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Everything posted by Ryan

  1. Ryan


    oops!sorry Anime Girl i should of put of other. I will do that for \¤~NoodleZ~¤/ Poll Time #2! Sorry and thanx for telling me this.
  2. lol@dragonballzman. make that 6 or 7 or whatever number evryone was on, anyway James how d u get to become a moderator????????
  3. Ryan


    What is your favorite Anime T.V. Show?? Tenchi?DBZ?Sailor Moon?Gundam Wing?Express your opinion in \¤~NoodleZ~¤/ Poll Time #1!
  4. Cuss, swear it is all the same and the same. Sorry that didn't make sense let me rephrase that. Cuss, swear it is all the same. there got it!lol;)
  5. [b][font=ariel][color=darkred]The staff has to do something about this, i think. Cussing isn't just poeple saying a bad word when they r anger or when they feel like it, it is also making fun of people with other religions, people that r another race. When a person calls u a cuss word because of ur race it hurts bad. It definetly needs to stop![/b][/color][/font]:wigout:
  6. [B][Color=darkred][font=ariel] It isn't just a few Babygirl i doubt u could read ever single post on these boards and not notice all of the cussing. I see it all of the time. And by saying Mostly everyone on these boards has probably cussed i mean't that people do it all of the time and i can't name everyone that i see that does and people that i see that don't. I am just saying that a lot of people do it.[/b][/color][/font]
  7. [b][font=ariel][color=darkred]Cera, i highly doubt that u haven't(atleast once) cussed in ur whole life before.[/b][/font][/color]:wigout:
  8. [Font=ariel][Color=darkred][B]I believe that mostly everyone on these boards have once cussed on these boards before. I probably have to. I has became a habit to everyone and it is getting even worse then it already is. I agree with James but i think that u shold suspend people who u catch that cuss for like a certain amount of time or whatever. this cussing trend has taken all kids and teenagers and it is very bad. I am not saying that i don't cuss because i have a tendence to cuss here and there but i try my hardest not to get angery. I belive this cussing thing has gotten way out of hand.[/B][/font][/color]:)
  9. [B][FONT=ariel][COLOR=royalblue]Anyone like Medabots???I watch it and it is alright. Anyone???[/B][/FONT][/COLOR]:wigout:
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