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Everything posted by Leofski

  1. I just watched 1-33 this week and it seriously impressed me. The characterisation was very good, particularly since I was expected a more childish series having previously only seen 11-13, and some sequences are absolutely first rate, particularly episodes 18-20 which take the anime staple of intensive training and take it to new extremes. With Bleach being my most studied subject this week, i was lucky to get a question on bleach in my chemistry exam.
  2. In response to the comment about dial-up above, there is a little lag in big fights and loading new areas can take a couple of minutes. Its still utterly playable, my main problem is going to come when my parents get the phone bill for the next quarter. On the PvP and guilding questions, since all the PvP arenas are (I think) available with RP characters you can just party up for them, but they won't count for guild rankings.
  3. I enjoyed Mesmerise, though not to the extent of Toxicity. In my opinion it has very good songs , BYOB, Lost in Hollywood and Sad Statue foremost, but lacks killer tunes that hook anyone who listens to them in, like Bounce. Then again the press are already touting Hypnotize as the band's masterpiece, so perhaps that's where they are.
  4. It wasn't looking good. They didn't have the packaging and the mission was rapidly degenerating in to a full on battle royale. Both the opponents James had already taken out were up on their feet. It was almost time, but not quite yet. He spotted the guy who'd knocked himself out leading schoolgirl away, looked like he had to make a move now. The guy seemed a little shocked to see Kurosawa charging towards him and raised his hands to protect his nose and mouth, letting go of the package, but was more shocked when Jimmy passed right through him. Before the unfortunate disposer could react he couldn't see for apparitions of Kurosawa. "Go!" they shouted at Raiyuu in unison.
  5. This made me laugh. In most places, small business are knocked down to make way for multiplex cinema complexes. In Hay on wye ( a small town in England, famous for its bookshops), someone opened a cinema, but the business shut down and the building is now second-hand bookshops. To prove that I'm not just making this up: HAY CINEMA BOOKSHOP. (Inc. FRANCIS EDWARDS). The Old Cinema, Castle Street, Hay-on-Wye, via Hereford HR3 5DF Tel: (01497) 820071. Fax: 821900. web: [url]www.haycinemabookshop.co.uk[/url]. Hay-on-Wye's converted cinema carries a running stock of 200,000 Secondhand Books on all subjects. GROUND FLOOR: Children's, Sport, Social Sciences, Theology, Esoterica, Paperbacks, Transport, Remainders & Bargain Books, Performing Arts, Natural History, Science, Art. FIRST FLOOR: Travel & Topography, History and Literature. ALSO on the First Floor is FRANCIS EDWARDS, Specialists in Antiquarian and Rare Books since 1855. Catalogues in all subjects are issued- regularly, please 'phone for details. The Francis Edwards section usually has about 5,000 Fine Books on display. We are always willing to purchase single books of importance, collections, or entire libraries of quality secondhand books. Opening hours: Mon - Sat 9.00 - 7.00 (inc. Bank Hols). Sun 11.30 - 5.30. Free car parking for patrons. We also have the world's largest outside bookshop of cheap books Also I once saw a label from a knife made in Korea saying "please do not place in children". That made me laugh as well.
  6. For further (vaguely) Tolkeiny Metal, Rhapsody tour with Christopher "Saruman" Lee dressed as a king. I heard some Nightwish and just couldn't get into it. To me it just didn't seem like proper metal and gave me bad memories of a night at the opera :animeswea .
  7. Looks like I'm furthest on the main quest at the mo. I've fought my way through to Druid's Overlook in the Crystal Desert, and at level 13 seem to be among the weakest, so I'm heading back to Lion's Arch, especially since I need a signet of capture to pick up some lovely elite skills.
  8. I'm goingto have to go with England as well 1. The Rolling Stones 2. The Zep 3.David Bowie I was tempted to put the Jimi Hendrix experience up there, but since only the less important 2/3 were British I thought I'd leave them out. Also, for Canada, how can you put Bryan Adams on, but leave off great canadian ska bands like (I think) the mad caddies.
  9. I have to say I disagree with you. I think Demon Days may well be overall a more solid album than their self titled original. "Gorrilaz" had some great tracks, but also some pretty bad ones, with Clint Eastwood and 19/2000 as it's best, while even at first listen 5/4 and some of the other tracks grated and never really grew on you. On the other hand, I've been listening to "Demon Days" fairly regularly and struggle to think of a single track I don't like. On your other point though, that their are fewer genres represented, I agree with you.
  10. What is there is fairly good, but it is hard to read. Not just the lack of paragraphs,but also all the speech marks and apostrophes are question marks, which makes it hard to follow. On the positive side, it looks like you have some interesting things to put into the future chapters and this one could well draw you in, particularly if you sort out the punctuation and grammar.
  11. At the moment, no song can compete with the "Crazy Frog" song. It's currently number one here in the UK and is literally a mobile phone ringtone released on CD. Now I don't particularly like Coldplay's single, but had someone said to me a few weeks ago "will it get to number one when it's released", I, like most people, would probably have said yes. No-one, not even Chris Martin deserves to be beaten to the top spot by a ringtone.
  12. In game my name is Leo the Red. I'm at Nolani Academy, so I don't know how far that places me in relation to you guys (I'm also on the europe region which makes it slightly harder). I'm not in a guild at the moment. I'd like to join one if anyone will have me though.
  13. Things weren't looking good. Raiyuu was in trouble, some kind of TK user was hurling things at him and Kurosawa had left the package alone. First things first though, busting Raiyuu out of trouble was his priority. Funny how this seemd to happen on so many jobs. Raiyuu would rush out by himself and get in to serious trouble. It had always worked out in the past, but you could never tell when it wasn't. It seemd that Raiyuu's aggressor hadn't clocked Jimmy yet, all his attention was on the cardsharp, and he was focusing hard to maintain his assault. Perfect conditions. Jimmy casually walked up behind him and let the chloroform rag claim another victim. However much he did it that one never got old. Raiyuu blinked, not suprising as his opponent had just dropped before his eyes.However, he was used to the signs and manged to focus on Jimmy quickly enough, just a few seconds. "We need to go, buddy! I left the package behind." The girl might be coming round in a few minutes, so they needed to be off this train fast.
  14. I've got no real plans at the moment, other than I need some money for uni and I've got to tickets for a big music festival in august, so Blackjack and I will be kincking back with some rocking live tunes and some beers.
  15. The "Has OB been n00bed?" thread in Otaku lounge got me thinking whatif the 1337 actually invaded the board. Here's the result of twenty minutes or so quick writing. I'll try to finish it in the next couple of days. Leofski sighed heavily. Things weren?t easy on the front lines without a mod rod, but Blackjack had dragged him out to the frontier to battle the 1337 invasion. It was tough fighting daily for the right to use correct punctuation, doing battle to maintain proper spelling. As Blackjack?s second in command, he was expected to maintain order in a group of newbs gathered from across the correctly-spelling forums. Normally this wasn?t too much bother, with them being too intimidated by the regulars to risk their wrath, but on certain subjects they just couldn?t cope and rabid fanboyism bordered on 1337ness . So far he?d had to send three for court-moderation, once for failing to classify their thread, and twice for poor spelling and punctuation in the face of the enemy. In each case they?d been politely chastised, before being sent back to the front. Some of the hardliners said that this was unacceptable, that such behaviour, even from fresh newbs, should be dealt with more harshly, but they needed everyone they could get to push back the ?PH34R50M3 PH0RC35 0F1337NE55? as the enemy had taken to calling themselves. The enemy had password protected their headquarters and outnumbered the forces of the punctuating world by tens to one, but still pockets of stoic resistance survived around the web. Their squad got in to position just before the deadline. Although they had got less predictable since the advent of widespread broadband, the 1337 usually staged their major attack at 6pm, the start of off-peak dial-up. Sure enough, on the hour a vast wave of obnoxious adolescents appeared and charged towards their position as they moved in to range, Leofski begun to hear their garbled posts, rattling off the registration requirement of the board, ?Ph34r m3?s, ?H4xx0r5? and ?m4d 5k1((2? filling the air. It wouldn?t be long until one of them broke through. ?Watch and post!? ordered Blackjack, above the clamour of the 1337 and the sobbing of fresh troops entering the first battle. Sure enough, a particularly nasty obnoxious adolescent, got through wailing ?PH34R MY 1337 H4X5K1((2!?. The troops were on to him like a flash, politely asking him to desist, slowing him down until a moderator could bring their mighty rod to bear, locking the boy down until he faded away. There was no time to be cheered by his removal though, as through the rent he had torn through the outpost?s defences poured hundreds of ?1337R00P3R5?, commanded by around ten of the terrible ?H4XX0R5?. Around Leofski, a few troops fell to the 1337 onslaught, the squad pinned down by a flurry of ?PH34R5?, the board therapist doing what they good, trying to restore the damaged to their former selves. Blackjack fought desperately to restore order while simultaneously keeping up a barrage of mod rod fire at the oncoming foe. The artillery fire from behind their lines was beginning to reap a heavy toll, James and Dagger changing tens of ?F34R50M3 D34TH K1((3R5? in to "fluffy bunnies" with their name changing powers. The battle appeared to be heading in the direction of the Otaku Outpost forces until the ?H4XX0R5? broke through the lines knocking out an entire elite board on their way, challenging the command squad to counterstrike, bricking that section of the battlefield to a standstill as the ?H4XX0R5? waited impatiently for the commanders to install half-life, firing a violent volley of vowel-less insults at nearby troops.
  16. On a political level, it's definatly possible. I admire George Galloway for his performance in the senate last week, but dislike him as a person and for his policies.
  17. Leofski


    Goto [url]www.turnuptheska.com[/url], its an online radio station so you can listen to loads of ska bands without having to pay for them or download the music. There are some great bands like the Taj Mahal Trio iwouldn't have heard of if I hadn't used it. Also,check out the mad caddies.
  18. Jimmy twisted in the air to land on his feet, more shocked than injured. This girl wasn't bad, to mange to hit him, or had she just been lucky. He took a quick step back in to the salarymen, his natural camoflage, and took his special hankerchief out of his pocket He could see the blond girl look round for him and hoped she wouldn't attack the group just to find him. As she didn't make any move towards him, Kurosawa assumed she hadn't managed to spot him again, until he felt a creeping cold touch his ankle on a boiling Tokyo summer day. As the cold continued it's advance up his extremities, Jimmy knew he had to act now. Moving slowly through the crowd in the carriage to avoid the girls attention, he managed to close in behind her. Two metres... one metre ....As soon as he was in striking distance he reached round the the girl's head and forced his sodden handkerchief over her mouth and nose. As he let go and stepped away the girl dropped to the floor, a few of the men around her rushed to help her, whether through genuine altruism or because of the uniform he'd never know. But as he left carriage in the directio Raiyuu and the other recoverer were heading, Kurosawa silently thanked God for chloroform.
  19. Leofski


    This may be your first time so just a couple of points. 1. Which book? Your post doesn't really tell us anything about what you want to discuss. 2. All threads here should be rated. You can check the system in the sticky thread at the top. If you bear these points in mind and repost this thread, then it might be possible to have a good discussion.
  20. Kurosawa sighed inwardly. There was no point trying to have a conversation with Raiyuu when he was distracted by his mission, he just forgot that James was there at all. Still, he was used to it. At school, his teachers were shocked by his exam results, since they thought he bunked every lesson. Jimmy glanced around looking for tails. Those two were still there, a fewseets back. Having rased being inconspicous to an art form, Kurosawa knew all the tricks. The woman in the suit and the schoolgirl seemed all right individually, but together something seemd wrong. He tapped the cardsharp firmly on the hand to get his attention. "Hey, Raiyuu. Bogeys at 6 o'clock!"
  21. I recently finished reading [I]Ender's Game[/I] and it's sequels. As I read the books the idea of a person losing touch with the universe due to relativistic travel seemed hugely original. However, I this week read Joe Haldeman's [I]The Forever War[/I], which did the same thing earlier, as well as reasonable parallels to [/I]Rip Van Winkle[/I]. I was wondering whether anyone else had experienced the same thing, an concept that seemed utterly new, that you later found had been done better in the past. Obviously, all idea for plots and gimmicks were new once, but just as there are supposedly only five basic plots, there may only be a limited number of tools to tell these stories with.
  22. Seems I'm in the opposite boat to most people here. I never read more than one book at a time, but my attention span can be scary. I generally read books in a day, if i'm not interupted a sitting. I just enjoy reading.
  23. Name- James Kurosawa Alias- The Unnoticable man Gender- male Affiliation- Transport Service Describe yourself in five words- Seen Unnoticed Smart Transport man Appearance- Half-european, Half-Japanese, Tall and given to suits and long coats. Ability- While he is concious and in a 15-metre area around him, people percieve all his actions as being perfectly natural and reasonble. Blackjack and I on transport. Looks like a good team.
  24. As well as the points above, you have to be careful with regioning. Make sure you will be able to play the discs!
  25. I have to say last exile. Whatever one thinks of the story, it's impoosible to say it's not beautiful, while at the same time it fuses classical and futuristic design while remaining understated and not giving into the the evil lure of garish primary colours.
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