Otaku Princess
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[quote name='Dagger IX1]Regarding other animal sidekicks... Shiina was the [i]only[/i'] good thing about Vampire Princess Miyu TV[/quote] [color=DarkOrchid]I was trying to remember that name! I think so too. Well, Lava (or whatever, I can't spell. Larva? Lavra?) Is pretty cool as well. I just have a thing for sythes'. Duo (gundam Wing) I just love him for his Gundam (i'm so shallow, I know) I think without sidekicks, some anime wouldn't be as good. I can't really think of any examples right off the top of my head, but... yeah.[/color]
[color=DarkOrchid]Ah, Azumanga Daioh... the only anime I own that I didn't record offa the TV. I first say it in a NewTypeUSA, on the preview DVD and I absolutly HAD to buy it! I find that Mr. Kimura is my favorite. They way he is, I mean, its just so funny. [stumped for words] And Tomo's obsession with everyones boobs. I just fall over every time so goes off on a tangent about Sakaki's or Kagura's breasts. Chiyo-chan, so cute... must have doll... But I love someone even more than Mr. Kimura... Sakaki! Its like she's almost the opposit of the people she hangs out with. And HER obsession with all things cute, while she seems so distant and cold, just makes me love her so much. [/color]
[quote name='Vigaku']Umm, hello, I want to ask, what is Wolf's Rain about, I seem to have missed the first few episodes.[/quote] [color=DarkOrchid]Lesse. [spoiler]This wolf (kiba) feels he is being pulled by something to find the MoonFlower. In his search in a single city, he begins to meet up with wolves (tsume,Hige, Toboe[who is following Tsume]... they come in contact with blue but don't know she's half wolf) Kiba is captured by a group (i forget which) and comes in contact with Cher and Hubb AND Quient. Hige frees him, and they all start to search. Tsume, i think, I THINK, begrudgingly follows them, complaining all the way. They find/smell Cheza but she is kiddnapped my Darcia before they can gett o her (i think, He may have taken her from them...) [/spoiler][/color][color=DarkOrchid] and thats it... I think.(?)[/color] [color=DarkOrchid] Its about the wolves searching for Paradise (Tsume believes in no such thing) and the many things that hinder them along their way... Jagara, Darcia,... humans in general. p.s. your posts MAY need to be longer in the future... if you saw any of it (like the ending) you could talk about that.[/color]
[quote name='DeathBug']If Lady Katana thought her opinion of Mobile Suit Gundam would generate heat, I'm about to be crucified.[/quote] [color=DarkOrchid] *readies nails and hammer* Just Kidding. Yes, I agree with you on SOME of the graphics. The explosions were just... ugh. The dubbing was ok atleast. Plus, the plot was pretty good! I'm just a softie for the anime in the days of old. The older it looks, the more I like (save Speed Racer, I... DON'T... like...it...) And, you're right, at least it wasn't Blue Gender *shudder*:sick::flush:[/color]
[color=DarkOrchid]I just LOVE animal sidekicks. Ryo-oh-ki (Tenchi Muyo) has got to be my favorite. Her obsession with carrots and tenchi just mke her so cute. PLUS, she can change into her spaceship form, which is ver useful. Tama-chan (Love Hina). That dang turtle! Shows up everywhere doing god-knows-what. Drinking booze, intercepting Motoko's sword attacks... while freaking her out, talking to Mutsumi and the others. Tama-chan is jsut one of the best animal sidekicks I've seen out there. Cept' Mokono (Rayearth) :laugh: Human sidekicks... uh? Shippo, wait, he's an animal too... urr. The Paper Sisters: Anita King, Michelle Chung, and Maggie Mui. They are each others sidekicks. Without the other members of the team, a single sister could accomplish nothind much. Anita Attacks, Maggie Deffends and Michelle supports. They fit together like a puzzle, if a piece is missing then things don't go right.[/color]
[quote name='Otaku Princess']I feel the NEED to argue with myself now! Auugggg! Ok, I was wrong. This ending was so anticlimactic that I lietrally fell off of my couch when it ended. [/quote][color=DarkOrchid] AGAIN, I must argue with myself.:o After much talk on the [adultswim] boards, I have come to love the ending more. I truely was great, after some thought. I leaves you at a point where you could pop in the Vol 1. VHS/DVD and the series would kind of flow that way naturally. It's just a vicious cycle. [spoiler]Kiba can't remember everything, but he feels something calling him... this the running at the end.[/spoiler] Plus the song Gravity fits perfectly, "something is pulling, I feel the gravity of it all", I just love it.:love:[/color]
[quote name='Otaku Princess']Yeah, tonights episode will be the best of them all[/quote] I feel the NEED to argue with myself now! Auugggg! Ok, I was wrong. This ending was so anticlimactic that I lietrally fell off of my couch when it ended. I was EXTREMELY dissapointed with it. OOOooooooOoOoOoOoOo.... I am sad now... and cold. *sniff* Not cool. [spoiler] I could not believe that Cheza died like that. Everyone was killed my Darcia, including himself. I loved when paradise rejected him and just left whe wolfs' eye, though. I HATED that the world was reborn just as it was, a craphole! And the boys didn't get back together. Hubb, Cher, Quient, and Blue were nowhere to be seen either.[/spoiler] It just chapps my hide.
[color=DarkOrchid]I think something like Inuyasha, but different. Action, Humor and romance all in one. The hero would proclaim his love from the start, as would the heroin. I think that I'd have them work for some sort of an organization which requires them to be in constant danger, thus the action. Humor would come on the down time or when he cheated on her. I'd also like to have a [/color][size=1][color=DarkOrchid]Little [size=2]sex in there as well. :eek: Like it would be a new thing, but showing more... thus granting the M +18 rateing. I so dirty... I have almost completed this actually..... In my head. Maybe I should put pen to paper. I don't have enough time to type everything out on my internet connection. Too bad. [/size][/color][/size]
[quote name='pbfrontmanvdp']Even thought there are around 4 filler episodes in a row, they anime is still pretty good plot wise and with the final episode being shown today maybe it will end in a great way.[/quote] Yeah, tonights episode will be the best of them all [spoiler] Everyone has died, except kiba and cheza, and as Darcia tries to get into Paradise it rejects him and shredds him to pieces. The only thing left is his wolf's eye. Paradise really does open and everyone comes back, I think.[/spoiler]:D I was sort of bummed that they didn't air the 4 episodes that recapped, but I guess it was to save time. This entire series has been great. For a while there at the beginning it was moving kind of slow, but it picked up pace pretty fast. I still want to find the Boxed package thing with the plush Kiba in it. Plus I want the extras on the dvd.
Anime Music: Does it really "Make or Break" a show?
Otaku Princess replied to Sol-Blade's topic in Otaku Central
[quote name='Sol-Blade][u]Invoke - by - T.M.Revolution[/u']: That might be the CD's name or the band's...I can't read Japanese...lol [/quote] I did not know that it had 4 versions. I can see how it could get annoying, especialy if you are looking for a certian version on the net and the others keep poping up. I like techno so I may check that one out. My peeve is that when I hear the song to an anime and THEN watch the anime. I just doesn't do the song justice. [b]Annani Issho datta noni[/b]. I had that one on my computer even before I knew if was from gundam seed. I was completly let down by the clip of it on the show. I know, time edited... but I swear its roughly 30 seconds long. [color=DarkOrchid] The artist for INVOKE is T.M. Revolution. (old NTUSA) I think the CD is just [b]Kido Senshi Gundam SEED ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK 1 [/b]... Though, the artist for that is Toshihiko Sahashi. So I just don't know[/color]. Luckily, these weren't "break-its' " for SEED. I still like the anime despite the music. -
I had to think for a while so I'll just make [u]Top[/u] list: 5. SD Gundam 4. Moile Suit Gundam 3. G Gundam 2. Gundam SEED 1. Gundam Wing Wing is my favorite I think because it was one of the first ones I saw. Its just, [color=White]Heero and Relena[/color],[color=White] [color=Black]that was jsut so captivating to see how it would go. The story was just awesome, and well done. G Gundam in my 3rd because of the seperate plots between the characters. Each person had a mission. Plus, Rain is just too cool. The art and voice acting were ok, but still better than some. I sort of miss it. SD Gundam was just too cute, and I'm a sucker for cute. Gundam SEED and Mobile Suit Gundam... I just love the plots of both. Wasn't SEED sort of a remake of Mobile Suit? I think so, maybe thats why I wrote them together. [/color][/color]
[color=DarkOrchid]Well, I have to choose a pair. Kaname Chidori and Sosuke Sagara. They just play perfectly off eachother. Kaname is funloving and smart. She can be serious when she needs to be. Only she can manage to get a hit offa Sagara. (one on one. yes, 14-100 people with weapons could do it) She manages to keep his SOMEWHAT in line. And eventually developes a crush for him, atleast... thats how I see it in the beginning (only have the first 3 volumes of manga) Sagara is hardcore and loyal to his job. He even seems to care about her, rather than see her JUST as a job. Plus he's so hot!! Ahem, sorry. I love that he can hide that massive shotgun thing in his normal school clothes and no one notices. He over-reacts to every little thing, but he's always there for her. Sigh. They are both so cool! Ryoko (Tenchi Muyo) Is also one of my favorites. She is so out there with what she feels sometimes. Her abilities are awesome too. Some of her enemies are the coolest I've ever seen, and you can get to like some of them.[spoiler]Ryoko's love for Tenchi is so true that she'd tie Ayeka up and shove her in a closet just to have him.[/spoiler] Her soft side is her best side. [/color]
[quote name='liubei013']I'm currently at the reverse situation. (got the OVA, can't get the TV series yet) T_T *looks at dwindling bank account*[/quote] [color=Green]The only reason I have the TV is because it's currently airing on G4TechTv (check local listings). I really am too cheap to buy a whole lot, especially if I can record it off of the tv. But since the OVA is only on 1 DVD I may as well spring for it instead of waiting for it to come on tv. The characters are just so interesting. I love the paper sisters, and what I've read about Yomiko so far. The whole mentally scared thing fits me perfectly. I can almost relate sometimes... I have lympnode prob's. I'm a little wacked too. Hormones are even more crazy than usual for a teen. Thank's for the un-spoilerish details on Ms. Deep. I sort of understand now. [/color]
[color=Green]Well, being financially strapped, I haven't had the pleasure of purchasing the OVA, but I have been watching R.O.D. the TV, and I really like it. Maybe around New Year's I could afford to buy the OVA. I think Maggie is my favorite on R.O.D. the TV. She's oddly tall like me, and quiet. It's a lot of humor, but when there is action, man is it good. I think I may not be able to wait till December to buy that DVD. I just shiver thinking about it. I've read alot about it in magizenes and everyone says its awesome, so that has just further cemented my determination to get it. I still don't understand what's up with Ms. Deep. I read that she was a clone of someone, and killed someone and took their identity. And that she has the mentality of a child. So, what is it? So... confused, I'm going crosseyed. :wigout:[/color]
[quote name='ChibiHorsewoman][color=darkviolet']I think Kare Kano (his and her Circumstances) would be a good example of positive anime reguardless of religious denimination.[/color][/quote] [color=SeaGreen] [/color][color=SeaGreen]I had forgotten about that one... I don't know why since I basically have a shrine deticated to it. Kare Kano would be a good one to suggest. It may not be christian but there's not much stuff that goes against it. It's an anime that I can watch with my mother and not have to feel weird when I know a specific kind of part is comming up. About the christian anime site... well, I never got a registration email. Maybe it got delivered to my spam box instead and got deleted, I still haven't figured it out. Hopefully, if any of you went there, that it worked out for you. It was so hard typing this since I burned my fingers making pizza... but it was so worth it. Also try Azumanga Daioh. Mr. Kimura may be a little on the iffy side, but thats it. Well, maybe Tomo's obsession with chests is, too.[/color]
[color=DarkOrchid]Now, I know this one is main stream but I just love it so much, Tenchi Muyo. It is very great, the movies were well, stunning. Brilliant. The series' were equally great. I do love Dominion Tank Police. It may not be stunning but, I guess I just have a taste for the past. If I'm correct, it was made in the late 1980's. The same can be applied to Patlabor. Great for thier time. Anyway. Gundam SEED is also breath taking, though main stream. Blue Submarine No.6 I saw that when I was younger and It freaked me out. Everything just looked so real. The same goes for Last Exile. The both seemed to be real. Breath taking.[/color]
Anime Music: Does it really "Make or Break" a show?
Otaku Princess replied to Sol-Blade's topic in Otaku Central
[left][font=Tahoma][size=2][color=Navy]Aboulutly. I have gotten into many anime (Dual, Vampire Princess Miyu, Please Teacher, Kaleido Star, Full Metal Panic...) if it weren't for the music. If its catchy, then I'll stop and watch it, and eventually get to lovin' it. But then again, I really don't like the music to Trigun, SOME Inuyasha, and Hellsing, and I still love the anime. I guess it just depends sometimes on which grows on me first. [/color][/size][/font] [/left] -
[SIZE=2][COLOR=DarkOrchid][FONT=Comic Sans MS]My mother and I are Christians, though not super right-wing... About Evangelion, uh, she nearly killed me for watching that one around her. All the booze, violence and what-now, Plus it's just slightly perverted. Chrono Crusade... well, It was worth a shot. There is too much uh, iffy content. Hmm... [URL=http://www.christiananime.net]http://www.christiananime.net/[/URL] Its another forum, but maybe it could help. I'd love to look around in it but I just did register... and it's taking forever to get me a registration email. I'll edit this when it does come in. It is hard to find any because Japan is not a Christian nation like the United States, as has been stated. Ooo ooo ooo, Kaleido Star and Comic Party are somewhat ok. Key word there is SOMEwhat. Since i haven't seen more than a few episodes I can't say very much. It took me almost 20 min to write this, 15 min ago I registered at that christian website... still no registation email. [/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Arial]I'm obsessed with the cute characters. Cute like... Chiyo-Chan. Innocent. And cute like, they would probably just take you right there in the elevator. Rugged. I' am obsessed with Azumanga Diaoh and Kaliedo Star. Likewise, Hellsing and Wolfs Rain. My friend keeps trying to steal my Kiba plush, pure evil. And I try to steal her Hellsing DVD's. We were almost not friends anymore this summer. I just love the men... and some women. Sigh, Gene Starwind... Marry me.[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
Anime Wow... they're just like me!: Characters you identify with
Otaku Princess replied to Balinese's topic in Otaku Central
[FONT=Tahoma][COLOR=DarkOrchid]Hmm, I really had to think about it for a while but I eventully came to these conclusions: I am very like Serena (Sailor Moon) I eat too much, I'm clumsy, not to good at school and I'm slightly boy crazy. My friends have to drag me through life. I would do almost anything to help someone, especially my friends. I too lead a double life at times... I single handedly took K-Mart down because I stole so much stuff from there........ wait, that makes me not like her. Oh well. I'm a little bit like Ryoko (Tenchi Muyo) because I'm brass, and a little too... harsh with some people. Plus I have no problem with struting around in the... well, you know. I also jump to conclusions too fast. :rolleyes: [/COLOR][/FONT] -
Miyazaki is good, but my favorite is the man who made Akira, Katsuhiro Otomo. He created the manga, I have no idea as to who put the movie together(maybe someone here could help me out?). I rented it once and was nearly tramatized. I just wasn't prepared. But now that I think back on it... It was quite good. The dubbing was 'ish, but thats not the original creators fault. I also likeToshihiro Kawamoto's work on Cowboy Bebop (The Movie). It was VERY well done. Nearly flawless in my opinion. I had never really liked CB untill I saw the movie, and now I'm hooked. Edit-- I actually favor the work production manager Hisamune Mizoguchi did on Sailor Moon. The uncut versions, originals. I'm just a softie for Sailor Moon
[COLOR=Red][FONT=Comic Sans MS]I'm from the Dirty South, USA. Actually, I'm just outside of Atlanta, Georgia. I'd call myself a normal girl, though my friends wouldn't. I'm still in highschool, but I Paint a lot of things for charity. Right now, I just have the normal teenage job. I'd love to have some type of career in the arts. Like theater, music or painting. I can almost sort of play the piano, but not well. I just love the music and admire those who can play it. It may be hot down here, but I wouldn't live anywhere else.Yep, I'm a redneck.[/FONT][/COLOR] :)
Anime Otakon 2004, Anime Weekend Atlanta 2004 & other conventions
Otaku Princess replied to Syk3's topic in Otaku Central
[QUOTE=maladjusted][color=firebrick] AWA is coming! *dances* I went to Anime Weekend Atlanta last year ['twas my first convention] and it was great fun. ^_^ I'm definately planning on going this year...even though I have no money. Lol. Somehow I'll make cash. Last year I walked in and got the 'Walk-In' membership and it like...forty bucks or something. o_O No cosplaying, though. *veers away from rabid cosplaying fans* :toothy: Anyone going to AWA/any other convention this year? [/color][/QUOTE] I HAD planned on going to AWA this year (would be my first time) But... I'm strapped for cash and have no way to even get there, I have no car. I could mow some lawns or babysit. Sigh. I guess I could take some busses there, but none of my friends even have a WAY to get money so I guess I may be on my own. I do hope it will be an overwhelming experience. Do you have any advice or tips that you may have learned from last year? -
Anime At what age did you start watching anime?
Otaku Princess replied to Elk's topic in Otaku Central
I started watching it about 9 years age when I was 6. I think it was Speed Racer and Robotech. My brother is the one who got me watching. THEN it was DBZ. Lesse, A little while back I was flipping through some channels and found adultswim so I watched that. THEN I branched out to more stuff. I'm really glad that I watched more stuff. I'd hate to be stuck watching DBZ all the time, I like it but not that much. :D So, at the age of 16, my brother created an anime monster, ME! (not in the insest-y way) -
Gaming Golden Sun GBA: Like or dislike?
Otaku Princess replied to Otaku Princess's topic in Noosphere
yes, everyone has an opinion. And thats what I like to hear!! I too found it dull at times, the dialogue ran too slow and there was to much of it. But this is the kind of games i love. They can make the time pass away while waiting for a storm to end. It got me through hurricane Ivan, though... I didn't get very far. It is pretty sad, but hey, I only paid $5 for it. Deal? Mabye. Still, If anyone knows how to get past that level, help is appreciated. As are comments! :)