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Gaming Ok, you've told me what your favorite game is, now tell me your least fav.
Ryan replied to Sniglefager's topic in Noosphere
[quote][i]Originally by Sephiroth[/i] Superman.....on the N64 *Sephiroth shudders*[/quote] [quote][i]Originally by Cyko[/i] I feel your shuddering pain. I made the mistake of buying it, I litereally returned it after twenty minutes, "Stop the bad guy, by flying through rings......the whole game...." Ick....[/quote] [color=purple] Ahh..I see many have beaten me to it...[/color] -
[color=purple] Yes! I thought you had to have DSL and that was it. I am glad cable is included. I am glad my dad got me cable around a month ago! Now I get Live. My parents are probably getting it for me for Christmas. See that is the only thing I told them I wanted. Raises the chances of you getting it! Genius, I know. lol![/color]
[color=green] Yes, a lot of members. Welcome DarkMagician and Mztik_Gohan!:)[/color]
[color=green] I hope QA wins! GO Queen Asuka![/color]
[color=green] Hehehe... Well thank you, calumon_luver. Very nice. I am in the Christmas Spirit! Merry Christmas back to you! Im so happy! *goes and eats a canycane.* I just love Christmas![/color]
[color=green] , he hated painted balls...[/color]
[color=green] I think we already had a thread about this. Well about how you came to find Otakuboards and some things similar to it. Yeah, I think we have. But it isn't your fault. You probably didn't know.[/color]
[color=green] I would want like a Pokemon Live where you can hook up your Gameboy to the computer and play against other people. Like go around the cities and if you see someone then ask them to battle they can say yes or no. You can trade with them by clicking, "Trade" and you could chat with them through the Gameboy. That would be my all-time favorite game. Hint, Hint to Pokemon creators!;)[/color]
[color=green] Dabura grabbed the presents...[/color]
[color=green] Yes, Kaiba's Angel. They crack me just because of how stupid they are at times. They consider themselves villians, but couldn't steal a pokemon if their life depended on it. But, I have to give them credit, because sometimes, whenever luck is on their side, they are able to catch one.[/color]
[color=green] Thank you, Solo. I was going to delete it if it became spam so you don't have to worry. But thanks for reminding us! Ryan[/color]
[color=green] Ah,yes, the Ketchup Song. Ok, the crappiest song every created, and I can't believe no one has said it, but...What was it called again?? Oh yah, the Macarena(spel?). It was in everyone's head and for some odd reason it was a huge hit. God I hated that song.[/color]
[color=green] What is your favorite card to use in a duel?? Card: Polymerization What Kind of Card: Magic Card What Card Does: Fuses two or more Fused Material Monsters to form a new Fusion Monster. Why: It has helped me many of times and has helped me win many matches. I wouldn't make a deck without it! I love it![/color]
[color=green] [b]Age:[/b]13 years old [b]Favorite Monster:[/b]Dark Magician, Time Wizard and Summoned Skull [b]Favorite Character:[/b] Joey Wheeler [b]Favorite Card(s):[/b]Blue Eyes Toon Dragon [b](if one) Card you Relate to:[/b]Messenger of Peace [b]Favorite Episode:[/b]Episode 1: The Heart of the Cards [/color]
[size=1] This brings me back! Wayyyy back! Well my favorite is a SNES oldie which no one probably remember but...Mario Paint! I know it isn't actually where you are Mario, but hey I would stay playing it for hours and would even get up late at night because I just had to paint or color or something. Very addicting. It is where you can pick different tools and create different pictures, backrounds, etc... I loved it! Now I wish I hadn't sold my SNES!:cry:[/size]
[size=1] Wow! Everyone's posts are very interesting! Most I haven't even seen ,since I rarely watch any anime anymore. I might actually check some of these shows out. I love hearing everyone's opinion on this.[/size]
[size=1] Unfortunatly we haven't gotten any snow down here in Lubbock, Texas. North of us in Amarillo did though. When we get snow though we get snow! Here is the sunday forcaste for us. Rain all frickin day. Snow all fricken day with the rain. High winds and even freezing rain. There goes the power! I can't wait! I love snow![/size]
[size=1] I want to start this off by saying to all Moderators, Super-Mods, Admins etc.. That if this thread has been created in the near past then please let me know. I will delete it as soon as I get something saying that it has. I went through some pages and didn't see anything like it so... This thread is for you to tell who you think the best villian in an anime is. I don't want this to be spammy so please tell Who, Why you think they are the best villian, what anime they are on and maybe a little information about them so people can read a little bit about them incase they haven't seen the series or movie etc.. If this does start to get spamy with just sentences like ," I think Vegeta is." or anything like it I will delete it because this goes against the rules. I hope everyone has fun and if this goes well I might make another thread only with a different topic but similar to this. Confusing? Nevermind then. Thanks! Now, to get onto who I think is the best villian: [b]Villian:[/b] Vegeta [b]Anime they are on:[/b] Dragonball Z and Dragonball GT. [b]Info about them:[/b] Vegeta grew up as a Prince of the Sayians. He wasn't born mean and rude, that is just how he was brought up. That is how everyone was around him so that is why he became the person his is today. He traveled to the planet Earth to destroy it but Son Gokou stopped him from doing that. Vegeta always wanted to be the most powerful person in the universe, but he can't achieve that with Son Gokou in his way. Later on in the series he admits to Son Gokou that Gokou is better than him and he becomes a little bit nicer. He becomes part of the Z Gang but still acts as stubborn as he was when he first came to Earth. [b]Why:[/b] Vegeta is a very interesting character. He tries to act tough in danger then ends up getting himself killed (Frieza Saga). But sometimes he shows a different side to him by accident and you just know that Vegeta is a nice guy inside. He isn ot your typical villian which makes him interesting to me, that is why I picked him as the best villian, even though he isn't a villian for long.[/size]
[size=1] [i] Brock had woken up and heard all of the news. He couldn't help but put a large grin on his face. He couldn't help but feel happy. His plan was going perfect and this time there was no way Harry Potter could spoil it. It was an unspoilable plan! He wondered if unspoilable was even a word, then he just dropped it.[/i] Brock: I can't be stopped, and soon enough I will have eternal power! HAHAHAHA! [i]Brock walked down to the Great Hall, witnessing all of the freaked out faces and laughed. He sat down at the Slytherin Table and started laughing whenever someone at the Ravenclaw spoke about the attack last night. Some people turned around and started to talk to him.[/i] Girl1: What is so funny about last night! That is a horrible thing that happened. Brock: That Granger girl had it coming. Girl2: And what is that suppose to mean?! Brock: Always Ms. Perfect. Ah! I hated her guts! Boy1: Still, you shouldn't be laughing! No one knows how she is right now! Girl1: She could be dead!! [i]All the Ravenclaw people shivered at the thought. One girl started to cry.[/i] Girl2: The scariest thing though is that it was at random. Headmaster Dumbledore said that there was no way to trace who did it. It was planned but random target. It could be one of us next! [i]Brock was tired of listening to the girls get freaked out. He was bored. He needed to find atleast two new DeathEaters before Voldemort's next letter. He went up to his dormitory and took a nap.[/i][/size]
[size=1] I also have the game, for X-Box. I was so pissed off because each character only has one fatality and no animalities or brutalities like in MK Trilogy. I love to play it though. Those images do fool you because to me the graphics aren't that good. I prefer Dead or Alive 3. But that is just my opinion.[/size]
[size=1] [i]It was nightfall. Everyone was fast asleep in their dormitories. The moonlight rays reflected off of the stained glass windows scattered through the castle, that was Hogwarts. It seemed to glow if looked at from afar. No one knew of the terror that lay inside the Dark Forest. Brock Andrews paced through the forest, searching for a sign of him, but nothing.[/i] Brock: Where is he?! [i]Brock wasn't stupid. He knew that Voldemort wouldn't be in plain sight. But in the letter, the one known as Wormtail didn't specify where they were actually hidden. He started to run, looking everywhere for a sign. A fire, smoke, just something to help him. Then there it was. Flames, formed into the shape of a skull. The DeathEater's symbol. He remembered from the Quidditch match the year before. He started to walk towards the symbol, with a grin on his face. Standing there was Voldemort and a smaller, plump man, resembling something of a rat.[/i] Brock: So....What did you want me for? [i]Voldemort and the plump, rat-faced man turned around to see Brock Andrews and his baby Basilisk standing in the flame's shadow. A grin appeared on Voldemort's face and he started towards Brock. The small man just stayed behind, with his head bowed.[/i] Voldemort: Welcome Brock. I see you got Mr. Wormtail's letter. Splendid! [i]Brock laughed; took out the letter and flung it into the flames of the DeathEater symbol. It was made into ash in seconds.[/i] Brock: Next time give directions. Voldemort: Right, right. So. Let me get to the point. I told Wormtail to give you the letter to come here for a very important reason. A plan to bring Harry Potter and the rest of those filthy brats what they deserve! Brock: Hehehe. Very good, master, but just one question. What happened to our other plan? You know, dealing with my Basilisk and all. Why would we want to interfere with this new plan of ours. And how do we know it will work? [i]Voldemort smiled.[/i] Voldemort: Your smart. That is why I chose you as the heir to my power. Now, about the plan. One night I was thinking about my DeathEaters. They are going to turn against me and I see that in the future. They are becoming to smart and I can't have that happening. So I thought of a brilliant idea! Make a new clan of DeathEaters of children like yourself. They would follow me better than the adults because they wouldn't be smart enough to go against my wishes. A quick and easy spell can automatically turn them on my side! Brock: Very good idea. Just one thing. What's my part in this? Voldemort: It's all very simple. I cannot simply venture into Hogwarts, without encountering Dumbledore or getting caught. That is where you come in. You will be my recruiter. Mr. Wormtail here has already giving letters to a selected few who we think could do great things in this group. We need more people though. Get more people for me! Brock: What about my plan? Do we just keep that on hold? And how do I know who to recruit without them telling Dumbledore or a professor? Voldemort: Wondering who you shall choose as a DeathEater? All I can say is it will come to you. Some form or fashion it will come to you. Your plan: go with it as ordered. If you recruit right it will not get in the way of your plan. Brock: Alright, I will do it. But I should be getting back. I don't want to get detention. Voldemort: Fine. Mr. Wormtail will be sending you letters via flamemail keeping you updated. Other than that, send me a letter through flamemail if you have any questions or comments. Don't fail at this Brock. Brock: Believe me, master, I won't. The first thing I want is to see Potter rotting in front of me. Voldemort: Great! Now, be gone! [i]Brock turned around, a bright grin on his face. He started back up towards the castle. He opened the big, wooden doors and crept inside. He started to melt, into the form of a snake. he crept up the stone steps and underneath a door. He looked around. He was color blind so it wouldn't help. He changed back to his human self and looked around. Blankets of gold and scarlet lay everywhere. He knew it was the Gryffindor common room. He went back into snake form; went up the steps, and into one of the dormitories. It was the girls. He came back to his normal form and whispered a few words. His baby basilisk appeared out of his cloak. He started forward, looking around at each girl, and who to do it on. He glanced at Hermione Granger. That was the one! He let the baby Basilisk onto her bed. The snake slithered up to her face and hissed. She woke up. Before she could scream, Brock's hand was around her mouth. No one heard a thing. The basilisk glared into Hermione's eyes. Her skin started to turn rough and hard. It was working! Soon enough Hermione was just a stone statue. The Basilisk was only a baby so his eyes weren't strong enough yet to kill a person, only change them into stone. Brock had an anti-spell on him, so he could look at the snake in the eyes whenever he wanted. The snake crept back into the robes of Brock Andrews and they silently crept out of the common room and back into their dorms and fast asleep. No one knew of the horrible event that had happened that night. Soon enough in the morning though, it would be all over school, in the papers and everything. Brock drifted back to sleep, a wide grin on his face...[/i][/size]
[size=1] [i]Brock sat next to Draco, who was staring evily in Harry Potter's direction.[/i] Brock: Don't think about him. Draco: He gets on my nerves! Such a goodie-good. I hate him! Brock: Now,now, if you keep on thinking about him then you will give yourself a headache. Just take your mind off of him for a while. [i]"Now, Draco, don't worry about our friend, Potter, soon enough he will be out of the way and the plan will be all set." Brock thought to himself. Brock glanced around the room. His eyes landed on the Ravenclaw table, at a blond-haired girl, a year ahead of himself, talking with all of her friends.It was CHO CHANG! She looked up, straight into the cold that was Brock's piercing blue eyes. It sent a shiver down her spine. He smiled. Her mind filled with images of a full grown Basilisk killing and ridding people from everywhere. There was an image of Voldemort, full powered, destroying Hogwarts, laughing, and slaughtering Harry Potter. Then there was fire and a loud, screeching laugh consumed her mind. She fell to the ground screaming in the middle of the feast. Everyone just stared. Dumbledore and the staff jumped up quickly to see what the problem was. Brock just smiled. Soon enough Pro. McGonagal had taken the girl to the Hospital Wing. Brock just sneered.[/i] Brock: Soon...Soon Voldemort will rule and get his revenge and everyone will pay![/size]
[size=1] [i]Brock Andrews walked down Diagon Alley in his jet black robe. A smile on his face seeing all of the panic-stricken people. Crying, Screaming it was all pleasure to him.[/i] Brock: Well well well. He has struck again. This will be an interesting year at Hogwarts. Hopefully Harry Potter will be gone for good. Right Xedria. [i]A small, green snake appeared out of the sleeve of Brock's robe. It's eyes a cold yellow. The kind of yellow that represented death. Pure death. It's black tongue, flickering in and out of it's mouth. Filled with tons of sharp, blade-like teeth. 10 feet long, no doubt this was a basilisk. A baby at that, but yes a basilisk. The ultimate omen of evil, pure evil.[/i] Brock: This year, will be the last for Harry Potter and that red-headed freak of a friend of his. [i]Mike, Ginny, Harry, and Cho just stared at the brown headed kid talking to his snake in a different language they could'nt understand. Brock looked up and stared at Harry. Brock sneered and laughed evily towards him.[/i] Harry: What's so funny? Brock: Nothing. Just that you aren't the real hero type everyone thinks about. That you can take on whatever comes your way. But believe me, what comes next, you won't be able to defeat. People will perish before your eyes, this year at Hogwarts. But then you will perish before my eyes. I promise you this. Have a nice day. [i]Brock smilied and walked away.[/i] Cho: Those eyes. Blue, and so cold.[/size]
[size=1] Name: Brock Andrews House: Slytherin Year of School: 5th year Personality:Evil, Mean, Rude, Sly, and Sharp Appearance: Brown hair, blue eyes, tall and fast. Type of wand: Cedar, 13.5", Basilisk Scales Subject Mastered:Charms, Potions, Defense Against Dark Arts Misc: Best Friend is Draco Malfoy. Prof. Trelawney has predicted him as the heir to Voldemorts power, but everyone ignores her, everyone knows how kooky she is. Nothing but hatred towards Harry Potter and Ron Weasley. Animagus: Basilisk Rarely changes because there is a strong change he could stay in the form forever or die. Keeps it secret. No one knows besides him.[/size]
[size=1] Who else besides me finds that very disturbing...[/size]