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I have been called crazy... but thats not important
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OCC: Yes the dragons do have symbiots OCC: also the journey to the mountain will take time, so please RP conversations and such... I dont want to skip a day of story ...
Arturios leaned over from were he was perched on one of the older golds to speak to the hatchling and Phaelos as they prepared for the flight. "Phaelos, did she survive?" the symbiote looked surprised and looked away dully "I do not know my friend... She was in the ancient Ruins of the Ithilium mines when the attack began. about an hour into the fighting the Shadow-Kai Arrived and destroyed the entrance, she had not yet come out..." Arturios stared away into the distance with a look the group had never before seen on his face, shock. Phaelos looked at his old friend and siighed "She was your best pupil in the psionic arts, and a match for most of the ithilids at that, my friend, If anyone could survive, it is her." Arturios nodded and replied, "thank you my friend, but haste now is needed," He turned to the dragons with new resulve, "Come all of you, to the Mountain, and fly like the Shadow-kai are at your tails!!" with a flurry of wings the dragons took to the air and began the trip to Windbreaker
OOC GM Notice* ok people I gave the hint in the underground forum but im not seeing the movement... Decapitation people, that the thing Im looking for... lets get the story rolling again... I have some exciting stuff planned for you all at the mines... ^.^ so lets get this battle done away with ok? good! Message over*
Here's a hint for the undead creature, there is a week-point you can use to yuor advantage all undead creatures share... decapitation
Arturios smiled knowingly and watched as they attempted the use of healing magic... *their getting it at last...* he thought to himsel *... now lets see if the can figure out how to deliver the killing blow... lets slow the skeleton down for now* the hulking beast slowed and writhed in pain as the healing magic coursed through it
Arturios shook his head in distaste "This creature has a weakness... as do most "Undead" figure it out and its an easy kill... it wont die since its a puppet, but when i see you do what would normaly kill this thing as a team i'll dismantle it. so lets think everyone... what is the best way to kill an undead creature?"
"ENOUGH!" Arturios bellowed "If you cannot learn to work together on and off the battlefield then you will all be Killed! and Darkness is no reason to not practice! do you honestly think your enemy's will give you the luxury of waiting for the sun? They are shadow creatures, they will attack you when they are strongest, AT NIGHT! Now all of you, tell me how would you fight this..." Arturios thrust his staff towards the carcass of the ogre the Gold had burned earlier. the bones glowed with a blue green aura and reasembled themselves into a full ogre skeleton. "There is your opponent, figure out how to defeat it, its psionic so your amulets will have no effect on it." arturios sat down on a rock and motioned his had towards another of the ogres, its spine twisted and warped into a bone rapier that the skeleton grabed from the air. "Well? what are you waiting for?" Arturios asked
Arturios smiled and grabbed his staff, thrusting it into the ground, the sizeable chunk of voidstone flared to life on its tip. and glowing a bright blue, the air around the group began to shimmer with the same blue glow. Soon the entire area was covered by a visible barrier of psionic energy, that rippled and arced from the wraithwinds around it. "thats how" arturios said simply. One by one arturios grabbed the amulets from their places on the ground next to him and held them up with one hand. in a matter of moments the voidstone began to crackle with energy, then with a flash of blue-green fire, the stone's viloent reaction ended and he began his work on the next stone. as he worked he turned to look at Kyohen. "I know you feel that we are wasting time, kyohen, but we have to wait till dawn for the other Golds to arrive anyway. I myself also wish to get there as fast as possible" Arturios sighed "Damn... she had better still be alive... Phaelos, "He looked at the sleeping symbiote and host, "if you sent her to her death her parrents will kill me." Arturios seemed to suddenly realize he had been talking out loud and notiiced the concerned looks of the group who were staring both at him and at the current amulet he was working on which was blazing with an increadably violent flame. With a burst of concentration the flame died out and Arturios waved of the questioning stares as he handed back the amulets and removed his staff from the ground, "its nothing, just forget it"
Arturios looked up, "Ah Jarod... The group wanted to practice acting as a group, so they plan on sparing in a manor of speaking... Oh while im thinking of it... you all might want to let me see your voidstones for a moment. As im sure some of you noticed, the stone gets heavier over time. This is because the stone mearly acts as a sponge-absorbing the aura of shadow around it and converting it to psionic energy. the more energy it absorbs the heavier it becomes. Jarod, your amulet is obviously magic, and the voidstone is draining the amulets power. give me and Phaelos a few minutes to drain the psionic aura from the stones and they will be less of a burden."
Arturios nodded "Of course Kyohen, just remember, we are getting rides from the hatchlings clan in the morning... so dont attack any dragons you see while training... wouldn't want to kill your own rides." Arturios grabed a piece of parchment and a charcoal piece from the embers and looked at the group, "So how are we breaking up the teams?"
Arturios looked up and laughed lightly, "Ah but you've already taken the first steps in that direction. You came to an agreement as a group... and that is the central point of an adventuring party. As for working in combat as a team... that is a matter of determining each persons fighting style and using it acordingly." He paused and grabed a stick from the fire, putting out the flame on the end he began to write in the dirt "First you need to chose forward scouts, for that pick someone who is'nt comfortable in groups, as they will be alone for extended periods. Our friend Jarod is the obvious choice for that. Second co-ordinate your ranged attackers, Keirra and reaf for example, in possitions where they can lay down their firepower unhindered. third set up your main-line fighters and skirmishers, those who are agile should be skirmishers our zaion for instance, and the others should focus on concentrated attacks." Arturios finished drawing the diagram on the groud... "Of course all this requires a co-ordinator skilled in tactical knowledge, Kyohen is rumored to be a prodegy in that regard. thats the basics of working as a team, now you just have to learn to work in that fashion as if it were second nature"
speaking of Tolkien ... which i have no problems in including elements of his work... take a close look at the dragons note... which i got from D&D (which was inspired by tolkien's books) and then go read the description of smaug "A red-gold dragon" if golds ar good, then what happend in that family? and now another update to the fact sheet this time its a more detailed look at the Cat-people known as the Cathsheen 11. Cathsheen: Cathsheens are lithe feline being native to the plains of Kaydaeryn. Once, they where humans, but the ?Winds blew upon their ancestors.? The legends say their human forbearers kept great panthers as mounts, but in a truly horrific wraithstorm mount and rider became one in the same, and not in the centaur fashion either? at any rate, the Cathsheen stand around five and a half feet tall, are mostly humanoid, save for large pawed feet, feline ears, and a tail, To say nothing of their cat-like agility. Their hair tends towards reds and browns, and their eyes are yellow or green, with slit pupils. Their ears and tail are covered in fur of the same or similar color to their hair. Their Clothing is loose fitting and comfortable, and is made of cotton or linen died in reds, browns, and greens. Graceful and lighthearted, Cathsheen are renounced for there playful nature and open-minded cultural outlook. More than any other of Kaydaeryn?s races, the Cathsheen are the ones most likely to be drawn to the ruins from the wraith wars. Cathsheens live in small cities on the Upper steppes of the Phalasus wildlands, their building style is rather unusual, many buildings in these cities could be described as ?tree-houses,? indeed, some are all but impossible to enter save by climbing. While this doesn?t bother the Cathsheen at all, it can be a nuisance to earth-bound visitors. Usually the Cathsheen build ladders to assist such travelers, but they do not always remember to leave the ladders on the ground where the visitors can use them. Though not incredibly well known for their combat prowess, the Cathsheen are the undisputed masters of all that is stealthy. In the wraith wars, Cathsheen Rouges and assassins where instrumental in driving back the Orc Hordes to the Windless Sands, often taking out the Ogrok commanders with a silent sneak attack or a well placed arrow. Most Cathsheen are rouges. A fair number become Sorcerers wizards or Fighters, a few become druids, monks, or clerics, but Cathsheen Barbarians are all but unheard of. Cathsheen Nobles are rare, generally only one noble family lives in each Cathsheen City Over 100 posts on the Kaydaeryn thread! I am still surprised the RP is going so well... As a bonous Im going to give you some pointless facts that have NOTHING to do with the RP except that they inspired it. A. D&D is the premier RPG of most RPG clubs, it has been through four revisions and has spawned a multitude of champaign settings to provide you all maner of worlds B. BESM is the Anime RPG "Big Eyes Small Mouth" its Tri-stat system is what the Kaydearyn RPG I am working on will use for its ruleset. It allows for over the top characters that the more subdeud D&D and its D20 system dont So everyone, keep playing! [font=Trebuchet MS][color=Red]I merged your posts -- next time just edit ^^ -Bio [/color][/font]
Arturios turned to face the others of his party, "Mountain fortress in ash-fire and blood-war. A great massacre in the Valley. ?Demon enemy? wants human death. Fly to mountain Fortress." Arturios paused "thats what the dragon said, near enough at any rate, and as for the Symbiote, well..." Arturios sighed, "Thats just it Kyohen, the Imogi is the host of an Ilithid, and a promiment one at that. Everyone, Meet Phaelos, the owner of the windbreaker mines, and the person resposable for the voidstones that hang around your neck. but the three day wait does worry me. Why do we need to wait that long my old friend?" Phaelos seemed to stare sadly at the ground for a few moments before speaking "It would be impossible to enter the mountain by the main paths, the Sinhar have barracaded the paths and with the help of the forces of Bahamut are holding the summit and the mines. But the town in the valley below was massacred by Baaloths forces. My Host, the heir of the Takida clan of the Gold dragons offered himself as a new host when my original body was felled by one of Baaloths newest weapons, cross-bred dragons, both red and black... As for the three days... the Vault doors of the old Ithilium tunnels are now the only path up the mountain not blocked by Baaloths army, but the door only opens on the first day of the lunar month, the rising of the new moon." He paused and the dragon host made a series of gutteral noises that seemed to indicate it was talking to the Symbiote "Yes, if all goes well his famliy will be here by dawn tomorrow to fly us to the old Dwarven encampment. and before you ask young, Kyohen, the dwarven encampment is in a box canyon that is not accesable save by air..." Phaelos sighed "Oh for the return of the dwarven airships... at any rate, those are my reasons, you may deside what you will." Phaelos's host bowed politely and the curled up to sleep.
Arturios sat down next to the Hatchling and began to dig through his pack, apparently looking for something. A few moments later he produced a hand full of gems, rubies and emeralds, and offered them to the Dragon as one would offer a dog a piece of meat. With a gutteral chirp the gold Imogi responded in kind taking the gems into its mouth and eating them ravenously "Its a good thing you Metalics eat gems..." Arturios said smiling. The dragon suddenly turned its head to the side, seemed to stare off into space for a moment then it turned to the group remaining around the old sage and... spoke in the gutteral tongue of dragon-kind "Verthichahurthi Persvek Vignarixen Vur Iejiraryte. Turalisj kurikvargach Arux. Kotharirlym tour Munthrekloreat. Austrat ekes Verthichahurthi" Arturios Started "What?! A Blood-war? By the gods, what is Baaloth after?" Arturios said, obviously deeply disturbed by whatever the dragon had spoken. While the others gathered to ask Arturios what the dragon had said it spoke again, but this time the Eyes glowed with a bluish light... and this time the voice spoken in the common tongue, but it was not the dragons voice... "My Host is right, Arturios, we must get to the mountain, but not today, we must wait until the rising of the new moon" Arturios stared in shock, "Phaelos? you have a new host body I see... but that is three days time! what do we do until then? the dragon grunted in its own voice before the Symbiote spoke again "I... Do not know..."
[quote name='ThatOneOddDude']Hey, Daemos... when you told all the chars. to split up... you didnt tell me where ta go, am I with you or what?[/quote] er... thats a good question... anyone who wasn't told to do something is still with arturios... and the strangely friendly dragon hatchling here is an update of the factlist to keep you up to speed 8. Symbiote: Ithilids as most of Kaydaeryn know them are actually the result of the implantation of the Ithilid organism into a human host. in their natural state an ithilid is a squid like tadpole creature that cannot mature without a symbiotic relationship with a host. the "tadpole" replaces the brainstem, this is painless, as the brain has no sensory organs, but the personality of the host is forever altered. further, the body mutates as well resulting in the squid headed humanoid. in non human hosts which are much more rare, only the tentacles around the mouth appear. However on a gold dragon which has barbles similar to a catfish even these are almost unnoticable as the appear to BE part of the dragons barbles. however, the tentacles are fully moveable, the barbles are not... 9. Dragons and their colors: Dragons on Kaydaeryn fall under two catagories, Chromatic and Metalic. Chromatics (white, black, red, green, and blue) are ALWAYS evil, but may or may-not be a servant of Baaloth. Metalics (Gold, Silver, Copper, Brass, and Bronze) are ALWAYS good, and are often chosen at young age to be symbiote hosts to an ithilid "tadpole". Metalics and Chromatics follow the orders of their respective gods, Bahamut, the platinum dragon for the metalics; Tiamat the destroyer for the chromatics. if chromatics and metalics meet, unless the metalic is a smbiote, the dragons will fight to the death. 10. Shadow-Kai (part 2): I have mentioned that Baaloth was an evil Ilithid, the Shadow-Kai are Dark Symbiotes, usually with hosts formed of the forced cross breeding of captured elves and Red Dragon. these Grashin-thra as the dark tongue calls the half dragons are forced to recieve a spawn of Baaloth as a symbiote.