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Everything posted by Raina

  1. [quote name='Rachmaninoff']Don?t be too hard on the poor guy.[/quote][COLOR=Blue]Am I being too hard? Sorry... So using the pick up line in a uni assignment (discourse analysis) wasn't a good idea... :animeswea [/COLOR] [quote name='Tekkaman]LOL. I love that pick-up line; I had my latino friend teach me how to say that and [until I got married'] I was using it to my advantage. Hah.[/quote][COLOR=Blue]So did you use a pick up line to your wife? If so, what was it?[/COLOR] [quote name='DeadSeraphim']"Hey baby, wanna kill all humans?"[/quote][COLOR=Blue]That actually works!?[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=Blue]Here's my favourite awkward/funny pick up line that was used on me by a classmate: [I]Guy: Can I borrow 40 cents? Me: Sure. Here you go. Guy: Thanks... I promised my mum that I was going to call her after I talked to the girl of my dreams. Me: ... Guy: ... Me: ... Um... If you want to call your mum, you can use my phone... Guy: ... Uh... No, that's alright...[/I] I'm not dating the guy who used this on me, nor will I ever date him. So I was wondering... Why do people use pick up lines? Do they actually work? And what were your best/funniest/worst pick up lines that you have used/heard? *I hope the guy who said this to me isn't reading this... :animeswea *[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=Blue]I had a similar thing happen. My best friend in high school was raped 3 times by 3 different people, at different occasions, during high school. I couldn't do anything about it, because these were gangster related incidents. I wanted to kill all 3 of them, but that would put everyone around me in great danger. Not only that, I'm only 153cm tall (sorry, I don't know in feet or inches...). And I'm not that strong. So what I did was listen to my best friend when she wanted to talk about it, and not say anything when she didn't want to talk about it. It was a really hard thing to do, so I understand why you want to go and get revenge. But I think that you should talk to your friends more, and get the whole story. If they don't want you to go and get revenge, then you shouldn't. If they want you to go with them to the authorities, then you should. Just don't do anything that you might regret later on.[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=Blue]All I can say about getting a girl is this: DON'T USE A PICK UP LINE! Why do guys use them anyway!? I hate it! Here's the funniest pick up line I've heard: [I]"Guy- Can I borrow 40 cents? Me- Sure. Here you go. Guy- Thanks... I promised my mum that I was going to call her after I talked to the girl of my dreams. Me- ... Guy- ... Me- ... Um... If you want to call your mum, you can use my phone... Guy- ... Uh... No, that's alright..."[/I] What!? What was I supposed to say? How do you reply to pick up lines? ... I wasn't interested in him anyway... If you really have to use a pick up line, make sure she can reply to it. But still, just try to avoid pick up lines. [/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=Blue]My first kiss was sloppy but great. I still melt remembering it... And I remember my second and third kiss too. Yeah, a first kiss is really important. BUT, if you kiss someone for the first time, then break up, you might regret that you've wasted your first kiss. But here's a loop hole if you start dating someone else: it would be your "first kiss" [I]with that person[/I]. Is what I'm saying a bit evil? :p Anyway, does anyone really mind if you've already kissed someone? I mean, my first kiss was my bf's third kiss. And I don't mind at all. If you're having difficulties telling your bf personal things and feelings, like me, why don't you chat with him on msn or something? I usually find it easier to tell my bf personal things this way. And I've told him that I'm not too open with my feelings, and that I prefer the msn, so he understands. By the way, my friend said that because my bf and I are sloppy kissers, she's going to teach me how to kiss better. You guys want pics? Ahahaha just kidding. It'll be like cheating on my bf. So I won't kiss her. :p And I'm strait.[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=Blue]Isn't a guy asking a girl out, and a girl asking a guy out, kind of a personality issue? I know girls who ask guys out. And I know girls who wait for guys to ask them out. I myself, am too shy to ask a guy out. And my bf was too shy to ask me out. So I did the best I could to make opportunities for him to ask me out. And I tried to show that I was interested in him. I asked him for his number. I asked him if he would like to go out sometime as friends. I asked him if I could help him study (in just 1 subject). He then made the choice to give me his number. He decided where we should go and when. He decided to come to library early to study with me. So with us, it was a two-way thing. We're dating now, because of the effort we both put in. Because we are equal. :catgirl: I try to pay for my own food, etc, because I feel bad when he pays for me. And I also want to be independant. But he won't let me pay for anything. I only paid for my own food twice, and paid for his drink once. And that was only because I wanted to, and fought for my right to do so. He felt bad that I paid, so in that way, he understood how I feel when he pays for me. So now, if I really wasnt to pay for myself, he lets me. I think I went off topic... I'm not sure. :animeswea Anyway, what I'm trying to say is culture, beliefs, etc effects our personality to some extent. So I think that a girl asking a guy out is just a part of it. I hope I made sense... :animeswea [/COLOR]
  7. Raina


    [COLOR=Blue]Dance is great! I love learning how to dance! I used to do classical ballet from the age 6~12. Then I did jazz/contemporary as one of my high school subjects. I learned a lot from that subject... I don't dance now... Well, it's more like I can't. I have hip, knee, and ankle problems that keep me from dancing... :animecry: What I can advice isn't much, but here it is: * Learn classical ballet - it's said to be the fundamentals of all dance types. * Learn about the human body - about muscles, bones, warm up techniques, how to prevent injuries, and how to treat injuries. * Have fun! That's all I can think of now... So, have fun dancing!!!!! :catgirl: [/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=Blue]I still have a burn mark from when I was 1 year old. (I'll be 20 this Wednesday) It's really faint, but it's still there. I got it jumping over the iron... pretty stupid, huh? Anyway, I couldn't find a site for you that says how long it takes burns to heal. But here's a site that has some information about them. [URL=http://naturalhealth.ninemsn.com.au/Conditions/Detail.aspx?ConditionId=1316]http://naturalhealth.ninemsn.com.au/Conditions/Detail.aspx?ConditionId=1316[/URL] I'm not really sure that it would help. But I hope it does.[/COLOR]
  9. [QUOTE=Solo Tremaine][COLOR=#503F86] Once you attach a significant other to you, he may feel that even though you're still friends, he's lost the chance to share that closer connection to you, even if it wasn't what he was looking for, if that makes sense. It may be more a case of 'living in hope but not doing anything about it' than an actual crush.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR=Blue]I never thought of it that way before... I learned something new today. \(^o^)/ I think that you're right. Because this best friend of mine did ask me out once... But it was more of a joke... My best friend, another friend, and I were having lunch and talking about relationships. Then my bestfriend suddenly said that he and I should date, since there's no one else... I had no interest in dating my bestfriend (and I had a crush on my current bf), so I laughed and said that I'll date him if he ever became older than me (my best friend's about a year younger than me)... We all had a good laugh... He's still single, by the way... Does anyone have a good idea about how to fix my friendship with him?[/COLOR]
  10. [quote name='Solo Tremaine][color=#503f86']But I'm glad to hear you're doing okay. I guess sometimes people may be insecure about how certain things may be taken by friends; I know judging by the way some of my friends have reacted to other people's relationships, it can completely change the dynamics of a group.[/color][/quote] [COLOR=Blue]So much has changed since we started dating... Especially with friends. My friends don't want to hang around with me if my bf's there. They say that they want to give us privacy... But I just feel bad about it. My best friend's always angry with me for some reason. Well, he and I never had a relationship, and we were quite similar in other areas of our lives too. And my bf and I think that my best friend had a crush on me... So when I started dating, I guess my best friend felt left behind... or something... My bf's friend got really upset, when my bf wanted to take me to her birthday party. I think she has a crush on my bf... But she has a bf too... Everything is so complicated and hard now... But I really don't understand why dating someone could change friendships with other people...[/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=Blue]Everyone is so wise! And such great advices! I hope that there are people out there with similar (?) things going on in their lives, and that these advices would help them as much as they have helped me. Everyone's right. I'm not ready for 'it'. But today, he said that he loved me! For the first time! >.
  12. [COLOR=Blue]\(^o^)/ Class finished yesterday! So no more secrecy! Yay! It's been rough, the secrecy... But it's over now. I won't have to lie. Or sneak around at campus. This is great! :animecry:
  13. [COLOR=Blue]I'm not sure whether or not there should be gender segregated classrooms. I went to a co-ed primary school, and found it a little hard to learn with boys around. They were just so loud! Then I went to a girls' high school. There, I found that my classmates went crazy at the mere sight of a boy walking by the school. Now that was distraction! I also went to saturday school, which was co-ed. Yeah the guys were annoying at times... But I found it good to hear their perspective on things. It was a nice change to the feminist opinions I usually heard from my all girls high school. So, I guess what I'm trying to say is that... well... it depends on the age of the students...? I don't know! That's why I voted for 'Unsure'. :animeswea [/COLOR]
  14. [QUOTE=Split Keyblader] 1st base: Hugging and kissing, hlding hands. The basic stuff. 2nd base: Making out and so forth with that. 3rd base: Touching in and outside of the cloths. Intimate areas. Homebase: That probably is an easy guess. This is when you go all the way. [/QUOTE] [COLOR=Blue]Eh? I thought that 2nd base was "Touching in and outside of clothes. Intimate areas." 3rd base was "Going all the way" and that Homebase was "Marriage" or "Getting pregnant"... Well, that's what my friends here at uni told me... :animeswea Panda, I also feel that it's not right to keep my relationship a secret from my class mates. Not only because it could come back and bite me in the a**. :flasher2: But it is lying... :animesigh I don't think he's seeing someone else, since he's super shy. I don't think he's ashamed of me... Well, I hope not... And I don't think that he's keeping anything a secret from me because he's a really bad lier. Well, there's only today, and the whole of next week...[/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=Blue]Sorry, I wasn't on OtakuBoards for about a week (damn university! :lecture: )... I finally got some time, so I came on, and so many new replies! :eek: Well, as far as I know, I don't think that we're rushing this relationship. It's mainly, dates, study together at the library, I went to his house once, he came over to my house a couple of times (since he drives and I can't :animeswea ), and kissing/making out... It's not too fast for me, and I do feel comfortable with the way things are... I'm quite sure that he's not into any drugs. He doesn't smoke, drink alcohol, or gamble. Well, neither do I... The secrecy will be over soon. Just one more lesson and an exam. Although I think that most of the class knows. :sweat: I think that my bf is just really shy. He doesn't get mad if someone from class finds out. I just have to be patient for just 2 more weeks. :catgirl: But there is something else... His supervisor (or someone like that, I can't remember :animeswea ) at work, apparently mede some hints that my bf should date his niece, because they were the same age. The supervisor said that his niece was 18. So my bf said that she was too young for him, because he's 22. So the supervisor said ok. And that was the end of that conversation... When my bf told me this, I asked him "Why didn't you say that you were seeing someone?", he said that it wasn't necessary. :animeangr It wasn't, but I would have felt better about the whole thing if my bf would have just admitted to seeing someone. I mean, the supervisor isn't in our class, so why the secrecy!? I really do like him. But if something happens, and I want to break it off (I hope I won't :animeswea ), but if I do, the OtakuBoards would be the first to know. You can count on it![/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=Blue]This is a really easy question. My family screwed me up, of course. The constant fighting. The yelling. The silent treatments. Being ignored. Treating me like a child... The list just keeps going on and on and on and on and on..... :animestun But if I were to just choose one thing about my family, which screwed me up, It would be thier lack of interest in what I have to say. Whenever I have an opinion about something, they would listen, then say that it's stupid for me to say it. Then about 10 minutes later, someone else would say the EXACT same thing as I did. Then my whole family says that it's a wonderful idea, then they treat that person like they were the smartest person in the world. I tried to say that it was the exact same thing as I had said before, but they thought that that was stupid too. So I gave up. These days, I just don't say anything. Now they thing that my brain is empty, and that I have nothing to say. :animesigh Yeah!? :animeangr WELL SCREW THEM ALL!!!!! :mad: [/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=Blue]Thank you for all of your advices. I am keeping my relationship with Storms a secret from the members of the class, just like he wants. Only my closest friends, his friends and our parents know... Well, a few people from our class did find out. :animeswea Three of them saw us holding hands (which we don't do anymore at uni...). And the other asked one of my friends who knows. She said that she couldn't deny it, because the guy wouldn't have believed her, and my friends don't really approve of this secrecy business... Storms didn't mind this guy finding out, because what's done is done... As for the three who saw us holding hands, they haven't said anything to anyone, including me... They only told one of my closest friends, who told me... Now I know, so I told Storms... (Wow... Split Keyblader, you're right... It is like a chain...) :animestun Oh! And another guy knows that I have a bf, but he doesn't know who it is... One of my friends blurted it out... :animeangr I'm trying to act natural, but those who know, are saying that it's really obvious that Storms and I are together... To be honest, I'm not really sure where I want to take this relationship. And I don't think Storms knows too... Well, it hasn't even been a month since we started dating, so I guess this lack of direction is to be expected... I think I'll just take it one day at a time for now... :catgirl: [/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=Blue]My bf (maybe we should give him a name? It's a bit confusing just referring to him as "him"... So how about calling him Storms...?) can be a little dense about things... For example, we were sitting on his bed, kissing, and I lean back a little, so that... well... it is a bed... :animeswea But then he asks me if I'm alright. Maybe he thought that I was falling asleep or something...? :animesigh I didn't know that lips are one of the most sensitive parts of the body... Well, you learn something new everyday. I am really shy. :animeshy: I'm actually amazed that I'm writing about these things here. Storms is quite shy too... I don't think that there is someone else he likes in class. Because those who know about us says that it's really obvious that we're dating... My friends, like you guys, think that there is something wrong with Storms for wanting to keep the relationship a secret... But I do want to trust him... But the other night, when we were chatting on MSN, it was getting late, so I said that I was going to bed. Then he said that he was going to stay up a little more to think about something. When I asked him what he wanted to think about, he didn't want to tell me about it. He just told me to go to bed... :animedepr I don't know... Maybe Veritas's skepticism is rubbing off on me?[/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=Blue]He only doesn't want people in the class to know about us... He's met my mother a few times, and I've met a few of his friends and his parents. So I don't think I embarrass him (I hope)... We are painfully inexperienced (especially for our teeth :animeswea ). But we're getting there. We did promise eachother that we would be honest, but somehow I can't shake this feeling that he's hiding something... Maybe I'm just over-reacting from this secrecy thing...?[/COLOR]
  20. [quote name='Adahn']If you aren't sure why he wants to keep your relationship a secret (possibly because he's shy), then is there any reason not to ask him?[/quote] [COLOR=Blue]I have asked him, and it's always the same answer. He thinks that it would be awkward in class. But he doesn't mind when I tell someone... I guess he trusts my jugdement...?[/COLOR] [quote name='Adahn']Remember, you're not bobbing for apples or anything.[/quote] [COLOR=Blue]It's not like that, any more... These days, he just wants to give me a hickey, because I don't want one. :animeswea [/COLOR] [quote name='kyandi']Lucky. I've had lots of boyfriends, but they usually just use me because they think I'm pretty and just want to show me off to their friends. >_
  21. [quote name='DarkFactor']perhaps there is an ex in that class that would be a extremly jelous or catty and say very mean and untrue things to you about him if she knew you were together.[/quote] [COLOR=Blue]He does have an ex... But that was when he was 17... (so that would be in 2001?) He told me that it only lasted about 3 weeks... He's very honest about things. He told me that one girl, who has a bf, came onto him. He said that it made him very uncomfortable and told her to stop... And this happened before our relationship...[/COLOR] [quote name='DarkFactor']Maybe he wants to be his own person. Or not answer a bunch of questions about the why and how of your getting together.[/quote] [COLOR=Blue]I think that this is his reason too... We're both quite shy. :animeswea So we usually talk about these things on MSN... It's easier for me, because I'm not that used to saying my feelings.[/COLOR] [quote name='SunfallE']Well best of luck to you just the same. Hopefully it will be just fine, though if it were me, that would seriously annoy me. [/quote] [COLOR=Blue]Just like SunfallE, it does annoy me. But I trust him. And it is only one month of class, which is only 3 hours a week... [/COLOR] [quote name='DarkFactor']Let me know if he is being a jerk though and I'll come thrash him XD[/quote] [COLOR=Blue]Thanks! Although I would probably thrash him before you get a chance to... :p [/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=3]Wow![/SIZE] I'm just so touched about how nice everyone is being to me! :animesmil Thank you for all of your advice! He really does care about me, and I really care about him too... But there is one little problem... We have one class at uni together, and he doesn't want to tell anyone from that class that we're together... He said that it would become awkward in class... I understand that, so I said that I would keep my mouth shut. But yesterday, one of the girls from that class asked me if I was seeing anyone... I said no, but that was the hardest thing I have ever done... There's only one more month to go for the class to end... So, I'll be patient and keep my mouth shut. But my friends who do know are saying that we shouldn't deny it... Well, it is just for a month that we're going to keep it a secret...[/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=Blue]I'm 19 years old (going to be 20 in November)... And I finally have a boyfriend for the first time in my life... (He's 22) It's a weird feeling... I don't really know how to explain it... Any way, I'm quite lost, because it's a whole new experience... So does anyone have any advice? For example, when we kiss, we hit our teeth... It doesn't have to be an advice... Maybe you would like to write your own experiences, or even experiences of other people...? [/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=Blue] Wow... you guys do some pretty weird stuff... The things my friends and I do don't seem too weird compared to yours... But here it is anyway... In high school, me and my 3 really close friends acted like a family. One girl was the "mother", the other girl was the "father", I was the "child" and the other girl was "the dog next door"... The "father" changed school, so I started to say that my "parents" got devorced, and that "dad" wasn't paying my child support... We all go to a different uni, so we don't do this any more... My friends at uni are weird too... I just recently got a boyfriend (for the first time in my life). My friends are saying that he is my "husband". This girl, who is about 2 years older than me, is telling me all these things about relationships... About s*x and what not... She's saying that because she's older than me, she should teach me about life... ... Doesn't sound too weird compared to what you and your friends usually do... [/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=Blue] Zatch is my favourite mamodo too! :catgirl: He's really cute. I hope that he would become the king. And Kiyo is really smart. I think that they are the perfect team! :animesmil They really bring out each other's strengths. And the individual weaknesses seem like nothing when they're together! :D [/COLOR]
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