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Everything posted by Ryan

  1. Ryan


    [font=Franklin Gothic Medium]I think it looks awesome. Better graphics than the other two stadiums, and in this one you can actually move around. The others were kind of fun at first but they got old really easily and I am hoping that doesn't happen with this one, but I'm pretty sure it will. All other pokemon games have gotten old really quick, so I am just going off of what I have experienced with all of the other pokemon games.[/font]
  2. [font=Franklin Gothic Medium]I wonder what I will be like whenever I turn 19. Hmm? Well that happens to be 5 years away. I hope I am more mature than I am right now. But there are still good things about being 19. Maybe that is the year you get to move out. Maybe you get a new car, like someone posted above. I can see where you are coming from, but don't get sad. Get glad! It is a birthday! You get presents...Hehehehehe!:devil: [/font]
  3. [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2][b]Name:[/b] Zanth [b]Sex: [/b]Male [b]Age:[/b] 14 [b]Group: [/b]X-Men [b]Description:[/b] Is 5' 8'' and 1/2 inches tall. Spiked up at the front hair. Blue colored contacts. Hispanic. Wears a black t-shirt and dark pants. Sometimes wears a black trenchcoat over it. Also wears black sunglasses sometimes. [b]Powers: [/b]Able to change into a variety of animals, but has to have once touched that animal to be able to change into it. (Example: If he touched a rabbit once he will be able to change into that animal at will. But if he has not touched a snake before, he will not be able to change into a snake until he touches one which could be a good and a bad thing for the X-Men team. [b]Bio: [/b]Has known about his powers since the age of 11. Has kept it a secret because his parents were prejudice against mutants. His parents accidentally found him changing into a dog when they walked into his room as he was morphing. He was 13 at that time. His parents kicked him out of the house, telling him that he should be happy that they weren't calling the police on him. (Most normal humans were prejudice against mutants.) He was found on the street walking by Jim Mishima. He invited Zanth to come and live with the X-Men. Zanth was hesitant at first, but soon realized that there was no where for him to go, so he eagerly accepted. It took awhile for Zanth to control his powers better, but with the help of the other X-Men, he soon got better. He has joined the team, but because of his age, helps go under missions where he is an animal and most likely won't be caught and hurt. He has never joined in fighting, and most likely won't.[/size][/font]
  4. [font=Franklin Gothic Medium]Ok, lemme think for a second...[/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium]ah yes...[/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium]I don't have a good memory so I'm sorry but anyway. I think I was at my friend's house and we were looking for cool Dragonball/Z pictures to use as wallpaper for his desktop. We typed in something along the lines of "Dragonball Z pictures" or something like that and we somehow came to theotaku.com. There were a few pictures, if I can recall right, but we searched around and found some cool information about the show. I remembered the website address and went to it the next day. From there on I continually went to theotaku.com for my DBZ information and some other cool shows at that time. It wasn't until maybe a little bit less than a year I noticed the link for the boards. I curiously clicked it and found the board. It was one of the earlier versions, I think it was v2, I'm pretty sure it was v2. Anyway, I ended up signing up with some name like UltraChibiGoten, or maybe there was a "Super" in there too? Anyway, I think I got somewhere around 60 posts and then we went to v3. I think I may have registered again under another name, but I'm not certain. Anyway, everything went fine and I think it was v4, pretty sure, was when I registered yet again and went under /☼~NoodleZ~☼\. Don't ask on how I got the name, I am not sure myself, it just sounded like a cool name one day so I went for it and I was under that name for a long time, until I got James to change my name to Ryan and viola! Here I am, at the beginning of v7. I've been here since v2. It hasn't seemed like it has been that long, but now that I think about it, 5 versions, it has been quite awhile...[/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium]So, there it is. Now my facts about the versions on when I got new names and stuff like that maybe be off, I certainly don't have the best memory, but I did the best that I could.:D [/font]
  5. [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2]I agree that their songs are being overplayed on the radio. But it's not just their songs, it is every other popular song out right now. That is pretty much why I don't listen to the radio anymore. The cd was pretty good. I still listen to it off and on. My Immortal and Whisper have to be my favorite songs of theirs.[/size][/font]
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mitch [/i] [B][size=1][color=red]What it used to mean, way back in Elementary school, was a party. And then you give your valentines to everyone in the class and eat food and party. [/size][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1] Exactly what I was going to say. Yeah, V-day doesn't mean anything now. There is someone I like, but she is in the grade ahead above me. I don't have anyone to share V-day with. Oh well.[/size]
  7. [color=teal][b] Its actually snowing right now. It is coming down hard now. It is the late snow we should of had during Christmas. Oh well. The roads are really icy, but we still have to go to school. I'm in my computer class now. I hope it continues so that we don't have to go to school tomorrow so then we would get a 4 day weekend. [/color][/b]
  8. [color=teal][b] Bakura "hot"??????! Who ever thought of that? I think its a kid show.[/color][/b]
  9. [color=teal][b] I think it would be cool to get my tongue pierced. Im still deciding if I would want to do it whenever I get older. It looks really cool. [/color][/b]
  10. Ryan

    Mario Kart 64

    [color=teal][b] This was one of the easiest games, but it was fun when it first came out. There really wasn't anything like it out at the same time as this game that I knew of so it was a new experience for me. I still have it and sometimes when im extremely bored I turn it on.[/color][/b]
  11. [color=teal][b] I was surprised at myself that I really didn't enjoy this game as much as I would have wanted. I mean it was ok at some parts but other than that it was just boring. Maybe I was just expecting more out of the game than I recieved?[/color][/b]
  12. [color=teal][b] The first season was good. The second one was really boring and old, and now I think it is old and fox doesn't need to be airing it anymore. I don't watch it anymore.[/color][/b]
  13. Ryan

    Boy Meets World

    [color=teal][b] I still watch it even though I've pretty much seen every episode of the show. It still shows on the Disney channel here. I don't get bored from it for some odd reason. I still enjoy watching it every now and then. [/color][/b]
  14. [size=2][font=URWImperialT][color=red] The next day was the day her single was going to be released. It's sad what she has to do just to get people to listen to her music. But that's just my opinion on the issue. [/size][/font][/color]
  15. [color=red][font=Tempus Sans ITC] I think they are annoying as hell and they need to be off the show and get Magma and Aqua as the new villians. It is cliche every single episode. They try to steal Pikachu or some other pokemon and they don't get it or they do and they lose Pikachu somehow and then they fly off into the sky with that stupid little twinkle thing at the end. It is just gay and old which really brings down the show. Just my two cents...[/color][/font]
  16. He sounds the same to me as he did in the first season. Maybe he sounds a bit lower this season is maybe he got a new voice person, or whatever the hell you call them. Anyway, I'm not going to spend time trying to figure out if his voice has changed or not because there is no point.
  17. Ryan


    [color=red] Solo, Your still in Master Quest. That is the last episode of Master Quest if I'm not mistaken. Pikachu is with all of the Oddish, Ratatta and Pidgey right? The the Haunter are the bullies and the other pokes want Pikachu to stay. Meowth is also with them. Yes that is the episode before Advanced.[/color]
  18. Ryan

    Pink anyone?

    [color=red] I remember listening to her song, "There you Go" when it first came out. I liked that song. I personally think she could have come out with a better single than "Trouble" right now. I like the song, I do, but I think she could have done better. I don't like the music video either.[/color]
  19. Don't feel bad about your banners. I'm not good at all. Here is one that I am currently using at the moment. [color=teal]I know it is sometimes hard to find a host for your images, but it is against the rules to upload a random image in your post. =/ You may, however, find a site to upload it too first, or make a new thread asking for opinions, or even go way back and edit an existing attachment of yours. Attachment deleted. -Syk3[/color]
  20. Ryan


    Tomorrow is November 1st! The pemiere of Pokemon Advanced!! Man I can't wait. It is going to be awesome!
  21. The thing is the things that happened that "inspired" the movie all took place in Wisconsin! The movie people are trying to scare people to come down here to Texas lol. The movie looks awesome. I hate scary movies because i freak myself out and can't sleep for weeks. But I want to go see it, but I won't. Lol!
  22. [size=1] I hate school this year. A lot of the classes are really cool and fun, but other than that it is hell. Too much homework. Seriously, my english teacher will assign us a 5 page essay on something and not tell us until the bell rings and than she says it is due the next day! Then she will assign another one the following day! Gah! I hate my english class. I'm in 8th grade, I don't need to be doing this many essays! A few here and there I can understand though.[/size]
  23. [size=1] I didn't care if anyone cared if I liked the cards or not. My friends ended up finding out and they didn't care, didn't change the way they acted and it didn't bother them. They don't care. It doesn't matter what age you are, if you like it then you do. If you don't then you don't. It is as simple as that.[/size]
  24. [size=1] I'm not related to anyone famous. I'm just boring...Lol[/size]
  25. It looks good Dragon_Warrior. You are very talented.
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