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Everything posted by Ryan
I have a friend who is in the grade above me who does have ADD. He is in my Gifted and Talented Class that I am probably going to quit because the teacher is a Bit**. Anyway, yah he is cool and it doesn't seem like he has it.
Mine goes to Charles. I think it is really funny!
Ryan: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! I am late!!!!!!!!! [i]Ryan quickly jumped out of bed, changed into his clothes, ran into the bathroom and brushed his teeth and combed his hair and ran out of his house, not bothering to say good-bye to his family. It is not like he ever got along with them anyway. Ryan ran to the side of the house and pulled out an old bike, his old bike, and got on. He slowly peddled towards Pro. Redwood's Lab, scared that he might fall because he had not been on a bike in the longest time. Finally thinking that he had the hang of it he decided to peddle faster. He needed to get the lab fast. Soon enough he ran into a rock on the sidewalk and flew off of his bike, flying into a tree. [/i] Ryan: Man that hurt. But I got to get to the lab! [i]Ryan got back on his back and returned to riding. Soon enough he ran over a log and flew off again, landing on his arm. [/i] Ryan: I need to get to the lab! [i]So he continued on his bike, flying off more, and getting hurt more. He soon arrived at the lab and ran in to find a crowd of people talking. They stopped and stared at him. He was covered in bruises and had grass and weeds in his hair and all over his shirt.[/i] Ryan: Um...hi. Pro.Redwood: Oh, hello Ryan! If you don't mind me asking, what happened to you? Ryan: To make a long story short, I don't know how to ride a bike. Ok, how about my pokemon Professor? Pro.Redwood: Oh, right! Here you go! [i]Prof.Redwood tossed him a pokeball with a symbol that looked like the star of David on it. Ryan grabbed it and stared at it. It gleamed in the light. It was perfect. He still didn't know what was inside of it.[/i] Ryan: Ok. Go Pokeball!!!!!!!! Pro.Redwood: Oh Ryan I wouldn't do that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [i]But it was too late. Ryan had thrown the pokeball into the air and a massive Steelix appeared. It was so large it busted a hole through the lab and damaged some very important equipment.[/i] Ryan: Um...sorry?! [i]Ryan returned Steelix and sat down, trying his hardest to not make eye contact with the fuming Professor Redwood.[/i]
Name:Ryan Age: 13 Height:5'7'' Weight:105 Description:Light brown skin. Gray hair. Gray eyes due to colored contacts. 5'7'', about 105 pounds. Tall and thin. Personality:Funny, makes everyone laugh. Just a fun person to be around. Bio: (Optional) First Pokemon: Note: L:5 Steelix Trainer/Gymleader:Trainer What Mark: Metal. It looks exactly like the star of David but it is a shiny gray. The mark is on the back of his hand.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shippo [/i] [B][color=darkblue] Rush stared at the water in front of him. The lake was a beutiful site. [b]Rush[/b] So, your a pokemon trainer too? He said to Ryan. [b]Ryan[/b] Yep... As Rush stared into the water, he saw a blurry image of a figure under the water Ryan was in. [b]Rush[/b] Ahh!? There's something under there--in the water... [b]Ryan[/b] Wha?!! Ryan dove under water and looked around. He saw a pokemons shadow. [b]Ryah[/b] A pokemon! The figure emerged from the water. [b]Rush[/b] A Seadra!! The Seadra danced around in the water. [b]Rush[/b] Heh. your mine! Growlithe, ember attack! The ember fired at Seadra. Seadra dove under water and was safe from the attack. Rush waited patiently for the Seadra to rise back up, but it didnt. It dove back into the water and didnt comeback up. [b]Rush[/b] Oh wel...:sweat: [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Ryan: Just giving up that easily? [i]Ryan dove, deeper into the lake, searching for the Seadra that had appeared on the surface. He noticed some wild Chin-chou and then spotted the Seadra. Ryan looked to his side and saw his loyal Phanpy. Ryan mouthed the words of an attack to Phanpy. Ryan(mouthing)Leer than Rapid Spin Attack, but don't knock him out because I want to catch him!) [i]Phanpy nodded and swam deeper into the lake. The wild Seadra noticed him and started to swim towards him, probably thinking about a little snack. Before Seadra could even think Phanpy had shot a Leer Attack and had hit, lowering Seadra's defense. The Seadra, shaking with anger, swam at Phanpy, headbutting Phanpy in the stomach. Phanpy flew back, but recovered and went into an all out Rapid Spin, knocking Seadra to the floor. Then Phanpy shot another Leer to make it easier to catch. Ryan was glad he brought down one pokeball. That is all he had, was one pokeball. He threw the pokeball at the Lake floor where Seadra was at. It lightly bounced off of Seadra and Seadra was sucked in. The pokeball was shaking. The Seadra wanted out.1...2....3...DING! Seadra was caught! Ryan dove deeper and grabbed the pokeball and hurried to the surface. He was almost out of breath and his ears were starting to pop. He finally reached the surface, him and Phanpy, and climbed up onto the ground where Rush and his Growlithe were sitting.[/i] Rush: So, did you catch it?!!! Ryan: Yep!:) All thanks to Phanpy!:) Rush: Awwww man! I wanted the Seadra. Ryan: Here! You can have it!:) Rush: Really?? [i]Ryan handed him the pokeball.[/i] Rush: Thanks! RYan: Your welcome. So you want to come for a swim? The water is great! [i]And with that Ryan jumped into the lake, screaming, "Cannonball!" and soaking Rush.[/i]
I want to become a doctor. My parents were both very poor whenever they were children, because they are both 1 out of 8 children in their families. I want to become a doctor so I can have enough money to let my children have a good christmas and holidays and birthdays. I don't went them to have to get an orange for christmas like what my mother and father had to get when they were children.
Oh yes, they were very important. They killed a lot of people. We have two out of three down. We need Saddam dead. I personally wouldn't want to see the pictures of their corpses. I just don't like those things.
[i]Ryan and Phanpy stand there staring at the Swarm of Bug Pokemon, obviously angry at them because they threw away all of the food.(See before post, above.)[/i] Ryan: Ok Phanpy, let's show them what you can do! Use Leer then Rapid Spin all of there butts! [i] Phanpy shoots a leer, missing a few Caterpie and Weedle and hitting the rest. Then Phanpy goes into an all out Rapid Spin attack and knocks most of the pokemon back into the woods, just doing a little damage.[/i] Ryan: Now lets run for it Phanpy!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [i]Phanpy and Ryan run for there lives. Ryan turns his head around to see the swarm going after them, even angrier than before. Ryan looks forward and sees a lake. Him and Phanpy run even faster and jump into the lake, keeping their heads underneath the water. Ryan looks up and sees all of the pokemon had gone away. Phanpy and Ryan brings their heads to the surface and take a breath, looking around to make sure the swarm had gone. It had. They realized that this was a great opportunity to go for a swim. [/i]
I don't watch it anymore. Sure, Survivor was good the first season or so, but now it is just boring and stupid. The only reality T.V. I watch is the Real World and Road Rules on MTV. I have watched those for the longest time and I personally think it is cool. Fear Factor is ok, sometimes though.
I saw this on the news. They said on some news channel that some people in Iraq aren't believing it and saying that they are just rumors. Some are very happy, shooting guns in the air in happiness. Well that is what I heard, I could be wrong. I am very happy that they were finally stopped. But why can't we get the daddy? And what about Osama? Anybody remember him? Yeah, I still believe he is alive somewhere. We need to get him too!
I like it. I like the banners that you just use the effects they have for you and just put something together real fast. I think it looks cool.
I was also thinking DBZ. I have never heard that line before but it does sound like it would come from Dragonball/Z/Gt.
Just to put down the rumors, Tobey Maguire DOES play Spidey in the second one. It was talking about it on MTV and said that he was shooting or whatever. Dr. Octopus looks amazing! His tentacles looks very cool too. I also think that Green Goblin went over the top a bit, but it was still an awesome movie and we watch it all of the time at my grandparents house because it is my grandfather's favorite movie. The second picture looks like Spidey saving Aunt May, or is it just me. This second film, from the pictures and all of the talking about it. I hope it is better than the first.
I like it how doukeshi03 said it. It isn't too complex. It is simple and easy and that is what makes it good. I like it, especially the red and green outlining around their heads. I also like the font you chose. 9/10.:)
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Emme888 [/i] [B] Hey! and nobodies here at the OB want's to ever talk to me...what am I a freak? No buddies here, no body ever what to get to know anything about me ever...no friends here at the OB :( [/B][/QUOTE] Oh god. Don't give us that crap and stop feeling sorry for yourself. Obviously you want attention. Why don't you just say that you want attention instead of, nobody likes me, everyone hates me, I feel so alone. WAAAAH! Sorry but this seriously gets on a lot of peoples nerves, including mine. Now to the topic, I have felt very bored this summer. I don't want school to come, I like being lazy and sleeping all of the time. It is really fun. I wish it would last forever.
Monkeys2Revenge, I don't see the point in posting here in the rpg. It is spam. I am not trying to play mod because that is the last thing I want to be, is a mod. No offense to the mods. But it is against the rules and I think you should have pmed instead of posted here in the rpg. Just my thoughts. _________________________________________ [i] The sun shines bright on Ryan's face as he sleeps in his sleepingbag in the woods. The ashes from the fire still glow red a tiny bit. A pidgey chirps loudly and wakes up Ryan and Phanpy from their deep sleep. Ryan stretches to wake up and then throws some water over the remaining ash to make sure that the first is completly out. Ryan looks behind him and sees his Phanpy smiling at him, obviously ready to try and go find a battle.[/i] Ryan: We'll have to put the battling to the side for a while, Phanpy. I still need to clean up everything and put up the sleepingbags. Then maybe after that we can go catch a battle. Phanpy: PHANPY!!!PY!!!! [i]Ryan starts to put everything away, the sleepingbags, all of the food they left out from the night before.[/i] Ryan: I didn't even think. All of this food could attract wild pokemon! Oh well, I guess they didn't smell it this time. [i]Ryan puts all of the trash into a trash bag and throws it away.[/i] Ryan: Ok, Phanpy, we are all packed up and ready to go. Ready?? [i]Before Phanpy could answer next a swarm of wild Caterpie, Weedle, and a few Beedrill appear out of no where.[/i] Ryan: Oops... I think they wanted that food. They look angry. [b]What will happen next? To be continued.[/b]
Name: Ryan Age: 16 Description: Very dark brown hair, looks black until it is in bright light. Blue eyes(contacts). About 5' 7''. Very thin. Basic Pokemon: Phanpy Bio: Has been a trainer for about 6 years. Phanpy was his first caught as a trainer and he doesn't want to evolve him. He likes going around and battling people and showing them how good Phanpy is. Especially new trainers that have just started out who think they are awesome.
Actually I have never had an embarrassing moment. Seriously. Nothing has ever happened that has embarrassed me. Maybe when I was younger when I was in Wal-Mart and I had been in the toy section and I thought I had found my mom and it looked like my mom from behind and I went up and hugged her from behind and it ended up not being my mother. I wasn't embarrassed, it was an honest mistake. The lady understood.
I may see it just to see it in 3d. Or I will probably be bored so I might go see it with my neighbors. I just want to see what it looks like in 3d.
I have beaten this game on every difficulty level. It is a very fun game and I still play and never get bored. I do think that they could have done better with it, like more weapons and more vehicles etc... But hopefully they correct that in the second one, which I will be buying the first day it comes out if it is the last thing I do. I can't wait!:)
when do you guy go back to the hellhole aka school?
Ryan replied to darkside's topic in General Discussion
I have to return August 19th. But I am happy because the first week of August I get to go to Florida for about a week. But I hate school. Nothing but conceited pretty boys who try to make your life a living hell. [sarcastic] As you can tell I can't wait.[/sarcastic] -
I have no piercings. I am only 13!!! My sister asked my parents if she could have her belly button pierced and they said no. She was 16 at the time. She didn't care, she got it done anyway and my parents didn't find out until a whole year and 2 months later after she had already gotten it done. At first they kinda got mad at her, but now they are all fine with it. They were really suprised that she could go that long hiding it and they never found out. I knew about it from the first day she got it. Now they try to bribe me to know what she is doing. Hahaha! Stupid parents.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Moro [/i] [B]......Ryan....YOU DON'T USE WATER POKE'MON!!!! I did with Shelder and it made Arcanine faint and run away. -_-" [/B][/QUOTE] Well, it worked for me when I just caught an Aracanine on my blue version with a weak Poliwag. Maybe your Shelder's level was just too close to Aracanine's. New idea, try getting a Scyther or Scizor who knows False Swipe. Scyther or Scizor's level has to be higher than Arcanine's then just use False Swipe, it leaves the defending pokemon with 1 hp left. Then use an Ultra Ball, and there is your Arcanine.:) PS: Moro, did Arcanine faint and then run away??;)
My old favorite had to be Mr. Freeze, but now I ride it all the time that it isn't that much fun anymore. Titan was really awesome, but my sister's friend had her eyes roll in the back of her head when she came to the drop that I have to admit, I was a little nervous about riding again. I haven't been to many amusement parks to have a real favorite. I might be going to Disneyworld next summer.
My favorite was the piano-playing dog. Nobody is being able to get it right, and I forgot it, so we will just call him the piano-playing dog. I remember watching Muppet Babies on Nickelodeon whenever I was a kid. I loved that show. I never really watched Sesame Street. Elmo always scared the living crap out of me. I could always see him hovering over me with a knife in my dreams. I don't understand why others find him cute.:confused: