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Everything posted by Ryan

  1. yeah i hate math and algebra that is why i got kirboodlez to destroy my math book BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
  3. KIRBOODLEZ USE UR FINAL FLASH TO DESTROY MY MATH BOOK!!: [SIZE=4](>^^)>==================( ) [/SIZE]
  4. i am at home relaxed watchin tv and postin bwahahahahahhahahahaha!!!!!!
  5. Don't get me wrong i am not callin u this transtic but would u call urself an anime freak???
  6. u can always tell if i am doing something i am not supposed ot be doing
  7. i probably would have gotten caught lol
  8. my sn is BasketballDude4242 that is aol and aim sn
  9. this story is now about an evil elf that turned on Santa Claus a few years earlier. Once upon a time there was this evil elf named Beanz who....
  10. it's just cloudy where i am. i am hungry i just noticed right now
  11. kaioken X 100 or more pretty powerful
  12. sry to say i have never seen this show ever and it sounds cool though.
  13. Yeah Tenchi is coming back on Cn on October 22nd!!!!!!
  14. I couldn't find it at that website
  15. How about a Gold Mew or Charizard!!!!
  16. Does anyone know if when tenchi comes back on if it will be the old sagas or new ones???just wonderin
  17. Me too but oh well i can't wait for Tenchi to be back on!!
  18. Ryan


    Never heard about it until right now
  19. I don't!!!!!!!bwahahahahahahaha!!!!!!
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