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Everything posted by Ryan

  1. I am very glad my parents let me where whatever I want and they have never had a problem with it. They may start butting in whenever I get around 15 years old or so. But right now they have never complained and I am glad that they understand, or so I think.
  2. [quote][i]Originally posted by Aries[/i] I am going back late August, and I got out early June (no more home-school for me!! Rock on!!) I hate home-school, sure, there's a lot less pressure, and you don't have to be as organized, and you have more than five minutes for bathroom break, traveling across campus, getting your books after the crowd clears, and then all the way back across campus to get to class, and it's only a few steps, but there was such little activity, and where I lived, there were near to, if not no kids, especially not ones my age. That's why I like that I'm going to see all of my old friends at my new school.[/quote] Are you kidding? I would love to be homeschooled just because I hate Athletics! I am not Athletic at all whatsoever so I would be very happy for homeschooling.
  3. Ryan


    [size=1] I don't know him personally, but when I talked to him on Aim (when I used to) he was always mean.[/size]
  4. [size=1] Mist, am I the person that you are pissed at. If I am I'm sorry...[/size]
  5. [size=1] AHH! It is the invasion of the School-Wanters!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I seriously think Aries and Mist both need to go see the doctor and quick.[/size]
  6. [size=1] I have seen ads for it like on ABCFamily or whatever that channel is called now. It looks very stupid and I have never wanted to see a minute of it.[/size]
  7. [size=1] I never thought in a million years that I would hear a person say they wanted to go back to school. What kind of person are you Mist???lol...[/size]
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i] [B]Heh, I don't go back to school until late September... And believe me, having 3 months off is [i]very[/i] out-of-the-ordinary for a Kiwi boy like me. :D [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1] Yumm! Kiwi!! *Licks lips. Gets mad because he ate all of the kiwi fruit yesterday.* Those lil kiwi birds look funny looking. I would want one as a pet and name it Goober lol![/size]
  9. Ryan


    [size=1] lol, your welcome. lol![/size]
  10. [size=1] Don't rub it in Nuchlear. I usually stay home on the internet or watchin tv all summer. Also sleeping. Because isn't that what summer is all about??[/size]
  11. Ryan

    All Nighters

    [size=1] LOL@FF!! There is a Hot Topic in my mall. I go there every so often buying a thing here or there.[/size]
  12. [size=1] I think there should be a rule here in Texas that go to school for one year stay out for 2 years. Over and over. YEAH!! Aries you live in Dallas rihgt?[/size]
  13. Ryan


    [size=1] Sorry that is just how I get, all defensive and crap. LOL!! I think Phantom has had too much to drink lol![/size]
  14. [size=1] Well summer is almost over and school is about to start. I am fixing to go pick up my sheet of classes on Thursday. What day does your school start. Unfortunatly mine starts on August the 20th. No more sleeping in!!!AHHH!!NO!!!!!!!!!![/size]
  15. Ryan


    [size=1] Yes I do know Neil, I would just rather call him by his name here at Otakuboards which is SuperSayain. I have been here longer than you, you know. I was a GOD at his old messageboard JVF or something like that. But how would you know right? They all work differently. Some trap the insect in a trap, other insects slide into a pitcher, while others get stuck to sticky dew drops on leaves, but I don't want to say everything and get more offtopic than I already am. Lol about the cold hearted beep. He isn't always like that, well in the past he wasn't, but I never talk to him anymore. That is all...[/size]
  16. Ryan

    All Nighters

    [size=1] Yes, I do it all of the time in the summer. I have only done it a few times during school and I was dead tired after and I totally regret it because I kept on falling asleep in school. But my teacher would just laugh at me and I never got in trouble, this was in the fifth grade. I was stupid back then and now I don't do it. I am going to the seventh grade.[/size]
  17. Ryan


    [size=1] I just think: why be sad? It is final, done, and over with and what can you do? I don't want to be sad, I want to be happy. I just bought some carnivorous plants from a website(I like to grow plants: I have a green thumb lol!) And I am fixing to get a new aquarium. I love to keep fish! With all this stuff why should I stay down and be sad??[/size]
  18. [size=1] I like shooting aliens and seeing their guts fly everywhere lol! I thought there would never be a better game after the 007 games came out then here cam Halo. Believe me I was surprised. I played it for the first time and my friends house and I was hooked. We never went to bed(sleep over) because all we did was play Halo. After that I went and bought an Xbox and bought the game and played it more. It is like the Harry Potter books, you just can't put it down. But after I beat the game it sort of became old and I got into SSX Tricky and snowboarding games. And also fighting games. But I still play it occasionally.[/size]
  19. Ryan


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by genkai_yyh [/i] [B]WOW! THIS IS SUCH A FRIENDLY BOARD! 'sept that Misc. Moderator, whas-his-name..... [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1] His name is SuperSayain. But other than that, everyone was very nice and I appreciate it. I am feeling way better because I get over things quickly. It is just the person I am. I am still sad, but I have gotten used to it. Thank you everyone. If it wasn't for you guys I wouldn't be able to talk about this stuff here.:)[/size]
  20. [size=1] After I read that I can see Babygirl in a car and when someone tries to pass her she rams into the side of the car and bumps them off the road. Now hopefully you don't do that kind of stuff.:)[/size]
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [color=deeppink]If you HAD read all of the posts, you'd see that both asexuality and artificial insemination were discussed. Or at least I think the second one was...but either way, we'd find a way to reproduce.[/color][/quote] [size=1] I should of specified. I only read the postes on this page. Sorry, so sue me.[/size] [quote][i]Originally posted by Babygirl [/i] [color=deeppink]::slap:: Watch your mouth :smirk:[/color] [/QUOTE] [size=1] Hehehehehehe. I knew that one would get you mad lol!:D [/size]
  22. [size=1] Pete and Pete isn't the only old Nickelodeon show on The N. You are also forgetting Clarissa Explains it all. There is all Sponk, Being Eve, 24 Seven and Degrassi. I haven't seen those show I just watch Daria and Clarissa Explains It All, but those shows are always on when I turn on the tv.[/size]
  23. [size=1] James, already told you to stop with your language. I suggest you do stop before you get banned. Maybe that is what it means but don't tell everyone else if it is bad in anyway.[/size]
  24. [size=1] I got to go to my state capitol for my Gifted and Talented class for the state bowl. There I ended up placing in 2nd and got to go to Connecticut. It was really fun. But it was weird, so far away from Texas. There I made friends with people from Missouri, Pennsylvania, Austrailia(spel?) and New Zealand. There were more people there it is just too many people.[/size]
  25. [size=1] (EDIT: The warning was written right when James posted.Sorry.) Agent_OBFS, don't double post, it is against the rules. If I see you do it again then I will report you.:) As for me, I would probably make peace with everyone that hates me. I would spend most of my time with my family. I would try my hardest to become a moderator since that has been my dream here at otaku.(Never going to happen). And the most importantly would be to hang around at hospitals and talk with kids with diseases and stuff. To see and talk to those who are less fortunate than I was. It would stop me from being sorry for myself. It would let me see what they were going through and see how lucky I am...[/size]
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