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Rick Hunter

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Everything posted by Rick Hunter

  1. :) Hello everyone some of you may remember me some of you may not. Anyway about 2 years ago >.> wow such a long time ago. I created two very interesting threads on Otakuboards. I've noticed one again the anime forum here is getting a slight bit stale with redundant topics but lets see if I can't at least generate some energy and creativity into the thread. Alright here's the rules: So lets see if we can somehow flurish some of that creative energy into creating some topics about Anime not seen on TV, as in the stuff not shown on Adult Swim, Toonami, WB, or Fox! So everyone if you know a rare anime and have some info about it or questions lets hear them! Remember Rare Animes though, not dbz, tenchi, trigun, CB, or Gundam!!! I want something rare for a change! Here's a list of Rare Animes has anyone ever heard of them? Macross Green Legend Ran Genesis Climber Mosepeda E.Y.E.S. of Mars L.I.L.Y. Cat Megazone 23 Part I, II, III (Recently went commerical) Super Dimesional Calvier Southern Cross Orguss Shin Getta Robot Iria Zeriam the Animation Iczer One I'll post up some more a lot of the ones currently listed were from the era know as the 80's something a lot of you probably weren't around for.....^_^
  2. There's a phone called Docomo it's a japanese cell phone that basically does everything. That's what cost $500.00 bucks because it's an import from Japan.
  3. Yeah granted I'm not really one of the most favorite people here....maybe this topic will get closed along with my account. Though for anyone that doesn't mind lending me their ears......well not literally though any support would be appreciated. While I've been gone, I've been spending a lot of my time downtown taking up the game of Yugioh. Well eventually I met up with this girl named Vanessa (Blizzi) some of you have heard about her through myotaku account. The thing is I was getting close to her and strongly grew certain feelings for her. However just as I was getting close to her she got invovled with this asian guy from out of the blue named Wei. And at that point I lost my chance I tried to tell her how I felt about her on various occassions....though everytime I did she either ignored me or danced around the subject. Tonight kinda was like the final straw....today was her 18th birthday and I had bought her a gift and planned out calling her so I could make an appointment with her to pick it up. She blew me off on the telephone and told me to mail her the gift. Now knowing I don't have her address I tried to tell her via aim and plead to give me a chance to give her the gift. In the end she brushed me off and said goodbye forever. I asked her one last time how she felt about me. And in the end Instead of saying whether she hated me or not she just muttered mutual and blocked me out. I really don't know what mutual is suppose to be.......though I do know my expensive gift cost ($500.00) went down the drain. I'm feeling off depressed and needed a little support. Granted to those old people who know me from the past I'm not welcomed here though I'm asking for a small chance and morale support so I can get through this rough time. :(
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