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Everything posted by Ryan

  1. Ryan


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by JJRiddler [/i] [B]Thanks alot everyone. I am getting better and I am out of here tonight so Thanks again. Note: Apparently I got the wrong shot and was just running it's course. Now both my arms hurt >_< Thanks Again Josh [/B][/QUOTE] [color=red][font=century gothic][size=1] How could you get the wrong shot? Was it the hospitals fault and they accidentally gave you the wrong shot, or what? I have never heard of that happening.[/color][/font][/size]
  2. [color=red][font=century gothic][size=1] A Dating Game... If James and Charles were to go over it and let it start it would be very fun. I like the way Rico said how it might work. It sounds very interesting and might be a huge hit like Otaku Big Brother was, and now Otaku Idol. I would personally sign-up to be in it, just because it sounds like everyone would have a good time. Good idea, The One.:)[/size][/font][/color]
  3. [color=red][font=century gothic][size=1] I would say to put it to sleep then weaken it with a really weak water pokemon like a Poliwag or something like that, but to not faint it. Make sure that Poliwag's level is lower than Arcanine's by a lot. Then use a Fast Ball or Ultra Ball. I would try that.[/size][/font][/color]
  4. [color=red][font=century gothic][size=1] I remembered the show in the cave and they had to do the obstacles, yet I couldn't remember the name. Was it guts? I can't remember, I have a very bad memory. I remembered Wild and Crazy Kids, but I never liked that show. Some episodes were cool, but I just couldn't get into it. Ahh, the memories.[/color][/size][/font]
  5. [color=red][size=1][font=century gothic] I live in Lubbock, Texas. I go to Dallas a lot, and there isn't a lot of things to do. Yes, I have been to Hurricane Harbour and Six Flags I don't know how many times. I have ridden every ride there is at Six Flags, except that new Superman thing which I will go on when I go next time. Hurricane Harbour is fun for a while, but it just gets boring. This is the reason why I always try to persuade my family to leave me at home when they want to go to Dallas. But then I end up having to go. Gah![/size][/font][/color]
  6. [color=red][font=century gothic][size=1] Was the camping show "Salute your Shorts"? Because that name sounds familiar and I can't seem to remember the name of the camping show. Are You Afraid of the Dark, yah that used to freak me out. Especially when it first started and they showed the attic and then the clown, man that was scary. I can still remember the music to it. AHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Man that was a good show. Rocko's Modern Life- BEST..NICK..SHOW..EVER!!!! Man that was a good show. Heffer, the cow who's family was a pack of wolves, hahaha! But my favorite character was Spunky, his little dog. Poor Spunky, everything always happened to him. All That and some other old shows were good too, but Nick just ruined them putting on a new cast and now it sucks.[/color][/font][/size]
  7. [color=red][font=century gothic][size=1] Yes, online gameplay would be very cool. Just an all out fight with chaos and mayhem would be very awesome. And if they had a tournament with two on two battles or three on three battles with you and two of your friends battling three other people on a team. Then have the rankings online. Man that would be fun...[/color][/size][/font]
  8. [color=red][font=century gothic][size=1] Avatar- I like. I think the red border kind of ties it together. Like it needs to be there. It just wouldn't look good if it wasn't there. Banner- Again, I like the border. Plus the idea of having Dr. Willy all shadowy in the backround muttering is very nice. I like!:)[/size][/color][/font]
  9. Ryan


    [color=red][font=century gothic][size=1] Man, I hope you feel better. I am currently sick, but nothing serious. Just some hacking cough that won't go away. I have had it for a little over a week now. None of the medicines are working that well. Plus, I lost all my appetite for food so I haven't been eating anything. I hope it goes away. Besides that, get better! I hope it isn't anything serious. Get Well!:):)[/color][/font][/size]
  10. [color=red][size=1][font=century gothic] My neighbor got the two secret pokemon. I forget their names. He has let me battle with them, they are cool. But I don't like to use legendaries in my team. It is just cheap to me. [/color][/font][/size]
  11. Ryan


    [color=red][size=1][font=century gothic] I personally think that Misty and Ash look a lot better together. May seemed a little immature for Ash to me in the sneak episode they showed on Kids WB. LK- Pikachu may be cute but he just gets downright annoying. Why does Ash always get to, or have to, be the hero. Why can't they let Misty or Brock or someone else be the hero for once? I don't understand it. [/color][/size][/font]
  12. Ryan

    Invader Zim

    [color=red][size=1][font=century gothic] All That used to be very funny back whenever they had Kenan and Kel and Amanda and Nick and a lot of other great oldies. But then they had to get all these new kids that aren't funny, that (in my opinion) have no talent in comedy, and just ruined the whole show. I don't watch it, it just isn't funny.[/color][/size][/font]
  13. [color=red][size=1][font=century gothic] I read somewhere that someone believed that when you went up to heaven you were somewhere in your 20s or something like that. I'm not sure about that, but then I am not sure about going to heaven at the age when you die. That would be kinda harsh since you couldn't have any fun. Being stuck at the Heaven Retirement Home. Wait. Nevermind about that lol! There are a lot of beliefs. I know quite a few people who believe in reincarnation. I don't think I would like to live again. Yes, I wouldn't remember my past life, but then you would have to deal with all of life's problems all over again, but you wouldn't remember it. I think I would just like to go up to heaven and not have to deal with any more problems. That would be nice!:)[/color][/size][/font]
  14. Ryan

    Invader Zim

    [color=red][size=1] [font=Century Gothic] Yes, it was sadly cancelled. I only saw a few episodes of it before it was cancelled and it looked pretty good. They still do show it sometimes on Nick, but I am usually watching something else. Too bad![/color][/size][/font]
  15. [color=red] [font=Century Gothic] [size=1] I think the doctors and nurses are just trying to do their job to try and help you. Yes, I would be grumpy too if I could only sleep one hour, but hey, you want to be ok, right? Keep us updated when you get some results. [/color][/font][/size]
  16. Ryan


    [color=orange] Man I wish he would evolve it to Raichu and that Pikachu would let him. I mean, to me Pikachu just gets old after a while.[/color]
  17. [color=orange] It is very good. I enjoy everything about it. I know you must have worked extremely hard on this piece so I want to say Good Job! It is very nice. I like the border a lot but yes I agree with Semjaza about how it would be better in some type of other piece. Other than that, I love it. I really do.:):)[/color]
  18. [color=orange] Ahhh! Man I liked the monochrome, James. No offense but the yellow (in my mind) has to go. It just doesn't work. Adding the yellow and green to the banner won't help it either. Take the yellow out and keep it grey like the banner and, perfect! That is just my idea. Man you were right about yellow being an unpopular here!:)[/color]
  19. [color=orange] That is why I don't watch Cartoon Network anymore. It sucks. I just buy the dvds with the episode and the japenese episode and watch those. It is alot better I think. PS: Oh and Frieza sucks.[/color]
  20. Ryan

    South Park Nomore :(

    [color=orange] HAHAHA! The J-Lo episode. Man that was funny. That was the first episode my neighbor saw of South Park because he had never heard of it until I showed him. Man that was a funny episode. If I had to say my favorite, then I think I would pick the Underpants Gnomes episode. Cartman just smacking them with a stick and the Gnome calling him a p*ss*. Man I was in tears the first time I saw that one.[/color]
  21. [color=orange] I think everyone has already cleared it up. It doesn't matter if you are a newbie or not, it just depends on your post quality. When someone is new to a new place, such as Otakuboards for example, they don't know the rules about the place. They don't know "the ropes". That is why newbies are more known for messing up a bit. But once you get the hang of things around here you fit right in. :) Everyone is a newbie at one point so everyone can relate to each other.:):)[/color]
  22. You can wait. Shikaku is just trying his best to make this RPG the best he can. The better it is, the more fun it will be, even if we have to wait a bit. He is just trying to sort everything out. Give him a little bit more time.:) PS: I edited it and my apologizes. I hope you don't feel bad!:)
  23. I remember ya Kinetic!:) No, your not unknown here, Bryan. Don't say that because you know your not. Um lemme think.... Actually I can't think of anything, not for you two or me. :bluesweat
  24. Ryan

    G/S Ball

    Ok thanks. I need a gameshark lol! I should probably go buy one today.
  25. I really don't know what my name would be. I guess whatever other people think it should be, should be it, on account that I don't really know. Ps: Ken, your banner is awesome...
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