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Everything posted by Ryan

  1. [b][color=darkred] Anna it is all pretend don't ruin it it is starting ot get good. Voldermort points his wand down as Bryana nd turns him evil. Bryan: Now to go kill Matt!!!! Ryan: Yes!!! P.S.: OOC: I gotta get off see ya tomorrow!!!!!!bye![/b][/color]
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DuoGod of Death [/i] [B]Bryan: -knocks on the Slytherin common room entrance- Ryan: -Comes out- Hey how did you know where the entrance was!? Bryan: I have my ways! Listen I know its now you, but Matt thinks the power is coming from you.. Ryan: What are you imposing? Bryan: Look just becareful! If he goes and says anything to Dumbledoor that could be the end for you. With all this stuff about Valdormont and everything.. Ryan: Cringes- Don't say that name! Bryan: SOrry...Look just take care..You are like a bro to me... [/B][/QUOTE] [b][color=darkred] Bryan! Voldemort is my father!!!!!! Bryan: Wha!!!!!! Ryan: And he will rise and destroy tonight!!! Bryan: What the hell! Ryan; Sorry man! Pitrificus Totalus! Bryan falls to the ground like a log. Ryan drags him into the common room. there stands Voldemort. Bryan: It's...it's...him!!! I can't believe you ryan! You were evil the whole time!!!! I thought i could trust you!! ryan: sorry but I have to do this without you and your friends having to ruin it!!![/b][/color]
  3. [b][color=darkred] Ryan walks into the Dark Arts room. Ryan: Snape he has come! Snape: Yes! I know that! But where is he? I mean he isn't in Hogwarts! Dumbledore has a barrier that even Voldemort can't break! Ryan: I assume he is in the Forbidden Forest with Lucious Malfoy and Wormtail. Snape: And how do you suppose we get them in here or get dumbledore out there? Ryan: I don't know! My father is very powerful and I think it is possible for him to break the barrier and get inside Hogwarts. But he might need help from me and you. Snape: And what am I supposed to do to get Voldemort... Ryan: MY FATHER!!!!!! Snape: I mean your father inside. Ryan: Make a potion for him to drink that can get him more powerful. I will handle the curse. Snape: Fine i will send it up to you in the Slytherin common room in 20 minutes. Ryan: You better![/b][/color]
  4. [b][color=darkred] Walks down the corridor and bumps into Britty. ryan: Oops my fault! Sorry Britty: Um hi i'm new here! ryan walks off in a hurry. britty: well that was rude![/b][/color]
  5. [b][color=darkred] Bryan: Yes Matt he is very powerful too. He is also captain of the quidditch team and Head Boy. And if that isn't enough it is rumored that he is maybe Dumbledore's assistant. Matt: God! Bryan: Before you start to mess with him remember that! Ryan talks to matt in his head. Yes don't mess with me or the one that soon rises to power will help me take care of you. For you see the one that is powerful is my father![/b][/color]
  6. [b][color=darkred] ryan: Um Bryan! Bryan: Yeah Ryan? Ryan; Have you seen Akira he said he was ging to go to sleep so he went to the dormintories then i went in the dormintories and he wasn't there only the window was open. I thought maybe he might have went to the restroom but he wasn't there either. Have you seen him? Bryan: Nope sorry! Ryan: that's ok[/b][/color]
  7. [b][color=darkred] Walks by Matt suspicously.Talks ot matt in his head*what are you up to?* matt looks back no one is there.[/b][/color]
  8. [b][color=darkred] Feels evil powers. Ryan: what is that!? Runs out of the dormintory into the great hall to find Bryan. Ryan: Do you feel it too? Bryan: yes! Ryan: Where is it????!! Bryan: I don't know. It seems like it is coming closer and closer! [/b][/color]
  9. [b][color=darkred] Realizes that there is no one in the dormintorys but himself. Ryan: that is weird. Maybe he went to go use the restroom. Walks off back into the common room.[/b][/color]
  10. [b][color=darkred] Ryan: Runs into the boys dormintory. Ryan: Akira!Akira! Akira: What? Ryan: Did you hear!? Snape overheard Siren from Ravenclaw talking about how she would get Lupin back to Hogwarts! He took 50 points from Ravenclaw! Akira: Now the plan is starting to work!![/b][/color]
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by stormwing [/i] [B]siren: headmaster!! dumbledor: siren? siren: what if lupin say suddenly appeared again... D: hey would take dark arts... siren: *sits down and whispers* good... from now on i focus on contacting lupin aerin: how?? siren:i know where he is... [/B][/QUOTE] [b][color=darkred] Snape walks behind siren staring at her. Snape: I have already made a deal with Dumbledore and I will be Dark Arts Teacher! And for that little talke\ with your lil friend i will take 50 points from Ravenclaw!!!! siren: bu..but! Snape: Go to your dormintories now! Ryan: Haha![/b][/color]
  12. [b][color=darkred] Ryan: Apparates into the Common room onto a chair with his Black Owl with a red scar on it's head that looks like a knife on his shoulder. Ryan: the Gryffindors will pay for all the embarrasment they have caused for Gryffindor!!!!!![/b][/color]
  13. [b][color=darkred] Dumbledore: Also Mr. Snape will also be the coach for all of the Quidditch Matches. that is all. Ryan: yes! Now that Snape is teacher of two classes we have the house cup and quidditch cup in the bag![/b][/color]
  14. [b][color=darkred] Dumbledore: Potions will be taught be Mr. Snape as well. He can do the job and since Mr. Lupin couldn't attend for this year Mr. snape will be your teacher. Ryan: AWESOME! Bryan: *mumbles* D@mn it! Two doses of Snape a day. I don't think i could handle that.[/b][/color]
  15. [b][color=darkred] Yes! Snape is always nice to us and mean to others! This is going to be a great year! Akira: Yes it is my friend![/b][/color]
  16. [b][color=darkred] Here comes Dumbledore! Dumbledore: Now for the announcement for who got the Defense Aginast the Dark arts jOb. Mr. Severus Snape! Bryan: What! No not Snape! Malfoy,Akira, and Ryan togehter: Yes!!!!!!!!![/b][/color]
  17. [b][color=darkred] I am Captain and keeper of SLytherin. Hey lets go eat! Dumbledore made it a rule that Quidditch teamates of all hosues can sit by each other all the time if they want.[/b][/color]
  18. [b][color=darkred] Well I think I bcame Head Boy was because of all the times I suck up to Dumbledore. Maybe maybe not. And hey I am Keeper of the Slytherin quidditch team and Captain. Pretty kool huh! Oh hey Bryan how have you been??[/b][/color]
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cera [/i] [B][FONT=century gothic]Is this still open? If so, I'd like to see if I can't join....[/FONT] [/B][/QUOTE] [b][color=darkred] Yes why of course you can join because if i don't let you, you will ban me hahaha. You can be in either Ravenclaw or Slytherin because no one was in Hufflepuff now it is shut down permanetly and there is too many people in Gryffindor. Which will it be Mrs. Moderator?[/b][/color]
  20. [b][color=darkred] Yeah, whatever Siren. I still wonder why Dumbledore made you Head Girl when he only needs me to handle things. Siren: Yeah right dream boy. Ryan: hey![/b][/color]
  21. [b][color=darkred] Whomping Willow! First Years! [i]Runs out to the Whomping willow as it swings one of it's branches at the first years. Ryan raises his wand at the tree screaming out.[/i] Ryan: PITRIFICUS TOTALUS! That's the body binding spell in case ya didn't know siren! [i] the whomping whillow freezes and can't move.[/i] Ryan: Maybe that will keep it still for a while! All first years run into the castle now! [i] they all run into the castle and everyone is safe.[/i][/b][/color]
  22. [b][color=darkred] Okay stormwing I made it!:D [/b][/color]
  23. [b][color=darkred] If you signed up for the Hogwarts RPG come here! Oh yeah I have made two decisions for prefects they are: Matt (Son Goten) & Craig (SS Trunks) Remember I can take away the priveledge of being a prefect!!:) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ryan: Walks around Hogmeade looking at all of the stores and the people. Sits down at a table in one place and drinks a warm butter beer.[/b][/color]
  24. [b][color=darkred] Ok stormwing, let me go make the thread real fast!!!!!:D [/b][/color]
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by NeoCactuar [/i] [B]Name: Cid Age: 13 Year: 4 House:Gryffindor Animal: Owl Discription: Blue eyes, Brown hair, 175cm, 60kg. Can i be on the griffindor team? Beater? [/B][/QUOTE] [b][color=darkred] Since you did not see my post on the 3rd page i think it was on. Gryffindor is shut down. No one is allowed to be in Gryffindor because there is already to much people in it. You can choose from Ravenclaw or Slytherin. Hufflepuff has been permanetly shut down because no one wanted to be in it. So which one. Slytherin or Ravenclaw.[/b][/color]
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