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Everything posted by Rick Hunter
[quote name='Neuvoxraiha'][COLOR="DarkOrchid"][FONT="Times New Roman"]While your posturing and manly chest beating is cute...and definitive proof of that old adage..."The more things change the more they stay the same.." I'm afraid your threats of legal action are going to be quite a pain in the *** to bring to fruition. See, you have to [b]prove[/b] malice in a court of law. And proving that the authors of the articles in question were in fact loathing you with every word they wrote is going to be a bit of an issue. Good luck though. I'm sure courts have nothing better to do.[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] I'm not even going to address this, as clearly your intention is to start a flame war. I have no time for that. I simply request to speak to whoever is in direct charge of Otakuboards right now. Clearly this can not be solved by discussing this with moderators or regular members for that matter. As this is an issue that must be resolved between both sites Administrators.
In using my images such as the AE Boards logo, without my consent you violate the copyright of Anime Explosion. You did not seek permission from the owner to use that image, the owner is naturally myself. Furthermore, your article borderlines on the grounds of defamation of character, and in a court of law you would be held liable for whoever the publisher of the article is. Last, but not least it is illegal to use an image or likeness of another person without first accertaining the permission to use it, whether your a non-profit orgranization or not. With all do respect I'm not interested in publishing anything on Otakupedia, as my only purpose is to have the article taken down. The professional thing to do in this case, is simply pull or edit the article. Or taking down the images you did not seek permission to use in the first place. In posting my image and mock image you have violated my "right to privacy". So I think it would be in the best interest of both parties involved in this to resolve this issue. Failure to comply to a quick resolution with this, will force me to take the next step. Which would result in me seeking legal aid, and possibily taking legal action.
I haven't been on this website in ages, as I see really no need to normally visit the site anymore. However while browsing through Google. I came upon an Otakupedia article about AE Boards. To whom do I have the pleasure of discussing this matter with? I'm generally a peaceful person these days who does not look for trouble, I work on my site and Adam/James (Not sure whose in charge now so my apologies if they are not in charge anymore) work on their own. I believe respect is something that has to be earned, when a person loses respect for another simply it's best to just leave things alone. The article that I am currently referring to with this grievance is this one [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/otakupedia/?p=35[/url] I have no idea who is the author of this article, but I recall never at any time authorizing the use of the AE Boards logo or brand name of Anime Explosion for this article. Furthermore, I'm definitely certain that at no point did I authorize the use of my picture. Using the likeness or image of a person without their consent is certainly punishable in a court of law last time I checked. I'm not hear to start a flame war or revive an OB vs AE war. That would be childish and I'm above that. My site currently is successful and moderately well known in the anime community. Besides when that so called "war" as it was dubbed happened I was like 18...I'm 24 now, I'm a rather mature adult whose content to being a professional card player/film student/webmaster, I have no time for chilidish games or defamting a person or site for that matters character. So I kindly ask that whoever wrote the article and publish it simply delete the article to avoid any messy, uneeded altercations. At one point I was a proud member of this forum and TheOtaku.com staff. I would like to be remember for my contributions as oppose to any negativity that has been published. On several ocassions I've spoken to Adam in regards to possibily reviving a section between the two sites. However as he pointed out both sites have gone in two completely seperate directions. To show, no ill-will towards anyone, I kindly invite theOtaku.com and Otakuboard members to take part in the celebration of Anime Explosion's 11th Anniversary January 1st. Everyone is welcomed to sign up for an account even the person or persons responsible for that article. At the moment, I must say I'm rather disappointed with the direction of Otakupedia and several other features that have appeared on OB lately. I feel that those features are focusing more so on the negativity of banned members and bad history as oppose to the many contributions that many former staff members have done for this site. I remember a time in which O3online as it was referred to back then needed my help. And I gladly stood up to the plate and put in 100% of my effort. There are various other "Legends" and "Members" that have done the same. Dragging their name in mud shows no respect or appreciation for these people. Remember without these contributions TheOtaku.com or Otakuboards may not have been around today. In closing, I sincerely hope this issue is resolved with maturity and respect. As I've stated already twice in this thread my intention is not to start a "war" here or get flamed. But to simply rectifiy a situation that I thought had been long forgotten and not accounted for. The article in itself is in poor taste and violates copyrighted material as well, as my likeness. I ask kindly it be removed effective immediately. Once again, I extend my offer to everyone on this site including staff to join in the 11th Anniversary of AE. TheOtaku.com and Anime Explosion at one time were great affiliates and even somewhat rivals. Because of the altercations, both sites vastly improved to what they are today. I would like nothing more then for one day for both sites to get along again, so that possibily a colobration and affilation between the two can be possible. Both sites cater to the anime communities different needs. But we have one thing in common. A dedication for striving to be the best websites in our retrospective fields, and giving the anime community a unique place to hold discussions and obtain information. It's not about feeding ones egos, remember that. For those of you interested Anime Explosion is now currently located at: [url]www.animeexplosion.tyl.cc[/url] our domain name of [url]www.animeexplosion.net[/url] goes into effect sometime within the next 3 weeks when funds are allocated. My apologies for possibily breaking any rules by posting what I have posted. It was not my intention and I hope that this can be discussed further tommorrow as it is currently 4:00am in New York and I am very tired from a long day of work. If perhaps I get banned or this thread conviently is deleted well then it is clear that chilidish antics are indeed tolerated as oppose to level heads. Sincerely, Kevin Perez (Webmaster of Anime Explosion) Formerly Rick Hunter of theOtaku.com Anime Movie Review Section
:D Wow, actually kind of interesting to see that other people have at some point or still do play the TCG of Yugioh. I like many other people was extremely obessed with the game for a long period time. Was playing it seriously up until about a month ago, then decided to sell off 8 of the 9 decks I had built. There was basically too many politics involved in tournaments and I pretty much lost interest in the game because basically everyone in tournament play is using the exact same deck. There's no variation or fun playing mirror matches all day long, there's little variety or theme decks played in tournaments. When I use to play, I would usually play at two spots, a little folk shop in chinatown called Wah Kue that had weekend tournaments. I met a lot of good friends over there and even some interesting love interest to say the least. Then basically that shop closed down due to bad money management and investing. So I was forced to move over to a store called Neutral Grounds. Basically it's the biggest card gaming/hobby store in NYC. There I play every once in awhile with the only deck I have left and play with most of the regulars that go there. Yugioh for the most part was a fun game, even if it was developed just to steal kids cash. The part that turned me on to the game so much was the fact more adults are actually playing the game then actually kids. If you get really involved in the game you can see that duelist are a really close knitt group. Proably the most friendly people next to anime fans at conventions.
Well personally speaking I'm not a big fan of the idea of cybersex. I'm not going to put down the people who do it but honestly I think there are so many better ways to deal with sexual tendencies then to do something as bizarre and out of place as that. As for the whole cheating issues if your in a serious relationship with someone and you engage in the activity of cybersex with someone else, it would count as cheating. Just like if you were actually having sex with another person or phone sex for that matter. My decision on this counting as cheating basically stems from the fact of being dishonest to the other party, relationships are built on trust.
[QUOTE=Dagger]Um, what's wrong with Funi's release of YYH? The episode count is far from stellar, but that aside the DVDs aren't significantly worse than those from other companies. [/QUOTE] Took it exactly how long to be released over in american shores? Last I checked the series was released in the early 90s. We just recently saw Yu Yu start being released in 2002. Also if you've ever actually picked up a Yu Yu Hakusho dvd from funimation you'll notice the extras they provied are sub-par Textless openings and endings. Are nothing compared to the Japanese dvd releases. They actually give worthwhile commentary on their dvds such as audio commentary. But if you want a really good example of Funimation's past screw up look no further then Dragon Ball Z? Dragon Ball Z has been out since even longer then Yu Yu Hakusho. Since the day funimation got their hands on it they could of released the "uncut" versions of the first season. Instead of going back to the beginning though they went further into the series which okay is better then starting all over. However have you ever tried to actually purchase the Dragon Ball Z Box-Sets in english? They have various box sets for each season all priced well over the hundred range. On these dvds you'll find the same lame extras from the domestic dvds such as "music videos". Have you ever looked at the Dragon Box set out in Japan? Remastered video and all the episodes of dbz comprised into one box set ranging around $250.00-$300.00. Ironically included in those box sets are tons of extras ranging from audio commentary to original artwork. And behind the scenes footage stuff that...sadly your good company Funimation doesn't put in their dvds. Now why from a consumers point of view would I want to pay almost double the amount for various box sets with less features. It just doesn't add up right? [quote name='Dagger']Does year-long breaks between discs sound like fun to you?[/quote] It doesn't sound fun to me but wouldn't you perfer a superior product for your money's worth then getting ripped off or cheated with a shoddy product? This is a standard practice with certain dvds that come out even in america. How long did it take for them to release the Star Wars trilogy on dvd but no one complained about it. Wouldn't you perfer quality over quantity when purchasing an anime? I rather have 4 episodes on a disk that take eight months to come out over a disc that's got 2 episodes thats released every six months. I rather have my company not rush through a series only to feel disapointed and weighed down by my wallet. [quote name='Dagger]With that out of the way, do enlighten me--how does 4Kids plus the distant past version of FUNimation lead you to the conclusion that American companies are "constantly drop[ping'] the ball"? The number of anime acquired & released by 4Kids is quite frankly piddling compared to how much is aquired & released by better companies. [/quote] No offense but I certainly hope you don't base your opinion on how good a company is based on how many aquisitions title wise they have. You should focus on how they are producing a title. You should focus on the extras they release not to meantion the prices. You should look for the quaility of the product not how much they produce and how long it takes them to put it out. As I stated before in this thread 4-Kids animation has done a terrible job as far as marketing is concerned with titles. They turned serious animes such as Yugioh and One Piece into children's anime. All for the sake of appealing to soccer moms and making money off them. Have you actually sat down and watched either of those shows or any of the shows 4-kids animation has put out in it's original format? You'll find that the scripts not to meantion characters are changed so drastically. And if you really don't believe me and will aruge at least they have a japanese audio track with on par subtitles. Your wrong, if you take a look at various subtitle companies you'll find the subtitles to be all but acurate most of them are actually based on the english dub. That's what's wrong with 4-kids animation, now if they were like other companies such as ADV which was founded based on Anime fans who started as fan subs. They actually stay true to anime and don't alter it. This all boils down to two points in the end: A.)Anime in america is considered a Business, they're out to cheat the consumers. That's why you have titles going for $30.00 with shoddy results. Me being a consumer believes we are entitled to the best which is why I opt for region 2s. Now I understand most people don't have that option, but for at least myself I have this option and find myself to save quite a bit on money. Why would I go buy dvds produced by Funi and 4-Kids animation only to find out they have nothing of what I'm looking for in a dvd on their disc? B.)You may not agree with my bashing of 4-kids animation and funimation. But I'm sure you're going to find a lot of people out there that agree with my beliefs. And in fact half the people in this topic agreed they dislike the way 4-kids is handling their products. At least I took the time to actually write out a detail thought then give one worded post. Now not to get off topic in this thread. If you would like to continue this debate further Dagger we should do so via Pm or aim and not this thread. I'd like to debate this some more and give more detail into how companies in american handle anime. Since we are I believe getting off topic quite a bit.
Well to answer your first question the reason why I like anime. Is primarily based on the fact that there's some great story telling, character development, and philosophical thinking in various anime titles. That you wouldn't normally be allowed to see in America do to the excessive violence or in more important cases mature themes that are presented in various works. Unfortuantely with American oriented animation its always geared toward the younger audiences and is consider a child's show. With anime all those aspects and influnces from the west are thrown out the window anything that may be too contraversial for american cartoons to cover anime does all so well. Whether it be political corruption to suicide they cover each topic flawlessly something that american animation fails to do. Also there's a distanct aspect about their animation styles that draws interest in me. I could go on and contrast art styles and why things are drawn in certain ways but I won't rant off topic. [QUOTE=Lady Asphyxia][font=Arial Narrow][size=2] Keeping that in mind, and on the fact that I've never really seen anime, what shows would you recommend, and why? Are there any essential things that a person, like myself, should know before they step into the anime realm, or can it just be picked up as you go? [/size][/font][/QUOTE] Well to be honest with you it depends on what type of regular films you like? It's not really that easy to pick up on any anime title. In order to enjoy it you'd have to find a certain genre of films you like. Whether it be political corruption, drama, horror, suspense. If you give some examples of stuff you like to watch I'd be happy to give some recommendations in that genre. I know more then my fair share of stuff...>.> most people know that. Also as Dagger meantion it's very important not to fall into hype, there's a lot of anime titles these days that people see the need to recommend and call classics. However you'll soon find out the most popular stuff is not always the best. Obscure anime titles usually are better. But that's just my opinion.
[QUOTE=Lord Dante]Ah I see. The others don't follow on from the OVA at all, they just show alternate views of the characters. I need to do some indipendent reserch on this now, and its a shame that only the OVA is available in england.[/QUOTE] Well the followup or continuation to the Ova's should be out in England sometime this year. But it's still good to watch all the other series just to compare how the story was changed so much along with the animation from the original.
Well I never thought there would be another anime company out there worst then when Funimation drop the ball on various franchises like Dragon Ball and Yu Yu Hakusho. But congratulations 4kids you've earned the title of worst company taking the spot that funimation once held in my heart. At least Funimation started correcting mistakes recently with introducing Uncut dvds. 4kids animation is just horrible, any anime that once had serious undertones they turn into a kiddy cartoon. They basically single handedly ruined Yugioh cutting out the first season and then giving us a supposidly uncut dvd that -.- was uncut but not uncensored. Then there is the One Piece snafu....they turned all the serious characters into jokes. Not to meantion gave it a ridiculous opening theme. This is why american companies should not be left with the handling of anime. They constantly drop the ball. Give me a region 2 dvd over the shoddy american products any day.
[QUOTE=bloodmoon0011] 1. At the end of the TV series, [spoiler]Shinji resolves his mental issues I believe. However, in the following movies ( Death, Rebirth, and End of Evangelion), it appears that he has not resolved anything. All I want to know is why did he still seem afflicted by these issues?[/spoiler] Did I miss something? 2. Most importantly, at the end of The End of Evangelion, [spoiler]Shinji is lying next to Asuka on a beach of some sort. Why did he start choking Asuka? I've heard theories that that was a combination of Asuka, Rei, and Misato. Is that true? Was she actually alive? Did he kill her? Was that really her that said the final line?[/spoiler] 3. What happened after the ending? Theories, of course, are welcome here. 4. Is there any chance that there will be more added to the story? Is there any truth to the rumors that there will be? [/QUOTE] I'm using the spoiler feature, to answer most of your questions. That way I won't give away too much of the ending to people that may or may not have seen it. [spoiler] 1.) As someone already meantioned the movies are basically are the last 3 episodes of the series redone. This is why you see Shinji affected by issues that were cleared up in the series ending. 2.)Shinji throughout the series was contemplating choking Asuka. So with all the pent up aggression building up he final does so. Also the theory of the three being combined you can throw out the window. It is in fact the original Asuka here. And yes she did get the final line but it's up to the imagination to decided whether or no he chocked her to death. Seeing as how the ending has Asuka and Shinji in the adam and eve role, I'm pretty sure he didn't kill her. 3.) Can't really give you a theory on what happened. Basically the end of the movie Shinji wished for everyone in the world to die out so the world can have a fresh start. This was the purpose of Gendo's Instrumentality of Man project referred to from the beginning of the series to the end. This whole restart the world project...was the plan from the beginning. They even referred to it in subtle hints several times within the series. 4.)The reason why the movies were made in the first place were because the fans weren't happy with the ending from the series. Ironically after the movies were released especially End of Evangelion. The fans were in an even bigger uproar. So it's a safe assumption that the creator is done with the series and just wanted to mess with people's minds. There was a rumor going around that the creator of the show actually even killed himself but I'm not sure if that rumor is true. But certainly we won't see anymore continuations. [/spoiler]
[quote name='HellsAngel14']I so hate dud's. They screw up names, plots, and cut stuff out. :animeangr . But I still watch them. :animedepr[/quote] There's a simple solution to your problem friend. Why don't you just invest in getting the uncut/unedited dvds instead of relying on the dub? This way you'll be able to watch the Japanese audio/eng subtitled version. Almost all dvds nowadays support this feature. I'm sure FF: Advent of Children will do the same thing.
Wow this is going to take a bit of explaining to do so play attention: [b]Tenchi Muyo Ova[/b]--Basically this is the first 2 ova series put together to make the first 13 episodes. Characters are the same from the manga version which include, Tenchi, Ayeka, Ryoko, Mihoshi, Sasami, and ryu-ohki. [b]Tenchi Universe[/b]--This is basically a Tv version of Tenchi Muyo the storyline of this series is not based on muyo nor has anything to do with the ova series. This is the series in which Kiyone is introduced as Mihoshi's partner from the "Mihoshi special" of Muyo. Also certain characters and origins of them have been changed, such as Kagato who in this version was Lord Kasuhito's (Grandpa) best friend. Who in this series is posing as the Jurai King. [b]Tenchi in Tokyo[/b]-- This is another alternate universe of Tenchi Muyo. Once again in this series all the origins of main characters are changed. This series has the introduction of Several new characters never before present. [b]Tenchi GXP[/b]-- Spin-Off series of Tenchi Muyo. All the characters in this series are no way related to the characters of Tenchi Muyo (Ova), The only character that has some relation to another one is Mihoshi's Mother. This series follows the exploits of Senin and mihoshi's best friend. [b]Tenchi Muyo In Love[/b]--First Tenchi movie, This movie is based off the Tenchi Universe series. It also gives us a different Origin for Tenchi's mother and her past. [b]Tenchi the movie 2[/b]-- Second Tenchi movie, this movie supposidly falls into the Tenchi Universe series, but at the same time introduces a new character to the cast Maiyuka who we never seen in any of the other series. [b]Tenchi Forever (Tenchi Muyo in Love 2)[/b]-- Third and final movie, once again this movie is based off the Tenchi Universe series but was made with the same animation team of Tenchi in Tokyo. This movie actually takes place after the series finale of Tenchi Universe. Now that we got that somewhat cleared up your probably wondering what is the true follow up to Tenchi Muyo (Ova series), this would be the third ova series entitled ironically [b][i]Tenchi Muyo Ryo-ohki 3[/b][/i]. This series picks up where the first 13 episodes left off. Also some important changes are made to the cast with the Introduction of Tenchi's arranged bride, and his sister. Also for storyline purposes tenchi's mother name is changed to Kiyone not the universe version. So to break it down simply Tenchi Muyo is the true storyline of Tenchi the rest are basically just: [b]Alternate Universes:[/b] Tenchi Universe, Tenchi In Tokyo, Movies So if you're looking for a continuation go out and buy the new Ova's that have just been released. Hope this clears things up for you a bit, the world of Tenchi is vast and confusing.
When is it acceptable to still be a virgin?
Rick Hunter replied to Doukeshi's topic in General Discussion
Well personally I think that people shouldn't really have to look to society to see when it's acceptable to lose your virginity. Sex is something that granted can be fun, and great at times. But it's not a neccessity in life. I rather have meaningful relationships with a person then just randomly sleep around like some whore. I don't think honestly there's a certain cut-off point when you should lose your virginity. Afterall not everyone matures at the same rate, and what some may find acceptable others may not. Does this give people a right to pressure friends into losing their virginity? Survey says, No. Though if a person is like up there in age probably like 40 or something and is still a virgin. This does arise certain issues in that persons life. That person must be someone really lonely that needs relationship advice. Not to get too personal here but I lost my virginity at 17, I've only slept with two people in my lifetime. Both were meaningful relationships and the last person was at least almost six or eight months ago. Sex is good and all. But it's something in my life that I don't crave or need. It's something everyone should think about seriously before....taking that plunge. -
Well to be exact the Full Metal Alchemist Movie was released in theaters in Japan last Friday. So far it's doing decent in the box office, storyline wise as you already said it takes place 2 years after the original FMA series and is being dubbed as the "Final" storyline in the Full Metal Alchemist saga. There are a couple of trailers for the FMA movie up on the web if not you can pm me. I have the 3 min trailer that gives a bit of the storyline away, it's even subbed. Edit: Exact title of the film is "Full Metal Alchemist: The Conqueror of Shambala"
Well personally I like all types of anime for the exception of hentai. But if I'm going into a store mainly to buy anime the first titles I look to pick up usually are titles involving mecha and when I can't find any new titles based on that I look for Thriller-Thinker types like Paranoia Agent or even FLCL. I rarely though just go for action animes, I've seen a lot of series like Yu Yu Hakusho and even the likes of scryed that I'm sick of action animes. I need something that's going to have me drawn to the plot and really thinking on a philosophical level. Not something that's just no stop violence... :animesigh
Well as for as underated Animes go, I think stuff like Paranoia Agent, Dear S, and Macross are probably the most underated animes you can find right about now. As far as the overated series go there are quite a few of them. Personally Dragon Ball Z is by far the most overated show, I understand how most fans got hooked on anime because of this show. But in all honesty after seeing all of its incarnations over the last 20 or so years it's getting rather played out, its time that people let these shows die out and move on. But quite recently the most overated show going around in Japan is/was Gundam Seed and Gundam Seed Destiny. I don't know how most anime fans bill this as a classic. This series basically rips off most of the other Franchise hits like Gundam Wing, and even Gundam Zeta. Probably the best Gundam series in all purist hearts will always remain as Gundam Zeta.
Anime Subs (Japanese voices with subtitles) or Dubs (English voices)?
Rick Hunter replied to Bloodseeker's topic in Otaku Central
Well personally I perfer subbed animes, most of the time the characters when dubbed lose a lot of their original personality in order to make things sycronize in dub. A lot of dubbing jobs I've seen lose a major part of the original Japanese characters personality. Also I'm not a big fan of dub, because in most cases they change the storylines around just to make them "family friendly" or appealing to soccer moms. In doing so....half the time we end up getting various versions of a dvd that are "Tv Edit", "Uncut", and "Uncut-Uncesnsored". So when I'm about to invest in an anime, I always look for a subbed only uncut/uncensored version. Though i can understand why some people like English dubbed, not everyone is into reading.... :animeangr -
Wow......it's been such a long time since I started. I started watching anime at the tender age of 3 with my dad. Back then I started with simple stuff like Dragon Ball (NOT Z), and Macross. As I got a little older around 5, they started to air Robotech/Macross where I lived. From there I became addicted to anime watching every title you could think of from the early 80s on. Eventually as the 90's progress I moved on to stuff such as DBZ, Various Gundam shows, Tenchi Muyo, Evangelion....and various other titles that people are now just discovering. Now as the 2005 is upon us I continue to watch new shows such as Yugioh GX, Falfner, Gundam Seed Destiny, Girls Bravo, and various other new titles that continue to pop out from Japan. Out of all the shows the one that always had the biggest effect on me would be Macross. Who couldn't pass up the Intergalatic war soap opera of Hikaru, Misa, and Lynn Minmei. That show has had the biggest impact on my life. :cool:
Anime Does more anime demand mean more hentai demand?
Rick Hunter replied to SilentSecurity's topic in Otaku Central
I'll put this into the most simple terms possible. For every anime that is made or currently in production. There is a hentai made during that same time. Sadly as much as I dislike hentai and wish it wasn't part of the anime genre it is. And as long as anime is being made so will hentai. Based upon the fact that the japanese people are extremely open in terms of sexuality. And also that hentai sadly flourishes in business. As far as parents go I can see how certain parents forbide their kids to see anime because of this. It's horrible...that if you go searching for pics or clips of your favorite anime characters you may run into hentai or doujinshi's on the net. But there's not much you can really do. Hentai is just as mainstream as the rest of the anime world in Japan and American. Do I like hentai? Answer to that is no. Do I watch hentai? Answer to that is no unless I stupidly get tricked by the title cover. Sometimes there really sneaking in hiding it from the cover of certain titles. But I'm probably the most Anti-Hentai fan you'll find out there....ugh I hate it! :mad: -
Anime What is your favorite anime character
Rick Hunter replied to sbrebaby's topic in Otaku Central
Hmm...well let me put some thought into this....the problem with favorite anime characters is that most of the time they change it's so hard to really pick a few or one for that matter. 1.)Manjyome (Manjoume) Thunder--Very accomplished duelist from Yugioh GX, he shares most of the same feelings I do about the card game. Not to meantion that most of my friends say I act exactly like him in various aspects of life. 2.)Rick Hunter aka Hikaru Ichijyo-- The classic anime character from Macross/Robotech, I most like him once again for the fact that I can relate to him. He has various troubles in his love life....like myself. And on top of that he starts out as this cocky young kid that eventually ends up becoming an Admiral of the Fleet. I like his transition of growing up over the years. 3.)Naru-- From Love hina, what can I say the girl's smart, funny, well edowned and not to meantion aggressive at times. Oh if only all females could be this way. She probably in my opinion is one of the most well developed characters in terms of a Romantic Comedy anime is concern. Sure Tenchi chicks have the action but where's the developement.....you can only find great female developement in Love Hina. -
Worrying about the heafty consumption of natural resources
Rick Hunter replied to poo62.2's topic in General Discussion
I really don't think you have to worry, about us, using up resources such as metals. What we should be worrying about though...are more of the natural resources. Such as Oil, and especially trees. Oil mainly based on the fact that were already starting to see oil deposits dry up. As many have already said, if oil drys up we could be in for some problems economy wise not to meantion alternative fuel wise. Tree's mainly because most natural areas such as the rain forest are basically extinct and as the forest area's start to diplensh so does certain wildlife that's becoming extinct. However the growing problem with conservation right now, is the fact that no one really cares. Most of the things I listed above would take years if not hundreds perhaps thousands of years before we would feel the ramifications of it all. And as we all know we as humans aren't enternal so....it's only human nature not to give a damn what happens to our children's, childrens. *end sarcastic tone* -
Well this isn't as interesting as everyone else who went to some really cool places. But if this counts for anything I went away to Anime Next in June. It was a really cool anime convention. Got to meet a couple of people from this board and not to meantion got most of the scoops on upcoming animes, party...till 2am each day. It was a nice relaxing weekend to say the least at Jersery ironically none the less... I'm hoping to take a trip out to Florida sometime over the summer but if I don't get to go there...Probably late August I'll take a trip up to Cali to visit with some friends and family I have over there. Nothing out of the ordinary though. :animestun
I think it's kinda harsh to really base everyone's attitude or their actions for that matter based on what their name is. I know a whole bunch of Kevin's that don't act exactly the same way I do but then again....thank god for that. Maybe it's just a coincidence in your life only Bloodseeker ;) . I'd like to think everyone has some sort of originality to themselves that's what makes humans great.
If you want something generally new you should try watching as people said Full Metal Alchemist, Paranoia Agent, Gundam Seed, Gundam Seed Destiny all these have plot twist and a lot of emotions. If you want though to go the old school way try some animes such as Galaxy Express 999, Macross, Megazone 23 Part I-III. I highly recommend Megazone 23 because the first part alone has enough plot twist and turns that should keep you entertained and at the same time you could see how the Matrix stole most of it's aspects from those first two films.
It's amazing how everyone in this topic is arguing over a simple question here. Does anyone here study alchemy shouldn't be turned into such a war. It's such a straight forward question some of you guys should be ashamed for making such a federal case out of this. As for my take on the subject, I have had the pleasure of researching the history behind Alchemy. For the most part the reason why people read or study alchemy today is not for the quest of turning something like Urine into gold or on an never ending quest to gain enternal youth. (No one btw meantioned this so far) It's basically to study it to see how modern chemistry and physics derived from the Alchemist of the Late 1800's. The history behind Alchemy is somewhat interesting, and in ways at times it did resemble an occult. People also failed to realize that Alchemy wasn't fully a science to some it was sort of like a religion because of their beliefs. So without going any futher off tagent I'm going to answer what the topic clearly asked. Yes I have study "true" Alchemy should of been history of alchemy. Do I believe I can turn lead into gold no? Do I believe in most of the beliefs taught by Alchemist no? Do I find their theories interesting yes. How hard was that people?