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Everything posted by Raina

  1. The stereotype I've heard is dat anime fans don't live on this Earth. I mean dat anime fans r unrealistic. I told my best friend dat I want to become a writer, n she said dat I'll neva make it. Then she told me dat I watch too much anime where ppl's dreams come true. Den she said dat I shud find a more realistic career :animeangr Well, I'm gonna b a very famous writer n show her! :mad: We anime fans r realistic ppl who knos dat if u work reali hard, den ne realistic dreams could come true!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
  2. [COLOR=Navy]My fave anime character is definately Trunks from Dragon Ball GT!!!!! He's sooo hot, smart, strong and caring!!!!!!! :love: He is just the best!!!!!!!!!!![/COLOR] Go easy on the exclamation points, 'kay? :) ~Dagger~
  3. [COLOR=Navy]My fave and what I think is the nest anime weapon is the human body. That's what weilds all of the weapons. Also, there are so many different ways of using the body: 1. Fighting like in Dragon Ball/Z/GT where it's all body, 2. Weapons, with out a body, do you think that a weapon can move on its own in non-magical anime? 3. The body contains the brain which you need if you want to use cards like in Yu-Gi-Oh! 4. Also, you can use it to seduce your enemy and weaken them. Well, it's just my opinion.[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=Navy]Hello! This is my first time posting!!! :D Anyway... I think your principal was cruel to a certain extent, but look, you don't have to wear a school uniform like I do. So stop complaining and stop taking advantage of not wearing a school uniform! There are plenty of things to wear in the world. The kid at your school can wear the beer shirt after school! But making the kid wear the shirt inside out is embarassing...[/COLOR]
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