girls face, he bolted. Pumping his legs as fast as they would go. The pipe swinging wildly in his hands. Sweat was pouring from his brow, stinging his eyes. His coat flying in the wind. He didn't bother to read the sign of the door he opened. Nor did he bother to look around before he turned to lock it. Slideing to the floor, Kenny let out a massive sigh. He felt that he was safe. Then the noise. It was the semi-familliar wheezing and snorting of 'Them'. Turning around, his breath cought in his throat. He tried to yell, but he failed. He blindly groped for the doorhandle, turning it vainly. He remeber he had locked it. Slowly sliding back up the wall, he fiddled with the door lock. It jammed. Raising the metal pole in front of his face, he faced the creature stareing at him.