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Everything posted by Raina

  1. [QUOTE=Obesepanda]Nothing gets deleted, after you finish you can roam around the pokemon universe with uber strong pokemon creaming littles kids. Have fun.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Blue]I totally didn't know that. Well, people have been telling me, and I've been skeptical because they weren't a definite answer... :animeswea One of my friends caught a Mew, and his data got deleted. r2vq said something about Gameshark. What's that about? Any way, that means that as long as you've got a proper game, it goes on forever. I have to go now... So many Pokemon games to finish. I think I will play until my eyes fall out. :animestun Well maybe not. :animeswea[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=Blue]I like to play the first Pokemon games. I just love the simplicity. For some reason, the new ones are just... How should I put this... Trying too hard?[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=Blue]This is my first time starting a thread, so I will apologize for any mistakes. :catgirl: I just wanted to know if the Pokemon Gameboy game deletes all the data after you have caught all the Pokemon and defeated the Elite 4. I'm asking this because I'm afraid to finish my games. You know, if the data gets deleted. If it does, for me, it's like my Pokemon friends dying. :animecry: I know that I may be saying something childish, but I've grown attached to them.[/COLOR]
  4. [QUOTE=r2vq] I've been in Q&A sessions with those responsible for the dubs. Dubs are created for American Audiences. Canadians get whatever the Americans get, they don't get "special" dubs. That's way too expensive. So even when Canadians dub a series they have to say things with American tones. The only "different" dubs I know about are the "uncut" versions that are aired during Adult Swim episodes. We still get those. It depends on the station and CRTC which versions are allowed to be aired at which times, but the networks still have access to them. Again, no "special" dub for YTV. -.o If I'm wrong I apologize.... -ArV[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Blue]I totally agree with you. I live in Australia, and we get the dubs from the US. I actually have proof. At comic festivals, the voice talents for anime comes to sign autographs (like Sean Schemmel from DBZ). And these people do all their recording in the US. If the US had their own special dubs, why bother coming to Australia? [/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=Blue]I actually don't mind inside jokes. As long as they don't ruin the anime. Do you konw Panda-Man? He was a character invented by Eiichirou Oda (the creator of One Piece) for Kinnikuman. Yudetamago (the creators of Kinnikuman) didn't like Panda-Man. So Oda Sensei sneaks Panda-Man into One Piece (the comic book) every chance he gets. (It's like "Where's Wally" or "Where's Waldo" or whatever his name was. :animeswea ) Then on one of the TV episodes (I think it was in Alabasta), Panda-Man runs across the screen. It was so funny! :catgirl: However, I think that I would have hated it if Panda-Man stopped to say something. :mad: [/COLOR]
  6. Raina


    [COLOR=Blue]I've been to the thread in Anime Lounge. Is that the only thread (other than this one) that's not "read only"? :( [/COLOR]
  7. [QUOTE=r2vq]Eh~? I've beaten the Elite Four a few times... I've captured MewTwo... I haven't caught all 150 yet in my Yellow Version but I don't recall any of my friends saying that all their data was cleared when they did. [/QUOTE] [COLOR=Blue]Are you serious? Does that mean I can finally finish a game? :animesmil But wait a minute... What do you do when you've caught all the Pokemon, defeated the Elite 4 and have nothing else to do? :( Not only that I had this friend who said that his game finished (like the data got deleted) when he caught Mew. :animestun I'm getting really confused... [/COLOR]
  8. [QUOTE=Ikillion][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][FONT=Comic Sans MS]-shrugs- Then go live in austrailia if that CN is much better? Seriously for a moment think about what you just said. For me personally starting a season of a certain anime show, then canceling that show for a portioni of time to show another one, then going back and showing a different season of the first one? Now that sounds rather odd to me. Its like starting a game, stopping and playing another game for a while, then going back to play that same game. Let alone one may forget what the plot was or something like that. [/FONT] [/SIZE] [/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR=Blue]I didn't say that the CN in Australia is better. I was just stating a fact about how it is run. I don't get to watch the CN of America, so I can't really say which one is better. However, if anyone is thinking of moving to Australia for CN, don't. It's not worth it. I also wanted to get the opinions of people who watch CN in other countries... Anyway, I do agree with the second part you said. [/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=Blue]I think that Cartoon Network should have a better system. I don't know about the other countries, but in Australia, they always do reruns. It's kind of like this: New Season-- Rerun-- New Season of Different Anime-- Rerun of this Anime-- New Season of the Previous Anime-- Rerun-- etc... It never ends! :animestun I know that the Australian CN probably has to wait for the animes to come from the US. So why don't they show one episode per week? Then there would be no reruns. :animesmil And another thing. Here, they show too many commercials, so when they run out of time, they cut the last few minutes of the anime or catoon ther are showing. I tape my anime, so this really makes me mad! :mad: [/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=Blue]I love Pokemen. I'm 19 years old, but I still tape it every time its on. :catgirl: The Pokemons are so cute! Not only that, the GB games are so much fun. I must admit, I have never finished a single game :animeswea because if I do, all of the data would be erased, and for me, it's like all of my Pokemon dying. NOOOOOOOOO :animecry:[/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=Blue]When I went to Turkey to visit my family for 2 months last year, my mum forbid me to watch any anime or cartoons. I thought, well, it doesn't matter, since they probably wouldn't have any on tv. Boy, was I wrong. They had Fox Kids in Turkish!!! I really wanted to watch, but my mum said no. Then my grandma said that I could. So I did watch. About a week after I found Fox Kids. It was actually very interesting to watch Pokemon, Sailor Moon and even Spider-Man in Turkish. But until I was allowed to watch them, I thought I was going to die. Living about 2 weeks without any anime, or even cartoons, was the hardest thing I had ever done, and I don't want to do it ever again!!!!! EVER!!!!![/COLOR]
  12. Raina

    [adult swim]

    [COLOR=Blue]I live in Australia, and I didn't know that these programs were on Adult Swim. Here, they mainly show animes like FullMetal Alchemist and Gundam Seed... I think Space Ghost is on Adult Swim too... I voted on Futurama, but they show it here on different channels. I actually haven't heard of some of the other shows in the poll... I feel like I'm missing out. :animeangr [/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=Blue]If I were able to date an anime character, it would definately be Trunks from Dragon Ball GT! He is so hot, smart, strong and nice!!!!!!!!! :catgirl: Not Trunks from the future. I think he has a bit too much issues... Anyway... Trunks is the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/COLOR]
  14. [quote name='Vlade_Rayne']The most important character i think is Grandpa Gohan because if it wasn't for him GOKU would still be Kakarot the earth would have been destroyed...[/quote] [COLOR=Blue]Wow! That is a really good point. I never would have thought of that. However, I would still have to say Goku is the most important. Without him, the earth would have blown up at least... 5 times? But my favourite character is Trunks!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=Blue]Take it from a woman. If you like her so much, don't give up! Don't push too much either. You don't want to make her hate you. She might have some reasons to why she wouldn't go out with you. So ask one of her friends. Then tell that friend exactly how you feel about this girl, because this friend would definately tell the girl you like. If the girl you like is normal, she would start looking at you in a different way. These things take time. You're young (I'm guessing), you've got all the time in the world![/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=Blue]Full Metal Alchemist is one of the best anime/manga around. I just cannot get over the fact that my mother enjoys watching it too. Well, I don't blame her. :catgirl: Anyway, I read on the web somewhere that said Arakawa Hiromu (the manga artist who drew Full Metal Alchemist), is actually a woman (Nothing wrong with that (I'm a girl too) just that the name Hiromu is a guys' name), but she debuted with this manga. She apparantly had no previous training aswell. :animeknow It doesn't matter if you consider all of that or not, this still is one fantastic anime/manga. :D I just wish that I didn't cry in the end, because my eyes wee so full of tears that I could barely see the TV screen. :animecry: [/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=Blue]I know this website where you can find most of the anime lyrics and translations. It's: [url]www.animelyrics.com[/url] It also has J-pop and game bgms. I hope that you find what you're looking for. :catgirl: [/COLOR]
  18. [quote name='EVA Unit 100']Anime and cartoons are nearly the exact same thing. Anime is just another word used to describe cartoons made in Japan. So all animes are cartoons, but not all cartoons are anime. Simple as that.[/quote] [COLOR=Blue]It's not that simple! Sure, they are all cartoons, but animes are cartoons made in Japan. That's the difference! When people say that animes are cartoons, all the animes become American, when they are Japanese. That's breaking copy write laws! :mad: Anyway, I need to go and calm down now... Bye :catgirl: [/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=Blue]There is absolutely no way I want any Saiyan as a room mate. I know, I love Dragon Ball/Z/GT but just hear me out. 1. They eat absolutely everything, so I'll go hungry. 2. They don't like to do any work. Who's going to pay the rent? 3. I am so not going to clean up after them! If I were to marry Trunks, it would be another story.[/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=Blue]The insult I got was not really meant to be an insult, but is an insult: "You watch Pokemon? Isn't that the cartoon that kills its fans? :( " First of all, Pokemon is an anime, not a cartoon! :animeangr Secondly, it caused seigures in just [B]one[/B] of its episodes. Don't judge the whole anime just becuse of [B]one[/B] little episode! :mad: And I don't think no one died... By the way... Did I spell 'seigure' right? :animeswea [/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=Blue]A character that I believe does not have a purpose in a certain show is Garlic Jr from Dragon Ball Z. As a movie, it was fine, but the writers should definately not have put Garlic Jr Saga into the series because it destroyes GT. :animeangr Garlic Jr, as most of you would know, can no longer die because of the wish he made to Shenron. By bringing this into the show, the total number of wishes made to the Dragon Balls become [B]8[/B]. However, in GT, the dark dragons come to life because of the negative energy made by the wishes [B]PER BALL[/B]. There are only [B]7[/B] Dragon Balls! Not [B]8[/B]! :mad: Garlic Jr Saga just destroys the feeling that Dragon Ball/Z/GT could happen in real life (yes, I know it can't) beacuse of a human error :animecry: . That is why I belive that Garlic Jr should have stayed as a movie.[/COLOR] :catgirl:
  22. [COLOR=Blue]Wow, everyone knows exactly what they are looking for... Well, I like someone that likes me for who I am :catgirl: Also, someone like Trunks form Dragon Ball GT, as in, a kind, gentle and honest person. :D I really hate someone who like only knows me for 1 month or something and wants to marry me. I mean, that's just freaky! :animestun [/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=Blue]If I could be in one anime, I would definately be in Dragon Ball GT (Any one who knows me would not be surprised :animeswea )! I mean, there are a lot of fighting and the Earth does get blown up a lot :animedepr , but it gets really peaceful after Goku dies (may he rest in peace :sleep: ). Also, my favourite anime guy Trunks is there!!!!! :catgirl:[/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=Blue]My fave bishounen has totally got to be Trunks from Dragon Ball GT coz unlike the other guys from that show, he is kind, smart, everything a girl cud ask for. :catgirl: And besides, Gohan is married! My fave bishoujyo... Dats a hard one... :animestun Probly Sailor Moon, coz she's kind, gentle, always tinkin of others, honest n dats wat makes her a bishoujyo. ... I got no one else...[/COLOR]
  25. [FONT=Arial][SIZE=2][COLOR=Blue]My fave quote is: Don't fight to win. Fight to not lose. My translation from Japanese, so I'm not sure if it makes much sense in English. Sorri[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
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