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Everything posted by Ryan

  1. [color=darkblue][size=1][b] I have also seen a program about this, and I do admit, I did believe them when I first saw it. But now I believe it was real and that it [i]did[/i] happen. PS: The reason the moon is that bright is because of the reflection of the sun on the other side of the earth, from where you are, at night. Or so I have heard.[/color][/size][/b]
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]What happens if you go up to the statue and poke her in the eyes? [/B][/QUOTE] [color=darkblue][size=1][b] LOL! That is funny. The picture doesn't freak me out. Like Justin said, it just looks like a cheap photo editing. That is what I thought when I saw the picture. It is probably some lighting trick or something like that. [/color][/b][/size]
  3. [color=darkblue][size=1] If I went to China I would just get something from the Grocery Store. I also wouldn't let them take my dog to the back. I would let them bring the food for my dog to me, or I would go back with them. Poor doggie...:([/size][/color]
  4. [color=darkblue][size=1] Yes, John Q was a very good movie. A lot of questions from that movie. I do hope the heart worked out for the little boy. I doubt they will make a sequel, but it would be cool if they did. Just if they didn't make is where it was stupid. Then it would ruin the first movie.[/color][/size]
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Logan [/i] [B][size=1][color=700000][b]Well, making people think after the fact [i]is[/i] a good thing. It shows that the movie was good, and the audience wants to see what happens. Leh[/b][/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=darkblue][size=1] True, true. Then more people will pay money to see the sequel. More money for the people who made the movie. See what I'm saying?[/color][/size]
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Manic [/i] [B] Her singing isn't really that good, but the songs she sing don't really require that much talent... sorta like J.Lo. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=darkblue][size=1] LOL! That made me laugh so hard. Anyways, I think she is fine. I think she can do whatever she wants and she will have all of her fans behind her. She isn't GREAT at singing, but she is ok on some songs I have heard. On the radio in Jacksonville, when I was on vacation, I heard that she is quitting or stopping the Lizzie Maguire TV show on Disney. That is stupid. It is one of the highest rated kids show and I have seen a few episodes and I like it. I didn't hear the reason why she is quitting. Probably because of her singing career or movie career or whatever she is doing now.[/color][/size]
  7. Ryan

    G/S Ball

    [color=darkblue][size=1] Wow, CS! Way too much math, for my taste. I used a gameshark and got the GS Ball and caught Celebi. I had to use a lot of different pokemon to weaken him enough, but I got him down and caught him.[/color][/size]
  8. [size=1][COLOR=darkblue]My favorite is Politoed. I am obsessed with the frog. I have no idea why, he is just funny looking and he is awesome. He really doesn't get that much attention, but I still like him anyway. I collect all of the English and Japanese Politoed cards, but I don't have all of them, yet.[/COLOR] [/size]
  9. [size=1][color=teal] Sorry for not posting earlier. I have been in Florida for the past week and a half for vacation and I couldn't get to the internet. But I am here now. _______ [i]James Jopplin walked over to the Gryffindor table, excited and nervous at the same time. How were the fellow Gryffindors going to be? Mean? Rude? What if they didn't like him? What would he do? His whole year would be ruined! All of a sudden, James started to feel sick. His head started to get hot, and the whole room started to get blurry. He saw a teacher running towards him, but the whole picture was so blurry, he couldn't make out the person. The last thing he knew, he was on the floor, and everything went pitch black, as if he had closen his eyes to go to sleep. Then he woke up. [/i] Madam Pomphrey: Well, good morning!:) Are you feeling better? Last night must have been a nightmare. And on your very first day at Hogwarts. James: What happened? I can't remember a thing. Madam Pomphrey: You blacked out! Overheating. You got a very terrible fever, and fast! We had to rush you down here as quickly as possible. But, since you had your sleep and you didn't fuss and whine at me, you are fine and you are welcome to go up to your dormitories as check your schedule. Breakfast is just ending, but if you hurry, you may be able to nab some toast and bacon. [i]James got out a bed, cahnged into his robes, and ran to the Great Hall to try and get some leftovers, so he wouldn't go most of the day hungry.[/i][/size][/color]
  10. [size=1] Juu. She is a just a nice person and a really cool person to be around. That is why she has one of the biggest buddy lists on Otakuboards. Go JUU!![/size]
  11. I would like to sign-up as a judge because there is no way in hell that I would even go past the first round in this competition. Thank you!
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Raiha [/i] [B][COLOR=royalblue]Mmm, have you ever done cross country? I do it with my mother every winter, and afterwards, we are sore and victorious. Mostly because cross country is one of the hardest snow involved activities you can do, besides shoveling it. There's no major slope, just flat land you have to push yourself through. You want a challenge? Cross country is a challenge. Thank you.[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=teal][font=garamond] That actually sounds fun. I run cross country at school. I know they aren't the same thing, but I like to use my legs so I might try that next winter.[/color][/font]
  13. [color=teal][font=garamond] I was going to post the same thing, Randleman, but I didn't want to be lectured again by The Harlequin or newbs who think that they are mods. I will also quit if this isn't started by Friday.[/color][/font]
  14. [color=teal][font=garamond] Shinobi explained everything. It is Brolli, not Goku for people out there who think just because he is the main character. If you still believe Goku is then read up on Shinobi's posts.[/color][/font]
  15. Ryan

    Spider-Man on MTV

    [color=teal][font=garamond] I really like this show. Nothing in what Shy said really bothers me. I watch this every Friday when they have 2 new episodes. I really enjoy watching this. I actually know quite a few people who watch this aswell and they enjoy aswell. I guess everyone has their own opinions.[/color][/font]
  16. [color=teal][font=garamond] It is another case of who is better, and it is just immature if you ask me. Just like skaters and bikers. Some people label themselves and then argue with others just because one skies and one snowboards, yet they probably aren't any good. Maybe they are. It is just stupid. Personally, I have never seen this in real life, but friends who are big time snowboarders or skiers talk about it all of the time and it is just annoying. [/color][/font]
  17. [color=teal][font=garamond] I have heard of the show. Didn't really interest me. Yes, I agree that FOX will find out how to make a reality tv show about this. Man stupid reality tv. They are coming up with stupid shows. Having to complete obsticle courses to win your dream wedding and crap. I mean, come on![/color][/font]
  18. Ryan


    [font=garamond][color=teal] I just wouldn't do it. I just don't like Team Rocket. At first they were cool and the bad guys but now they are annoying. You know what they are going to do, when it is going to happen, that it is going to fail and they are going to fly up in the air and that is the end of them for the episode. It is boring. I wish they were off. Team Magma and Team Aqua might actually be [u]real[/u] bad guys.[/color][/font]
  19. [color=teal][font=garamond] Ryan: You ready to go Politoed? [b]Politoed looked down from the tree he was sitting in. His long tongue shooting from his mouth. He was trying to finish off some Spinarak before the journey to Seafoam Islands. [/b] Ryan: Come on Politoed! If we don't hurry we won't get a good room on the ship. We have to go! [b]But Politoed was too stubborn. The Spinarak kept on coming in swarms. It was a feast! How could he go now?[/b] Ryan: I promise you I will get you as much Spinarak as you want when we get to the ship. You don't know. Maybe they have chocolate covered Weedle or glazed Caterpie? [b]Ryan knew that would get Politoed to come out of the tree. Just the thought of chocolate covered Weedle and glazed Caterpie made his stomach hurt. Or maybe it was just all of the Spinarak he had eaten. Politoed hopped out of the tree and jumped into the ocean. Ryan got on his back and Politoed surfed all the way to the Seafoam Islands.[/b] [i]A few hours later...[/i] Ryan: Look! Is that land?? I can't tell from here. Go Xatu! [b]The pokeball opened and a purple vapor shot out of it. The vapor tisted and twirled until it became the shape of a Xatu, and Xatu appeared.[/b] Xatu: Xa Xa Xatu! Ryan: Xatu, fly over there *points* and check to see if it is land. If it is then it has to be the Seafoam Islands. Xatu: Xa Xa Xatu!! [b]Xatu flew up, then North towards the spot where Ryan thought he had seen land. About 20 minutes passed until Xatu returned. He hovered by Politoed and Ryan and just nodded his head.[/b] Ryan: Good job, Xatu!:) Return! [b]Xatu became purple vapor again and was sucked into the pokeball. Ryan attached the pokeball to his belt. [/b] [i]Thirty Minutes Later...[/i] [b]They had made it. He had finally made it to the Seafoam Islands. He could make out the dock and some people arriving and walking into the ship. When he made it to the dock he jumped on and pulled Politoed onto the dock. Ryan walked up to the man.[/b] Man: May I please see your ticket, sir? Ryan: Yes. [b]Ryan took out the ticket and showed it to the man. The man took the ticket and smilied then gave it back.[/b] Man: Welcome! You may board the ship and find a room. Ryan: Thank you! [b]Ryan and Politoed boarded the ship and searched around for a room. The only thing on Politoed's mind was glazed Caterpie and chocolate covered Weedle.[/b][/font][/color]
  20. [color=skyblue][font=garamond] I have to agree with the others when I say that South Park: Bigger, Longer: and Uncut was the funniest movie. It was kinda weird how they made Satan homosexual. Yes, Cartman's V-Chip shocking him was very funny. And when Mr. Mackey is teaching them not to say swear words, but what they can say. That was funny. Waterboy, Happy Gilmore, Billy Madison, Big Daddy: Those are classics. Little Nicky was funny, but I liked these ones the best. I can't even start because there is so much in these movies. If you haven't seen them then I suggest you get off of your lazy butt and go rent them. :)[/font][/color]
  21. Ryan


    [font=garamond][color=skyblue] Man, I hate James. And the other one too. Man, they get on my nerves. Why don't they just take a break and stop because they know and everyone else knows that they will never succeed, so why do they try? James is creepy. In an Anime Magazine I have it shows an episode never aired in America where James gets breast implants, and it shows the picture. I would show it here, but my scanner is screwed up. [/color][/font]
  22. [font=garamond][color=skyblue] I'm sorry... Earlier this year my great Grandmother died of old age. She was 97 years old. I have to admit that I did cry at her funeral. I was sad because we weren't close at all. I didn't really know her, but she did live in a different state and the only language she spoke was Spanish, and I don't speak Spanish so that made things worse. Yet, I was still happy, remembering her. She was a very strong woman, had 16 children. I loved her so much, but it was her time to go. I still remember her and just smile. :) Happy thoughts! I do hope your grandfather does get better. But, like noraa_boy said, if he is suffering, death may be a blessing in disguise. Think about it, he won't be in pain anymore, he will be a lot happier up there, looking down on you. But, I do hope he gets better.:)[/color][/font]
  23. Return Steelix! I don't think I should keep him out, it will give away our location since he is so huge. Well, I am ready to start our journey. Seems like everyone is getting ready. [i]Ryan clips his pokeball on his belt and places all of his items in his backpack. He makes sure that his shoe laces are tied and then starts off.[/i] Ryan: I think we need to train a lot so we can get our pokemon high like the gym leader's pokemon so atleast we have a chance and defeating Mewthre. That thing creeps me out.
  24. Ryan: Hi Ki! I am Ryan. Want a quick fun battle with our new pokemon? [i]Ryan walks out of the lab and onto the front lawn. He grabs his pokeball and throws it in the air yelling, "Go Steelix!" Steelix appears out of a silver vapor and gets ready to battle. Ki runs out of the gym and throws her pokeball screaming, "Go Rush!" A cute lil' Poochyna appears. [/i] Ryan: Ready??
  25. Name:Ryan Age:10-30: 15 Pokemon:Max 6 Xatu L:39 Politoed L:33 Magcargo L:35 Vileplume L:34 Forrestress L:36 Ampharos L:35 Description: Ryan has light brown skin. Dark hair that looks black, but in the sun it is brown. He wears a black shirt with white lettering that says, "I see dumb people." Wears jeans and brown Dr. Martins which makes him a little bit taller. Bio: Ryan's family have been pokemon trainer for as long as they could remember. Every person in his family have been a pokemon trainer at one time or another. To them he is just another trainer and he wants to make a discover that sets him apart from them, so he isn't just "another trainer." Important Extra Items:The normal stuff. But has an awesome hover bike and Capsul Corp. capsules that can make houses and other hover bikes. And little mini ones for his pokes to play on.
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