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Everything posted by Ryan

  1. Ryan

    X-men RPG (play)

    [b][color=indigo][size=1] Ryan laughs evily standing on a Volcano lava spurting everywhere but not touching ryan.* Ryan: You got involved so you wil pay the price!!!!!!!! *Ryan watches as the the roof collapses in a small fireball.[/b][/color][/size]
  2. Ryan

    X-men RPG (play)

    [b][color=indigo][size=1] Ryan: Now the plan will work.. *Ryan appears next to the wooden beachhouse and covers a part of it with gasoline. Next lights a match and throws it on the gasoline. The beachhouse gets covered in fire.* Ryan uses his powers to make the locks in all of the rooms except for siren's to not become unlocked to the others have no way of getting out.* *Ryan run's off and watches from behind a cliff.* Sire runs out but everyone else have no way of getting out.*[/b][/color][/size]
  3. [b][color=indigo][size=1] Yeah! More Riddles!!!!!!!![/b][/color][/size]
  4. [b][color=indigo][size=1] I suppose Sakura..[/b][/color][/size]
  5. [b][color=indigo][size=1] Yes, i do believe in God..Very much... Yes, I do think abotu questions like that. Yes some of them cannot be answered. It is all about faith. You gotta have faith and believe and you just know that he is there watching over you. I do respect other people that have other religions, because they have the right to have their own religion. You just gotta have faith and believe that he is there...[/b][/color][/size]
  6. [b][color=indigo][size=1] Duh! Who really cares??! Not me...I already have 35 Mew's on my Blue Version. I raise them...[/b][/color][/size]
  7. [b][color=indigo][size=1] Gohan, that is a nice pic of brolly, except for the fact that you can barely see his eyes-if you put some on him.[/b][/color][/size]
  8. [b][color=indigo][size=1] Dude, DON'T ****Iñ SPAMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OK, well if you want please show me your Gundam Pic, I want pix that I can turn into avatars...[/b][/color][/size]
  9. [b][color=indigo][size=1] LOL!!!!I can see FF wrestling a possum at Midnight!!!LOL!! Wait the possum hit him with the chair!!!!!!!Sorry..Now I am really really hyer..[/b][/color][/size]
  10. [b][color=indigo][size=1] HAHAHA! Sorry I am very hyper...so kuja told a lil secret eh'![/b][/color][/size]
  11. [b][color=indigo][size=1] §ounds like you had a better time then I did, Flash lol! A Possum stole ya peanuts. That must of hurt, j/k. I hate peanuts but I still would kill the Possum for trying to steal my food![/b][/color][/size]
  12. Ryan

    NoodleZ Pok

    [b][color=indigo][size=1] Yes lol I have forgotton about this thread. So Talon is going to finsih it up...Fine with me...I would but I am too busy and caught up with the huge!! Hogwarts RPG in the G&S forum.[/b][/color][/size]
  13. [b][color=indigo][size=1] I'm back!!!!:D Sorry I haven't been here to judge but I have been very busy in the G&S Forum. I come here when I have time to lol. But I am still a judge,(i hope!!)[/b][/color][/size]
  14. [b][color=indigo][size=1] Well, I have noticed that you Emcew haven't posted in the new and improved hogwarts rpg. gryffindor needs only 3 more people until they are full then we can start having quidditch matches. you will need to get postin in it because if you don't you will miss the matches and me cut from the team. Sorry but you will have to read like 17-18 pages i think to get caught up lol!!!!!!!!!!!![/b][/color][/size]
  15. [b][color=indigo][size=1] Damnit! When is Krillen gonna start this thing?? Dude if he doens't start it by the end of this weekend I am quittin this thread...[/b][/color][/size]
  16. Ryan

    X-men RPG (play)

    [b][color=indigo][size=1] OOC: Um I think it was page 47 or 48 that Craig posted that i pleaded to stay on the team. Well, I wouldn't plead, and why would u consider me to still be on the team?? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sits on the cliff watching down on the beach and the beachouse. Ryan thinking:*It isn't about jealousy that has caused all of this...For they have no clue what they talk about.* Ryan talks to Craig in his mind:* So, you and your little pow-wow what you call a team are against me...Fine... Craig: You made your choice... Ryan: Oh yes...I made my choice a long time ago..Don't remember?? Your memory isn't that good..The original X-Men RPG I was evil then....My last post said that I would return..That i did... I don't want you Craig, you can try to kill me but all I want is Sean, not you.....Back off now!!!!! *The connection is closed..* Ryan sits on the point of the cliff watching down...[/b][/color][/size]
  17. Ryan

    X-men RPG (play)

    [b][color=indigo][size=1] *Ryan talks to Sean telepathically* Ryan: Why do you try Sean? Moon has tried twice and failed against me, Craig has tried twice(i think) and also failed. Ken has tried and failed then we talked and he understands me but he isn't okay with me. He understands that if he doesn't mess with me I won't with him yet he is still angery with me. Nobility has tried and failed. You have tried and failed. Sean: Yes, but as a group we can overcome you.. Ryan: What makes you so sure, Sean? Sean: Because we together are stronger... Ryan: You just don't understand Sean...You haven't see any power yet. *Ryan stops talking to him..* Siren: Ryan c'mon back to the good side.. Ryan: Siren...You don't understand I have been the outcast all my life. If you read the original X-Men RPG with me and Craig and DBZMan and some others, I was evil. I came back trying to change my fate and destiny and they accepted me, yet they had no trust towards me...A group, a team cannot work like that. I didn't mean, i didn't want the others to get involved and injured. I can't stop them from getting involved so you cannot blame me for what has happened to them. This was between me and Sean. The others got involved and they paid for their choice. Siren:.......... Ryan: This is where I belong. I have learned something throughout all of this...You cannot change fate and destiny.. *Ryan walks off down the shorline...*[/b][/color][/size]
  18. Ryan

    X-men RPG (play)

    [b][color=indigo][size=1] Ryan: Clears what up??? Siren: I dunno? ryan: U dunno what? siren: I dunno? Ryan: so u dunno what right? siren: i dunno? Ryan: GOSH!!!![/b][/color][/size]
  19. [b][color=indigo][size=1] Damnit, okay! God i wanted to see the original eps.![/b][/color][/size]
  20. Ryan

    X-men RPG (play)

    [b][color=indigo][size=1] ryan: please move siren.. Siren: Not until you tell me! Ryan: I am not going to tell ok! Go make out with your boyfriend Anti or what..Soon to be husband now? Siren: What? Ryan: Flies off into the sky.[/b][/color][/size]
  21. Ryan

    X-men RPG (play)

    [b][color=indigo][size=1] Walks toward the beach stands in the shallow. Ken notices Ryan there.. Ken: You! Ken jumps up and lunges at Ryan. Ryan dodges the lunge and Ken falls down on his head. ryan: I am not here to fight nor kill. Just to talk. Ken: talk! talk about what! the people u have killed or hurt! Ryan: This isn't my fault! Ken: Why of course it is your fault! ryan: All I wanted was to get back at Anti, you and the rest of the mutants didn't hafta get involved. Ken:.....but...... ryan: You know i am right. You guys still have the chance of getting uninvolved. Ken walks off into the beachouse not telling anyone of his encounter with ryan. ryan walks off.[/b][/color][/size]
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kizu [/i] [B]If we are following the story from the show i am not going to be in it a whole lot. all it shows of goten is him and trunks flying, and them helping vegeta. that is not a whole lot for me to type in the story. i will jst type ever yfew minutes. Goten adn trunks are flyign as fast as they can to make it to the spaceship before the fighting is all over. a whole lot of work there. [/B][/QUOTE] [b][color=indigo][size=1] Nope kizu! Krillen said that this wasn't going to be like the storyline at all.[/b][/color][/size]
  23. Ryan

    X-men RPG (play)

    [b][color=indigo][size=1] Ryan: Sorry Moon! Ryan uses his powers to make her fly back into the ocean then go deep deep deep under water. Ryan changes into a seagull and flies off. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: There! I flew off so no one can say now that a seagull was looking at them and they attack it or something like that. I flew off period.[/b][/color][/size]
  24. Ryan

    X-men RPG (play)

    [b][color=indigo][size=1] Everyone still at the beachouse: Hey pro. We gonna go get some pizza be back in 30 mins! Pro: Bye! they leave. Ryan walks through the sand in front of pro.'s door. Changes into a grizzly bear and knocks down the door. Pro: AH!! Ryan grabs Pro. by the throat and throws him against the wall. Blood going everywhere. Pro stands up contacts Moon. Pro: Moon! Hell.ppp!! ryan slashes at Pro's face and knocks him out. Ryan changes back. ryan: With all the blood he is losing he will die in what 10 minutes. Ryan walks out of the beachhouse and changes into a seagull and flies north with the other 1 trillion.[/b][/color][/size]
  25. [b][color=indigo][size=1] Does the International Channel show on Satelite or just on cable. If it is on satelite please tell me the number or what other channels it is by. I want to see undubbed dbz badly![/b][/color][/size]
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