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Everything posted by Ryan

  1. [size=1] Um..Lemme See.. [b]Report Card[/b] [b]1st Period: Athletics: 95[/b] That is the highest you can get in that class. [b]2nd Period: English AP: 103[/b] [b]3rd Period: Math AP: 92[/b] [b]4th Period: Science AP: 95[/b] [b]5th Period: History AP: 99[/b] [b]6th Period: Honors Varsity Band: 98[/b] [b]7th Period: FPS(G/T or Gifted and Talented Class): 94[/b][/size]
  2. [size=1] [b]1. Where are you from? (country, city, locate it if it's not known)[/b] Lubbock, Texas. About 100 miles south of Amarillo, kinda close to the New Mexican Border. [b]2. Tell us something we should know about it[/b] A very big agricultural city. A lot of farmers who grow cotton. We have the biggest cotton industry in the nation or somthing like that and the third largest in the world. [b]3. no "it's boring" or "never comes here"[/b] It really isn't that boring. There is always something to do. It gets hot yes, around 105, but it is all good. It is never boring down here. [/size]
  3. [size=1] Yes, I am the man witht he penguins Sere. I can't believe I forgot you either!! I am SOOO SORRY!!!!!!!!!!![/size]
  4. [size=1] Name: Darien Cloudpike Mutant Nameif any) Zai Age: 20 Sex: Male Mutant Ability: Shapeshifter. Mystiques. Bio: Kidnapped as a child, from his own front lawn and taken to a large laboratory. Tested on for years with different antidotes etc. Darien was forced to live in a dark cell underground being fed bread and water. One day after a person in a white suit injected sometype of green, radioactive stuff in his bloodstream he has been able to change into animals or other people with will. He broke out of his cell and escaped the lab into the world after being stuck in there for 10 years. Short Description: Height: Different with different forms. Weight: See above. Same with eyes and hair etc.[/size]
  5. [size=1] [b]genkai_yyh[/b] Met him during the period whenever my parents were getting a divorce. Had a great conversation with him and he is a great friend. I talk to him sometimes on AOL. [b]Lady M[/b] Don't know her personally, but she is probably the person I respect the most on these boards, just because of everything she has gone through, is going through, and is going to go through in the future. Yes, wing gundam, who doesn't respect her? [b]Gold_Angewomon[/b] SHe doesn't really come on anymore, but she is a great friend. One of only a few I feel that I can come to for anything. The great thing about her is that she is a great listener. [b]DuoGod of Death[/b] Very fun guy to be around. Met a little before the start of my unfamous Harry Potter thread. Had so many great times in that thread with everyone else. Ahh, the memories... [b]Kool_aid13[/b] Met her back in the days when there were tons of great RPGs, the best being Shipwrecked. She is just a cool person to be around. And she likes koolaid. That is a plus! Oh and thank you for putting me in your list genkai_yyh. I really didn't think anyone would because I really don't have friends here, just people that are nice and I talk to in threads once in awhile. [/size]
  6. [size=1][color=teal] I never heard that. Very sad.:( I will pray for the family and friends. Never read any of his work, but I will try in the near future.[/size][/color]
  7. Ryan


    [size=1][color=teal] Mew: Oh thank you! Thank you! :D Rayne: So while we are on our way you can answer some questions. Mew: Of course! Rayne: Why do you think Alakazam would do this to you? Do you have any idea? *Mew thinks for a while.* Mew: I have no clue. It just came up out of the blue. But whenever he changed me his eyes turned a deep blood-red. That only happened whenever he was fixing to finish off an enemy or pokemon in a battle. Rayne: Maybe he saw you as an enemy? Mew: I don't think so... *They continued to walk.*[/size][/color]
  8. [size=1] Man, we have all the drug stuff starting in 1st grade. And in 2nd we have to learn how to type perfectly. Well it helps, because I made a school record in 5th of speed typing, making 108 words in one minute. It helps.[/size]
  9. [size=1] Age: 12 fixing to be 13 tomorrow! Height: 5'3" Eyes: Brown Hair: Dark Brown, close to black, but not quite. Weight: 87 Occupation: No job, school Intrests: Girls, Growing carnivorous plants and raising and breeding fish. Football, Basketball, all kind of sports. And going to church. Fav Anime: DragonballZ, Yi-Gi-Oh, Cowboy Bebop, Yuyu Hakosho Other: That is about it. Everything else is private...[/size]
  10. [size=1] *Cptn.Falcon sending Bowsers flying into the sky with his Falcon Punch attack.* Bowser: How do you like this? *Cptn.Falcon dodged Bowser's fire-breath attack before it could do any damage.* Cptn.Falcon: How do you like this? *Falcon swung his left leg around, tripping, and making Bowser fall to the ground. Flacon jumped into the air and finished him off with a Falcon Kick.* Falcon: That wasn't so hard. *Falcon ran to the group.* Falcon: We are going to have to back out sometime, you do know that right? I mean, if we stay here we will get to tired to retreat and then they will kill us all. We can't stay here forever. *a Mewtwo clone appeared in the air above Falcon. He moved his hand upwards and Falcon floated up, eyes parallel to Mewtwo. Falcon couldn't move. It felt like a serpent was binded him. Mewtwo laughed. Just laughed...*[/size]
  11. Name: Captain Falcon Occupation: ? Bio: Captain Falcon stars in his own arcade games. His falcon punch will send you flying if you do not watch out. He is one of the fastest characters in the game, so don't take your eye off of him. Attacks:? Partner: Fox
  12. Ryan


    [size=1] Mew: Sorry for following you but I need your help desperatly. Rayne: Why? What happened? Mew: I was turned this way. I am not like this! Rayne: What? Mew: I was a trainer, a 14 year old boy named Darien Cloudpike. I had an Alakazam and we were traveling towards Houndoom Valley whenever it happened. Alakazam turned on me and changed me into a pokemon. He disappeared saying something about his lord. And something about a secret that I couldn't find out. If I was a human I would figure it out, but not as a pokemon. Then he just disappeared and since then I have tried to find someone and you guys are the first. I don't know what to do! *Rayne and Fearow just stared.*[/size]
  13. [size=1] We haven't had a sex ed. class yet. That isn't until 9th grade for some reason. We have the puberty video and class in 6th but no sex ed. class. I personally think it should be in 7th grade, the beginning of junior high.[/size]
  14. [size=1] [quote][i]Originally posted by Babygirl[/i] You make it sound as though you woudln't want your child attending school simply because their substitute was gay.[/quote] I know a lot of parents who wouldn't want their child or children attending a school for a day because their substitute was gay. I cannot answer that question now since I am only 13, because my thoughts about homosexuals may change whenever I am an adult. But like I said before I know a lot of parents that wouldn't allow their child to go to school because they had a substitute that was gay just because of their religion. I am a christian, it is a sin to be gay. Very religious parents wouldn't hear for it. [quote][i]Originally posted by Babygirl[/i] He just told you all about his life...do you hate him for it, too?[/quote] So you are implying that it is ok for him to tell us about how his husband and him mixed their sperm together and had their baby. It isn't his job to tell us that. It is ok for him to lie to the principal and say that he is straight whenever he is gay and he is going to go tell kids about him being gay? Saying that you are gay scares kids. It sure scared me.[/size]
  15. Ryan


    [size=1] *Mew had spotted Rayne and her Fearow and was desperate to find someone. So he followed close behind.* Mew: I wonder why they didn't come try to catch me? *Mew kept on following.* Mew: Maybe they didn't see me. *Mew followed in confusion.*[/size]
  16. [size=1] The problem with him telling us all of that stuff is that he was just suppose to teach us math for one day and that is it. Tell me a good reason for him to tell us that he was gay? Please I want to know. [quote][i]Originally posted by LadyKatana[/i] Here at my school, teachers have to tell us about themselves (college credentials, if they have children, etc.). It's so that we can feel closer to them and feel safer.[/quote] Is it suppose to make me feel safe whenever he tells me that he is a gay and how he and his husband had a baby? I mean you can say all you want about him being a good person or whatever but it was innapropriate by all means. He is a substitute for one day. I mean it is fine if he tells us his name and where he was born and his age or whatever but about how he had a baby and that he is gay was innapropriate and you know it. [quote][i]Originally posted by AnimeLover[/i] No matter how evil someone is they are still good at heart.[/quote] Is that really true? If it is, prove it. If you had a child and figured out that in Math that day they were going to have a substitute that had been in jail before because of murder, would you still allow your kid to go to school that day? Now you may say yes just to defend your point but really tell me a reason why. Would you risk your kid going to class and possibly something happening just because you believe that know matter how evil someone was they still had some good in their heart? Now I know schools wouldn't allow people like that to teach or go anywhere near kids, but I am just asking as a "what-if?". If I find anything else I will post it later.[/size]
  17. [size=1] I never got into the models. I just thought they were boring and to do them you needed a lot of patience, which I don't have. I would probably end up smashing it into pieces before I finished the thing.[/size]
  18. [size=1] Wow, thread right on time. Well what I mean by that is that this something just happened yesterday in math. Well before I say anything I don't have anything against gay people. But our substitute was gay. You could just tell by his voice and his hand move-ments whenever he talked. Well the class before our class told us that he was saying that he was married to a guy named Brian and they had a kid and telling them that they mixed their sperm together and gave it to this lady and she had the baby for them. Well anyway after that class another math teach told us to write anything on a piece of paper that we thought was unapropriate(spel?) that he said. After we did she told us that she was going to make sure that he never taught in any other school and was never around any children.[/size]
  19. [size=1] Well you still have some time before it starts. I really do hope that it goes over good. Good luck![/size]
  20. [size=1] Well man I wish I could help. Sorry! I just can't think of anything that could make him pay up. I wish there was something you could do though.[/size]
  21. Ryan


    [size=1] OOC: Who thinks no one is posting on this anymore? It really isn't working out because no one else posts that much. It is kinda boring. I hope others start to post more.[/size]
  22. [size=1] This is too suspenseful! We need to know Flash! I know you are there by your monitor with a piece of paper showing the chosen houseguests just laughing at us. Need to know now!!! I know I was not chosen but still I need to know![/size]
  23. Ryan


    [size=1] I think everyone has a problem with Avril. I think everyone has expressed how they feel good or bad. Now no more arguments. I think this thread should be closed.[/size]
  24. Ryan


    [size=1] I always thought music was about the message. I have always believed that and I probably always will. [quote][i]Originally posted by Sere Tuscumbia[/i] Oh well, shows how low today's youth has sunk...[/quote] Sad, but true...[/size]
  25. [size=1] Your welcome calumon_luver. I hope she does the right thing.[/size]
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