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Everything posted by Ryan

  1. Ryan

    X2: XMen United

    Hey, seven seconds is better than 5. But 5 is better than none.:)
  2. Ryan

    Element X

    [font=Kabel Bk BT] Name: Ryan Age: 13 Element: Wind Beast: Peregrine Falcon Weapon: Whirl-Strike [/font]
  3. Ryan

    X2: XMen United

    [font=Kabel Bk BT] Gambit is suppose to make an appearance! I didn't know that. I need to look up some of this stuff. The bad thing is I think I have a band trip on May 2. That stinks.:([/font]
  4. [font=Kabel Bk BT] Sounds very nice, James!:) I can't wait for the v7 and the Zelda skin.:)[/font]
  5. [font=Kabel Bk BT] Font too large or too small would make my head hurt, and the shadowing would do the same. The highlighting looks ugly in my opinion.[/font]
  6. [font=Kabel Bk BT] I know, I hate that too. I am too lazy to type the [IMG] code, lol![/font]
  7. [font=Kabel Bk BT] *Cries* Everyone's graduating and it makes me feel like they won't be at Otaku that much anymore because of college. I will be in 8th grade. We get out on May 25th I think. Somewhere around there. I can't wait.[/font]
  8. [font=Kabel Bk BT] I was going to go to New York but I think our plans have changed. I think we are going on this huge expensive cruise because we have never been on a family vacation, ever! So I am really excited. I probably won't have another one for a looonnng time.:)[/font]
  9. [font=Kabel Bk BT] Congrats! It takes someone with heart and courage to go into any branch of the military. :)[/font]
  10. Ryan


    [font=Kabel Bk BT] She kills herself with a gecko? What??? As you can tell, I am lost...[/font]
  11. [font=Kabel Bk BT] Charizard= Spitfire Blastoise= Water-spout Gyarados= Twister Raichu=Shocker I will have to go check my game to find some more.[/font]
  12. [font=Kabel Bk BT] Yah, I agree. It would look cool but I would be too scared, even if I knew it could stand earthquakes and such. I wouldn't take the risk, no matter what.[/font]
  13. [font=Kabel Bk BT] That looks amazing, only if they can pull it off. They probably can. That certainly would be something to see. WOW!:)[/font]
  14. [font=Kabel Bk BT] I disagree. The font is cool. If it was white it would just blend in with the white streaks in the backround and that would make it look bad. Same thing if it was red. The blue matches his shirt. I like. 9/10[/font]
  15. [font=Kabel Bk BT] I got a hold of my friend's gameboy and named his unseparable Mew, Gordy! Gordy the Mew. Ha! Got a good laugh out of that. He ended up hating me for a day. That was so funny.[/font]
  16. [font=Kabel Bk BT] Only if I would have known this at my friends house. Had the same problem. I hope he can't get onto my name now.[/font]
  17. [font=Kabel Bk BT] No, I think if everyone wanted it, just to keep it in this thread. That is if () would want it. It is up to him.[/font]
  18. Ryan

    X2: XMen United

    [font=Kabel Bk BT]Yes, I know it's a little ways before it is out, but all I see are the previews for this movie and I couldn't help myself! This looks awesome. Certainly better than the first. Iceman is my favorite and it looks like he will be playing a bigger role than the last. I also see ShadowCat on the previews. I'm not sure if she was in the first one at all. All and all it looks like a great movie but I don't have all of the details.[/font]
  19. [font=Kabel Bk BT] Yes, I'm angry too! But when my friends at school brag about GTA on their Playstations I just rub it in about Halo. That usually shuts them up!:)[/font]
  20. [font=Kabel Bk BT] Yes, it would help to know what kind of games you enjoy so then we could give you some examples.:)[/font]
  21. [font=Kabel Bk BT] Sorry, Maul, your outnumbered. PS: It takes more energy to walk into a room, sit down in a chair, turn on a computer, click a mouse, type in a website address, scroll down, click to get into a forum and post then it does just to scroll down the RPG list.[/font]
  22. [font=Kabel Bk BT] I agree with QA. Not a separte forum, just a sub-forum. I think that is an awesome idea.[/font]
  23. [font=Kabel Bk BT] This should help me out with my dating skills. This should be what a man wants in a girl, not the other way around.[/font]
  24. Ryan


    [font=Kabel Bk BT] I haven't read the book yet because every time I go to the library I end up forgetting about it, then when I get home I remember and I get mad. It looks like a very good movie. I have also heard great things about the book.[/font]
  25. Ryan


    [font=Kabel Bk BT] I pretty much celebrate everything everyone has said. Christmas and Thanksgiving are my favorite. Thanksgiving because all I do is eat, then take a nap, get up eat sum more. Christmas, presents but then getting to go to my grandparents house and see all of my cousins and family.:)[/font]
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