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Everything posted by Leofski
I does look awesome, but it didn't blow me out of the water the same way the Gankutsuou trailer did. It doesn't have the same visual edge that had, but then Gankutsuou is in a special visual category all by itself. I'm a little worried about stretching a play of 2 hours to a television series of 11,but I trust GONZO to pull out the stops on their flagship "artier" productions, as opposed to their pumpkin scissors and chrno crusades. Did anyone else notice the music was "Romeo and Juliet"?
It's not really suprising at all, considering 3 of his defense lawyers were assassinated and the first judge resigned due to politival interference.
Where I was at school, we had practically the opposite. Just explainations of how various methods work, relative safety and the biology. Hell, we even had to put condoms on pink plastic penises. For a program to incorporate abstinence is pretty sensible, really nothing has the same likelihood of preventing STIs, pregnancies and firebrand preachers, but to not educate people about other methods, and to make them hard to acquire, is just odd.
Avast ye, Scurvy Swabs! I'd have to be a pirate, the larcenous part of me soul (ie the majority) could never stand the simple life of a ninja. All that effort for no loot, no doubloons, pieces of eight or my favourite, puffy shirts! To add to the keyblade debate, no ninja needs a keyblade. Why? Any ninja using a key would have to commit seppuku on the spot. It doesn't make a difference that its a valid weapon, ninji and keys mix modesty and Johny Borrell. May the blessings o' Blackbeard beam upon ye!
Anything by Pratchett is great fun, if its available in the states. Also the old favourites like Feist, Gemell, Asimov, Banks, Dick etc. Also, when it come out in the US later this month, buy/borrow/steal The Lies Of Locke Lamora by Scott Lynch, you will be entertained.
I'm a reaonable skier for a brit, since we have next to no opportunity for real skiing. Never done snowboarding, as since I only go once a year I want to make the most of my time in the mountains, rather than faff about on the nursery slopes.
The odd thing about this film is that post 9/11, films that just contained images of the twin towers had warnings labelling them as possibly disturbing and no film touched the subject for a number of years. On the other hand, 8 months after the London tube bombings, a film actually has a train full of explosives blowing up a major national landmark. On the other hand its true to the comic, so I'd personally blow up the director and editing team if they'd taken it out.
Socks are great. They keep my feet nice and warm, and break through my university firewall. For foot warming, I tend to opt for block dark colours, since they go with everything and the style of sock varies from the sports style to the normal sock variety. These socks in no way affect my internet connection.
I'm willing to admit that I have probably had this level of stench, but that was at the Reading festival. IE 4 days and nights in a muddy field, too busy rocking out for personal hygiene. I've known guys who've gone home with trench foot, and on the last morning things like tents and gas canisters get thrown on bonfires leading to one almighty stench if its been a rainy year. Dry ones are quite a lot better.
I enjoyed the film a lot, but I would recommend the original comic to anyone. Although it is pretty old (it was written in the 80s), it makes a bit more sense than the film and gives a slightly different spin to plot. The use of the 1812 overture was great though.
I heard that as well. You've got to love an actor who will only be in a film because it is this dumb. Must have been why he was in the star wars prequels too.
I have exams next week. Not too worried though, Multiple choice FTW!!! A decent mark in one of them will get me out of my final for that module as well, which would be very nice.
I'm fairly fond of "start wearing purple" by gogol bordello at the moment. To paraphrase something else, its like Borat writing bananaphone, but much better than that sounds.
I'd take the smell. At least you don't have it in your mouth. I'd also take the CATS. Being endlessly told that all my base are belong to him might be pretty funny. fail in style or cheat and win?
Pirates would probably win. After all pirates have a huge number of advantages, including but not limited to: 1. Pirates are often drunk on grog. This has a combination of effects including anaesthetic and antiseptic qualities. Those crazy pirates wouldn't even feel a throwing star in the head, and that poison wouldn't do anything either. 2. Ever wonder why pirates wear eyepatches? I bet you though they lost their eyes in "accidents", eh? In reality, eyepatches merely conceal laser eyes! Or hypnoeyes! 3.It has been suggested that Pirates have no long range power. They have cannons, duh! Plus they can invoke the Flying Spaghetti Monster! 4.At least 30% of pirates also have the zombie subtype, making them practically unkillable. 5. Pirates can make illegal copies of the ninjas and samurai to fight for them in a pinch. QED Pirates win.
To kind of paraphrase Von Hayek,if you want a huge institution like a world government need to evolve over time, rather than just be built overnight. It would be almost impossible to maintain a democracy, since entire ex-countries would feel as though they had no influence. Economic conditions would be steered to benefit certain areas and assuming borders were opened, some countries immigration could prove untenable. A unified wages and taxation system would be needed to keep a fairly even population distrubution. In other words, every nation with power would be opposed as it would drastically reduce their utility, or every developing nation would be oposed as the system would be designed to keep them poopr and where they are. The only viable routes that I can see for a world government is for it to be formed through greater integration between countries over a period of centuries leading to a single government or through conquest with an absolutely huge occupying force and absolute zero tolerance terrorism, dissent etc though such a government wouldn't be one you want to live under, and still has a good chance to implode.
I agree with Stuart. Questioning the existence of dinosaurs is probably one of the surest ways to kill a thread.
Hitler also came up with the olympic torch. It is illegal to cross the minnesota/wisconsin border with a duck on one's head.
Contributions are based on national income, therefore it makes sense that the U.S is the largest contributor. The point of this system is that most of the money comes from those who earn more, like most western countries tax systems. Who did you think would be the largest contributor? Ethiopia? It's sort of like how theoretically even if you pay more tax than anyone else you still have to listen to the government.
I've just come back to the game after an extended break ( I got shown how to break my uni firewall) and found my old guild disbanded and many of my mates gone. Would it be possible to join QKT, either through the international districts or region switching. I'm a reasonably proficient PvE player (@ Thunderhead Keep atm), with very little PvP experience.
Micropacifism works. The individual can be a pacifist and avoid violence, just like anything else. Macropacifism, in my opinion doesn't. For a state to entirely eschew violence. Unarmed neutral belgium was as stated above, invaded in WWII precisely because it was an easy route to France, while Switzerland, which has armed neutrality wasn't, although other factors such as terrain would have been involved in the planning. Such a system might also be both easy to subvert from within or without and its leaders wouldn't ultimately be answerable to anyone. How can you remove someone from office in a pacifist society if they refuse?
Code Name / Call Sign:King Ultimate Killa Gender (If Applicable): Male Location: Suburbs of Gatorville, Florida Age: 14, but 16 in 24 months time! Personal Appearance : Tall, muscular and handsome with awesome hair and clothes. By which I mean 5'7", skinny with acne, dandruff and a cheap leather coat. He wears amulet in the shape of the Kanji for "Unstoppable Asassin", but his friend Jamie, who does Japanese 101, can't find in his dictionary (though it looks remarkably similiar to "gullible fool" to him). To defeat his enemies he carries a genuine $50 Ninja-to, with a wobbly blade to make it harder to block and a genuine blunt edge, as well as a significantly more expensive cellphone to talk loudly into at convinient moments. Personality/Behavior: The Ultimate Killa fears no-one. As such he charges head-on in to situations as quickly as possible, then manouvers to either use stealth or cunning to defeat the foe. Typical schemes involve lying on the floor crying to lull the enemy in to a flase sense of security and crouching behind cover about to sneak up on the foe. Unfortunately, His schemes seem to be ready the moment after the situation has resolved. He is however a fan of, and dab hand at CS and Soul Calibur, although his PC does have a folder labelled "WallHax and Aimbots". Dislikes tidying, homework, satsumas, green food, cool people and doubters. So god forbid any villain combining those properties!! Personal History: On his way home from school, Timmy Thompson bought an amulet from a mysterious hippy boutique, as well as cake which the crustiest hippy elder told him to eat in order to commune with the spirit of the amulet. It cost him half his allowance but that was a small price to pay for Ultimate Power! Even if it had cost him a whole month's allowance, he'd skill have got it. After tidying his room and not doing his homework, he took out the amulet and ate the small cake and The Spirit of Awesomeness appeared before him. The Spirit of Awesomeness looked kinda awesome, sort of like Neo,Optimus Prime, Goku, a biker mouse from mars and Spiderman rolled in to one. "What do you want" spake The Spirit of Awesomeness. "I want to be ninja, I mean a pirate, a cowboy, a butler, a terrorist, a Super saiyan..... ballerina, monkey, goldfish........oooooooooooooooooooooohhh" replied Timmy, distracted by a burst of pretty colours. "Granted" proclaimed The Spirit of Awesomeness and Timmy was filled with the cowherding skill of the ninja, stealth of the drunken pirate, the nautical knowledge of the cowboy, so on and so forth. Plus he could make a mean martini. It was about then that the dancing dogs appeared and the fairies played poker and after that it all got hazy. Timmy didn't go to school the next day. Who needs school when you have Ultimate Power? Instead he went to town in an effort to dish out some justice and look totally sweet. Through a bizzare set of coincidence includung but not limited to a speeding truck, an escaped walrus and a faulty can of hair spray,the criminal mastermind Marmite McNab fell unconscious right in front of him, granting him "superhero" status on his records and an invitation to join Hero Patrol soon followed. Now Timmy mixes school and amatuer heroism, since the Hero Patrol command cannot allow truants to go uncaught, along with litterers and jaywalkers. He fights crime and villainy with his trademark self-confidence, right up to his seven o'clock curfew! Special Skills or Abilities (If any):What isn't Ultimate Killa capable of? Who knows! However since it would be a rather long list I'll leave it to your imagination. He has several abilities that could be "special", including OCD about the arrangement of spoons and double jointed big toes.
I'm OTC atm, which is for university students here in the UK, having been in the CCF at school. As such I am technically a reservist, though really you won't get called up unless it gets to the point where everyone gets called up. So you do alot of the same stuff as before, all the drill, map reading etc with assault rifles, pay and field training alternate weekends. Pretty good fun and means I don't have to work in the normal sense, I think I may have turned a profit this term.
We had Maggie Thatcher over here. She seemed to do all right, so no reason I can see why there shouldn't be a female US president. Sure, the jokes might be pretty hard on her husband, but atm this thread almost translates as "Is it possible for Hilary Clinton to run next election?". I certainly can't think of anyone from the republican side, although my knowledge isn't that good.
.[QUOTE] My question is would you rather serve in heaven or reign as ruler in hell? I got this form a commercial on Sci Fi advertising the Ninth Gate.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Better to reign in hell than serve in Heaven.[/QUOTE] I'm going to stick with Paradise Lost here. My question: What's your favorite word?