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Rick Hunter

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Everything posted by Rick Hunter

  1. I'm working on a lot of projects, the last project I worked on (the one in my banner) is coming to an end a bigger one is coming in it's place that's more mainstream from what I've learned over the course of several years. Right now I'm actually in the process of making very stupid internet commercials to promote the new project. Today actually I got annoyed with some trolling going on and decided to do something stupid, by stupid I mean really low budget to get some laughs out of it: [B]Nerd Emporium Promo: Trolls Love It![/B] [url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KNDBxZSeV5w[/url] Yeah I know low budget but I did this in like 10 mins just to get some laughs on Twitter it worked. If I had really been serious about it I would have used Adobe Premiere but it's not on the computer I'm using at the moment. [B]Nerd Emporium Commercial [/B] [url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tJN2aRbXwi0[/url] Umm lets see though I can't really call these hobbies more so jobs, but I do podcast, webcast, run websites, and I wonder if you can put combating internet trolls down as a profession? :animesigh Working on a lot of new things maybe I'll show them off from time to time if I'm welcomed on here...>.> or not don't know. I'm also trying to get more familiar with an older version of photoshop even though I have a graphic artist that does all my work for me just because I wanted to learn how to use it even on the basic level last thing I worked on was a banner I'll just attach it too lazy to use it, don't steal it by the way. [B] *I have no idea how your youtube tags work*[/B]
  2. I will be attending the convention, as I'm a native to New York City. Though I won't be cosplaying I'll be working the entire weekend as a member of the press. Bringing live coverage from the con to everyone online throughout that entire weekend. Shouldn't be hard to find my staff and I, as we'll be the only members of the press with a Kamen no Maid guy walking around interviewing people. We won't be hard to miss, we're also doing some photo shoots that weekend so stop buy and say hello to us. :animeknow Also Adam (The owner of TheOtaku) will be there he has a panel he does every year don't remember the title you should probably ask around.
  3. [quote name='Allamorph'][FONT=Arial] I found out about Carradine's death just after I found out that Conan O'Brien had taken over The Tonight Show, so I was already depressed enough. This is yet another big loss for the acting community. Carradine will be missed. So will Jay. Is it just me, or are we losing all the good ones lately?[/FONT][/QUOTE] You don't watch TV much I'm guessing? It is a big loss considering the amount of good old action stars that know Kung Fu is few and far between. Especially the American based actors. As for Jay well he's not dead more like his career, if his new show this fall fails in the ratings system. :p But like every year we lose a lot of old reputable actors it's just in this particular case his death and circumstances involving his death are peculiar. Certainly not the way he would of wanted to die if it's true that he did die due to "Kinky Sex", certainly not the way I would want to go out or be remembered for. [quote name='Raiha'][COLOR="DarkOrchid"][FONT="Times New Roman"] To be honest, I really don't care what you think Rick about what I think of Heath Ledger, and half of what I said had absolutely nothing to do with you. This may be a shock but you're not quite that important to me. [/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] :animeswea It's not like i would lose sleep over it so no biggie. Don't get so bent out of shape over something that silly, this is only the internet. :animesigh Once again if I offended you it wasn't my intention. Not trying to win any popularity contest here just really don't see a need for the animosity over something like this? :confused:
  4. [quote name='Raiha'][COLOR="DarkOrchid"][RIGHT][FONT="Times New Roman"]Oh you're such a boob. I never said he was not as good as Heath Ledger. I said that he was older and as such his death wasn't quite as tragic. I was never a Heath Ledger fan because I, for some reason, prefer the slightly more edgy masculine manly types that aren't gay cowboys, makeup wearing cross dressing nurses, or pretend knights. Good lord people, get a grip on yourselves. I think it makes his death cooler because it a: wasn't a suicide and b: was recreational and involved a rope. Besides, sure he's 72, but plenty of older people know which end of a gun to put in their mouths. It's ignorant to assume he wouldn't figure out how to properly kill himself dead.[/FONT][/RIGHT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] O.o What I wrote wasn't intended to offend or put you on on the spot or for that matter a flame. O.o; Nor do I think anyone was for that matter. I was just stating that he's less well known for his earlier works considering the age demographic of OB is generally 13-18, meaning most people here wouldn't know any of his work outside Kill Bill? Maybe you need to get a grip? O.o no sense blowing things out of proportion or defending yourself for something you weren't on trial for in the first place. :rolleyes:
  5. [quote name='Raiha'][COLOR="DarkOrchid"][FONT="Times New Roman"]It means he wasn't young, boyishly handsome, and still looking forward to a life that contained a considerably longer space of time than the freshly departed. And in Thai newspapers, the police call what happened to him 'death by kinky sex.' Which as deaths go, could be a lot worse.[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] The rumor going around is that they found him hanging by his neck and also his "unmentionables". Whether this is true or not will remain to be seen, publicist will most likely cover that up to avoid his name being tarnished. Granted he's no Heathe Ledger but for those that knew his work outside of Kill Bill it was somewhat sad and disturbing news. A Man his age that was so successful killing himself seems unlikely and if it was a case of "kinky sex" that just makes his death way worse...considering he's a reputable actor.
  6. [quote name='Japan_86']Angelfire should still be free[/QUOTE] It still is free. As for Tripod I have no idea at this point, never used them to begin with. There's just so many better choices out there for free hosting then those two, these days.
  7. That's rather shocking news considering, AE started on Geocities along with many other Anime websites. I guess it's not surprising honestly considering there's a million other free hosting services available these days with better offers. Even the paid for hosting is rather affordable these days. Next will be angelfire to go under if it hasn't already. :animeknow
  8. Hello all you anime fans out there. On tonights Super Awesome Special Show (AE Radio) We have on the program a very special guest. Michelle Ruff will be sitting down to talk to us! She was very gracious to set aside some time for us with her busy schedule. Anyway for all those people who may not know who Michelle Ruff is, she's most famous for her role on Bleach as Rukia. She also plays Chi from Chobits, Tsukasa from Lucky Star, and Euphemia/Young Lelouch from Code Geass. You can check out the interview live tonight at 11pm Eastern Standard Time/8pm Pacific Time at [URL="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/AnimeExplosion"]BTR: AE Radio[/URL] Also since I'm stopping by Otaku which is rare for me, how about you guys submit some questions to be asked on air. We'll take some of the best ones and try to answer the air tonight for everyone. So don't forget to check out the interview. We're the #1 Anime Radio Show of BTR! So post some questions up before tonight in this thread.
  9. Recently my website adopted a fledgling website thanks to the economic recession going on. For those of you who aren't aware of this, I was actually on this network for an interview for those who don't know in December. Anyway they have several internet radio shows under their belt including two interviews with Voice Actors they landed: [URL="http://http://www.blogtalkradio.com/otakast/2009/02/17/Ramen-Radio"]Otakast Sonny Strait (Voice Actor of Krillen/Usopp)[/URL] And [URL="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/otakast/2009/01/06/Ramen-Radio"]Vic Mignogna (Voice Actor of Edward Elric)[/URL] So enjoy those two and please make sure to give them some criticism. ;) Since they're taking some pointers in order to revise their work. Also another noteworthy aspect, is that they're having a contest which is offering Free Admission into any convention in the United States. Please make sure to check them out, they have pretty good stuff! Show some support anime fans!
  10. [quote name='Boo'][size=1]:) Frankly, there have not been huge amounts of progress the past few weeks, due to business and all. Its not quite dead yet, though, so... Everybody, keep the suggestions and all coming![/size][/QUOTE] If I may? Considering, I have a ton of experience now in regards to Podcast? Why don't you guys try out [URL="http://www.blogtalkradio.com"]http://www.blogtalkradio.com[/URL] it should actually meet your needs in regards to hosting a podcast. That's what we use over at AE, we've never experienced any problems. The only drawback is that everything is hosted via phones and a switchboard (you need a computer/phones). The call in numbers are station in NYC but if you record the podcast after 7pm or 9pm for that matter it's free nights for everyone who has a cell phone. Some features of BTR: -- Ability to upload music -- Ability to have live podcast stream *it's always live* -- Ability to cut off mikes of unruly callers -- Ability to have On Demand episodes in which users can stream or DL it to their computers/ipods. -- Ability to submit to Itunes Pretty easy, pretty basic, very clear, and maybe the solution to your problems. I'll give you an example of how it would look: [URL="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/AnimeExplosion"]AE Radio[/URL] Anyway good luck, hope you get the project off the ground.
  11. I wasn't aware anyone posted on this, I'm sorry I've been extremely busy as of late. In regards to the comments, I really appreciate for the most part the kind words. In regards to comments said those are my sentiments and feelings which I do believe I am in fact entitled too respectfully speaking. I've always believed that both websites would benefit from something mutual in regards to the fact they were originally long ago on good terms. As stated in the interview I felt that both sites would benefit from each other. AE specifies on Anime News/Reviews, along with Video games. While obviously theOtaku has taken a more fan/art approach via a community. Both brands respectfully give anime fans something different that neither site does in regards to that scale. This radio interview believe it or not was very popular, that it eventually lead into the launch of AE Radio aka Super Awesome Special Show. We're a nationally syndicated live internet radio show that airs every Tuesday at 9pm EST on Blog Talk Radio. We've recorded so far 4 episodes for the show. We do the basic radio type stuff such as playing J-pop-J-rock, VG music, we have debates and also guest on the show. Actually within the next upcoming weeks Michelle Ruff (voice actress of Rukia for the English dub) is going to be on the show. So far it's taken off well with targeted audiences. I'll even post the shows address from where it's hosted: [url]http://www.blogtalkradio.com/AnimeExplosion[/url] all episodes can be found streaming on AE thirty mins after its live date. Yes our show is live, anyway thanks for the kind comments. I have to get back to work now.
  12. In my opinion the reason why the Anime Forums thrived in the past had to do with the fact the main website focused on Anime Reviews and news. Now obviously there is a different format for theOtaku but it's clear the anime forums took a hit because of that change. In regards to sub forums I think that can be a good idea but only if you pick the right titles. Ongoing anime series forums last longer then ones who have past their prime. In order to really have this forum thrive you have, to rotate those forums quite a bit. You need to keep them fresh and when a series ends it's run just get rid or archive it. If you do decide to go the way of sub forums start simple Bleach and Naruto you already have the fan base for it as, it is. And both series are ongoing you just need to watch out for the never ending flame wars.
  13. If this is in the wrong section, I'm sorry as, I have no clue really what this section is for or if I'm allowed to post this on OB. Anyway for whatever it's worth, I'm going to be featured on an internet radio show later today at 8:30pm EST. I'll be discussing the history of my website and one of the topics on the list will be my work on theOtaku.com and what not. So anyone interested in listening in on the show the address it will be hosted on is: [URL="http://www.blogtalkradio.com/OtaKast"]http://www.blogtalkradio.com/OtaKast[/URL] starts at 8:30pm EST. It's actually a call in show, I'm not sure if they'll be taking calls during the one hour segment but if they are feel free to call in and ask questions. I'll answer just about anything, as long, as it's within obvious guidelines. Anyway please check it out, for all those not familiar with Otaku History or just read the Otakupedia article, this will definitely give you much more insight then what was written in regards to my work over there and on my site. It'll be interesting for any Otaku History buffs and who knows it' may end up with another Otakupedia entry. Anyway check it out, I'm actually nervous about this....I'm use to doing video cast but never a guest on a radio show... Not bad for an "unsuccessful" website. Anyway please show support!
  14. Unfortunately my plans for Thanksgiving are up in the air. -_- I had a severe allergic reaction to some mushrooms a few weeks back. And for some reason I can't eat any solid foods without choking, so I'm on a liquid diet until my next appointment. As of now my plans are to -_- eat a bowl of soup, do some website work, catch up on some tv, and maybe go out and play a "children's card game" the day after. Very boring indeed....
  15. No definitely not applying for that position. I just wanted to make a suggestion, that you look carefully into what program to record Skype conversations with. I'm going to be honest with you from experience and from hosting other people's podcast. Skype is very finicky, especially if you intend to do a live podcast, though from the sounds of it, it's most likely going to be a recorded one that will be uploaded. In regards to the format, my suggestion is to make it as unique as possible, Podcast lately are over-saturating the internet. Every website wants to do one these days a ton of them are anime related, I prefer video casting. In regards to your podcast in general, I suggest deviating from anime talk or theotaku related stuff. It would sorta defeat the purpose of having a separate podcast from theOtaku. Plus it may confuse people considering the podcast link you have on OB already links to theOtaku podcast. It may hurt you if you can't establish your brands difference. Can't stress enough the importance of breaking away from the generic labels most podcast are these days. Anyway maybe my suggestions weren't welcomed, but that's my general insight. Best of luck. I personally like the idea of having guest "members" calling in and what not for the person who suggested it.
  16. My heart really goes out to you, I'm going to give you a little word of advice. I'm not the best person to be giving you some advice on love. But I was recently in a relationship with someone and unfortunately it didn't work out, because she was chemically unbalanced and many issues arised... Anyway, what I learned is sometimes no matter how much you care about a person, feelings can change. Sometimes what you want varies from what your partner wants. Sometimes it's best to end things before both of you end up in tears. No matter how much you love someone or try to make things work sometimes for reasons beyond any human comprehension it's not meant to be. Tears, miscommunications, and doubt are not a good basis for a relationship to continue to thrive, in fact those are the things that actually end up causing the relationship to end. The best relationships definitely don't come easy, relationships are tough work but I think it's time you discuss things with him and reevaluate your relationship. I can't stress this enough because if your not happy and he's not happy, or worst yet your feelings have changed why waste your time or his. When you can find people you will be happy with. You can love a person with all your heart, but sometimes that's sadly not enough to keep a relationship alive. Best of luck to you.
  17. I'm kinda glad that Fox and 4Kids are parting ways. I think some of the worst programming came out of the Foxbox. But now with 4Kids parting ways, I'm guessing Fox executives already have an idea or animation programs in the works for a Saturday morning block. It's really doubtful at this point if Fox will even do Saturday morning cartoons anymore, considering most of its properties are now licensed or the rights are owned by Disney. Most likely they'll just do their own block with new animation but who knows. I feel really old, I remember when Fox had cartoons everyday except sundays. I lived in the ages of Fox Kids Countdown and then the "Mighty Morphin Power Ranger" days...ah those were good times! It's good that 4Kids is leaving Fox, I'm just annoyed that they renegotiated their agreement with "Yugioh" so now they will own the broadcast, licensing, and merchandise rights to Yugioh going well into 2015.... >.> So much for another company picking them up and releasing uncut seasons...
  18. Hmm, I've seen way too many bad anime titles in my lifetime. I cringe everytime, I'm forced to review certain titles too. (Don't get me started on having to still write a review of the live action Dragon Ball movie from 1989) -_-... But among the worst these three come to mind: 1.)[B]Naruto[/B]: Fan boys are going to lynch me over this one, but the show started out pretty good, had a ton of promise. Then the fillers began....and ran for nearly 2 1/2 years in Japan...To make matters worse the story never goes anywhere half the time. They build up to really big events...and take forever to actually do anything....Literally there were five or so episodes of the main characters running through a forest trying to get to a major battle...that's just...bad...it took at least 15 episodes later before the important stuff happened. To be honest Naruto=DBZ clone....but even DBZ knew you could drag out the "only 5 mins till the planet explodes jank writing, for 15 episodes. Naruto takes that gimmick and drags it on for years....Shippuden is getting worse if anyone has been reading the manga. 2.)[B]Blood +: [/B]Lots of promise in the beginning, never lived up to Blood: The last Vampire's name. The series has it's moments, but once you actually get to the end and realize you've not been watching a prequel or sequel...you walk away feeling very jaded. It does have it's moments but the action is boring, and the plot dragged on way too long when 26 episodes could of sufficed. 3.)[B]E.Y.E.S. of Mars: [/B] Bad movie, so bad good luck finding it in print. I tried to watch this title two times in the past.....when they did run it on scifi. I fell asleep both times. Got some of the worst dialouge, dubbing, and the plot is just weird... 4.)[B]L.I.L.Y. Cat: [/B]: Another bad movie from the 80's, it's basically the thing meets anime. -__- Starts with boring dialouge....halfway through it gets more boring....toward the end...if you've managed to survive sitting through an hour and a half of crap....then I commend you.... 5.)[B]Psychic Force: [/B] Ova series based on a two really bad fighting games. The game was crap, the anime was crap. No surprised here, the one noteworthy thing is the anime actually is a prequel to Psychic Force and Psychic Force 2012, and manages to stay faithful to the games...But the games are terrible....so that doesn't make up for much.
  19. [quote name='Phenom'] Rick Hunter, define youngin. =) Actually, I haven't been able to get into Code Geass as much as I would've liked to. I think the first 5 episodes were decent, but since then it just kind of took a nose dive for me. [/QUOTE] Umm, I'm 25 god that sounds so old, when I say that....>.> So to me in terms of yougin I would considering anyone not of 18 as legal, in regards to Megazone 23 Part I and Part II.... The reason I said, that had to do with the fact there's some softcore sex scenes involving the anime characters, more explicit in Part II. So if you're like under the age of 16, or your parents are those overly sensative types you may want to skip those. I recommend those titles simply because yes the animation side is a little old mid 80's-early 90's. But the action and storyline is really good, plus a big portion of Megazone 23 Part I was the insipiration for the Matrix. In fact a major plot element of Megazone 23 is completely stolen and put into the Matrix without any credit ever being given to it, as inspiration. I'm rambling though, this is not the thread for that....In regards to Code Geass judging from your list you saw Death Note first. Which is the same thing I did, for some reason all the people I know personally who saw Death Note first, hate or couldn't get into Geass. Also ironicaly, the people who hate death note love geass. To me they're almost virtually the same in terms of certain elements but I prefer death note which is set in a more realistic setting.... In regards to another anime title I can recommend: [B]Macross Frontier[/B] (Really good, and its new) Story is great, and the animaton is in High Definition. The only problem is you can't get it on dvd, that's one of those titles you need to find the fan sub for....(which is out of your access) from what I'm reading. [B]Dai-Guard[/B]: For this one I recommend watching the subbed version....the dub is alright but it grows thin on you after awhile. Dai-Guard is an "Ok" title...worth looking at.
  20. This is just another one of those questions in which there are no right or wrong answers. The problem with a topic like this... is the definition or how a person would perceive when a human life is considered living. For some people they believe that a life is technically a "life" upon the first cells dividing after insemination. To others they believe it's not a life until it actually comes out of the womb. To me personally, I feel at the 3rd trimester you can consider the fetus a living being. If you can feel it kicking and moving and can be born prematurely it's alive to me, by my belief as to what is living. In regards to abortion itself, I'm neither for or against it. I believe a woman has the right to choose what she wants to do with the child. That doesn't neccessarily mean I support abortion though, it's really sad to see a life get denied into this world. But sadly sometimes it's better then a child going through adoptions or worse yet abuse, or living a terrible life....that must sound cruel to say. In regards to a woman being raped and wanting to abort a child. A female (won't say girlfriend of mine) that I really cared for, was raped at 17. Knowing a person directly that was raped,it effected her greatly emotionally and mentally as a person, to the point that it prevented us from establishing a relationship. It's a really tramatic experience in which the woman is never truly the same and in her case she felt really used and damaged. I can sympathize in those cases with a woman wanting to abort the child. The problem is really, this is a topic that really has no easy answers and usually offends people. I'm personally not for or against abortion, Each circumstance and reasoning is different so the end result of people's opinions will vary. Including if they are religious or not. Perhaps my reason for not taking a direct stance is because I'm not a religious person, but I know for others it affects their opinions.
  21. Another rarity, that I would give recommendations here, but scanning your list of anime properties that you have watched/disliked.Iit seems that there are a few mech series that I can recommend to you: [B]Super Dimensional Fortress Macross[/B] (Do not watch the Macross Generation of Robotech that's different) [B]Megazone 23 Part I, Part II, Part III[/B] (If you're a youngin watch out for the nudity) [B]Mobile Battleship Martian Successor Nadesico aka Nadesico[/B] for short (Really good title that manages to retain the serious side of Mech Anime, while mixing it with a nice balance of character development. A lot of good action sequences too, especially in the movie. More action oriented anime titles you may like: [B]Code Geass (Don't like it personally) Spriggan (Really ultra violent) Appleseed Appleseed Ex Machina[/B] I could keep going but, then I would put myself out of business.
  22. This actually peaked my interest which is rare for me to even post on here anymore. Alright since this is looking dead but has potential I'll start with a tough one for people. (Though I'm sure they'll just wiki it. -_- Who currently retains the distribution rights for the original Super Dimensional Fortress Macross series. (Hint) There was a big legal debate as to who owned the licensing rights to the mecha.
  23. [quote name='Desbreko'][color=#4B0082]Well, I guess James [i]is[/i] actually away and won't be back for a few days. So I'll take the reigns on this issue then. I also think it's fair to remove images of people if they request it, simply out of courtesy, so removing the mock-up with your face, as well as your real name, is fine with me. Though I don't actually have access to Otakupedia so I'll have to ask Charles to do that. Unless the signature is explicitly derogatory (I can't recall seeing it), though, we wouldn't really have any grounds for removing it. And I'd really rather not set a precedent of policing signatures based on whatever another member happens to dislike. So you'll probably have to take it up with that member specifically and ask them to remove it.[/color][/QUOTE] Alright that's fine with me, as long, as the image is removed in the article all is resolved. And yes James is away, I tried to discuss this with everyone in charge and got the run around for three days, enough to annoy anyone. I feel, my request was nothing outside of reasonable and with that I bid you an adieu and request this be closed. If there is an issue in any regards to the subsquent requests please send the member my way so I can discuss the removal of the image with them personally. Staff can reach me at my available contact information located on my site.
  24. [quote name='Charles']Problem. As you should know, I made that image when I worked for AE Boards. As such, I have the image saved in several formats on my PC (which I still own from that time). That is, I have the individual layers that I used to make the image. Where do you think I got it for the article in the first place? heh Technically, I am the owner and if you are using that image without providing me royalties, then it is I who have a problem with you. I will remove your picture from the article though. That is a fair request that I always honor for anyone who asks (not because of legal ramifications but out of common courtesy).[/QUOTE] Since I'm really in no mood to argue over an image that is currently not used anymore on current AE servers but older versions, I've deleted all traces of the logo since rightfully it is your image Charles, however on the record that image was given to me with your permission and used with your permission if you indeed did have a problem you should have "address that" since I take it you are addressing that matter now, I'm fairily reasonable person and will removed the use of that image on any old servers that may have it. Since at least you are respecting my right to privacy by removing the image, I kindly thank you for acknowleding your fault, as I will acknowledge my fault in this thread, since that is common courtesy. The major issue here was not so much the logo as much as using, my personal image without consent. I would not have done the same to you, as I find literally the jest of the whole "Otakupedia" article rather unneccessary, and on top of that not 100% accurate and only one side of the story was told. Anyway, the only matter to resolve so that I can go back to what I was doing, is the mock image with my face attached to that body should be removed as well since out of common courtesy I asked all images using my face be removed in my innitial requst. On top of that, I'd like to request that the user, who is using my picture in their signature (you know who it is, if not I'll point you to the link) be removed as well. Last but not least, for all those who are "indeed" complaining that this thread was made. If you had "images" online posted in an article without your consent, along with your own name, you would be requesting they be removed as well. So for those making judgement calls without using "common sense" think about it from my standpoint. No one likes to google their name and find images of themself and mock images that were not authorized. Regardless of what the person who posted my image is at fault for that. In closing, I kindly request that the use of my name, or images ever again for purposes of this site not be used. Unless I infact authorize the use of it, I suppose if this article was made with my consent I would have had no problem with it. So as long as, both sides are clear and granting each others request. This issue has been resolved and I have no need to discuss this further. I will check to see if my last two request are met, if you can't remove the signature based on the policy of Otakuboards that is fine but at least removed the Mock image. Sincerely, Kevin
  25. [quote name='Sojiro47'][FONT="Book Antiqua"]To me, it seems that the fact that you are going about this publicly, in a thread, shows that you do intend to start a "Flame War". Rick Hunter, if you wish to deal with this properly and avoid being told off by many a member of the OB, then I recommend that you send a PM to Charles, who is in charge of Otakupedia. If you refuse to do so, then PM James. And if you've already done this, then grow up and be patient. Someone is bound to say something to you, as you are making quite a mess of this whole ordeal.[/FONT][/QUOTE] I have emailed Adam regarding this, James and Charles have been unavailable for contact. Therefore the next logical choice is to discuss this with the people who are suppose to be in charge of the site in their abscene. Last time I checked, I have not once here told anyone off for that matter. I've been very paitent and have shown everyone the respect they deserve. If you do not like the fact that, I'm discussing this directly on a "message forum" in which the whole purpose of a forum is to discuss things, then that's your opinion and you're entitled to it. Just as this is my opinion that the article and uses of my images and myself without consent is indeed uncalled for, rude, and just down right unprofessional for an established site to be doing. As for the mess your referring to, I fail to see it. I'm simply requesting that this issue be resolved. If that bothers you then I apologize, as I have been very paitent and cordial with everyone, even those who have indeed acted rather harshly and rude to my coming here to discuss this.
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