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Everything posted by LashamaruChaos

  1. [COLOR=Gray]As the others were doing their stuff, some weird, fiery red eys turned to amber, before it disappeared in the bush. There were some strange winds and strange blurs, passing the others. The Mexican, Marik, had a chill down his spine; though it was 89 degrees. :confused: "I see demons." said the mexican, and with that, a cat demon, the size of Joey, pounced on Kaiba. She had hair that was whitish-peach, claws as big as daggers (scary, isn't it?), a cute face, a jumpsuit that was made with salmon colored nylon and some tech on her skin, and a cat's tail coming out of her butt crack. Strangely, she tore off Kaiba's swim shorts and ran off, laughing maniacly. Everyone but Mariku, knew what it was. _______________________________________ P.S. I made my character tear off Kaiba's swim trousers for some people to laugh! I WILL do that again, but on Joey, and I'll stab him with the nails... hard. :laugh: [/COLOR]
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