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Sword Breaker

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Everything posted by Sword Breaker

  1. Im always happy becouse im flippin mental. And when im flippin mental, im flippin happy, and when im flippin 'appy, im flippin mental. And when i gets me a good ol' Canadian beer, settle down in me chair, im even god damn happyer i is! fear me wrath.
  2. Well, since i cant beat that Jill, im changing my char. [COLOR=SlateGray][FONT=System]Name: Joseph Frost (I know he's dead) Age: 24 Occupation: S.T.A.R.S Member Starting Weapon: 9mm standard issue S.T.A.R.S pistol. Appearance:[URL=http://www.nlgaming.com/games/1009/logo/logo.jpg]Click (I know it is the dude from Res 4, but it was what I was going for)[/URL] Bio: Joseph grew it up in Redwood Valley, a sleepy little suburb tucked away in the mountainside. He grew up as a total badass, taking down the bullies that tried to push him around in school. His parents were abusive and paid little to no attention to him or his five siblings. He was the youngest, but by far the toughest. At a young age, his father had been abusive, until Joseph had finally worked up the courage to stand up to him. His father had raped his sister, and Joseph, who had nothing but love for his tender little sister, had been cast into a rage. He had barged into his fathers room, were he sat drunk, and confronted him. He had woken up the next morning tended by his sister, blood circling in a bandage on his skull. Ever since that day, Joseph did nothing but train. Unfortunately, when he was ready to finally confront him, he died in a car accident. Now that he had no use for his skills, nor did, he have a way to vent his anger. He joined the R.V.P.D because he thought that he could unleash his anger on some criminals. He found on challenge. Therefore, sensing skill, the S.T.A.R.S picked him up. Since he has become the leading hand-to-hand fighter on the force. His skills with a pistol are not too shabby either, so he had become quite respected on the force. Though he does not have many friends, he can always be counted on in a fight. Mutation: Joseph is not infected with a virus. He has never been in contact with the Umbrella Corporation until the incident.[/FONT] [/COLOR]
  3. Alex had closed his eyes in thought. Since Ivan's last comment, Alex had to wonder. Why? Why should the Dead Moon join any side. We were just as powerful and talented, maybe even moreso, then all the others. What were we doing joining some side? Alex decided to voice his thoughts. Two of the others were talking amongst themselves, Yutarin stayes silent. "Wait." All eyes turned on him, "I think I have a better idea. Think about it. We, as Dead Moon, have four of the most powerful fighters in the city. My pychic abilities are without compare. Ivan just plain kicks ass. Yutarin has that sword thingie." Yutarin took a step back as all eyes turned on him, "Dont worry, we wont try to steal it. And Finally, Kitsume is probably the most hardcore, badass human being alive. And i dont just say that out of fear. Ok, well, partly becouse of fear. But yuor still pretty badass." She seemed to relax a bit at that comment, though not a little, "Regardless, i dont think we should join any side. If we get into this war, at least have us fight it for our personal glory. Thats what the Dead Moon is all about. Screw the honor crap, go for the goddam gusto." Alex was finished, and the other stood there stunned at what he had said.
  4. Name: Alex "Speed" Borstien Age: 15 Gender: Male Nationality: Canadian (Origonal one aint i?) Grade: 11 Apperance: Speed is a very slim built person, not to musculer.Average hieght, you wouldnt be able to pick hm out of a crowd. He has short-cropped dirty blond hair, thick and grimy. He always has tinted black sunglasses, no matter how much the teachers get pissed about it, becouse his eyes are hte only sign of his addiction. (any guesses?) Pale skinned, Speed looks almost ordinary. Personality: Speed is quite a fun-loving person on the surface, though on the inside he couldn't care less, who is always laughing at stuff. Easily amused, Speed seems like your traditional usless stoner. Truthfully, he is really quite smart, he never actualy tries. When he dose, he got 95%, but decided it wasn't worthit and gave up. Bio: Speed was born in Canada, but moved into Hawiai becouse his parents did not like to climate. He was around 2 at that time, so he ddn't really mind. He made friends quickly, being quite a likable kid. Unfortunalty, when he entered highschool, things changed. He discovered Speed. He quickly became addicted, far befor anyone else. The Speed changed him, it made him angry often, and he showed up almost everyone in the sports arena as a result. His friends abandoned him, finding that he was becoming a bit of a social outkast, and that it would be a bad idea to stay with him. Though he trys desperatly to mkae more firends, he always fails. He often wanders through the hallways, walking past the people he now called ********, as they said things that were not meant for his ears. Head downcast, Speed lives his life the only way he can. Tough. Whispers: The people in the hallways whisper many things.From "Hey, isn't that Speed? I heared he was the biggest loser on the entier Island. What a freaking moron" To "Didn't you hear the rumors? Thats Speed, he is a god damn druged out loser, lets go and see if we can score somthing off of him!" Note: My charectors name was inspired by Speed from CSI: Miami, who bravly gave up his payroll for our enjoymeant. March on, now poor little soldier, march on!
  5. In my opinion, the DS is gona totally blow the PSP out of the water. First of all it is more affordable. It has the patented Duel Screen system. And it is bringing a totally new field of games to the table, where as the PSP is bringing back old games. dont get me wrong, the PSP will be a great system with great games, but it cant possibly beat the DS. The only way that it might beat it by a marketing perspective is if people think "Oh look, another Nintendo system! It is probably gona be worse then all the others, just like the GCN!" and they go and buy the PSP.
  6. To MOD: Please edit my title so it is in caps, i accedentaly frogot, though i thought i had them. The streets of LA. Torn by gang violence and drug dealers. This city breeds the best cops on the face of the earth. The mexican Drug Cartels practiclly ran the city, their greedy influence affecting politics, police, and the common buisnessman. But their is still one force of people who fight to keep the streets clean. They are not quite SWAT, yet they are not quite ordinary cops. They are the LAPD. [I]The police sirens could be heard over the sound of the men, scuttling to escape the cops. Many thought only of themselves, scrambling out of the abandoned Coke factory in droves. Others thought of the Cartel and tried to destroy the evidance, but they were to few, to late. As the armada of Police cruisers surounded the building, Speed and his partner, Lora, dashed forward, ahead of their team. Both had their standered 22.mm pistols in hand, and both were determined to bring this Cartel to the ground. They had been working this case for three years, and it had taken an anyonamous tipster to finally locate the drug manufacturing plant. They were devoloping a new type of drug, it had the same effect and properties as X, but it did the job three times as fast. If this hit the street, the MexicanDrug Cartels would completly own LA. Speed entered the building first, firing off a warning round at a small man holding an AK-47. The man retured fire, but Speed dodges behind a stack of Cocain bags. Lora came around the corner and fiered a round into the mans leg. He dropped his gun and fell to the ground, clutching his leg. Two more LAPD officers came in through the weathered doorway, on e a tall blond man named Eugene, the other a short black-haired man named Marcus. Both fired at a cousway hanging from the ceiling. A man let out a scream of pain as a bullet ended his life. "Dammit, I hate killin children." Eugene said, spitting on the floor. "Common love-birds, we cant let them get away." Speed blushed, but took off befor anyone noticed. It was true, him and Lora were in love. In the next room, piled of bags ful of X were stacked to the cieling, giving the room a depressing fealing. "Speed, hold your team and wait for backup" Came a voice over the radio. "No can do, chief, we cant let this basterd escape again." Speed replied. Speed and his team progressed into the maze of drugs, cautiosly turning every corner. The four split up, trying to find the way to the exit. Gun fire. A Scream of pain. The rest was a blur. Eugene fell to the floor, three bullets tearing through his vest. Blood poured to the floor, his black sunglasses falling to the floor into the pool of blood. A large, Mexican man was standing behind him, two AK-47s in hand, smoke drifting up. He had a large grin on his face, and did not seem like an amature. Marcus dove out from behind a wall of X, firing off five rounds. "You basterd!" He screamed. The 22.mm bullets failed to pierce his armour, cauing only to fill his over-coat with holes. Marcus never had time to recover. The man fired of a burst of rounds from his powered AK-47 into the man, sending his corpse smashing againts a cement wall. Speed appeared from behind another stack. "Holy hell, wh- Eugene! Marcus!? You basterd! Yoour gona pay for this." Speed yelled, aiming his pistol. The man's grin turned into a twist of pain as a gun fired. Not Speed's, Lora's. He screamed, but was not hurt badly. He had been shot in the shoulder, just at a point his armour ended. Lora fired again, but this time he was hit in the chest. No effect. Wtihout hesitation, Speed wraped his arms around the mans neck, putting him in a choke hold. Lora fired again, but still missed. The man's elbow smashed into Speed's rib cage with surprising force, sending him realing to the floor, uncaouncious. Lora fired again in desperation, but still nothing. The man raised his AK-47 and fired. The last thing Speed rememberd was a womens scream, and these words. "Heheh, be carful who you pick fights with, cowboy." The Mexican had said mockingly. He opened fire on the downed Speed,. Five bullets entered his chest. And all went black. Beep.Beep. Beep. The heart monitor was going strong. Speed was sitting propped up in a hospital bed. Bandages were wraped around his chest, and soaked with blood. "Speed, we thought we might have lost you for a second." Came the cheery voice of Speed's friend, Spinnker, who was standing directly above him, smiling. Spiniker was a bald black man who had worked at the stationl. He was a retired cop, and was now a traing officer for n ew recruits. He was always a friend of Speed's. Speed, still groggy frm the wounds, and various drugs, managed to say somthign almost inaudiable. "Were is Lora." That was it. Spinniker's face darkened, a frown creased, and his eyes seemed to waver. "I'm sorry, Speed, I dont know how to tell you this. Lora, she didn't make it." At these words, Speed sat upright, though it hurt his chest. Impossible. Lora cant be dead, Speed thought to himself. No. He couldn't fool hmself. She was gone, he had heared the gunshots himself. Lora, sweet, innocent Lora, was dead. Why, Why had it been him? Why couldn'tn she have been the one to survive, he asked himself. lying back in his bed, he stared out at the birds cherping in the sunlight. he closed his eyes. BEEEEEEEEEEEEEP. The heart moniter went flat, as docters rushed in. And everyting went black.[/I] Sign Up Sheet: Name: (Modern, please.) Age: (20-35) Gender: Nationality: Rank: (LAPD ONLY) (Officer, Sargeant, Leutent ETC. NO CHIEF) Off Duty Appearance: (Pic or good Discription.) On Duty Appearance: (LAPD only) (Everyone wares the standered blue-black uniform, but everyone wares it a different way) Bio: (Please include were you worked befor being transfered to the LAPD, or if you were at the acadamy. Other then that just be creative.) Ok, so thats about it. All i would like to note is that i NEED somon to play the Cartel Boss, and henchmen positions are open, and i need somon to play the guy who ****** up Speed and crew in the opening. I dont want any super cops, just your standerd LAPD officers, not the type of thing were one guys goes in and takes otu 100 gangsters like in the movies. The main story line revolves around the LAPD bringing down the cartel, but it will also invlolve the tnesions between teammates. And the best part is, ANYONE can become EVIL at ANYIME you want. PS. sorry for the bad spelling, im on a MAC laptop so i cant copy-paste to word, i will fix as soon as i get home.
  7. OOC: Sorry if i make your charectors come across differently then they were meant to be, soory! Alex leaned back, sinking into the old, worn sofa. He stared up at the water-stained ceiling. They were late. They weren't even in range of his Pychic Sensor. Alex was not often the first one here. Somthing must have happened. Just as Alex was about to concentrate to widen his search, a tall figure stalked in through the old worn doorway. "Yo, Ivan. Your late." Alex said bluntly. "The others will be along shortly." Ivan replied. Then, he sat down in his respective chair, clsoing his eyes in thought. Alex scoffed at him, he could not understand what that guys problem was. Every day he did the same thing. Just as Alex was begging to relax again, Yutarin stalked in. "Hey Alex, Ivan. Kitzume late again?" He blurted out. "Yo Yutarin. Yeah, Kitzume is late. So are you" Alex said, flashing a slight grin. Yutarin was one of the few people he considered a friend, and he acted quite relaxed compaired to normal. Yutarin spooked, jumped forward, and let out a little yelp. Behind him was Kitzume was standing behind him, her hand otustreched, laughing to herself. "Yo." Alex said shortly.
  8. Wicked. Well,im tired fo being evil, so im gona try out for one of da Goddess'! Position: Goddess of Dream and Creation Person Left In Charge: Fluffy (Fluffy is a being of cloud that she created) Name: Shandra Kilal Human Name: Kendra Miria Age: 19 Occupation: Student Appearance: [URL=http://miranime.net/screenshots/29570211096304E38.jpeg]Clicky! (Im the blond one holding the machine gun!)[/URL] Personality: Kendra/Shandra is a totally out-of-it type of person. She dosen't really listen to what other people are saying, and you could sware she is ALWAYS smiling. She is completly content with just sitting there and smiling for the entire conversation. Also, she has an unhealthy obsession with.... machine guns. She dosen't like to kill other people with them, she just likes to shoot them at other people. Bio: Kendra has always been a friend and supporter of Surey. She was always considered one of the kindest goddess', mainly becouse she was the granter of dreams, which were often the only reprive from general life. She is totally out of it in class, she is often found just humming some unkown song to herself durnig a boring lectur (I assume they have to go to school)
  9. Sw-eeeet. Been waiting for another Milz RPG since the whole HELLGUN bust. Nice picture btw. Name: Bradly Kenno Age:25 Role: Independant Villain Weapons: Bradly has a pistol he calls 'Strife'. It is a heavily modified 9mm Desert Eagle, its long narrow body has been loaded down with tonnes of equipment. Laser sight, powered hammer, and leargly extended clip to name a few. Gender: Male Appearance: Stealing Jewel from Brandon. History: Bradly didn't live his life on the streets. But he also didn't live in a comfertable mansion. He lived in an average middleclass house, with average middleclass parents. His parents never really gave him any mind, however, becouse they were always out o 'Buisness'. Bradly accepted that as he grew up, figuring it was for the best of the family. Untill, one day, when his parents came home. Instead of the nice, neat suits they had been waring when they left, they had torn and bloodied bue Japenese style Martial Art suits. His father stumbled through the doorway as best he could. In his hand was Bradly's mother, unable to tell if she was still alive. Bradly was stunned, completly taken back, unable to respond. His father uttered somthing inaudiable. His tounge was gone. Bradly screamed. His father dropped his mother to the floor, leened over the counter, and pulled somthing from his blood-stained belt. It was a book. He handed it to Bradly, who took it in shaking arms. His father smiled, and was still. Never to move again, he slid to the floor. Looking over at his parents lifeless corpses, Bradly knelt down and cried. He cried for hours. Finally, he looked at the thing in his hand. It was a hard-covered book, stained with his fathers blood. The cover was blank, simply a brown leather. Shakingly Bradly opened it. A small blood-stained note fell from withing the cover. It said 'To Bradly, My beloved Son'. The note was unsealed, so Bradly removed the contents. It was a latter that read 'Goodbye, Bradly, I am sorry that it had to end this way. Your mother and I, we were thiefs. We had been hired for this mission by a rich man. If we completed it, we would have become rich ourselves. We didn't. The object we were looking for was a Gem. It was a Saphire Gem, laced with silver. We do not know what power it possessed, but when this man, this young man, took up the gem, he swated us aside using powers unheared of by man. We do not know what this is, but Bradly, we have stolen this book. This book contains the knowladge required to defeat this gem. We need you to do this for us. Avenge us, my Son, Avenge us.' That was it. Bradly stood up, determination in his eyes, pain in his heart. He loved his parents, and he WOULD get revenge on tihs basterd. With that, Bradly started his life on the streets. He quickly becam a feared thug becouse of his uncanny ability with a pistol. Powers: Snipa Shot!: Bradly has become famous for his uncanny aim, therefore he has practiced his special one timer shot called Snipa Shot! and he swares he can hit a glass bottle from 350 meters. Rage: When Bradly becomes angery, his eyes seem to glaze over, somone else takes over his movments, he becomes quick and uncontrolable, screaming in rage as he smashes you in with his fists. Ki Shield: Bradly, though inexperianced, is fermilliar with the basic arts of Ki manipulation. He learned how to manipulate his Ki into a semi-solid shield tht surrounds his body, protecting him from harm. Takes alot of Ki, However.
  10. [COLOR=DarkRed][I]Chris tiredly staggered into the room, and carlessly dropped his bags to the floor. He had been carrying them for over an hour now. He was tired. Very tired. The crapy flight had been 18 freakin hours, and he hadn't been able to sleep. He could never sleep on a plane. As a result Chris could barly stand. He plopped down on his semi-comfertable bed, rolled over, and fell asleep quickly. --------------------------------------Several Hours Later-------------------------------- Chris' eyes flutered open. His watch was blaring. He reached up and rubbed his eyes. He was still tired. His tired eyes scanned the room carlessly. Where was he again? Oh yeah, at the Anime Con. Hotel. Sitting up,a grin crossed his face. Awsom! He had made it. He had been looking forward to this for over a month now. The light streaming in from the small window stung his eyes. What time was it? Alex glanced at his watch, 12:37. Noon. Better get started. He let out a large yawn as he pulled the largest black bag onto his lap. Unzipping it, he pulled out parts of the contents. All of the pieces of the Amidamaru costume were there, all neatly folded and catagorized. Also, in the side pocket, was Chris' discman. Slipping the earphones on, he went to work. --------------------------------------------Twenty Minuts Later------------------------------ Chris' door opened slowly. Chris emerged, dressed fully in his Amidamaru costume, the song "Go! Fighting Dreamers!" blareing in his ears. He slowly stalked down the hallway, into the elevator. As he entered the lobby, he saw many other Cosplayers, but two in perticuler ones cought his eye. Wow, that replication of Death Sytch The Hell was awsom. And the women in the Mousse costume, not too shabby. He found himself stareing like an idiot. "Hey, what the hell are you starring at?!" Came a angry retort from the girl.[/I][/COLOR]
  11. The thing about Wing was, well, asd you mentioned, it was primarily action, but the action really was quite awsom. The gundams were different from the others i have seen (Although i have only seen like 3-4) like Deathsych is probably the koolest Gundam ever designed. Heavyarms is just kool couse it hs all those awsom machine guns. Quatre, however, was ******* gay. He sucked so badly. And Sandrock? It was a piece of **** lol, it was strange the difference in power of Sandrock to the others. Regardless, the Wing series was for a different viewer catagory, it was much more violent, and not so much charector development, since only Heero really changed throughout the whole thing, Duo stayed the same (Whcih wasn not bad) and Trowa sorta-changed becouse he became a clown? Wierd. Chang and Quatre were just wierd. My favourite series, however, was 0083, it was just wicked kool, it was a mix of charector development with awsom fighting! and a nod to all those older anime!
  12. [COLOR=Sienna]Damn you were up early. (Or stayed up late) Name: Chris Age: 18 Gender: Male Personality: Chris is very outspoken when it comes to Anime, but he is a timid character at heart. Strong willed, Chris is not much of a nerd, but not incredibly jockish, sort of a mix. Chris is very know-all-itty when it comes to anime, he has become so fanatical about it some say he even ACTS like an anime character. Hobbies: Hockey, Anime, Video Games, Music. Favorite Anime: Shaman King (Manga Version) Cosplay Char.: Amidamaru (Fear me! I?m a giant ghost samurai! MUHAH) Cosplay Bio: Name: Amidamaru Age: Unknown Gender: Ghost Quirks: Well, he is a ghost, who was the most feared samurai of ancient Japan; he is bound to a Shaman called Yoh, and is probably the strongest Human-Ghost on the planet. In order to actually fight, Amidamaru must enter the body of a Shaman, which then is granted great powers, (Oversoul) but he can fight ghosts in his ancestral form. Appearance: A large human-ghost with long grey hair. A white Samurai Robe that is open in the front. His legs are sort of a wisp. He has two Katana-type swords at his belt. Anime: Shaman King![/COLOR]
  13. Umm... well... im not to good at using PhotoShop, so please make me a banner :( I dont really need to specify, all I want is somthing that looks kool, that says SwordBreaker in some fancy text, and 'Breaking swords is easy... but lets see you try' And it would be good if it had Shikamaru in the backround (Just love that guy!) Thanks, please!
  14. Regardless, FLCL freaking owns. It is so ******* saddening though that it was like what? 5 episodes? That anime is im gona miss for sure :bawl: Even though the plopt didn;t have much more to do, it would still have been nice to have a simmiler one put out. I just loved it so goddam much! The wierd thing was, well, when you DL it it ws like 35 MB but it had AVI quality, which was jsut totally awsom.
  15. Dam, thats just stupid. You americans have alrdy gone supa-crazy with guns to begin with, now there letting you carry bigger ones? Dam, well... hell im glad that im on North America, this way, assuming that the prez goes crazy and makes up a reason to invade Canada they wont be using nukes! Plus they gotta fight out giant robot AKA East Edmontan Mall... and we'll wip beer at them... and if that fials, then well... were pretty much screwed. Oh, and Sol, i belive they got one becouse he was outta AK-47 ammo, pulled out his pistol, and dropped it. When he beant over to get it, a cop shot him in the face a few times.
  16. Well, the Cowboy Bebop soundtrack is definatly one of the ebst. Ask DNA is my favourite song, even though it isnt Japenese, still owns. Ayumi Hamasaki is awsom aswell, Evolution is my favourite. Also, i like the Naruto Ending, Harmonia, that is just so good. . amd the Naruto opening, Fighting Dreamers. Awsomness over-freakin-load.
  17. :wigout: :wigout: :wigout: :wigout: :wigout: :wigout: :wigout: :wigout: :wigout: :wigout: :wigout: :wigout: :wigout: :wigout: :wigout: :wigout: :wigout: :wigout: Woot! *dose da happy dance* awsom. So, i guess the RPG can start fairly soon, were missing what, one person? Oh, and dont worry, it is just natural to feal intimedated by moi! Muhahhahahah!
  18. Well, i had that Naruto Theme opening from the latest episodes, you know, the one "Fighting Dreamers" stuck in my head all freaking week! Course' it was a reat song, so i wasn't ti bugged! Also, i got the CowBoyBebop The Movie Theme, 'Ask DNA' Stuck in my head! That beat at the begging is so dam... AWSOM! The whole song is just so catchy!
  19. Basicly thats what i meant. Most of the younger viwers dont stay up till like 10 or whnever there on, specifcly for that purpose, so eventually the flow of the younger viewers will decline massivly, and lot of the older viwers will grow out of it. Which is wiki gay. *not saying everyone will grow outta it, but some will*
  20. In turth? It is more like a decline. Now that 4KIDS got its claws into so many potentially awsom Anime, most people are being turned off. When you turn on the Fox Box on saterday morning and see a horrible 4KIDS anime, like waht those morons did to One Piece! My god! They killed it! You just gona think, "Ohhh, Anime? It is all like this, it is sooo gay!" Then people stop watching it, and miss the more serious ones they show later, like Inuyasha, Which Hunter Robin, God, Even DBZ is better then a 4KIDS anime. Disgusting Dubbing. Subs are much better anyway.
  21. Nah, some can be NPC's, even if it would be better to have more Crimsons, they arent necessary. Besides, arent the Crimsons supposed to be the powerhungry ones? They would probably be stronger due to it.
  22. [COLOR=DarkRed]Ok, so im sure you ALL know the backdrop of the SST universe, so ill just fill you in on what happened since SST2. [I]With a sigh, the man buries his face in his palms. He is sitting in the middle of a darkened room. He is all alone. His desk has long since been lost to the Bug attacks. His arm, as well, has long since been replaced by a metal shadow. His graying hair is creased with sweat. The screams of his men ring hollow in his ears. The door slides open. "Sir! They... they have taken the forward and right flanks. Our left is collapsing. We... We cannot hold them." The black, bald, man dressed in bloodstained battle armour said bluntly. "Then it cannot be helped. The compound is lost. Sergeant. You are relived of your duties. Under the present circumstances, we cannot hold. I do not want anymore of us falling victim to these... these things anymore. Gather the remaining men, leave immediately. Head for the Com. Station to the north. Goodbye, my dear friend." The man's eyes never left the floor. "But... But sir, if we abandon the compound-" The man was cut off. "God dammit sergeant, I don?t want you to argue with me. Leave now. Warn the outside world of this new... this new strain of bug. If they manage to reach earth undetected it could mean the end of the Republic of the Earth. Please, for me. Go." The man was talking in a harsh, serious tone. "Yes, Sir, but only if you come with us." The man said, turning to open the door. "No, Sergeant. I cannot. Its to late, far to late. Goodbye." The man raised his face. It was hideous. Half of his face was black, scaled, and rotting. The other seemed normal, but his eye was a dark green, just like the bugs. "My god. I am sorry, Sir, if that is the case, Goodbye." With that, the man turned and left. The man slowly stalked over to a small, wooden case tacked to the wall. Opening it, he withdrew the contents. The box was discarded on the floor. The man put the small, one bullet compartment pistol to his head. Kratos III was lost. The strain was out. It was an Outbreak.[/I] Ok. So, basically, the story is about the remaining troopers from the Kratos III base. In chapter one, they will be trying to get to the Com. Station, and from then on I cant really tell, it depends on who signs up. Also, if no one signs up to be the Bug overlord, then i will make him an NPC, and i will do most of the Bug control and design. Signup Sheets: Name: (Nothing medivle, i want Post Modern names, such as Reco or Dax, you know, the SST types) Age: Rank: Shortname: (The name you use in the battlefield) Appearance: (For the first chapter, and most of the rest, you will have the standard black SST armor; i only want the physical features.) Personality: Bio: (why you joined the SST Corps. In addition, how you lived your life before the Massacre of Kratos III as it will be known. Weapons: (I do not want any incredible super-weapons, they are not super soldiers, only the standard Blue-Tipped laser-type guns that they have on Standard Issue, Knives, and Guns of sentimental value are permitted.) Ok, so that?s it. In addition, I do not want any Super soldiers, just your standard, scared teenager who was brainwashed by propaganda. Vets. Are permitted, but they must be much less hotheaded, and must always look out for the rookies. No going psycho. Also, the main plot has to do with a new strain of a Bug-Spwaned virus. It embeds in your genes, and, eventually, will turn you into a creature, vaguely human, black and scally. The rest will be left to the RPGers, becouse it difers depending on who is infected. Not to be confused with te bugs from SST2.[/COLOR]
  23. Name: Jhuya Slaterock Age:189 Race: Dwarf (Like you couldn't guess from the name?) Weapons: Large Axe, traditional Dwarf style, quite light due to the need for manuverabillity in the forests. Gender: Male Position: Ranger/Warrior Appearance: Jhuya is short, like most Dwarfs, and a stout person, mainly from life under the ground. Old, even by Dwarf standereds, Jhuya proudly displays his greying beared, which drags upon the ground wereever he walks. Most of his body, however, is wraped in a brown cloak. Underneath is a blue leather shirt and pants, which is covered in a light, Dwarven Steal, Chainmail suit. Also, he wares a horned helmet of Dwarven Steal. Personality: Jhuya, due to life in the mining tunnles of the dwarven realm, is quite a loud speaker. Also, he is quite a stout and couragous man, even at such an old age. Grungy is a heavy drinker, of course, being a Dwarf, it is not often he is seen drunk, due to his high tollerance for Alchahaul. Jhuya always keeps a keg of Ale somwhere on his person, since it is basicly his passion. Though old, Jhuya is quite athletic, life as a ranger, wandering through forests for months at a time, can be quite straining, so Jhuya has becom abnormally agile for a dwarf.
  24. Umm.... Demonic Elf, you called Mike, Yume in your personality.... s-mooooth
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