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Rick Hunter

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Everything posted by Rick Hunter

  1. I'll make this somewhat brief....bullying in any case basically is wrong. I understand the argument that some may have that it strengthens a person. But from a perspective of both sides of being a bully and being bullied. It only leads to resentment and bottle up anger which is never good for a human being. Perhaps in some ways what you did for your brother was out of love but *shrugs* not every person is the same. Some people take being bullied on constructively while other people don't know how to handle things so well. Take the Columbine incident and also the one with the Native American in those cases usually the cause of those horrible events were from bullying and becoming a loner. I don't think we want to create menaces to society from bullying. So much for this being brief *rollseyes*
  2. I don't think Anime will die as a genre...however as a fade that's been going on in American I can eventually see it dying off in such popularity. In terms of old school anime dying off and nobody remebering it. Well I think for the most part that's already happened. Not many people these days do you hear meantion old school animes like Macross, Gogaiger, Mosepeda, and various other titles of the early 80s/70s. But then again on the flip side you have animes....like Dragon Ball that just won't go away or ever die. So you really never know it really depends on society and not anime as a genre. If society continues to except and watch animes then the genre will never truly die out just evolve hopefully for the better.
  3. The title you are asking about is no longer in print, so I doubt you'll be able to find it in any sort of illegal or dvd format for that matter. Your best bit would be able to find a film collector and even in that case chances are the person will not give up the prints to that film even for a viewing.
  4. [QUOTE=r2vq] There were actually TWO series for Yu-Gi-Oh! Not SEASONS but SERIES. -ArV[/QUOTE] Actually there are Three Series, the last of it being Yugioh GX which currently is airing over in Japan. Overall I'm past the American Yugioh series which is quite boring. I'm up to episode 34 of Yugioh GX. That series so far has been somewhat interesting.
  5. I only have one gundam that I would really want: Nu Gundam (As Seen in Chars Counterattack) The only reason I'd pick this gundam over all the rest is based on the fact that half it's weapon system is operated psychic-ly. Which for a new-type actually benefits you. Afterall most New-Types tend to succeed and try to push the limits of their machines but unfortunately the machinery can not do the same. This seemed not to be a problem for the Nu Gundam in Char's Counterattack. The Nu Gundam allows a pilot to unlock his full potential something sorta similar to the Wing Zero's System but not as extreme.
  6. [QUOTE=Solo Tremaine][COLOR=#503F86] The only exceptions would be the ones they [i]used[/i] to show late at night on the Sci-Fi channel. I was really annoyed I missed [b]Roujin Z[/b], as I'd heard it was pretty good, and sounded interesting. [/COLOR][/QUOTE] Roujin Z is actually a really underated anime, the english dub is actually pretty decent along with an interesting look into what happens to us when we get old. It use to be really easy to find on tv or watch but as the years have passed it becomes rare to find even on dvd, or vhs. If it actually hadn't been for the Scifi channel chances are I would of never been exposed to it. But if you do actually manage to find a copy watch it you'll love it. As for the Original Gundam comment, that's actually fair from being really rare, Gundam was only rare in the US up until Recently....and even then anyone at least knows something about the original show if not the story itself the Characters of Char and Amaro who basically are the basis for characters in all the various gundam shows out there.
  7. Actually now thinking about it.....maybe they are going to do a revival of that 5 part, five minute short ova series awhile back that aired on toonami. It actually did very well in the ratings, it was called something like Grand Prix 5 or something *which was american made*. Anyone that remembers those shorts please -.- remind me what the title was called. If anything were going to be made into an anime targeted at audiences of foreign nature it would be something similar to that. Also a lot of people have failed to factor in that a company like Time Warner would give anime studios access to digital animation. An animation process used in Vampire Hunter D: BloodLust, and Blood the Last Vampire. So I believe we really shouldn't sell this merger short. After all certain titles in the past have proven successful.....and some also dismal. Prime Example was Robotech 2: The Sentinels, Harmony Gold merged with an Anime Studio that did some work on Macross. However the 1:25 minute ova/movie did horrible.....so all in all this could be a toss up.
  8. Well I think this could be quite interesting actually, look at other co-produced things they actually went on to be big hits. Prime Example of this would be Big O season 2 which was co-produced by CN and Japan. Overall it came out pretty good, and thanks to time warners resources this actually might be completely hopeless. As for the person that said another DB series......don't hold your breath ;) time warner and Japan are not really interested in that sorta of venture.
  9. In regards to the Macross DYRL question region 0 dvd sellers only which is usually online would have it. It was never released in the U.S.A. despite the series being released by Animego. As for Brigadoon I've only seen a bit of it but from what I saw it was really impressive. Here's another anime that I don't think anyone really meationed here at and if if they did my apologies. It's been getting less and less play these days, Fruits Baskets. I'm going to post a list of animes from 70s during the weekend to see if anyone remembers them I just don't have enough time to right now...
  10. Not really sure what you're trying to discuss but I'm going to give this a shot. Well recently actually today there was this episode of InuYash in which Inu and Kagome were trying to help Kagome's Brother with a crush he had. The whole episode revolved around him trying to woo and find the right words to say to this girl. Naturally, they writers took the unrealistic way out of this situation and had the bro tell his feelings to his crush who in response had the same feelings and they kissed. Which we all know rarely happens in life.....but it was none the less a cute v-day type episode.
  11. The animes that I tend to frequently watch from time to time are as follows: Super Dimesional Fortress Macross: Just can't get enough of this classic Anime Soap Opera! Yu-Gi-Oh (Japanese version): So much more entertaining in Japanese without it trying to be politcally correct. Cowboy Bebop: Great story, no need to watch all episodes of the show to get hooked to it. So why bother watching it in order!?
  12. [QUOTE=Dragonboym2]I'm still looking for "Do you Remember Love?" Does anyone know where I can find it? [/QUOTE] Well it hasn't been released in America "uncut" legally yet, the current vhs version Clash of the Bioronoids is actually a severly cut up version of the film in english dub and the it is currently out of print. But if your really desperate like I was to get this on dvd. You can try any of the online sites that sell region 0 dvds. Almost garanteed that you will find it on one of those sites with decent subs. In regards to Robotech II: The Sentinels.....I ironically didn't meantion it as being rare since Harmony Gold actually made it....with the help of Japanese studio though it's.....really hard to consider it an anime. Though I do find it a classic too bad it wasn't finished.
  13. Sorry I don't feel the same way you do. I find Oh! Super Milk Chan to be one of the most repulsive and poorly written animes of our time. It tries to act like a Seinfield and be a show about nothing.....but fails at that. The jokes are by far very lame, even if they are japanese culture related the jokes are not at all funny. The dubbed version is just as terrible as the subbed version. Personally this show lasted 14 episodes tooo long.....and I'm suprised Cartoon Newtork refused to cancel it even after dismal ratings. :flaming:
  14. Once again I'm going to have to make this post really really brief, but this one is certainly underated if not rare. The Irresponsible Captain Taylor it's certainly a must see.
  15. You might be referring to the anime called Wing of Homaniese (sp?) it's by the same creators of macross which actually is pretty rare. Though that's only an educated guess on my behalf.
  16. I don't have too much time to make a long drawn out post. But here's actually a Nadesico ova spin-off that I'm sure not many people have seen since it hasn't been released in the US to my knowledge as of yet but. The title is called Gekiganger 3, yeah it's actually an anime ova of the anime that was featured in the Nadesico show that Akito always cheerished. :cool:
  17. There's a difference between reality and fantasy. But unfortunately for some stupid anime fans/cosplayers they don't know how to tell the difference. This is a case no different and the sad part is I know a lot of people that take there obsession of anime and asian culture even further then this.... :flaming:
  18. Okay since I'm pressed for time today, I'm going to make this little rant or post. Whatever you may call it people brief. A couple of rare animes that come to mind that I actually would suggest watching are: Devil Hunter Yohko, DevilHunter Yohko 5, Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind, and this last title that use to be popular but is less talked about now Princess Mononoke Hime
  19. If I remember correctly.....Vampire Hunter D...is actually a film. Made back in the late 1980's. I've seen the film and liked it though the ending doesn't really stand out much so I don't remember it. Well as people already said you could probably find the first one on vhs in blockbuster. The film was shortly re-released on dvd to coincide with the release of the new movie Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust but other then searching for it on the internet I doubt you'll find the film since it is indeed out of print now. Back in the days when scifi channel use to run there anime blocks on saturday regularly you could always catch this movie on once or twice. Though if you can't seem to find the first movie anywhere you could do yourself a favor and watch Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust that film is in fact still in print and you really don't need to see the first one to find out what's going on. No previous knowledge of the first movie is needed. If you're really desperate to find the film though.....look for it "bootleg" region 0 versions they have on the net.
  20. Okay well, I've done the 70's and I've done even some stuff from the 60's. I'm trying to think of some more obscure ones that are out there....but at this time at night the only one that comes to mind is the only other macross series never released in the usa. That title would be called Macross 7 it's probably one of the only true series that has a direct linkage between the original Macross time line. Even creating a big argument over Nekki Basara being the "secret love child" of Lynn Minmei and Hikaru Ichijyo. Another anime that comes to mind is a title that should of been released in the states and I'm actually quite suprised that this title still hasn't been picked up by major anime companies maybe because the series never got finished in Japan. The title of the show is called Flame of Recca it's got a popular cult following though unfortunatley the series was canned before a true finale....and the manga version of the story......which still eludes me to this day......actually ends that story. But Flame of Recca is worth picking up since it's overlooked by many. [B]*Edit*[/B]It's just recently come to my attention after looking at animeondvd that Flame of Recca ironically has been picked up by an anime studio. Though I don't understand why they would pick up an incomplete anime.....
  21. Well here's a couple more animes that actually are somewhat well know but not by theses titles.....and also some come from the 70s. First on today's chopping block is Galaxy Express 999 and Adieu Galaxy Express 999 this is the classic story of a young boy growing into adult hood and features some familiar characters known as Harlock and Queen Esmeraldes. Highly recommend it if you can find the print of this as well which is really hard to find. Another anime that actually is well know but the japanese version is rare to come by not to meantion virtually no-one has seen it in japanese is a show called Go-Liger aka what we american kids of the 80s would know as Voltron. The japanese version is so much different storyline wise.....and is actually quite intriguing.... Also in regards to the Sonic movie I don't remember it being that bad.....though as James said yeah you do have to be somewhat of a hardcore sonic fan....to enjoy it. Though I still say it's an interesting watch if you can indeed find it.
  22. [quote name='icexfire']hmmm... i always thought sonic might of been related to anime in some way but it never crossed my mind before ...also cat soup is one that doesnt seem like anime at all and i dont think many people have heard of it..it is funny though ^_^ well see ya:)[/quote] I actually have a story behind Cat soup, but before I get to it I personally want to say it's a very interesting yet overlooked anime title which many actually don't even get what's going on in it. Back to the story aspect, I was one of the fortunate people that actually got to see Cat Soup at it's world premiere at the Big Apple Animefest in 2003 since the 2004 event got cancelled. And now to continue the trend of animes that aren't well known, during the same time of the Anime Fest there was also another short ova release. This one was entitled Animation Runner Kuromi. It's actually one of the funnest animes I've seen in quite awhile and actually had a sequel that virtually got no attention. Also if you liked Cat Soup there's another extremely weird yet intriguing anime out their based on the life of a manga artist/anime artist. The film in question is called Spring and Chaos....I will warn people though it's not for everyone.
  23. [QUOTE=r2vq]Often I forget that Sonic the Hedgehog is Anime but I guess that doesn't count. Is Macross really that rare? Or are we just talking about what anime dubbies don't know about? If Macross is rare, what about [B]Patlabor[/B]? Or does that not count since it was in English (I think I saw it on TV many many years back... but I don't remember...) [/QUOTE] Well.....to answer the first question yeah there are certain sonic cartoons that were actually anime. Sonic the Hedgehog the movie, actually is an anime ironically done by ADV many years ago which I believe now is out of print been looking for it everywhere. Also Sonic X, which now can be seen on Fox Box is also an anime the other ones that were before those though were American made. Personally the american made on that aired on ABC for a short run was probably the best sonic series ever. Second question, the answer to that is Macross not to be confused with the Robotech version (season 1) was extremely rare and still is to many mainstream anime fans it wasn't till recently that they release Macross with japanese subs "legally" in america. Also since we're on the subject of really rare animes, Macross the movie: Do You Remember Love is extremely rare to find on American shores it's only avaiable on bootleg dvd....with region zero and most of the time you have to go online to get that sort of stuff. Also there is Macross 7 that still has yet to see an american release over seas. So when I refer to Macross I mean it as of all the series as a whole being rare. [QUOTE=Dagger IX1] Another ADV anime which doesn't get enough recognition is [b]Devil Lady[/b]. Despite its flaws, it's a mature and elegant horror anime with plenty of replay value. The ending is a bit over-the-top, but the tragedy of the heroine comes across well. [/QUOTE] It's ironic that you beat me to the punch I was going to say Devil Lady. I think the reason why it's so overlooked is actually just based on the mature themes involved. I think American's usually frown away from lesbian angles since we still live in a bubble when it comes to sex. Yeah the story wasn't the most solid and over the top at times though it was really intriguing. And since were on that sorta dark anime themes here's an interesting title. Originally when I saw this title I thought it was done by an american made studio since Tod Mcfarnlene (sp?) the creator of Spawn did this comic but it's called Lady Death the movie. It's actually made by japanese studio and it's really entertaining the story at first is a bit......too much and any religious person wouldn't dare watch this. Too many references to the devil. These next titles are rare, to American's but not Japanese people. Two over looked Gundam titles that I blame bandai for not releasing yet. Gundam Zeta and it's sequel Gundam ZZ (Double Zeta) probably the best Gundam series to date with a movie coming out in Japan this year. Gundam Zeta is the only direct sequel to the orignal Mobile Suit Gundam Series and also is the prequel to the events that happened in Char's CounterAttack. Most people that watch Char's CounterAttack are confused on what's going on reason being.....that.....Bandai has goofed big time and still not released Zeta instead they released Char's CounterAttack and still Gundam Zeta is nowhere in sight. Lastly on today's chopping block is Gundam V. This is the last title in the universal century timeline. Once again Bandai is not concern with releasing this series. This series had mostly little kids in it but dealt with some seriously mature themes. I think Bandai really likes to screw the U.C. series....because they focused on all the alternate century timelines and release things that shouldn't have been released first. Prime Example Gundam F91.....a really terrible anime....... Tommorrow I'm going to take a look into the past......the era known as the 70's where the animation quality was poor but the stories were great. By the way keep them coming and remember what may be rare to one person may not be rare to another so lets respect everyone.....and be respectful of people's post. Gah...I'm sounding like a freaking mod again -.- ...
  24. Some of these have been said some of these haven't been said so please folks bear with me. Yes I have to agree that Sailor Moon is by far one of the worst dubs done to date it got even worse when original voice actors left when Neptune and Venus came into the picture. However never have I seen a show soooo butchered or so edited for that matter then the American Yugioh....the english version not only changes the majority of the story but also the dialouge and the voice actors for the exception of Kaiba and Joey......are all just replusive and just voices recycled for Pokemon. Another horrible dub is that of Mobile Battleship Martian Successor Nadesico also known to most people as Nadesico. The dubbing done for that anime was terrible it also changed the whole tone of the japanese story and Ruri.....was completely butchered especially her catch phrase "baka" to "Their Idiots" it just doesn't deliver the same funny-ness or emotion. Also the dubbed version of Eva was really terrible, they got Asuka wrong, Shinji wrong, and even Rei....the only sub par voice actors were Gendo's voice and Misato's maybe. On a positive note some of the best dubbing has come from Cowboy Bebop this is the only time I'd recommend a dubbed over even a subbed version. Big O had some great voice actors but then again Spike's and Faye's voice actors were in that show. Inu-yasha I'm not a big fan of though the voice actors I can stand with the same goes for Ghost in the Shell Stand Alone Complex. Though personally me being a fan of Japanese Track with English subs....really never warrants watching dubs unless you don't have a switch feature or if it only is available to you that way. Overall Japanese is better.
  25. [QUOTE=Panda]With the 20 Anniversary of Robotech happening this year I was wondering when the Robotech fans were going to come out of the woodwork! Well, I do recognize a few on your list, definitely old school anime. The thing I notice is how they are all related to Robotech. I am going to have to give my anime collection a run through and see what interesting animes that aren't well know are in there that we could discuss in this thread. Thanks for the walk down memory lane![/QUOTE] I've been around a lot longer then one would think, since around 2001-2002 back when TheOtaku was still considered O3 media....Also I'm glad someone actually picked up on the refrences to Robotech. Good...Good. Also in regards to the Gundam Question.....which is actually funny because it was a short live project even by japanese terms. The Ova series Entitled: Gundam 0080: War in the Pocket. Only shown twice on american tv, and even less on Japanese television. Here's a couple of more animes that I'm digging through in the list. Though the name Transformers is actually very much commerical and popular there are several series that had ill fated releases in america or never even made it to American shores and if they did they were completely rewritten they are: Transformers: HeadMasters (American Version is a rewrite and reanimated version only two-three episodes long, while the japanese one is completely different and follows up the original transformers.) Transformers: Master Force (First Episode was aired on American TV, as a special but eventually was canned. Basis for series was actually humans that dawned Transformers Armor. Optimus actually lived in this series at the end go figure.) Transformers: Victory (The best Japanese Transformers series to date, was actually dubbed into english but never released for public can be found on bootleg.) Transformers: Z also known as Transformers Zero also known as Transformers Zone (It's a one episode Ova special that was made in the late 90's that was to spawn a new generation of transformers shows in Japan but failed in trial testings.) Here's a Beast war movie never released in America that's super hard to get in Japanese. Transformers: Beast Wars 2 the movie based ironically on a alternate sequal to Beast Wars the series in Japan. Beast Machines is not he sequal to beast wars in Japan ironically and we never have seen the japanese sequel of beast wars on american television. Okay getting off transformers there's also the Ronin Warriors Ova's that I remember got a short lived release on Dvd in the US I don't remember the full title but it's extremely rare to find. Here's a question for one of you old school anime/cartoon fans out there. There's this anime called I think it was M.A.S.K. it was about vehicles and these agents but I can't remember if that really was the name or not. They had flying cars, it's hard to describe more of it cause I was extremely young. P.S. Old school anime fans IM me or start old School thread. I'm really into a lot of the older generation animes, and also the newer ones.
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