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Sword Breaker

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Everything posted by Sword Breaker

  1. [COLOR=DarkRed]Name: Alex Age:19 Occupation: Aspiring Author Nationality: 100% Canadian Race: Psychic NickName: Stalker Side: Dead Moon Powers: Telepathy, Mind Invasion. Weapons: Twin Curved Daggers Appearance: Alex has lanky, jet-black hair. It hangs by his shoulders. Pale skin. Black, mysterious eyes. He wares an unbuttoned trench coat, it hangs down at his shoulders. Baggy black jeans. Black boots, mainly hidden beneath his pants. Very mysterious air surrounding him. (Original, Aint I?) Personality: Alex is quite a mysterious character, Alex is prone to mood swings. Sometimes, he can be smiling, laughing, and having a great time. Others, he can take on a serious tone, and dose whats necessary to achieve his goals. Bio: Alex's calm, collected, exterior hides a deeply twisted soul. Mainly rooting from his childhood. When Alex was eight, he discovered he could hear the thoughts of others. Unfortunately, he could not control it. Soon, Alex simply became disgusted with the human race. He always stayed far from other people, because then their thoughts forced there way into his head. The thoughts, however, were... simply disgusting. All that other people thought of were deeply perverted or insane things. Soon, Alex could not take it anymore. Simply, he snapped. His parents sent him to a Psychologist, but they could find nothing physically wrong. Mentally, however, they were completely stumped. He was just.... flipping mental! However, soon, Alex found a way to control it. In time, he simply found out how to turn it off and on. With that, Alex began to stabilize. He came back into contact with other people once more, but was rejected. Realizing this, Alex left the country. He headed to (?) and found that their were people that he could relate to. They were called Dead Moon. In addition, they knew what he felt. He finally found somewhere he was accepted. Moreover, were he learned of the war. Also, he fits the discreption for Dead Moon almost exactly, he is a shifty type, who would quickly, and easily, stab his best friend in the back.[/COLOR].
  2. Ya, it dose sound fun. BTW, Swordsaint, can i break you? I like breaking swords! Comon! Name: Albert Marquez Age: 26 Race: Human Appearance: Albert stands above most men. He has long, orange hair that hangs by his shoulders. Also, he wares a pointed black hat. (Think warlock!) Finding metal plated armour to be far to heavy and cumbersom, Albert merley wares a long grey cloak, that further adds to the mystery of his air. Almost always seen with a crossbow in hand or drapped over his back. Also, a long-sword hangs at his belt. Shin-boats of black leather and long black leather pants. Personality: Albert, though not over-zealous, is a devot follower of God. He thinks of him self as a bit of a Paladin, Albert is an outspoken warrior, who always enjoys pointing out the flaws in the Rookies techniques. Off the battlefield, however, Albert is a quite, collected man who rarley speaks to others. Straightforward thinker, Albert is not one to lose his cool. Although he dose not agree with the Treaty, fealing that the Vampires do not deserve a place on the earth, Albert fights with the will and ambition to accomplish the deed. Weapons: 'Weeper': A special crossbow, it is a special design that can fire three bolts in rapid sucsession. It has considerable stoping power, and, becouse of its special spring-loaded desing, it never needs to be cranked. "Lil' Marquez": A longsword crafed for Albert only, it is spcially fitted to his hands and technique. Fastest in the hands of Albert, Lil' Marquez is a deadly weapon many Vampires have come to fear over the years.
  3. Ok, sorry, im just sorta full of Pixi Stixs n' Coffee, so i cant exactly concentrate well, ill give it another shot.
  4. [COLOR=DarkRed]Name: Kenny Kravtiz Age:22 Apearance: Kenny is about average hight for a 22 year old. He has pointed features. His eyes are a bright blue, that has since taken on a darkish haze. He has short, dirty-blond hair, that is unkempt and wild. He used to ware glasses, but has since lost them in the ensueing chaos, so his vision is sub-par. Kenny wares a dark leather coat that drags on the ground, he found it in a ransacked home, and finds that it just adds a touch of class to the chaos. History: Kenny grew up in a small Canadian town, his parents were the high-class type, who through money at their problems and hope they go away. As a result, Kenny decided life was far to unfair for him. Why did he deserveall these advantages? He didn't. Realising this, Kenny moved into Silent Hill as soon as he became independant. He had made many friends working at a little resteraunt, he made a meager salary, and lived a meager life. Unfortunatly, his friends all died early on. Since then, he has wandered the streets of Silent Hill, hoping not to encounter 'Them', and to find somone who could help him escape this hell. Reason for Coming to Silent Hill: To escape his rich parents.[/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=Black]Sounds good. Well, being the villain is always fun, but this time ill give this a shot! (Did anyone catch the hint?)[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]Name: Marinez Marquez Age: 27 Race: Human Role: Rouge (SP?) AppearanceL Marinez stands above most men, and he looks even taller with his long, mysterious, black leather cloak. Marinez has dark-ish skin, with a close-shaven beard. One eye has a distinct scar over it, and the other is a black-ish green. Under his black leather cloak, he had a brown leather vest, and a thin cotton shirt. He has dark, long leather pants. He has a crossbow strapped over his back, almost all the time, and a Long-Sword at his belt. Favore Element: Jupon Weapons: A cross-bow straped to his back, it carrys three rapid-fire bolts without reload, and has considerable stopping power. A Long blade named 'Lil' Mariniez', it is an extrmely deadly weapons, especially in the hands of Marinez. It is a quick weapon, dispite its size, and is considerably durable. Personality: Marinez is a very mysterious man, Marinez seems to always be smiling, even though he could be crying at the same time. Mysterious, but usful in a fight! Bio: Marinez grew up in a small Human city, it was full of gamblers and drunks. Marinez's father, in fact, was a drunk gambler, which was one of the worste combinations possible. He bet away most of their money, and drank away the rest of it. Marinez made a vow. A vow never to become like his father. He half-fufilled his promise. He never drank, well, he never drank excessivly like his father. But he gambled all the time. THE PROblem is, he wasn't very good. He lost most of his money, and became quite poor. He begged fro quite a while, becouse he couldn't think of a better way to get money. Eventually, however, he met a man named Rone Ohmsha. This man brought Marinez too his feet, he gave him a home and tought him his profession. Rone was a very religous man, and was dedicated to the faith of Jupon, he tought Marinez in his ways, and trained him in the arts of a Rouge. Eventually, the man became old, and one day became very sick. Eventually, he died. With that, Marinez became homless once more. This time, however, he was not intent on begging or gambling. Now, using the weapons he was givin by Rone, Marinez hunts bounty heads, he feals he is helping to keep the peace by doing so. Though he is quite a ruthless killer when it comes to criminals, Marinez is a dedicated beliver of the Jupon faith, and abides by all its, though few, rules. Marinez dose not have a fixed place in witch he lives, he drifts from town to town, country to country, kingdom to kingdom searching for bounty heads to bring down. Marinez has become quite established as a bounty hunter, but even he cant win them all. Once, while hunting a man wanted for a record 50 Million gold, he had been absolutly distroyed. He dose not remeber much of his fight, nor the name of the bounty, only thatit was this man that took his eye and scarred his face for life. Marinez seeks revenge againts this man.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Hope thats an improvment![/COLOR]
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