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Everything posted by Ryan
[size=1] I know how you feel: My great grandmother passed away My best (girl) friend told me what she thought of me and I thought I could tell her anything and I pretty much did. Some of my friends won't even talk to me and I don't know what I did or what to do. Our coaches at school are pushing us harder than ever and I am always throwing up and feeling sick. Load of homework, and I haven't even done it. And yes, my computer is going as slow as ever. STUPID COMP!! [/size]
[size=1] I have to be honest, I really do not see that big of a difference between Halo and Halo 2. It seem like they want to improve the future look of the walls and halls like what was said before. The lighting, yes. Besides those already said, it just seems like the same ole' Halo. Yes, I am I huge fan of the first, but if the new one is going to be around the same as the first, I probably won't be spending my money on it. Hopefully they improve some stuff before it is released.[/size]
[size=1] "Otakuboards can be your dream vacation or your worst nightmare!" Me. Oh wait, that one is in my sig. I could've just said look in my sig to make things easier but no Ryan! you just have to make is complicated and hard for the other members!!!!!!!!!!!:anger: Um....Hello, my name is Ryan and I have problems!:)[/size]
Hot Head, I think they are talking about the author, Dickens. Um well, I haven't actually read anything of him but a few pages I guess. I tried David Copperfield but couldn't get into that. Then Moby Dick, couldn't get into that either. It goes on and on. I just can't get into his books for some odd reason.
[size=1][font=comic sans MS] That is the only reason for going to school is the babes lol! I know everyone in all my classes and all my friends have the same lunch period as me. It is soooo tight![/size][/font]
[font=comic sans MS] I actually like school now. I just started my first year of Junior High and it is really cool. Well probably because I know and I am friends with everyone in the whole school, but that hasn't changed really. Hot girls, YEAH! Hehehe. It is different but it was a change for the better. What is better than hangin with your friends, checking out hot girls, and getting in trouble?? That is right! NOTHIN![/font]
[size=1] Well, I have never heard of them. But it is a tight name. [/size]
[size=1] Wow! Cool. I registered on Version 3 but I was under some Goten name and I came only somtimes. I only got to like 50 posts or something like that. Then when V4 came out I registered on NoodleZ and now here I am.[/size]
[size=1] Thank you Vegeta rocker. Yes, I am doing very well and it is all behind me now.[/size]
[size=1] Um lemme see here. 1.) Knocking down my door with a baseball bat when I was 4 because my sister and the babysitter locked me in my room so I would take a nap. Obiously I didn't want to take a nap. 2.) Grabbing the wheel and jerking it to left so we would go into a ditch and through a wooden fence whenever I was 5 in our truck because my dad yelled at me and I wanted to get even with him. 3.) Calling a girl a "man whore" because she made fun of me and I thought she looked like a man. 4.) Wacking my sister across the face with a yoyo and leaving a huge imprint across her face because she kept on telling me to shut-up. I have a ton more stories but I don't want to be here typing for the next hour, so lets just leave it at that.[/size]
[size=1] Yes, there has to be aliens. Now people say space goes on and on forever but that may not be true because we can't even go past Pluto. And remember people. Aliens don't have to be in the same galaxy as us. There are billions and billions of other galaxies and there has to be extra-terrestrial life somewhere. We can't be the only ones. And as the intelligence goes, they could be like cave-men just evolving or they could be more advanced then us by a trillion years. Yes, there are aliens. I can't prove it, but the odds of there not being aliens is like a trillion to one with all of the galaxies. We may not even ever find other life EVER. But there has to be other life. There just has to be.[/size]
[size=1] Thanks Bryan! Your a good friend, and always have been for however long we have known each other. I have gotten over it and I now know it happened for the best. My mother is happier now. I am happier now. It has changed me for the better. I am just getting along with my life one day at a time.[/size]
[size=1] I know exactly how you feel because I feel like that too. I mean I am not saying that I am not satisfied with my friends because they are great, because they are there for me. But interest wise I understand totally. While I am not really into anime anymore so I only post in the General Forum most of the time. But my interests are Computers and most of all Raising and Breeding Fish and Growing Carnivorous plants. I have no friends with the same interests and there is no one at my school with the same interests. I am just fine with my life now, but the only way I get to talk to others about my interests are on message boards about my interests. My family hates it when I start talking about my interests and they will just walk away when I start talking, and my friends are just like "oh cool" and they start to try and change the subject. I wish I had someone who I could talk to about this stuff.[/size]
[size=1] Well If I die in 17 years I guess I will see you guys in Heaven.(No disrespect to other religions.) We could open up the first Anime Bar up there. lol! Well the ones that make it to heaven..[/size]
[size=1] We also had team but we had them in fifth grade. There were five. Then in sixth grade we had the same thing but they are called pods. Now in seventh we switch classes all around the school.[/size]
[size=1] Thanks hothead, but like he said, I am all over it.:)[/size]
[size=1] The only things I hate about school are these: Homework Waking up early Keeping us for like 7 hours That is it. Everything else is fine with me.[/size]
[size=1] Believe me, it is lonely because you don't really have anyone besides your friends to talk about stuff your going through.[/size]
[size=1] In our system it goes like this: Elementary: Kindergarten,First grade, Second grade, Third grade, and Fourth grade Intermediate: Fifth grade and Sixth grade Junior High: Seventh grade and Eighth grade High School: Ninth grade, Tenth grade, Eleventh grade and Twelfth grade Then goes college![/size]
[size=1] No offense, but sounds funny. I sorta wish I had a brother because I feel lonley being the only boy.[/size]
[size=1] Yes, and a very good one with my mother. So I am very happy. I am just glad he is out of our lives.[/size]
[size=1] I think we have that in our high school. But I wouldn't know because I am only going to Junior High. But my sister is going to be a Senior this year.[/size]
[size=1] This year because I take GT I don't have to take Reading for this year and next year.[/size]
[size=1] That is good that you have a good relationship with your father. I wish what happened didn't.[/size]
[size=1] I can catch the ball. When I said play football I just mean't we toss a football around to each other like keep away from the girls. Sorry. I should've said that.[/size]