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Everything posted by Ryan

  1. [b][color=indigo][size=1] Raiha and Rico are tied with 12 votes now. My vote was for Raiha. I don't want Rico to get kicked off Big Brother now.[/b][/color][/size]
  2. Ryan

    X-men RPG (play)

    [b][color=indigo][size=1] Ryan is flies in the air with a trillion other seagulls. Ryan spots Craig looking around for him. Ryan sqawks something and the 1 trillion seagulls dive right at Craig cutting him with their razor like beaks and talons. Ryan lands on the sand and changes into plankton and disappears into the deep sea world.[/b][/color][/size]
  3. Ryan

    X-men RPG (play)

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by MajinVegeta [/i] [B]The temperature in the room begins to drop and Ryan looks around Ryan: Damn this is florida why is it so cold? Suddenly the door turns to ice and Andrew smashes through it. He quickly freezes Ryan Andrew*thinks* Proffesser, I've got him! Xavier: Well done! Watch him until I can get all the others and myself there Andrew:*thinks* will do! Andrew throws a snow ball around while he waits! [/B][/QUOTE] [b][color=indigo][size=1] Um that didn't happen newbie! If u would of read i flew off as a seagull....[/b][/color][/size]
  4. [b][color=indigo][size=1] Yes, Shinigami please post and tell me the address for that site.[/b][/color][/size]
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kizu [/i] [B]So do we have to wait for every part to be selected? if so this might take a little while. [/B][/QUOTE] [b][color=indigo][size=1] Dude, I think so...Crap this is gonna be long time before we start this RPG[/b][/color][/size]
  6. [b][color=indigo][size=1] Damnit! I wanted to be Gohan! Oh well! I guess I am Trunks then.[/b][/color][/size]
  7. Ryan

    X-men RPG (play)

    [b][color=indigo][size=1] Ryan in human form walks into his room and locks the door. Ryan: Now the plan starts!!! But first i gotta watch some tv![/b][/color][/size]
  8. [b][color=indigo][size=1] You will be in my prayers, I hope something good happens!!!! Keep faith and praying to God.[/b][/color][/size]
  9. Ryan

    X-men RPG (play)

    [b][color=indigo][size=1] Ryan changes into a Mole and digs up to the surface behind Ken. Changes into a White Siberian Tiger and jumps on Ken's back slashes and cutting through his back. Changes into a Pigeon and poops on Ken then changes into a Seagull and flies off with the rest of the seagulls.[/b][/color][/size]
  10. Ryan

    X-men RPG (play)

    [b][color=indigo][size=1] Changes from a Seagull into an ant and goes into a little hole with a whole colony of ants. Ken: GodDamnit! [/b][/color][/size]
  11. [b][color=indigo][size=1]*~*THE 2001 HOGWARTS QUIDDITCH TEAMS*~* Slytherin FULL Keeper - Ryan(noodlez) Seeker - Akira(Majora's Mask) Beater #1 - Neo Geo(Emcew) Beater #2 - Anna(Anna) Chaser #1 - Talon(Lady Katana) Chaser #2 - Amby Chaser #3 - Roxy Gryffindor Keeper - Matt(Son Goten) Seeker - kool(kool_aid13) Beater #1 - Bryan(DuoGod of Death) Beater #2 - None Yet Chaser #1 - Sere Tuscumbia(Sere Tuscumbia) Chaser #2 - None Yet Chaser #3 - None Yet Ravenclaw FULL Seeker - Craig(SS Trunks) Beater #1 - Arisu(DBZChikaGhan) Beater #2 - Britty(Gold_angewomon) Chaser #1 - siren(stormwing) Chaser #2 - tursi(tursi) Chaser #3 - Hajime(Dragonballzman) We need Gryffindors the the teams are full then we can have quidditch matches. C'mon people!!!!!![/b][/color][/size]
  12. Ryan

    X-men RPG (play)

    [b][color=indigo][size=1] Uses his psychic powers to make everyone freeza and fly back into the wall. Ryan heals himself. Ryan: You will hunt me down eh' Matt! Try to find me with all of the seagulls over here on the beach! Ryan transforms into a seagull and flies off.[/b][/color][/size]
  13. [b][color=indigo][size=1] Yeah, Sometimes on the Midnight Run Toonami shows the uncut version. Once I saw DB uncut during the afternoon. It was pretty funny. [/b][/color][/size]
  14. [b][color=indigo][size=1] Well, I haven't been going here for a long time like everyone else but I have been going to the otaku for a long time. I wish i would of come to the forums the first time i went to the otaku lol![/b][/color][/size]
  15. Ryan

    X-men RPG (play)

    [b][color=indigo][size=1] A Perigrin Falcon watches Anti, Ken, and Siren from it's usual perch on a tree branch. Ryan thinks: Anti will pay!!!![/b][/color][/size]
  16. Ryan

    X-men RPG (play)

    [b][color=indigo] Sean:......Rya..... Ryan's wound in his stomach bleeds fast. Ryan: This is where......it....e..nnnn..ds Sean:No...noo! Ryan: You get what you....wa....n..t..Sean...The girl.... Sean: Bu..but Ryan: Now i leave all of you......... A voice: HEAL!!! Ryan's wound heals and he is alright. Ryan: What the hell!!!!!! Sean: Your alive!!! Ryan: Yes, but not as alive as you think. Ryan's eyes turn blood red. Sean: What! Ryan u..ur.evil?? Ryan: And what's new? Ryan changes into grizzlybear and slashes his paw into Anti's face causing him to fly back almost into the ocean. Ryan transforms into human and makes Anti float into the air and he hovers over the ocean. Anti: NO! Anti: falls down and swims back to the beachouse. Ryan: i will be back Sean! Ryan disappears into a portal.[/b][/color]
  17. Ryan

    X-men RPG (play)

    [b][color=indigo] Watches siren kiss anti. Ryan turns angery as hell and changes into a grizzly bear. Roars at Anti. Anti gets scared and runs into his room. Changes back to a human. Crying in tears walks down the highway walking side ways every few steps as if he was dizzy or drunk. Siren: Ryan a CAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ryan looks up sees the and lunges at it getting hit and ran over.[/b][/color]
  18. Ryan

    X-men RPG (play)

    [b][color=indigo] Anit: What is that meowing outside? Anti walks outside and sees a kitten staring at him. Anti puts his hands out to pet the kitty but it hisses and bites him in the finger. Anti: God Damnit! Damn cat! cat transforms from cat into Ryan. Ryan: One piece of advice, never pet me as an animal. Anti; Well ya could of told me before! Ryan walks into his room.[/b][/color]
  19. [b][color=indigo] Oh, ok! I didn't know that if you have posted in a thread and they delete the thread all of your posts that are in the thread are erased. Ok now I know.Thanx![/color][/b]
  20. Ryan

    X-men RPG (play)

    [b][color=indigo][size=3] Uses his powers to turn the box of pizza into a tiny blue tablet. Swallows the tablet. Ryan: That was good! Anti: God that was weird! Ryan: Hey in case your in a hurry... Ryan transforms into a bald eagle and flies off into the sky catching a thermal and flying toward the sacred cliffs.[/size][/b][/color]
  21. [color=indigo][b][size=3]Um...I am sort of angery and confused. Last night I had 581 posts. I wake up and get back from school come back and fined that i only have 529 posts! What is the damn deal? I was so happy coming from school thinking that I would get 600 posts today then i get on and i only have 529! It can't be because of spam because I never spam! Please tell me what is going on![/color][/b][/size]
  22. Ryan

    X-men RPG (play)

    [b][color=indigo] Ryan: GO SEAN!!!!!!! Looks at Anti. Ryan: what is he up to?[/b][/color]
  23. Ryan

    X-men RPG (play)

    [b][color=indigo] Floats above. Reads Sean's mind. Hmmm. Ryan:Hmmmmmmm. What the hell does he mean by " He has got the Ace up his sleeve?" Ryan watches as Sean walks forth.[/b][/color]
  24. Ryan

    X-men RPG (play)

    [b][color=indigo] transforms from badger into Human and watches from above floating in mid air. Ryan: This should be good.[/b][/color]
  25. Ryan

    X-men RPG (play)

    [b][color=indigo] I don't want to fight in the tournament ok! Ryan runs over to the shallow water and transforms into a bottle-nosed dolphine and swims off.[/b][/color]
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