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Everything posted by Ryan

  1. I don't like to watch it but i might if there isn't anything else on
  2. Ryan


    what/????????i am confused did i miss something??
  3. I will be a Junior Member in about 50 more posts or so
  4. Dad's part Mexican because of my grandparents and my mom's spaniard because of my other grandparents so that makes me a [SIZE=4]SPEXICAN!!![/SIZE]
  5. I have never heard of it let alone seen it
  6. Invulnerability Who is the best villian and why? Cell or Buu??
  7. yeah she probably will be one of those one hit wonders
  8. Ryan


    nope don't know any
  9. Satan Claus gave him a ring asking him to come on board to try to destroy Christmas once and for all he accepted and...
  10. smothers them in beans and ranch dressing (weird i know) and eats them up..well one day he...
  11. Ryan

    wuz up!

    The pic is a fake like DeathKnight and LilHell said. Oh and welcome to Otaku!!
  12. Ryan


    He is just one of those villians that think they r the bomb not real important to me
  13. no offense (well mayeb a lil) i have a life and i don't waste it comparing freeza's head sizes
  14. ok just wondering because u do know i think the most on anime out of everyone on these boards
  15. Why is everyone starting to talk about love???:sleep:
  16. U like school????!!! ur weird the only thing i like about school is well nothing!
  17. um sort of no and sort of yes
  18. now it is just ash bwahahahahha
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