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Everything posted by Ryan
Oops! TYPO! Isn't*
I bet he will sign up there really is't anything else to do on this forum lol!
Yeah probably tomorrow afternoon! Wait *checks aim buddy list* Gary Oak is online just not on the boardz!
Come on need more people to sign up!
GARFIELD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D Because.... 1. His appetite is close to mine only i prefer Chinese instead of Italian
Name: Ryan Side: Rockets Age: 17 Pokemon: Dark Celebi Oh one more thing all Rockets there pokemon have to start with dark for example dark charizard dark mewtwo etc
Okay this forum is starting to get boring so how about a War! Good Side which is Trainers or Bad Side which is Rockets To sign up you have to fill this form out: Name: Side:*Trainers*or*Rockets* Age: Pokemon:*Only one* War will begin wheni say it does
[i] Uses his Psychic Powers to make a oak tree pop out of the ground. Uses his powers to hurl the tree at Craig[/i]
Not making anything at the moment because 1. I don't have the time 2. I don't like to make things 3. Ignore #1 because i have a bunch of time that is why i am always so bored....
HYPE: Yes let's GO! [i] flyies alongside Pyro[/i]
As much as I liked that drawing Pikeon judges have to follow rules like everyone else and Forte is right no tracing allowed
The boredom drawing is awesome! Only one thing... Why does it say DraConball Z and not DraGonball Z??
That drawing was hilarious Voodokanaka! Guldo gettin his head chopped off! Great coloring too!
I have that exact same picture you drew Pikeon that i got off of the internet and it is hard to get the shape right i had to trace also. SSJ Trunks doing the exact same thing it even harder especially on the hands.
[b][COLOR=darkred]Just wondering because i rented it[/COLOR][/b]
Ebay or Auction Site will probably be your best bet or try in your local community.
I agree with you ShadowGohan Good Drawing DBZM_Brolly
DBZM_Brolly there is no link to your pictures just to let u know
Before I used to look like Android 17 but I got a diff style hair right now and i now wear glasses
I can't wait until Chirstmas!!!! I get my very own laptop!
; anime sweatdrop is what he said i think
(Ignores Pikeon) RYAN:Yeah! I already have four pokemon! This is the best day of my life! [I] As Ryan ran forward he bumped into something which turned out to be a girl named Megan.[/i] RYAN: Oh sorry little girl. MEGAN: Little GIRL! No one calls me little girl and gets away with it! Let's battle! Ryan: Well ok but let me warn you little girl i am tough! My pokemon are all healed and ready. Megan: Stop with the little girl! Ryan: Ok little girl! Rock , Paper, Scissors to see who goes first. Megan: ok fine! megan and ryan: SCISSORS! megan and ryan: SCISSORS! megan and ryan: SCISSORS! megan and ryan: SCISSORS! Ryan: STOP DOING SCISSORS! Megan: Only if you stop. Ryan: Fine! Megan and Ryan: Scissors! Megan: ROCK! Ryan: SCISSORS! Aw man! Megan:hahahahaha! But since your whinning you can go first. Ryan: Poliwhirl! Megan: Sandshrew! Ryan: Poliwhirl SURF! Megan: Sandshrew DIG! [i] Poliwhirl's attack missed![/i] Megan: Sandshrew NOW! [i] sandshrew pops out of the ground attacking Poliwhirl knocking him out.[/i] Ryan: Return Poliwhirl! Megan: Return Sandshrew! Megan: Go Wooper! Ryan: HAHAHA! Go Herecross! Ryan: Herecross Razor Leaf! Megan: Wooper Duck! [i] Herecross's attack missed[/i] Megan: Wooper Hydro Pump! Ryan: No! Herecross was knocked out! Megan: HA! You win this one you are still in the game! Ryan: Go Starmie! Megan: Go Cyndiquil! Ryan: Starmie Waterfall! [i] Starmie's attack hit![/i] Ryan: HAHA! your Cyndiquil only has 1 hp left! I am going to win! Megan: Not if i can help it! Cyndiquil RECOVER! Ryan: NOOOO! Wait is there something wrong with your Cyndiquil? Why is he all a maroonish color? Megan: Watch! Cyndiquil FIRE BLAST! Ryan: FIRE BLAST! [i] Starmie was knocked out![/i] [i] Megan walks up to Ryan[/i] Megan: Beaten by a LITTLE GIRL! HAHAHAHA! And what is more pathetic is you had a type advantage the whole time! Ryan: I guess i learned a lesson. [i]To be continued......[/i]
Ryan runs down the little dirt path toward Cherrygrove City. RYAN: This is going to be great! Catching Pokemon battling people and getting real badges! As Ryan runs on he encounters a wild Herecross. RYAN: WOW! A Herecross and i am going to catch it! Starmie Blizzard now! Starmie shoots a beam of ice hitting Herecross freezing him. His power only at 1 hp. RYAN: Go Pokeball! The pokeball rings and Herecross is caught. RYAN: YEAH!!!!! Ryan checks Herecross's stats. Double Team Wing Attack Poison Powder Razor Leaf RYAN: Kewl! Ryan walks farther toward Cherrygrove city looking for new pokemon.