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If someone gave you $1,000,000 what would you do with it?
Leofski replied to a topic in General Discussion
Invest it. Live off the returns. Just about. -
The rift between ninjas and pirates began in 1563, when Blackbeard and Blackcatsuit, the foremost pirate and ninja of the age were in preschool. Blackcatsuit was round Blackbeard's place playing with a trainset. Blackcatsuit wanted to use Blackbeard's favourite train, the "Adventure Prize", but Blackbeard wouldn't let him. Most preschool kids would have started crying, but Blackcatsuit was a ninja-preschool kid meaning he flipped out and killed Blackbeard's pet cat Nibbles. It would have been pretty sweet if they had then had a fight but their moms came in and Blackcatsuit got taken home. Ever since that day, you've heard ninjas complaining about the greed of pirates and pirates complaining about ninjas being no-good, cat-killing, sneaky, little landlubbers. Since both ninjas and pirates are totally sweet, this is likely to go on till the end of time, but both of them complain about their moms.
Ultimate is including the dawn, which I believe is the first volume. At least the ad in young king ours showed young Walter, so it's fairly likely. Beyond that on the starting point I can't really help you, just remember that the anime differed from the manga from episode 1 on, and that the story was completely different from episode 7 onwards. They may decide to do a more faithful run on the earlier chapters, although in my opinion the first episode is superior to the first chapter of manga which rushes too much. Perhaps the creater will be going back to the storyboards, since if he is in charge of the series, it will be the canon. The trailer shows some of the current (volume 9) storyline. That section is pretty hot.
Jokes - You got any you want to share?
Leofski replied to Shadow Blade's topic in General Discussion
A mathematician, a biologist, and physicist are watching an empty building, when 2 people walk in. Five minutes later, three people walk out. The physicist says " Ah well, the building can't have been empty." The biologist disagrees "They must have procreated while inside" The mathematician says "Now if one more person goes in it will be empty again." Why did the scarecrow win the Nobel prize? Because he was outstanding in his field. There are 10 types of people. Those who understand binary and those who don't. Sorry about the horrible geek jokes....it won't happen again. -
My favourite element atm is Roentgenium (pardon any mispelling). As the most recently named element (2004 I think), checking to see whether its on a given periodic table gives you something to do when surrounded by them in chem lectures. Is compound interest the most powerful force in the universe?
I don't think its entirely fair to target this especially at hollywood. I assume most people here are are anime fans. How much anime isn't based on a manga, book or legend? How much anime is popular due to the fights or because of "hot" characters? Even Miyazaki's latest film is based on a novel. The same serialization can also be seen in literature. How many sucessful authors don't return to the characters that gave them their hits? Your criticism is valid, but to level it at Hollywood alone is unreasonable. Its present in all aspects of entertainment, and we as consumers are just as much to blame. When you go to the cinema do you opt for "great little indy film" or "Big Franchise III" starring "Megastar"? I know which one I normally watch, and until I change that I can't make a serious complaint against Film makers. Film distrubutors whopbut great releases in one cinema for one week, but not the film makers.
I'm usually alright, but I build up anger over a long time.Eventually I blow up on someone whether they deserve it or not, which can be pretty bad. Back when I got a load of **** almost 24/7 at school (Boarding, so no way out) that used to be every couple of months, but I've been Ok for the last year or so. Thankfully.
I've just read the first three chapters of this manga and it impressed me. The plot begins with a boy called Amani Riku entering a hospital which is the backdrop in a photo of a girl on his mobile phone. When he stumbles in on, and is subsequently attacked by thugs, an old friend of his appears to bail him out. Then the wierdness begins. It appears creatures called kanshu can possess humans though their cellphones and some fighting ensues. Needless to say there are a few superpowers thrown in to the mix and by the end of the first chapter I though I'd found another Bleach. The next two chapters then moved more in to shojo territory as Riku finds himself looking after the eponymous embryo and the chil that emerges and begins delving into the past hinted at in the first chapter. So why did I like it? The blend of action and development is pretty good, and the art style isn't normal for a "fighting" manga (as this may turn out to be, its from young king ours, the same monthly as Hellsing), without dropping much detail for the action scenes. It maybe a little more grown-up than most as well. The translation is also pretty good, without any noticable errors. I can't post a link, but pm me if you want the address.
I am a games geek who boarded at a boys' school, so I've played most of them games. Magic and the games workshop titles are the ones I've probably played most heavily though. Magic isn't really big over here so we didn't often play people from elsewhere and adapted the rules a little to fit our schedule and allow us to play more than once in our breaks, but since none of us had enough cash to engineer decks by buying loads of cards or many singles, so our deck structure despite colour preferences was pretty fluid, depending on luck and trades and we all new each others "Big" cards and combos. The only constant was that despite introducing half of us to the game, in the five or so years of play, Raiyuu almost always got owned.
I think Samurai Deeper Kyo and/or Saiyuki (I can't remember; they're my friend's books) have a glossary of sound effects in the back which might be handy for you.
I saw them live the other day, having never heard any of their stuff before. They seemed pretty good, really got the crowd going. Their not really my thing but I was at a festival so caught some of them before watching someone else.
Bush Begins Crackdown on Internet Freedom - Starting with Porn!
Leofski replied to Lafleur's topic in General Discussion
I not particularly with either side on this debate to say that the porn industry has no power in America is slightly wrong. It was Playboy after all who financed the Wade vs. Roe case that legalised abortion in the US, and if I remember correctly, the industry makes a hell of a lot of money, so it won't just be a case of them slapping restrictions on internet sites. I'd be suprised if there weren't some high profile appeals. -
She's just doing the same thing Madonna did. She's married an english guy and is living over here, so she has to make more "american" music to show that she's "keeping it real".
An arm, a leg and half a foot: the gas price thread
Leofski replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
I work at a petrol (gas) station here in England. Currently, we're at 92p (about $1.5) a litre or $6.3 a gallon. Funny thing is that even then it's technicly underpriced in terms of its social costs, so maybe these rising prices aren't such a bad thing. -
It depends on context. For instance, having read the manga, I would be suprised if any TV stations here ( The UK) bought Naruto, since they only appear to pick-up pokemon, yu-gi-oh and their ilk, yet because of its length it isn't likely to be released on DVD either. In such a situation, one could advocate downloading ethically. Also, in the case of the music industry, downloaders are being used as scapegoats for the industry's poor performance in recent years. Taping songs off the radio didn't make all the record companies shut down and to what extent really is this different from downloading. Add to this that it has repeatedly been found that people who download music also buy more CDs than those who don't, and it appears that the industry is actively trying to alienate its core consumers. Please note that to an extent I am playing devil's advocate and I download very little, all of it unlicensed anime.
Anime (and manga) are just ways in which to present a story, to say that it is all exclusively for adults or children is like saying all cinema or theatre is for one group or the other. Obviously, they generally have a target audience, but that comes from the content not the medium.
I Shin Megami's is could but for me it's an RPG of '05, it came out about about a month ago here in Blighty.
If by "real alchemy" you mean chemistry, then yes, I study it. If you were very patient you might be able to turn lead in to gold at an atomic level, using alpha and beta radiation, but really what would be the point? It would take ages and be more expensive than just buying the gold. The Elixir of Life though, can't help you there. If you are interested in alchemy, in fact even if you're not, read Ben Jonson's "The Alchemist", one of the most entertaining plays I've ever read, though make sure you get a version with language notes if you do, it can be tough going.
For those of you who don't know, this morning six bombs went off in London on the bus and tube network. Currently the entire transport system is down in central London, the number of casulties is unknown and no organisation has claimed responsability. If my mother had had her way, I'd be working in London this week,and would have had to go through one of the stations that was hit.I'll post more as more gets released.
Name: Kurosawa Akito Gender: Male Rank: XI Squad, 7th Seat Appearance: Akito is a tall, lean man, who wears creased and dirty shinigami robes. With his unkempt, short black hair and bags under his green eyes, its clear that he's been sleeping, rather than training, which is backed up by his general posture and slothful movements outside of combat. Zanpakutoh Appearance :Akito's Zanpakutoh is fairly simple in design, without ornamentation. However its straighter and more blade-heavy than most, with a smaller guard Name: Shuukaku Shikai Call-Out: Kai (Reap, apparently) Shikai Appearance: When it is released, Shuukaku's hilt lengthens to about 7 feet, while the blade becomes more pointed, turns perpendicular to the hilt and lengthens to form a scythe. The lower edge of the blade also becomes barbed. Shikai Power: If Akito plants the blade in the ground, the barbs extend to strike enemies through the floor. Bankai:N/A Personality: If there's one thing Akito likes, its sleep and he shows little mercy on those that interrupt it. His captain despairs of him, knowing that if he applied himself he could easily climb up the ranks, perhaps even to vice captain level, but very little seems to motivate him and he doesn't train as much as he should. Character Snippit:Akito awoke with a thud in the middle of the training grounds, which was odd, since he'd been in bed when he went to sleep. He stood up, yawning and stretching, and was about to walk off to bed when he notice vice-captain Yasutoro (which explained how he'd got here) and 5 low-ranked squad members. "Train" the vice-captain muttered, and the five all moved towards him. "Can't I get some piece and quiet here? Guess not." said Akito under his breath as he drew Shuukaku.
I was at a party earlier this year and my uncle, who's party it was, asked me to get photos of everyone there. Vernon Kay and his wife were there and had no problem with it, but then I tried to get Hugh Grant, who was too cool to let me and kept moving so that I couldn't. Got him in the end though with my mighty telephoto zoom lens.
Until recently I'd have said marvel. Their core characters are more accessable than DCs, and until recently their hadn't been any good DC films. On the other hand, DCs characters are generally more "believable". Blackjack says superman is too invincible and god-like, but marvel has thor, who is a god, and Galactus, who eats planets. I've also come to like some of DC's vertigo characters, especially from the sandman stories. Also Batman Begins Rocks
HMV and Virgin normally have the most popular/recent anime in stock so it's always worth a look.
I agree. It's the most enjoyable non-spinal tap commentary I've heard. If its the same one I've got there are a lot of British references in though, so others might not "get it" as much.
Anime What Separates anime from normal shows?
Leofski replied to haruko girl's topic in Otaku Central
On most of the content points above that boils down to two things: culture and cost. In the west, you don't really get cartoons made people over 10, they are, after all, seen by the majority as "babyish". This means that making a universe with scope on par with Bebop, Eva or Last Exile become impossible. Think about how much any of those series would cost to make in live action. The suits would have a fit. With the absence of "real" actors, strong characterization becomes vital. Animated characters, in themselves, are harder to empathize with. Compare a photo of a scene with a stylised drawing of the same scene, more people will probably feel a connection with the people in the photo. Hence strong writing is required to overcome anime characters inherent lack of charisma, through the action and dialogue. On the subject of the original thread topic, in my opinion anime is eastern animation, but it loses this classification if you're watching a particularly poor dub.