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Sword Breaker

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Everything posted by Sword Breaker

  1. Well, my favourite Japenese band is probably Flow! becouse they did GO! Fighting Dreamers, which is the opening to Naruto, seasion 4. The Seatbelts and Yoko Kanno, who did Ask DNA, and most of the CB soundtrack, are also incredibly good. Do As Infinity is pretty guso aswell. Ayumi Hamasaki owns aswell.
  2. Well, and Anime that is WAAY over rated was Green Green TV. Frankly, it is as close as you can get to Hentai. The plot sucked, and it was mainly an excuse to put boobs into Anime. Im not kidding, the actula plot-lin would not even make sense if not for the massive boobs, it was like the main plotelement. And Ep.7 was just a excuse to see 6 huge-breasted women in a hot spring, which, odnt get me wrong, is pretty awsom, but lacks ANY plot wahtsoever. Lol, sad thing is, its my favourite anime EVER!
  3. Dude, if i did that, the product would be so incredibly horrible. And i cannot take part in creating somthing so shamfully sloppy. Sorry mate, thats just how I work.
  4. Well, i decidede it wasn't worth me going through and re-editing everything, i decided to delete mypost, and drop out of this RP. Notihng againts you, im just incredibly lazy.
  5. But i dont wanna play the gay guy.... Not homophobic, just not interested. I dont swing dat way. Ya savy?
  6. H-E-Y Mr.MehrLicht, no one S-P-C-I-F-I-E-D so S-T-O-P making me cry by raining on my parade! *Pokes Mehr in the face to prove his point* :devil:
  7. Edit: I have completly redone this entire thing. TO MOD: Please Re-Name Gundam Wing: Reuturn of OZ [PG-VLS]. Thanks. [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=SlateGray]The Gundams have been destroyed. Peace has rained over the earth for many years. The Boys paved the way for this future. Heero has become Reelen's personal bodyguard. Quatre has taken over as head of his fathers corperation. Duo Maxwell is a mechanique. Trowa Barton works as a circus preformer. Wufie has joined with Sally in the Preventers. Zechs Merquiz has left with Noin, heading to Mars, Talegeese III in tow. The weapons called Gundam were never used again. Or so they thought. Trieze Quishrenada is long since dead. As is his corperation, the OZ foundation. But this cannot last. OZ's last surviving member, (Unspecified), has taken advantage of the absence of the Gundam MS. He has ralied an army under Triez's vision. From the Colonies and Earth Sphere Alliance alike. The most brilliant men and women have united in this foundation, to devlop a new strain of Mobile Suits. Beliving fully in Triez's vision, (unspecified), dose not use Mobile Dolls, finding the Human Element to be vastly supirior to a mere robot. The Boys, Gundamless and weak, are Earths only defense against the threat. The Preventers are the only remaing fighting force left with the strength to defeat the OZ Foundation. Sensing this, Heero and Releena have specially funded the Preventers. Heero himself has joined with Wufie. Quatre has given all of the money that his Companies can spare, and has joined the Preventers to put his MS skills to use. Trowa Barton, sensing comeing danger, searches for Heero, wishing to join the fight. Duo Maxwell knows nothing of the danger, for he has retired to a quite life, he dosn't know that Heero has sent for him, and that he will soon be tossed into war for peace. Even the Mars Terroforming Project Colonies have heared the rumors, and flock to join the OZ Foundation. Amung these colonies is Zechs Merquize. Hearing the rumors, and knowing that peace would soon disintergrate. Zechs and Noin, in thier personal transport carrier, the Talgeese III in tow, have left for the Earth. The are not going to be fighting for the Preventers. Nor th OZ Foundation. They merely fight to end the war.[/COLOR][/FONT] Ok, so that is the main story. It is basiclly a spin-off of Gundam Wing. I Will need someone to play the Gundam Pilots, somone to play the head of the OZ corperation, a few henchmen/MS pilots. Noin is also up for grabes, but I am going to play Zechs (I would have picked Duo but that would piss alot of people off) Also, the Gundam Pilots do not have their Gundams anymore, and they are in the Preventers, meaning that they MAY have some Serpent or Leo modle MS, but mainly they will use Space-ship fighters and foot-fighting. Later on, if you'd like, you can 'commondeer' one from the OZ corperation's new Strain of MS. Not every charectar is pre-made. If you are in the OZ foundation, or a soldier in the Preventers/ESA, you must make an origonal charector. Sign-Up Sheet: Name: Age: Side: Preventers/ESA/OZ MS/Spaceship: You can use a pre-made MS, or make an origonal type. As for spaceships, make them small-to-mediumlarge agile fighters with lasers. Apperance: Personality: Bio: MS/Spaceship Sheet: Type: (You can make up a name for it) Weapons: Dont go overboard. No Super Lasers or anything. Just guns and missles. Operation System: Long-Range, close-combat, scatter-shot, describe how your MS/Ship works. Appearance: Ok, so that is basiclly it. I hope this appeals to all of the Gundam Wing fans, and this can be a great RP.
  8. Alex shot straight up. A loud noise thundered in from a distance. What the hell... Alex jumped out, still fully dressed, and bolted for his keys. Turning out of the drivway, Alex pushed the car as fast as it would go. A huge pilar of water had errupted from the city, and showed no sings of letting up. God damimt... Ross... Police sirens could be heared wailing above the rushing of the water. God dammit. Water fell from above like rain, yet no clouds were in sight. The pavment and buildings were soaked by the water. Screaching to a stop in front of the source of the geyser, Alex saw a man slowly emerge. First it was but a shilouette, but soon it emerged to be James Ross. "God dammit Ross, do you see what you've done? Jesus Chirst man, if the dam cops see you then this whole tihng is over. Comon! Get in the car!" Alex said, stepping out. "Get out of my way." Ross said blankly, shoving Alex back. Chirst, Ross was stronger then Alex had ever imagined. From effortlessly shoving him aside, he had left a massive bruise on his chest. "God dammit! If you bring the shit down on us... I am getting out of here!" Alex said, turning back to his car. Hammering down, he sped off, away from the sirens. Behind him, Ross paused for a secnod, but continued down an allyway.
  9. A man hoped into the large truck, and drove off into the blackness. Mr.Ross and the other had dissapeared. Kitsume, without pausing, was already in her car, speeding down the narrow street. Alex excitedly twirled the keys on his finger. The jet-black car in front of him called him closer. As he tuched the doorhandle he felt excitment coursing through him. Of all the tihngs Alex loved, he had always loved driving fast above them all. He figured a car like this would be incredibly fast. Hoping into the leather intirior, Alex began to twitch, as he often did behind the wheel of a car. Turnign to the Radio, he saw the icon for a massive CD changer, probably in the trunk, and a radio dial. Twisting it to his favourite channle, he sped down the street with Red Hot Chillie Peppers blaring from the massive surround sound system. Smiling, Alex put the car to the test, pushing all the horsepower out of it. Skillfully twisting the curve, Alex sped in the outskirts of the city. Slipping into a small garage, barly wide enough for the car, Alex stepped out into the dark of night. He was at his home, a small, ruddamentary home. A small satilite dish poked through behind the chimmny. The house was all white, with a small porche. Pressing the lock button on the key-panle, Alex opened the door. Droping his keys on the counter, Alex went upstairs, and fell asleep on the small bed. In the morning, he was going to find the Mystics, and his mission could finally be fufilled.
  10. Dude, the reason the full cast was cut, the producer is trying to drag this out as fully as one can. Besides, if you had like 50 different charectars it wouldn't be much of a survivor horror now would it? Once they see the movie is dieing, they will throw in everyone just to get the most out of the final one. I've heared to be ready tp see Chris in RE Three (Yes they ARE making one) And finally, that 'unneccessary team of charatrars' were ******* hilarious. That black dude who went around looting, that was funny. Dude, its not about the plot, or about the horror, its all about the humor! Thats why im gona get Shaun of the Dead! That movie looks like it could kick RE:2 as a zombie movie! A ROMANTIC COMEDY WITH ZOMBIES! THAT IS THE SHIZ! The thnig that i found wierd. Why was Barry Burton black?! I never finished the Res Evil game, but i can be dam sure Barry didn't pull off some rubber mask and turn out to be black! Whats with that?
  11. OOC: I hope i didn't overstep my bounds by doing this. After this, Mystics, feal free to arm yourselves. Alex watched intently as four guards professionally made their rounds. Kitsume was beinh him, watching awkwardly, wondering of Alex's plan. "Ok, we will go soon." Alex said, barly above a whisper. "What? Wont the guards spot us?" Kitsume asked. "Dont be so foolish. I have fooled their weak minds int beliving we aren't here." Alex said, rolling his eyes, "Im no amature." "Ok." Kitsume said, "Were do we go in?" "We walk right in the front door. Try not to bump into any of them.I cant block tuch. That is impossible" Alex smirked. "Right... I guess." But Alex had already stalked forward, heading in the direction of the soldiers. "Hey, wait for me!" Kitsume shouted, running to catch up. The guards did not notice. They continued on their rounds. Kitsume hesitated just befor entering the perimater. "You... You sure that the guards cant see or hear us?" Kitsume asked nervously. "My god women. NO they cannot. Now hurry. We have to meet Mr.Ross in half an hour." Alex continued walking, heading straght for a massive building with a flat, tin, roof. He rached out for the massive steal double doors, and pulled one end open. "Ladies first." He said mockingly. "So, what did we come here for?" "These supplys were meant to be dropped in Iraq. Weapons, food, ammo, rocket launchers. It's all here." Alex said, stalking slowly over to a long truck, with more then enough room for supplys. Great. "Ok, help me get these boxs into the truck. We have an appointment to keep."
  12. Alex turned his attention away from the man in his mind. He focused on the mysterious man in front of him. "Well, Mr.Ross, was it?" He nodded, "Quite. Regardless, I would like to reschedual the meeting. the Mystics have discovered us. They come. So unless you have some reinforcemnts located in the vacinity, we cannot win." "I do not. But Mystics are weak. I am confident we could defeat them." Ross replied. "Yes, that is true, we could defeat the Mystics. They are not my concern. Two of my own, two fighters who will turn the tide, they are allied with the Mystics. We cannot win. Please, meet me at this address, and do not be late." Alex said flashing a smile. Kitsume had stayed sielnt, much outside her charectar, for the whole conversation. Alex sent a mental picture of a street sign. Mr.Ross nodded, turn, and left. "Alex, what are you planning?" Kitsume asked quiziclly. "Well, my dear, I have a special gift planned for our new-found allies. Somthing that will come in handy in the comming fight. I will explain later, but I will need your help." Alex replied. "Help? Help with that?" Kitsume said, missing the point. "Heh, breaking into a millitary base isn't a one man job."
  13. Frankly, even though i only read a Sampler in my Shone Jump Monthly, I really like were Bleach was headed. it looked wicked awsom. But, on another note, i know some even less known manga that kick the living **** out of those. Ragnarok, to name one, was a great manga, especially if you were into nore Mythology, becouse it is a perfect blend for fans. Candidate for Goddess, though quite a Gundam rip in SO many ways, was reallly quite kool becouse of the special skills they give each carector. And finally, my favourite Manga of all time, (Though i dont know if its well kown or not!) was xxxHolic. It was part of the four-manga realese put out by Del Rey, and was made by the Legendary CLAMP. It is probably one of the best manga ever made, since, first of all, it introduces a crossover twist, which is not often seen, and the charectors were REALLY likable. Plus the two little lesbians weren't a bad tuch eaither...
  14. Well, I have a HUGE finish planned for Alex, in which, of course, he dies. Therefore I would just like to advise that no one screw up my plan by killing Alex befor the very end of this RP. Thanks! I tink we should have a second part, assuming that somtinhg dosn't go all ****** up and this one loses control, and i would make anohter profile (or make up somthing to brin back alex!) and join in!
  15. Umm... I finally made a banner, the problem is, i dont know how to freakin use it! (Mr.IneptNewbie!) Please help! I wasn't sure were else to post this, so i did it here!
  16. OOC: Nice one there, Angelus. The girl had rejoined the group, and they regained their weary shuffeling. The misty and delepidated buildingsa the passed were but a blur to Kenny. His knuckles went white as he gripped the pole tighter in nervousness. He couldn't belive that the girl had been here, yet had never experiance 'Them'. Kenny would never frogot 'Them'. They killed his friends. Every last one of them. His group of five friends had been trying to buy a ticket out of the hellhole, when one of those 'Things' attacked them. The thing had shoved him aside, sending him spraling. His friends were completly defensless againts the creature, some tried to run, but all failed. Kenny scarbled away as fast as he could, trying to cross the street to escape this thing. He felt the creatures gaze turn to him. Kenny's spine went cold. His head turned, and the creature charged at him. Then his hands wraped around a steel poll, he brought it up with all his strength, smashing it into the things face. He was sent flying, which was when he lost his glasses, and landed with a thud. The creature, however, had been killed. It's neck had snapped, and its blood-like-fluid dripped from its smashed in skull. Befor Kenny could complete his thought, Jason's voice came through, "Ok, this is the place" Gazing up at the building, Kenny noticed a movment in the window, but considered it wa just his imagination.
  17. Well, im not realyl a fan of Star Trek, it was WAY befor my time. I never got into it becouse of how shitt the graphics look paired up to ours. Plus the plotline was a little *woohoo* *Wakkawakka*. The Simpsons TOTALLY OWNS FG. FG was just a stupid rip-off of the simpsons, TS kicks the living **** out of any other cartoon. Its unfortunat that they got themselves canceled. The world weeps. Also, CSI,CSI:Miami, But not CSI:NY Which was horrible! Iwould consider some of the ebst shows. The origonal one had a great cast, with great murders, and just really made you think "Wow this show is good". CSI"Miami was ok. Until they killed of the best freaking charectar. Now that was jsut dumb. HE WAS THE BEST CHARECTAR AND THEY KILLED HIM! OMG! CSI:NY.... im not gona talk about that one, it belongs in "Worlds least improtent TVshows."
  18. Do I....... Savy? Wtf... i think that means do I understand....but whatever. Yes i do understand, but, frankly, Alex dosn't. He is not a good enough Pychic to pierce the shield of idiocy inside your charectors bran to learn that! (Hahaha thats for ruining my fun!)
  19. Alex thought about it for a minuit. Well, he knew that Kitsume didn't like Ivan, but she wasn't to sure about Yutarin. He decided that, for the time being, it wouldn't be good to tell her the truth. Especially with that big sword of hers. "Ivan and Yutarin have... Ivan and Yutarin have defected." Alex said, reganing his hard face, "The two of them ambushed me on the street, and I barley got away alive. I do not kow what side they are fighting for, just that they can no longer be considered allies." Kitsume seemed quite taken back by this, but remained steady, "Regardless, in the chance that they have joined the Mystics, I do not feal that the Dead Moon, as weakened as we would be from the loss of two members, can consider ourselves a superpower. Therefore I would like to propose joining the Crimsons. Will you join me, Kitsume?" Kitsume stared at him, her eyes wide.
  20. OOC: MOSHI WAKE ARIMASEN!!!! GOMEN NASAI! GOMEN! GOMEN! I did not read the preceeding posts close enough! I am SOOO sorry, but i changed it, just so everyone knows! BTW: Damn you got ruiningmy fun! (Hope some other people can speak 'The Art of Apology' In japenese!) Alex was angery. He could not belive what Yutarine had done. He increased his pace. Goddam him. One of those Mystics had been the leader... it was all so perfect. Goddam him and all of his foolish morals. The thing was, Alex had not been truthful about not being able to defeat him. Alex's speciality ws prediction. No matter what Yutarin had done, Alex would ahve none first, and dodged effortlessly. But he was not in the mood to fight. And besides, he needed to gather more infomartion on that sword of his. Yutarin's inferior mind could not grasp the power of such a weapon. He would need to wait untill he learned more. Meanwhile, he needed some allies. Kitzume was his only choice. He did not trust the Crimsons, and the Mystics were otu of the question. Ivan had never been trusted in the first place, and that left on Kitsume. Now were the hell was she... Alex sent out a mental search. Ah, she appears to be at home. I guess i will go there. Alex stopped otuside of Kitsume's home, and sent in a mental message. Simply [I]Yo[/I] .
  21. [COLOR=DarkRed]"Yep" Alex said, flashing a smile. Things were going his way. Kitsume's comment, even though it had no voice, was a great confidence booster. He was in control. Everyone said a few goodbyes to each other, and exited quietly. Alex had no were in particular to go, so he decided he would wander the streets for an hour or so. The streets were all but empty in this part of the city, the occasional car, or pedestrian only. Alex watched the sun move across the sky, not caring for the thoughts of the passersby. Then a powerful emotion swept into him. Two people, a guy and a girl, one weeping, the pother doing his best to confort her, walked down the street. Impossible. What luck? Two Mystics, ripe for the taking. Right here out in the open. Alex flashed a massive grin. Slipping his hand into his pocket, he drew one of his curved knifes and twirled it around on his finger. One was psychic, but they could not sense his intentions. Great. Wiping around, his knife went around one of the girls necks, the one called Leya, I believe. Both of them stopped in mid-stride, the other one, breath cought in his throught, turned his gaze wordily to the blade at the neck of the other. The girl?s tender skin trickled blood as Alex increased the pressure. "Well well well. You Mystic ought to be carful. These are dangerous times." Alex said, laughing.[/COLOR]
  22. Kenny had barly moved since he ahd seen the creature. It had been four hours now, but still he did not move. He was peering from the window of an old house, it was abandoned, and musty smelling. Like old people. Clasped in Kenny's sweaty palms was a metal pole. He had found it on the street days befor, and had since made use of it as a weapon. Then the sound came. It sounded like people, but in this time it was impossible to tell what the creatures were capable of. Then somthing appeared from down the street. It was a large bulgin mass of shadows and shapes, though it sounded like normal people talking. (Remeber, Kenny lost his glasses.) "What the hell is that..." Kenny managed to squeak out, stepping backwards. The thing turned, facing the house directly. "No- no way. They cant be coming here." He said to himself again. He ducked away from the window, taking place behind the door. Footsteps on the walk. Kenny raised the pole like a Katana, taking a battle stance for what was coming. "This is it." Came a human-sounding voice from outside. The doorhandle turned. "AAAHHHHH! GET AWAY!" Kenny brought the poll down on the head of a man. The man fell to the ground with a thud, followed by gasps. Now that they were up close, Kenny could see that they WERE just a bunch of people. "Oh... shit" Kenny took a step back, trippin over a rift in the floorboards, "Oh hell... Shit sorry. Nice to... uhh... see somone else alive..." Kenny mumbled.
  23. [COLOR=SlateGray][FONT=System]Sean's head set was blaring. It was classic old school rock from way back in the 21st century. What times, the people then must have enjoyed. None of this war, day in day out. Sean thought to himself. The door in front of him slid open with a whoosh. Inside was his commanding officer, Corporal Swan. He was in midst rid, a chrome clipboard tucked under his arm, traditional grizzled look on his war-hardened face. "Sgt.Summers. Just the man I was looking for. These are the flight schedules." He said, handing the chrome clipboard over to Sean. Sean snatched it with contempt, scanning its contents. It was a timetable, full of useless information and odd numbers. There were some important things, however, written in the center. It was a schedule of when Lunar Dragon Squadron was going into battle next. The appropriately named Minatours had invaded the Milky Way over one thousand years ago. They had used technology of incomprehensibly advanced levels. The Earth had space ships equipped for combat, of course, but nothing like this. They were large and un-menuverable, with primitive lasers manly used for Android exploration. The vast hordes of Minotaur ships had completely wiped out the fighters. Fortunately, the missile and laser batteries on Earth had held them at bay. After many years, Earth had finally mustered a ship that could match the Scorpion fighters. Carriers had also been developed; they were massive ships, armed with heavy shields, missile batteries, laser cannons, and the most important weapon of man. The fighter. Sean was aboard one right now, it was called The Sagittarius, the flagship of the Earth fleet. Sean realized he had suddenly gazed off, deep in thought. "Srgt? Srgt are you listening to me. I need your crew prepped and ready in half an hour. Understand?" The grizzled old man said. "Uh- yes sir. Half an hour and we'll be ready." Sean said, snapping back to attention. Continuing past his commanding officer, Sean stalked down the chrome hallway. He passed several other staff members on his way, but no one important. He turned into a large room. Men and women sat scattered around the room. Lockers lined the walls. The people talked amongst themselves. They were his squadron. They were The Lunar Dragons. And they had half an hour until battle.[/FONT][/COLOR] Ok, so that is pretty much it. I did not want to be descriptive about the crew or the corporal yet, because those are the roles I have lined up for the RPers. Positions on the Minatours side are open, and so is the description of the creatures. You can be in another squad, as well, if you want. And Corporal Swan is still a part. You could also be stationed aboard The Sagittarius, at a laser battery, or as the captain/petty officer. This RP will primary be a Space-ship fighter, so be prepared for some good ol' Sci Fi fun! Sign up sheets: Name: Age: Rank: Squad/Side: (Minotaur or Human) Appearance: Personality: Bio: (When joined the Fleet and what you did when in the Fleet Thanks, Please sign up!
  24. Well, as far as anime go, i dont think that Yu-Gi-Oh! is that bad. And CCS is really good. You jsut dont apreciate the subtltys. The art was fantastic, the storyline better then some i could name, and besides, it was just kool. Plus the new Manga out, the followup of CCS, Tsukasa (Or somthing like that) really owns deep. Especially since it crosses over with xxxHolic which is the best manga in my opinion.
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